Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 999: : Sure enough

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

In fact, Chun Tao didn't want to hide, but it was embarrassing to be seen by the lady so quickly.

"Miss, I didn't hide it on purpose."

Chuntao lowered his head, unable to tell whether it was uncomfortable or guilty.

"I didn't blame you, nor did you say you concealed, Chuntao, you have followed me for so many years... There is no need to say much about our feelings, and you don't need to explain, I understand."

After listening to Hua Sheng's words, Chun Tao was even more uncomfortable.

Then weeping tearfully, "Miss, I am less than three months pregnant, so I want to tell everyone after three months."

There is a folk custom in Jiangcheng, that is, it can not be said that it is less than three months of pregnancy. It is afraid that it will anger the fetus and cause bad effects on the fetus.

So everyone will hide it, and when the good news is announced, it will definitely be three months later.

Feng Xi doesn't care about this custom, because it comes from the Feng family, and feels that the legend is groundless.

Of course, her children were gone, and it was not because of the anger of the fetus, but the people were too feudal and superstitious.

"Does he know?"

Chun Tao knew who Hua Sheng said he was and nodded slowly.

"Then how do you plan? The child stays, right?"

"It's... yes, it should be like this." Chun Tao's tone was uncertain, because her situation was a bit complicated. Wu Nan said that she stayed not because she cared about the child, but because she wanted a son, if she was pregnant. It’s a girl. Wu Nan must have caused her to induce labor, regardless of the degree of damage to her body.

Hua Sheng is so smart, how can he not understand Chun Tao's implication, just can not say everything, always have some room.

"Have you been in Wancheng?"

Hua Sheng picked up the tea cup, as before, with a seemingly absurd smile in her mouth, the quiet beauty. So far, Chuntao has only been seen on the lady.

Other women will not imitate them even if they deliberately imitate them. This is the charm of the master. She is unique. For everyone, it is.

"Miss, I would like to tell you that I have had a good life, but with your insight, I will lie and be dismantled. It is not true to tell the truth, so, I have a bad life, really bad."

Hua Sheng was not surprised at all, but also very calm.

"Do you regret it?"

"Sorry, I regret it."

"Do you want to come back?" Hua Sheng asked again.

At this moment, Chuntao hesitated, yes, did she want to come back, think, but she knew that she couldn't come back.

Not to mention that the child didn't know what to do, even Wu Nan wouldn't let her go, and it would only hurt the lady by then.

So, after tangled in Chuntao's heart, he looked at Hua Sheng and shook his head.

This answer seems to be within Huasheng's expectations.

"So what can I do for you? Do you need money?" Hua Sheng put down the teacup and sighed slightly at Chuntao.

Huasheng’s dowry for Chuntao is already very rich, but she is worried that she will be scammed by scumbag, so Huasheng still asked if she needs financial assistance?

After hearing this, Chuntao shook his head vigorously. "Miss, I have money. I haven't spent the ones you gave."

"Then you come to me, what do you want me to do for you?" Hua Sheng asked quietly.

Chun Tao was even more uneasy. She did come back after asking for something, and she was seen through by the young lady. If Gingko was in the room, would she swear again?

Chun Tao grabbed Hua Sheng's hands with both hands, and tears fell down.

"Miss, please help me make the child in my stomach a boy."

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