Fortunate Wife

Chapter 113 Recite Poetry

Time passed slowly, and after an unknown amount of time, Li Man slowly opened his eyes.

Overhead, blue sky, white clouds and green branches, and chirping birds.

Everything is so familiar, as if it happened before.

Suddenly, Li Man was startled, her pupils shrank slightly, her vision became clearer, and she saw Li Yan's smiling handsome face again.

You. She smelled a dangerous breath, and suddenly remembered that Naihe's body was sore and weak, and if she moved, her whole body seemed to be falling apart.

Don't move, I'll rub it for you again. Li Yan stretched out his hand to hold her shoulder, and after that, rubbed her shoulder with moderate strength with his plump fingertips.

Li Man was surprised, and then realized that she was pillowed on his lap, and quickly remembered, but her back was so sore that she couldn't straighten up.

Don't move. Li Yan held her down and slowly rubbed her arms with both hands.

Alarm bells rang in Li Man's mind, and she hurriedly protected her chest.

Li Yan was helpless and funny, I know you are useless, so I will forgive you today.

Who is useless? Li Man secretly rolled her eyes, any woman who endured his two inhuman tortures would be the same as her.

Hehe, still not convinced? Do you want to faint again? Li Yan looked down at her, his eyes were like red clouds flying by, and gradually filled with a strange color.

Li Man sat up with a whoosh, but her waist was sore and painful because of too much movement, which made her frown.

Seeing her like this, Li Yan was a little taken aback, then laughed again, Is it so uncomfortable?

Why don't you try it? Li Man gave him an annoyed look, then lowered her head to find that she was well dressed.

Li Yandao, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold, so I'll put it on for you first.

When will you go back? Li Man asked.

Are you okay? Li Yan tried to rub his thighs. After being on her pillow for a long time, his legs were really numb.

Li Man gave an 'hmm', and her cheeks were stained with red unconsciously.

Li Yan chuckled, Forget it, I'll take you back later.

Hug again? Last time Li Mo also hugged her back, but this time Li Yan still hugged her, she is so worthless, does she have to be hugged by a man every time afterwards?

No need, I—

Why don't you try to stand up? Li Yan interrupted her with a smile.

Li Man glared at him, and wanted to get up, but found that her legs were weak and weak, before she could stand up, she fell to the ground again.

On the other hand, Li Yan jumped up neatly, with a tall and straight figure, standing in front of her so handsomely, looking down at her.

How? Do you want me to hug you?

Li Man immediately thought of the story of the farmer and the snake. She was the farmer, and Li Yan was the poisonous snake. She kindly saved him, but he was so weak that he felt refreshed, feeling more energetic than ever before. It's a lot, and more than that, bullying her seems to work harder.

No, I'll take a rest. Li Man said stubbornly.

Li Yan also squatted down, If you rest any longer, the sun will be setting soon. Could it be that you still want to spend the night with me here?

What? Sunset? Isn't it just dawn? Li Man was confused and looked up at the sky, but the surrounding mountains and forests were so dense that she couldn't see anything at all.

Let's go, I'll take you home, you should have a good rest. Li Yan stretched out his hand and hugged her by the waist.

Li Man was stubborn, I can walk by myself.

What can you do? Your body is so delicate, you did it twice and passed out twice, what else do you want? Li Yan lowered his head, bit her nose lightly, and said with resentment in his eyes.

Li Man sighed with guilt, I didn't eat this morning.

Heh. Li Yan smiled lowly, Okay, then I'll feed you well next time, let's see if you faint?

... Li Man was speechless, and if the fight continued, she would not be able to please her.

However, after leaving the forest, Li Man was really stunned. The setting sun was hanging in the sky like fire.

It's just that when they entered the forest, it was still dark, God, they stayed here for a whole day?

What should Li Mo and the others be in such a hurry? Will he look for her all over the world?

Thinking of Li Mo, she suddenly felt that her heart was clenched. She didn't even dare to go back with Li Yan, and she didn't dare to look Li Mo's eyes again.

What is she going to do?

She grabbed Li Yan's sleeves anxiously, and buried her face deeper into his arms. She admitted that she was timid, but she really didn't know how to face it.

Seeing that her face turned pale suddenly, the smile that was still there was gradually congealed at the corner of her mouth, and anxiety, nervousness and confusion began to appear in those beautiful eyes.

Li Yan knew what she was afraid of, and felt distressed, and comforted her softly, Don't be afraid, I'm here.

However, his words could not give Li Man much comfort. On the contrary, it was because of him that she felt that she could not face Li Mo. It is impossible to face two men calmly at the same time.

But when Li Yan said this, she couldn't show it well, so she could only bury her anxiety and guilt deeply in her heart.

If she has that ability, she will not disappoint their brothers in this life, and she will do her best to give them all the joy and happiness.

I hope so......

But the reality may be a little different from what Li Man thought. When Li Yan carried her into the yard, she thought that there was no one at home, and Li Mo and Li Yan must have gone out to find her like crazy.

But in fact, everything is business as usual at home.

Li Mo, Li Shu, and Xiao Wu are all at home.

However, their deliberate disguise still made Li Man feel a little sore and guilty.

As soon as he entered the gate of the courtyard, he saw Li Mo sitting under the eaves under the setting sun, with his head lowered, and at his feet, Dahei accompanied his master as always, sticking out his tongue from time to time, making some strange noises, He wanted to amuse the master, but the master didn't even respond at all.

Li Mo, who was so silent like a statue, gave people a feeling that he was about to suffocate.

Li Man felt distressed and wanted to call him, but the sound of big brother stuck in her throat and she couldn't say it no matter what.

She broke away from Li Yan's arms, she didn't want Li Mo to see her being carried back, that way he might feel better.

Sister. At the door of the east room, Xiao Wu looked around uneasily, like a frightened deer, staring at Li Man with wide eyes, but did not dare to jump over cheerfully like before.

Xiao Wu. Li Man's voice was a little hoarse, and she was startled when she heard it.

Xiao Wu didn't come over, but Li Mo slowly raised his head and looked at her. When he saw her standing with Li Yan on that equally handsome and honest face, he froze slightly, but then squeezed out again. With a dry smile, You're back? The third brother is making dinner. Let me see if he's ready.

After speaking, he wanted to get up, but just as he moved up, he fell heavily to the ground again.

Startled, Dahei hurriedly opened his mouth and bit Li Mo's trouser leg, as if trying to pull him up.

Brother. Li Yan and Xiao Wu ran towards him at the same time, each holding his arm, trying to help him up.

Li Mo pushed the two away, sat on the small stool by himself, waved his hands and said, I'm fine, just sit for a while.

Brother, you've been sitting here for a whole day since you woke up this morning. Xiao Wu couldn't help crying.

When we came together this morning, the second brother and sister disappeared, and then the third brother wanted to look for them, but the eldest brother refused.

Then, the eldest brother sat under the eaves, neither eating nor drinking, nor speaking, sitting for a whole day, like a wooden man, until now.

Li Yan frowned, Brother.

I'm fine, Xiaowu, don't talk nonsense, I haven't talked with Dahei for a long time, and I want to be with him today. Li Mo said, his head drooping.

Brother, you... Li Yan wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Man, Li Yan, you and Xiao Wu go into the house.

Li Yan took a deep look at Li Man, saw that her eye circles were red, and stared at Li Mo with guilt and distress. For a while, there were mixed emotions in her heart, and she still held Xiao Wu, saying, Let's go and see your third brother. Is the meal ready?

Xiao Wu was still worried about his elder brother, since he was a child, it was the first time he saw his elder brother like this, he was very worried and scared.

After the two of them left, Li Man walked to his side with strenuous efforts, and slowly squatted down, putting her hands on his lap.

Li Mo froze slightly, raised his head slightly, and his eyes slowly fell on Li Man's face, Man'er——

His voice was also low and hoarse, and he hadn't eaten a drop of rice for a day, coupled with some mental torture, made his lips fire.

Brother, I— Li Man's heart throbbed with pain, she suddenly grabbed his hand, and said, I'm sorry, I—

Stop talking, Man'er. Li Mo hurriedly stopped her words, I'm not good enough to make you worry? I'm fine, really, I, I'm just...

He wanted to find a suitable reason to explain his behavior of sitting for a day today, but he couldn't find it.

In fact, even his own mind was empty.

Early in the morning, he found that his second brother and Man'er were gone, and he realized what was going to happen. The third brother wanted to look for him, but he stopped him.

After that, he sat under the eaves and spent a day with his mind empty.

Brother, Li Yan and I, we have- Seeing his expression, Li Man was about to cry, I'm sorry--

Man'er. Before she could say apologetic words later, Li Mo's heart ached unbearably, and he suddenly hugged her into his arms, holding her tightly with a pair of powerful arms, as if he wanted to melt her into his own In the body, Man'er, don't blame you, it's me, it's our fault, we made you difficult. It's obviously our embarrassment for you, so you shouldn't be made to bear it. Man'er, you and the second brother... .I should be happy.

Hearing his insincere words, Li Man thumped him hard on the chest twice, Yes, you are bad, your brothers are all bad, obviously you are bad, why make me sad? Why do I feel so sad in my heart ?”

Man'er, I'm sorry— Li Mo hugged her, repeating these words over and over again.

Li Man leaned in his arms and said sadly, My heart has been divided into pieces by you.

I know, I know. Li Mo said, I won't make you sad again.

Li Man stared at him, his eyes were bloodshot, and his complexion was very bad. She could see what kind of suffering he had gone through today. She held his face in her distressed hands, Since you know everything, you are not allowed to do such a thing in the future. Stupid thing.

Li Mo nodded, Yeah. Tears slowly welled up in his dry eyes, and he couldn't help tightening his hands, greedily feeling the intimate feeling of her soft body in his arms.

Yeah, what else do you care about? If he could be with her for the rest of his life and hold him like this, he would be satisfied and would not ask for anything else.

Are you hungry? Let's go see if the third brother's dinner is ready. Li Mo hugged her and got up. He had already experienced an intimate affair. He knew very well how delicate his daughter-in-law was. , It's no wonder she can still walk.

However, before entering the kitchen, Li Yan came out, Brother, send Man'er back to the room to have a rest, dinner is still early.

What's wrong? Li Mo asked.

Li Yan shrugged his eyebrows. In fact, he didn't need to think about it. Li Mo was so sad, how could Li Shu's jealousy not feel it?

It's just a cover to say that I went to the kitchen to cook, but in fact, I was saddened to be alone in the kitchen.

The elder brother had already eaten his daughter-in-law, and the second elder brother kidnapped his daughter-in-law again today, all these things were hidden from him.

In fact, he had expected these things a long time ago and was mentally prepared, but when he really had to face his daughter-in-law being eaten by his two older brothers first, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He couldn't lift his spirits all day.

The eldest brother sat in the yard in a daze, and he sat in a daze under the stove in the kitchen. The little stool was often used by the wife.

Poor Xiao Wu, one elder brother is missing, two elder brothers are abnormal, he has been hungry for a day, and he has been frightened for a day, the little man, looking for the eldest brother, the elder brother ignores him, looking for the third brother, the third brother hugs his head Howling, frightened him into panic, guarding the door like an abandoned child.

Li Man felt sad, these men just couldn't take care of themselves, how could they go without eating for a day, I'll cook, you put me down.

Have a rest, I'll come. Li Yan pushed open the door of the West Room, and asked Li Mo to escort her in, while he rolled up his sleeves, ready to go to the kitchen to make some delicious food.

He was happy for a day, the three brothers made it like this, it's time for him to do something delicious to comfort them.

Li Yan wanted to cook a delicious meal for his brothers, but his family's conditions were limited, so in the end he only cooked porridge, which was his best steamed corn bread.

Fortunately, they were all hungry, and the food was delicious.

After dinner, Li Yan boiled some hot water and carried it to Li Man's room to wash her up.

I'm so tired. After dinner, Li Man lay on the kang, not wanting to move.

Li Yan walked to the edge of the kang and gently patted her on the shoulder, Hey, get up and take a hot bath, sleep well at night, your whole body will ache when you wake up like this tomorrow.

Li Man turned over and stared at him resentfully, knowing that she would be sore all over, why would he still torment her like that? Her calves are still shaking to this day.

Li Yan bent his lips and smiled, and simply took out all her clean bellyband and obscene pants from the closet. After putting them away, he tried the temperature of the water and found it was just right.

Ah, you, I don't want to wash. Li Man was hugged and sat on his lap, feeling uncomfortable and trying to climb into the kang.

Li Yan patted her butt, I've been soaking in cold water for so long today, I'm afraid you'll get sick, good boy, take off your clothes, I'll wash them for you.

Me. Seeing that he was about to take off his clothes, Li Man hurriedly said, Okay, okay, you go out, I will do it myself.

Are you okay? I think you are so tired that you are about to pass out at any moment. Don't pass out in the bathtub? Li Yan was worried.

Li Man tugged at the skirt of his shirt and glanced at him, Don't worry, I won't be so useless.

That's fine. Li Yan stood up and instructed again, Then hurry up, the water will get cold in a while, I'll wait outside, when you finish washing, call me, and I'll pour the bath water.

Oh. Li Man snorted. To be honest, she has never been served so much since she grew up.

Li Yan went out and closed the door of her room from the outside.

Li Man just got off the kang slowly, but she didn't take two steps. When the root of her thigh rubbed, she felt a burning pain. She frowned uncomfortably, took off her clothes, and slowly stepped into the wooden barrel. I buried myself deeply in hot water.

Outside the door, Li Yan really stood waiting at the door, he was really worried that she would pass out in the bathtub.

Second brother. Li Shu came over, he finally couldn't hold back and came to inquire about Li Man's situation, Is my daughter-in-law okay?

I'm taking a shower. Li Yan replied casually.

Li Shu gritted his teeth, seeing the spirited look on his second brother's brows, he felt a little sour in his heart, and at the same time he was happy for his second brother, so he suddenly raised his lips and grunted, Looking at my second brother like this, I must be very satisfied with my wife .”

Li Yan turned his head, looked at Li Shu's heartfelt smile, knew that he had struggled with it all day, and finally began to let go, so he couldn't help but also smiled lightly, expressing the fullness and joy in his heart unreservedly, Yes, the second brother thinks it's worth it to have her for life.

Li Shu patted him on the shoulder suddenly, Sure enough, it's my second brother, as I thought. Hey, but, you've been exhausting your daughter-in-law for a whole day today, and I don't know when she will recover.

It seems that he can't wait to consummate the house with his wife.

Let's see when she can accept you. Li Yan seemed to want to hit Li Shu intentionally, She's still angry with you.

Ah? Li Shu was taken aback, Are you still angry? But did you look good yesterday?

She has a good temper. When did you see her really blush with someone? However, you also know that she is so thin-skinned. You still took her to see that kind of thing, and I caught her. You said she was not Hate you to the core?

No— Li Shu was busy trying to explain, at this moment, Li Mo came out of the room, What kind of thing are you looking at?

Ah? Li Shu hurriedly grabbed Li Yan, and smiled at Li Mo, Brother, why did you come out? Aren't you writing with Xiao Wu?

Li Mo gave him a fixed look, You can't be a man...

Li Yan. At this moment, Li Man's voice came from the east room.

Li Shu hurriedly said, My daughter-in-law is calling my second brother.

Li Momei tightened slightly, turned around and seemed to be going to the west room, Li Shu also followed, Li Yan grabbed him, Aren't you afraid that big brother will really beat you up?

Li Shu nodded knowingly, It's dangerous, my wife called you in time.

Li Yan looked at the door of the west room and smiled silently.

Indeed, Li Man heard all the conversations of their brothers. Hey, the only thing to blame is that the earth wall is really not soundproof.

Li Yan knew about such a shameful thing, but if Li Mo knew about it, she would really be ashamed to see people again, so she yelled in time.

Li Mo knew that she was taking a bath inside, so he didn't dare to push the door to go in, but knocked first, Man'er?

Oh, brother, come in. Li Man had already put on her clothes at this time, and got into bed, only her small head was exposed outside. Seeing Li Mo push the door and come in, a pair of crystal clear clothes stained by water vapor Big eyes, blinking at him.

Li Mo felt a tightness in his lower abdomen, and hurriedly looked away, I'll pour water.

Well, by the way, big brother, help me turn off the light too. The light is on the big wardrobe, she can't reach it.

Well, good. Li Mo quickly glanced at her again, seeing her turn over and sleep on her stomach with her face facing the wall, pity welled up in her heart, she must be exhausted, this posture can make people relax.

Sleep well, call me if you need something.

En. Li Man replied vaguely, her consciousness gradually drifting away.

Li Mo blew out the lamp first, then brought out a basin of bath water and poured it out.

Li Yan and Li Shu also went back to the east room after scooping up water and washing in the kitchen.

After Li Mo put the barrel away, he checked that everything in the chicken coop was tightly closed, then locked the kitchen door, and returned to the east room.

Xiao Wu was still writing in front of the oil lamp, and Li Shu was making trouble by the side, pointing at his handwriting from time to time and saying that his writing was ugly. His sister never praised him.

And Li Yan was leaning on the kang, with his arms around his chest, his long legs stretched straight, his head raised slightly, and the corners of his lips raised, as if he had thought of something beautiful, and the smile overflowed from the corners of his lips like he couldn't restrain it.

After Li Mo closed the door, he said to Xiao Wu first, Xiao Wu, let's write tomorrow, this light is too dim, it hurts your eyes.

Oh. Xiao Wu obediently got off the kang, put the sand table in the corner, and then excitedly climbed onto the kang, saying with undiminished interest, Brother, let me read a poem to you.

Four Songs? Li Shu laughed at him, You forget it? You have never heard you sing since you grew up.

It's poetry, not singing. Xiao Wu corrected him contemptuously, and then said, My sister taught me.

Daughter-in-law? Li Shu became interested and sat cross-legged, Then you sing, I haven't heard my wife sing before.

Li Mo took off his coat, sat down on the kang with a smile, and obviously wanted to hear what the daughter-in-law would teach Xiao Wu to sing?

Li Yan at the top of the kang, his long eyebrows moved slightly, his consciousness fell from reminiscing about some pleasant things to Xiao Wu's words.

Seeing that he had successfully attracted everyone's attention, Xiao Wu was very proud. He stood up, stood on the kang, and first corrected Li Shu, Third brother, I told you everything. It's not singing, but reciting poetry. Then, with a light cough, he put his hand on his chest naturally, and began to read aloud affectionately.

Farewell to Cambridge, I leave gently, just as I came lightly; I waved lightly, to be the clouds in the western sky. The golden willow by the river is the bride in the setting sun; the beautiful shadow in the waves, Ripples in my heart... Ripples, Ripples...

The little guy made a few impassioned words, but he didn't remember the rest. After scratching his head and thinking for a long time, he had to give up and start all over again, I leave gently, just as I came gently...

Wait, what song is this? Li Shu held him back and asked curiously. It sounded quite fluent, but it felt weird. Why did it leave and come again?

Li Mo couldn't hear it, but he had already imagined in his mind what kind of beautiful picture it would be when Li Man said such words softly and affectionately.

Li Yan slowly opened his eyes and asked Xiao Wu, Is this how your wife taught you to read?

Poetry and so on, he heard his fourth brother say it, and he also heard him read it, and he had to pay attention to level and rhyme, but what Xiao Wu read was basically vernacular.

Well, Xiao Wu nodded, and said a little embarrassedly, There are many more in the future, I didn't remember.

My daughter-in-law knows so much. I dare say that even my fourth brother doesn't know this poem. Li Shu said excitedly, with a look of admiration in his eyes.

Li Mo was also happy to hear that, his daughter-in-law can read and write, and also poetry, which is great.

Li Yan frowned slightly, telling him intuitively that his wife knew too many things that ordinary people should not understand.

Okay, let's rest if you have nothing to do, I'll blow the lamp. Li Mo was afraid that they wouldn't sleep if they got excited talking, so he had to blow the lamp first.

As soon as the room was dark, Xiao Wu immediately got under the covers, and asked Li Mo, Brother, when will Fourth Brother come back?

Hurry up. When Li Mo thought of Li Hua, he began to think about it, According to the time, it's time to go back from Fucheng, that's all, I'll go to the town to have a look in two days.

Xiao Wu said 'hmm', looking forward to it, waiting for the fourth brother to come back, so that he can discuss poetry with the fourth brother.

Li Yan took off his coat and lay down too. However, as the night gradually deepened, and the sound of sleeping brothers' snorting sounded in his ears, he became more and more awake. .

The bone-destroying joy of the day made him breathe hard, and he didn't want to think about it, but the woman's charming face, charming eyes, white and tender body, and her soft, unbearable moans Screaming, pitiful begging for mercy...

He took a long breath and turned over suddenly so that he could press his body under his body.

Second brother, can't you sleep? Suddenly, the elder brother's voice sounded in the darkness, Li Yan was startled, he closed his eyes and pursed his lips tightly, and didn't reply at all.

Li Mo thought he was asleep, so he took a long breath, moved a few times as if uncomfortable, and finally lay upright, letting his body be tormented by the flames.

The moonlight like water shone into the room from the window. Li Yan opened his eyes and looked towards Li Mo. In the dimness, he saw that his face was tense and the corners of his lips were straight, as if he was holding back.

He sensitively sensed that his elder brother was tormented by something just like him at this moment. Looking down, he saw that under the lower abdomen, the trousers were turned into a tent by Xiao Momo.

Li Yan lay on the pillow and let out a muffled breath. Brother Ganqing was also like him, he knew the taste by taste, and couldn't stop.

In the deep night, a crescent moon hangs peacefully in the middle of the sky, and the warm wind has already brought the breath of summer, quietly blowing into the deep courtyard of Wanjia.

Li Man fell into a drowsy sleep, and suddenly felt heavy on her body, as if she was being pressed down by something, and she couldn't turn over even if she wanted to.

At this time, a soft call sounded beside her ears, Man'er, girl, wake up. Hee, is this how sleepy you are?

Li Man actually heard someone calling her, but she thought she was dreaming, so she didn't care, but in the dream, someone would rape her, so there must be a ghost.

I felt a coolness in my chest, as if something was sticking to my body.

Her whole body trembled, as if an electric current had struck her, she suddenly shivered, opened her eyes, and instinctively opened her eyes to shout.

Then before the sound came out, the little mouth was blocked by someone, and when she was out of breath, she retreated, and whispered in her ear, little girl, finally woke up?

Li Yan, you? Li Man covered her still-shocked heart with her hands, and looked at the man lying beside her in surprise.

Li Yan smiled lowly, turned over suddenly, and fell on top of her, bowed his head and whispered in her ear, I miss you.

... Li Man's face was hot, a trace of sweetness welled up in his heart, he bit his lip and paused for a while, suddenly, the alarm bell rang in his mind, he said he missed her, and thought of her coming to the kang in the middle of the night , then next...

Don't mess around, brother and they are in that room.

Shh. He put his fingers against her lips, They are all asleep, please keep your voice down, they won't be able to hear you.

No, you go down quickly. Isn't it? Li Man was in a hurry, and twisted her hands and feet, trying to knock him off her body.

Man'er, be good. Li Yan grabbed her hand, held it high above her head, and pressed it firmly, not letting her move.

Anger burst out of Li Man's eyes, Li Yan, you must not...

I won't go in. Li Yan lowered his voice and coaxed gently.

Li Man's face was burning hot, why would he press her if she didn't go in? Then get up. He was so heavy that it hurt her to breathe.

Man'er, I miss you. Li Yan moved his body slightly, trying not to press down on her, but he didn't become obedient either. He pressed her hand with one hand, while the other gently moved down along her cheek. stroking.

Li Man froze and twisted uncomfortably, Li Yan, you keep your word...

I won't go in, I didn't say I won't touch you. Li Yan suddenly lowered his head and pecked lightly.

Shhh. Li Yan covered her mouth with his hand in time, looked at her widened eyes, giggled, Hey, don't bark, I'll wake up the elder brother and the others later, you're the one who suffers.

Li Man glared at him vigorously, and when he moved his big hand away, she asked angrily, What else do you want to do?

Girl, I miss you so much that I can't fall asleep. Li Yan suddenly sullen, like a pitiful little animal.

Li Man tensed up all over, knowing that it was too hard to follow him, she pleaded with trembling voice, Li Yan, I can't do it, you can't say it.

(In the next paragraph, Man'er's words fell on deaf ears, and he insisted on giving her medicine. Later, Man'er shyly wrapped herself in a quilt.)

Li Man clutched the quilt, but refused to let go.

Li Yan tried to pull it down, but he didn't pull it off, Don't be fooled, it's ruined.

Li Man shook her head, and muffledly yelled under the quilt, Hurry up.

Li Yan acted as if he couldn't hear, rolled over from her, and lay on her side. Then, feeling unsatisfied, he stretched one arm and one thigh across, and imprisoned her domineeringly in his arms.

He pressed his head against the quilt, closed his eyes, and planned to fall asleep like this.

No, does he want to be so shameless? You've already done everything you need to do, so why don't you want to stay overnight?

No matter how embarrassing and embarrassing he is, it can't beat the horror of staying by his side all night. His temper is unpredictable. At this moment, he lies obediently. Who knows what he will do the next moment?

Li Man gritted her teeth, pulled off the quilt, and glared at him with half of her face exposed, Are you still leaving?

I'm sleepy, let me sleep for a while. Li Yan grunted, flipped off her quilt with one hand, and crawled into her bed.

The hot body suddenly pressed against her, and the strong masculine breath made her smell dangerous. She grabbed the quilt tightly and kicked his calf fiercely with her feet, Go down.

Damn girl. Li Yan opened his eyes, stretched his thighs, and pressed her whole body.

You— Li Man really felt unreasonable, why did she sacrifice herself so much during the day? See, that's how the bastard paid her back.

Seeing her tense face and burning with anger, Li Yan softened his voice and coaxed, I promise to leave before dawn.

Let's go now. Li Man was determined not to back down.

Li Yanjun frowned, I can't sleep when I go back to that room.

Then you can count the sheep. Li Man suggested.

No. Li Yan stretched out his hand, pulled her small body into his arms, and smiled softly against her, You are better than sheep.

Li Man almost spurted out a mouthful of hot blood, pinched the back of his hand hard, and gritted her teeth, Li Yan, don't go too far.

I really didn't go too far. Li Yan opened his eyes and looked at her helplessly, You are not stupid, you should know that if I think too much, now you are not talking to me like this, all your The strength is probably only used for screaming.

... Is this intimidation?

But seeing the strange color flickering in his pupils, Li Man's heart trembled, and he was frightened for nothing.

Okay, forget it this time, you have to leave before dawn.

After finishing speaking, she turned over in great depression and fell asleep on the kang, staying away from him and not looking at his head office, right?

Unexpectedly, when she moved in a little bit, he would also stick a little bit closer. In short, his broad chest was always pressed against her back, with one arm wrapped around her chest, and one long leg pressed on her knee, very casual and domineering. Hold her tightly.

Li Yan— Li Man couldn't bear it anymore, how could he tell her to sleep like this?

You can't sleep?

His slightly excited voice sounded next to his ear, which seemed to have some deep meaning.

Li Man immediately fell silent, closed her eyes and bit her lips, counting silently: one sheep, two sheep...

Behind him, Li Yan giggled, and the hot breath sprayed on her neck, making her shrink her head unbearably, but she didn't want to argue with him, she just pretended to be asleep and tried her best to breathe It looks a little more charming.

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