Fortunate Wife

Chapter 120 Lectures (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Li Man calmed down, and said slowly, Don't accompany me, Li Yan, you can go to the kitchen and bring a stool over.

Now that everyone calls her Master, she can just treat him as a student.

Li Yan's eyes flickered, and he pursed his lips and smiled, Okay, then you sit down, and I'll bring another stool over.

Li Man pursed her lips and chuckled, watching him go out and come back with a stool in his hand.

Just sit here. Li Man pointed to the empty corner of the table and said to him.

Li Yan also cooperated, and obediently sat aside with the stool, and then looked at her quietly.

Li Mo and Li Shu have been very obedient since they sat in. The three of them really look like kindergarten children at this moment.

Li Man's nervous heart gradually calmed down, and she secretly rejoiced that they were more obedient than she imagined, and she couldn't help being a little proud, yes, she is the master now, and they are students. The ancient times are not as good as the modern ones, and they respect the master I'm afraid.

Cough. Coughing lightly, clearing her throat, Li Man glanced at the three of them gently, with a gentle smile on her face, Okay, class starts now.

Don't you sing first? Li Shu pointed cautiously.

The gazes of Li Mo and Li Yan suddenly heated up, and they stared at Li Man scorchingly. Although they didn't speak to agree, the meaning in their eyes was very obvious.

Li Man's head was full of black lines. Unexpectedly, he still remembered the perfunctory words at noon. If she didn't sing this song, it would mean that she had broken her promise at noon. As a teacher, if she broke her promise to her students, what would be her prestige in the future?

Okay then, I'll sing a song for you first, but after the singing is over, you all have to cooperate with me. Li Man said with a smile. In fact, she was also prepared for agreeing to Li Shu since noon.

En. The three brothers nodded quickly, and three fiery gazes instantly surrounded Li Man.

Li Man deliberately looked away, only staring at the light, singing softly.

Along the ancient road outside Changting

Green Grass and Green Sky

Evening wind blows the sound of the willow flute

Mount Sunset

end of the world

Friends half scattered

A jug of dirty wine

don't dream cold tonight

Under the hazy yellow light, the girl has black hair and no makeup, peaceful and gentle, like a moist and quiet jade.

Her voice is actually very special, a little nasal, light, sweet and lazily like a little girl. She sang Farewell with gusto, delicate, brisk and cute.

Li Mo, Li Yan, and Li Shu were all stunned, unable to look back at her for a long time.

In the east room, Li Hua unconsciously put down the book in his hand, staring at the dizzy yellow light with his eyes, unconsciously fascinated, there seemed to be a bright and moving girl in front of him, singing that moving melody happily.

Along the ancient road outside Changting

Green Grass and Green Sky

Evening wind blows the sound of the willow flute

Mount Sunset

end of the world

Friends half scattered

A jug of dirty wine

don't dream cold tonight

end of the world

Friends half scattered

A jug of dirty wine

don't dream cold tonight

At the end of the song, the three Westinghouse brothers still couldn't recover, their gazes were softly covering Li Man, and they were still reminiscing about the beautiful voice.

Li Man knew that she sang well. When she was in college, people said that her voice was like Jin Haixin, so she was not worried that she would sing badly.

On the contrary, if she could impress and conquer them with singing, it would save her effort.

Okay, I'm done singing. Li Man shrugged and said with a playful smile.

Okay, it sounds good. Li Shu swallowed sharply. When he was listening to the song just now, he didn't even dare to breathe or swallow, for fear of disturbing the beautiful melody.

There was a smile on Li Mo's face, and there was unprecedented affection in his eyes.

Li Yan was even more so, his eyes seemed to be burning with a layer of oil, and he wished he could wrap her in and melt her into his body.

Li Man lowered her eyes halfway, feeling a little unbearable to bear the three scorching gazes, so she lightly coughed twice, pulling back their thoughts, The song is over, now let's start the class, because there are no teaching tools, and neither do you. For reading supplies, I can only teach you some for the time being.

Master, what's the name of that song? Li Yan put one hand on the table, raised his chin with two fingers, and asked tenderly.

Li Shu hurriedly asked, Yes, I want to know too.

Li Mo also followed with a naive smile, obviously very interested.

The corner of Li Man's mouth twitched, It's called farewell. By the way, I want to teach you some simple poems tonight...

Farewell? Farewell to whom? Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, like a lazy and dangerous leopard.

The dim light suddenly flicked off, and Li Man's mind also went into a daze, I don't want to see anyone off, generally refers to—

Fan Zi? Is it a man? Li Yan asked with a deep voice.

Li Shu said 'ah', and hurriedly asked, Daughter-in-law, what is your relationship with that fan? Is this song specially sung for him?

Li Mo's face also darkened, Man'er is so good, it's impossible that no one else likes her before their brothers.

Li Man looked at the different faces of the three brothers, and suddenly felt a sense of love for the cow playing the piano, What are you thinking about? The general reference I am talking about does not refer to any specific person, but the author of this song. The reluctant feeling when seeing off is not necessarily love, it can also be family affection or friendship.

The three brothers were bewildered.

Then who is the author? Why can Man'er sing this song? Li Yan asked after him.

In his opinion, there is no special relationship, how could someone write such a song? And Man'er went back to sing, she must have an unusual relationship with the author.

Li Man looked at Li Yan dissatisfied, I don't know the author, I heard my mother sing it when I was young.

Oh, so it was sung by my mother-in-law. Li Shu smiled clearly.

Pfft, with a sound of mother-in-law, Li Man directly let Li Man fail, and the image of an intellectual, gentle and strict teacher that he had managed to maintain completely collapsed.

Li Yan also nodded and smiled, and remained silent.

Li Man is so angry that his liver hurts, these two guys can really talk, Okay, let's get down to business, I will teach you to read a poem tonight, you can memorize it by heart, and I will make a sand table tomorrow, and then I will practice calligraphy for you.

Daughter-in-law, can you sing for us every day before class? Li Shu asked bluntly. He really liked listening to his daughter-in-law sing and watching her sing.

Li Yan raised his eyebrows lightly, That's a good idea.

Li Man's eyelids twitched, and she had to show the majesty of a teacher, I'll talk about this later. During class time, don't interrupt me. I will teach you a poem first. I will only teach you three times. You can read it by heart.

After finishing speaking, she read the simplest Spring Dawn over and over again.

The three brothers obviously didn't listen to her singing with the same enthusiasm as they did just now.

Li Man frowned helplessly, and said again, Now, you read each sentence after me, and Chun Mian won't realize it.

Chunmian don't know dawn...

everywhere, ah

When she was just reading the second sentence, Li Man suddenly lay down on the table, tripping over something, and just about to look under the table, Li Yan asked in a slippery voice, What is it everywhere, huh?

What? Li Man paused, feeling that her legs were pinched by the other pair of legs, and the man's foot was slowly rubbing upwards along her ankle.

Suddenly, her face was as hot as boiling water, she glared at Li Yan fiercely, and warned with her lips, Put it down.

What's wrong? Li Mo suddenly realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly bent down to look under the table, but he didn't see anything unusual.

Li Man said awkwardly, I, I lost my shoe.

So careless? Where did you drop it? Li Yan suddenly lowered his body, ducked under the table, grabbed Li Man's little foot with one hand, and gently scratched her sole, causing Li Man to let out an oh. He groaned, his little face turned red, and even the back of his ear was dripping with blood.

Just as he was about to kick him, Li Yan got up and said with a smile, It's okay, put it on for her.

Li Mo didn't believe it, why did the good shoes fall off? Could it be that the second brother took it off? He stared at Li Yan meaningfully, but Li Yan showed a very normal expression, which made him wonder if he had misunderstood his second brother, no matter how mischievous his second brother was, he would never take off Man'er's shoes in public.

Li Man bit her lip, brows flushed, Li Yan, recite the poem I just taught you.

Okay. Li Yan replied straightforwardly, Chun Mian doesn't know it, everywhere...

It's in the back. Li Man gritted her teeth and glared at him.

Master hasn't taught it yet. Li Yan answered very simply.

You. Li Man really wanted to tear him apart, If you don't know it, just listen carefully and don't move around.

Second brother, it's good to listen to the class. Li Mo also said aloud, the second brother must have provoked Man'er just now, under the table...

Oh. Li Yan was honest, and turned his head to look at Li Shu again. He was obedient, with his head drooping, obviously dozing off.

no? Li Man looked at Li Shu again, and couldn't help sweating, how tired he is, he was still talking one moment, and the next moment he has gone on a date with Duke Zhou?

Third brother. Li Mo patted Li Shu's head awkwardly.

Daughter-in-law. Li Shu was startled suddenly, opened his eyes and called for his daughter-in-law.

Li Man blushed with embarrassment, how can I still go to class? She looked at the sky outside the window, it was pitch black, and she didn't know what time it was, so she said, Forget it, let's call it a day, you all go back and rest.

Man'er, this class—it's not over yet. Li Mo listened carefully from the beginning to the end, blaming the two younger brothers for making trouble, especially the third brother, who fell asleep, which is really shameful.

Li Man looked at him helplessly, Let's do it tomorrow. Tomorrow she must change to a more powerful way, tonight is too depressed.

However, Li Mo just sits and is reluctant to leave. During the day, he can stay by her side for a while. During the day, he has to go to work in the field, and when he comes back, his younger brothers are surrounded by her. , he couldn't get in even if he wanted to.

She might not know how much he missed her since he wanted her that day.

Li Yan looked at his elder brother's nostalgic expression, and remembered the upright tent he saw that night in the dark, and suddenly he felt uncomfortable, did he want to create opportunities for his elder brother?

No, he can't.

Brother, it's getting late at night. Man'er has been busy all day and has to sleep. Let's continue studying tomorrow. This study is not something that can be done in a day. Li Yan patted Li Shu and asked him to get up. Advise Li Mo.

Li Mo had no choice but to get up, Man'er, go to bed earlier.

Yeah. Li Man looked at the reluctance and forbearance in Li Mo's eyes, and her heart was also moved. Li Yan pestered her for several nights, and she could naturally feel how painful Li Mo was. She felt sorry for him, but, What should she do about this? She is powerless.

Finally seeing off the three brothers, Li Man let out a long sigh of relief, closed the door, turned on the lamp and went to sleep on the kang.

However, while she was in a daze, there was a light knock on the door. She was startled, but immediately felt relieved, it wasn't Li Yan, it was him who came in directly, how could she knock on the door.

Man'er. Are you asleep? Seeing that there was no sound from inside, Li Mo called out hesitantly, and was ready to go back.

Hearing that it was Li Mo, Li Man felt more at ease, but soon became worried again, Li Mo must have something to do with her so late, Not yet, wait, I'll open the door.

Li Man hurriedly put on her naked coat, put on her shoes, went to the door, removed the latch, opened the door, looked at the tall figure at the door, and asked worriedly, Brother, what happened?

Man'er, me. Looking at this small figure in the dark, Li Mo became surprisingly nervous, I'm here to move the table.

ah? Li Man's feet were unsteady, and she almost fell down. She knocked on the door in the middle of the night to move the table? Let's move tomorrow, nothing else?

Man'er. His voice was hoarse and nervous, and Li Man could even see his throat rolling, and couldn't help wondering, Brother, what's the matter? Do you have something to tell me?

Li Mo clenched his fist nervously, Man'er, can I go inside and talk?

Li Man was stunned for a moment, then gave way a little bit, wondering what was the important thing that made him so nervous?

Li Mo stepped across the threshold with long legs, and closed the door without any hassle.

The last sliver of hazy vision was also blocked, and the room was completely dark. Li Man's heart suddenly panicked, and when she realized something was wrong, Li Mo's hands had already touched her body, and she screamed in fright, and hit the wall superior.

Man'er. Li Mo panicked. He has very good eyesight and can distinguish things even in the dark. He accurately grabbed Li Man's arm and whispered to comfort him, Don't be afraid, Man'er, does it hurt? ?”

Li Man shook her head, looking at the huge shadow looming in the dimness, feeling nervous in her heart, Brother.

Man'er, I— Li Mo hugged her tightly in his arms, and kissed her cheek passionately, Man'er, daughter-in-law, I want you, I think about it... ..”

Brother. Li Man wanted to push him away, but hearing his hoarse begging voice, feeling his hot body, and the hard iron pressing against her belly, her heart gradually softened.

She is someone who has experienced love for the first time. She can also see from Li Yan what kind of man he is for the first time. He may not be able to quench his thirst after tossing around day and night. What's more, he has held back for so many days.

She understands this man's thoughtfulness, and she also feels distressed.

If he hadn't been unable to bear it anymore, he probably wouldn't have knocked on her door in the middle of the night.

Brother, let's go to the kang. She took the initiative to climb up his neck, also wanting to give more happiness to this man who always protects and considers himself.

Hearing this, Li Mo's blood rushed to his forehead, he immediately picked her up, stepped to the edge of the kang, and pushed her down.

The heavy panting, the fiery kiss, and the hard stubble made Li Man's face hurt, but he still felt that it was not enough, so he kissed her Xueruan again through the material of the cloth, rubbing it with one big palm. Her hair, the other can't wait to feel into her trousers waist, eager to take off her trousers.

Li Man snorted, his rough fingers slid across her delicate skin, causing a slight tremor, and the two fingers almost crushed the tender petals, but the numbness was not over, but her ears were Suddenly a soft noise was heard.

At first, she thought it was a hallucination, but at first hearing, the blood in Li Man's whole body seemed to be frozen. She looked towards the window in surprise, and saw that the window bolt moved and was about to fall.

Do not! She shouted from the bottom of her heart, quickly bit Li Mo's ear, and hurriedly called out, Brother, don't.

Man'er, give it to me. Li Mo pleaded impatiently, piercing two fingers along the silky place.

Hmm. Li Man snorted, arched her body uncomfortably, and at this moment, the door latch fell to the ground with a slamming sound, the window opened, and a cool breeze blew in.

Li Mo froze even more, and when he turned around, he saw a slender figure jumping in from the front window.

Who? Li Mo was shocked.

And Li Man had already pushed Li Mo away in shame, and shrank into a corner wrapped in a quilt.

Li Yan was also surprised, and when he heard the voice, he immediately smiled, Is it Big Brother?

Second brother? Li Mo felt as if someone had poured cold water on his head, and then he wanted to explain something, when another figure appeared at the window, Man'er, are you alright?

Upon hearing the voice, it was Li's painting.

It turned out that after Li Hua heard Li Yan's movement in this room last night, he had been staring at him tonight, and when he saw him coming out, he followed him.

Pfft, what happened to these three brothers? If you don't sleep at night, you have an appointment to come to her room? Li Man only felt her head buzzing, even though it was dark, she covered her face with a quilt ashamedly.

Yeah, fourth brother, what are you doing here in the middle of the night without sleeping? By the way, where are the eldest and second brothers? After a while, Li Shu rubbed his eyes and walked to Li Hua's side.

And Li Hua stood by the window, pouted inward.

Li Shu fixed his eyes and almost thought he was wrong. He rubbed his eyes again, looked at the two tall figures in the room, and asked uncertainly, Brother and Brother, is it you?

Oh. Li Yan snorted softly. In the dark, his eyes only fell on Li Man in the corner. Unlike him, the eldest brother would never do such things as slipping the door and picking the lock. Then, he can come in. One possibility is that Li Man opened the door for him personally, and, judging from the voice he heard when he came in just now, he can be sure that he just ruined a firewood hunt.

Li Mo was a little embarrassed, and what made him even more unbearable was that the heat under his body was still upright, and he didn't intend to go down. Looking at the kang head again, Li Man's small body shrank into a ball, and suddenly, infinite guilt and pity surged in his heart.

She must be scared.

Let's all go back to sleep. Even in the darkness, he still turned his back on his back, lifted his trousers a little, then picked up the gown on the ground, and put it on his body.

Big brother and second brother, why are you in the wife's room? Li Shu was completely awake after being shocked by the cold wind.

Oh. Li Yan turned around and said, There are mice in the daughter-in-law's house. My elder brother and I heard about it, so we came over to have a look. It's okay, let's go back to sleep.

After speaking, Li Yan opened the door and went out by himself.

There are mice? Li Shu didn't believe it, Second brother, you are with the eldest brother—

Third Brother. Li Hua hurriedly stopped what he said behind him, and said, There are mice, and I heard it too, so I got up to take a look together.

Li Shu seemed to believe it, but seeing that his elder brother hadn't come out, he hesitated.

Li Yan grabbed his arm and dragged him to the east room, What are you looking at? The mouse was caught by the elder brother.

Oh. Li Shu obediently went back to the room.

Li Hua stood at the window and glanced into the corner, but seeing Li Mo was there, he went back to the room silently without saying a word after all.

After everyone left, Li Man poked her head out of the quilt, saw that there was a figure on the top of the kang, and asked suspiciously, Brother?

I'm sorry. Li Mo knelt on the kang with one leg, leaned towards her, and caressed her cheek with his big palm, Surprised you?

It was indeed frightened, but after thinking about it, it was really funny, You guys—brothers, didn't you do it on purpose?

one by one......

Hearing her joking voice, Li Mo heaved a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that she would be frightened, so he wouldn't dare again in the future? Hey—— Li Mo sighed heavily, and suddenly held her little hand, came under him, touched the shadow, and sighed pitifully, What should I do?

You? Li Man was surprised. After such a thing happened, he could still carry it until now?

It's really not easy.

Li Man suddenly couldn't hold it anymore, and giggled as she buried her face in the quilt.

When she smiled, Li Mo relaxed a lot, leaned towards her, and asked again, What should I do?

Cold salad. Li Man raised her head and still couldn't stop laughing.

Unexpectedly, Li Mo seized the opportunity to grab her little hand, poked it there, separated her five fingers with his big palm, and grabbed that fiery place.

No. Li Man wanted to withdraw her hand in shock, his place was thick and hard, and it was still swollen and bigger in her palm, she was so ashamed that her whole body was hot, and she hurriedly pushed him with the other hand.

Man'er, just help me. Li Mo really couldn't bear that kind of suffering, the swelling was so painful there, and if he couldn't get relief, he wanted to die.

His voice was so low and hoarse that Li Man could feel his body trembling when he touched it, and that part was as hard as iron.

However, from the scene just now, Li Man was terrified, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but he held it firmly. She felt distressed and helpless, How about another day?

Otherwise, what would the brothers do if they saw him not coming back for a long time?

Sure enough, Li Yan appeared at the window again, Brother, we've finished killing the mice, so we should go back to the house and rest.

Li Mo frowned, and took a deep breath. Li Man reached out to push him, and whispered to him, Li Mo, go back to the house.

Oh. Li Moyin restrained and let go of her hand, got off the kang, and snorted, Understood, second brother.

That second younger brother shouted could not be described as gnashing of teeth.

At the door, Li Yan smiled lightly, Brother, it's hard work, you still come to hunt mice in the middle of the night, you go back to the room first, I will close the door.

As he spoke, he closed the door and windows of Li Man's room.

After everyone had left, Li Man fell powerlessly on the kang, thinking about the scene just now, and felt it was funny again, at the same time, the pressure gradually came up.

Li Yan is reckless, Li Mo even learned to knock on the door in the middle of the night, what about Li Hua and Li Shu? I didn't sleep and followed me.

She was suddenly a little scared, didn't she want to imitate Li Yan and sneak into her room in the middle of the night?


With a tense and tangled mood, Li Man didn't sleep very well this night. When it was dawn, she was still in a daze when she heard a woman's scolding from the yard.

Little goblin, come out to my old lady, you have made our children unable to get off the kang, you vixen.

Li Man listened in a daze, and then heard the sound of the door opening next door, and then Li Mo asked, Dayong Niang, what are you doing this early in the morning?

Da Lang, this matter has nothing to do with you. You call your mother-in-law out. I want to ask her how she harmed my family's Dayong.

What happened to Dayong? Li Shu also put on his clothes and came out to ask.

What's the matter? I, Dayong, was fine during the day yesterday, but I developed a fever at night. I talked nonsense all night, and I am still confused. He still called teacher teacher over and over again. I have asked, yesterday When he came to your house, he told your mother-in-law what it was to study. In my opinion, she is a vixen. She didn’t absorb your yang energy enough, and she came to harm us Dayong again. Woohoo, pity that I was thirty years old. Let us be brave. Third child, call that vixen out quickly, the old lady will definitely skin her.

As the woman spoke, she rushed into the house with a mallet.

Li Shu was in a hurry, pushed the woman away, and shouted, Smelly woman, why are you scolding so dirty? My wife is kind enough to teach Dayong and his children to study. Don't be ignorant.

Good intentions? Who told her to be kind? She is a vixen, who only sucks men's yang energy, hollowed out you, and now she is here to harm our children. I will not let her go. He hit Li Shu on the arm, vowing to go into the house and skin Li Man with cramps.

Li Shu could have blocked it with his arm, but the expected pain did not come. He looked up and saw his elder brother Li Mo reached out to stop the mallet, and threw it out of the yard.

Dayong Niang, if you have anything to say, just talk about it. If you continue to curse like this, don't blame me for being rude.

I'm scolding that vixen. Dayong Niang said angrily, Da Lang, you were not like this before, why are you being harmed by that vixen now? You still want to beat your aunt?

Li Shu raised his arm and really wanted to slap her, Who are you calling a vixen? I will slap you back to your hometown.

The third child. Li Mo stopped Li Shu, and said with a serious face, Dayong mother, please calm down first, what's wrong with Dayong?

Dayong Niang immediately burst into tears, What can I do, I, Dayong, are useless, I was playing outside during the day and went home to eat at night, and suddenly foamed at the mouth after eating and passed out. , I haven't been rescued until now, woo woo, it wasn't your fox who killed it, who else did it.

Li Mo said with a sullen face, Have you invited a doctor? You can't talk nonsense about this matter. The child who went to school with Man'er yesterday didn't know that Dayong was the only one. Aren't everything else fine?

That's because she didn't have time to harm her. I was unlucky for Dayong, and I got the first one. Dayong's mother cried with snot and tears, and then begged, You call that vixen out, and I will give her Kowtow, tell her to let us go, Dayong, I'm just such a son, woo woo, if there's anything wrong with him, I won't live anymore.

As she spoke, she really knelt down on the ground, crying and howling.

In the west room, Li Yan and the others also came out.

In the east room, Li Man also put on her clothes and opened the door to come out. She never expected such a thing to happen, but, no matter how ridiculous things happened because of her, she should be responsible. Besides, that child Dayong must be real Something happened, otherwise this woman wouldn't cry like this?

Ma'am. Her whisper immediately caught the attention of others.


daughter in law.

The brothers hurriedly surrounded her, protecting her behind, for fear that Dayong Niang would be impulsive and come up and bite someone again.

However, after all, Dayong Niang is not the kind of person who can be too aggressive. Before, she came here to scold people because she was confused and didn't know what to do. Now, when Li Man came out, she was such a handsome and unparalleled Miao Ren, at first, he was stunned, and after that, he couldn't stop touching his head to the ground, and kowtowed vigorously.

Girl, no matter what kind of god you are, please let my family Dayong go. Take whatever you want from me. I am willing to exchange my life for my son's life. Please, let him go.

Dayong Niang, you— Li Mo was helpless.

Li Man grabbed his arm, and hurriedly stepped forward to help the woman, Mother, don't worry, is Dayong sick? I'll accompany you to have a look.

You? Dayong Niang was startled.

Li Mo and others have come over.

Second brother, you and fourth brother go to the doctor first, and third brother and I will accompany Man'er to Dayong's house to find out what's going on.

Okay. Li Yan walked to Li Man's side, gently squeezed her hand, and whispered in her ear, Don't worry, we are here.

Hmm. Li Man snorted softly.

Li Hua also looked at her with pity, and then went out with Li Yan.

Li Man helped Dayong Niang up, Mother, take us to see.

Dayong Niang was startled, but if the opponent is really a vixen, how can she fight like a commoner? She was afraid and hated Li Man at the moment, Girl, you forgive me for being rude just now, and you just let my family Dayong go? I'll kowtow to you.

Don't. Li Man was helpless.

But Dayong Niang was afraid that she would harm her child again at her own home, so she refused to move for a long time.

Finally, Li Shu couldn't help but reached out and grabbed her arm, dragging her outside.

Dayong's family lived in the middle of the village, not far from Li's house, and arrived there after a short walk. However, because of Dayong's mother's disturbance, there were quite a few people around her door at this moment.

As soon as they saw them coming back, they all shouted, saying that Dayong was bewitched by evil spirits or something, and that it must have been caused by the vixen of the Li family. After seeing Li Man, Li Mo and others behind him, Fang shut up one by one to avoid evil. They all seemed to step aside.

Dayong Niang cried again, and was pushed into the house by Li Shu, and Li Man followed.

Dayong was lying on the bed in the bedroom, taking care of his two older sisters beside the bed, and they were also wiping tears with red eyes at the moment.

Mother. When the two girls saw their mother came back, they immediately cried out, saying that the younger brother was useless.

Li Man ignored the crying three people, and only moved to the side, wanting to check for Dayong.

Daughter-in-law. Seeing her stretching out her hand, Li Shu hurriedly stopped her, he was worried, what if it was an infectious disease or something?

Li Mo was also startled, seeing Dayong's blushing and weak breathing, he seemed to be seriously ill.

Li Man glanced at the two of them, waved her hands and said, It doesn't matter.

However, when she lifted Dayong's quilt slightly and saw the rash all over his body, she was also shocked, and took two steps back in a daze, He has smallpox.

Smallpox? Li Mo didn't understand.

When Dayong Niang heard it, she rushed over, Girl, since you know, please save our family Dayong, we kowtow to you.

As he spoke, he pulled his two daughters to kowtow to Li Man.

Li Man quickly helped them up, smallpox is not terrible in modern times, and there is already a vaccine in modern times, which can basically prevent the epidemic, but here——

As far as she knew, there were many people who died of smallpox in ancient times, and this thing was also contagious.

Auntie, please come out and speak. Li Man dared not say the contagious words directly, for fear of causing panic, so she only let Dayong Niang and the others speak in the main room.

However, all the talents came out, and a group of villagers surrounded the village head and arrived at Dayong's house.

As soon as she saw the village chief, Dayong Niang felt as if she had seen a savior. She knelt down in front of him and cried, Master Village Chief, please save my family Dayong. I am just such a child. If he dies I'm not alive either.

Village chief, it's this fox spirit that hurts. Yesterday, Dayong came into contact with her. Someone in the crowd said so much, and everyone pointed their finger at Li Man.

Li Man was very innocent, and just about to explain, Li Mo protected her behind her, and said sharply, Zhao Er's family, what are you talking about without evidence? Dayong played with your Huzi yesterday.

My Huzi is a boy, what else can I do? Huh, Dalang, a vixen has come to your family, you are still a treasure, don't regret it when you are sucked dry. The woman was very angry. gloat.

Li Shu raised his foot and kicked the woman's calf, You have a fucking mouth that eats shit—

The woman fell to the ground with an ouch, and was about to let go, when the tiger squeezed in from the crowd, grabbed the woman's clothes and shouted, Hurry up and come home with me, it's a shame to run away.

On the one hand, he looked at Li Man apologetically, and wanted to say something to apologize, but in the end he didn't have the nerve to say it, and only dragged his mother away.

Here, the village chief stared at Li Man suspiciously. He also thought of one thing. He did not detect her breathing under the goddess tree that day, but she opened her eyes later.

Later, some outrageous things were spread. She was beautiful and intelligent, and she could read and read. She was so capable that people were suspicious.

Li Man's heart skipped a beat, the village's sharp eyes were a bit scary, she unconsciously leaned on Li Mo.

Li Mo held her little hand, nodded to her, and said softly, It's okay.


Thank you Qiyue Chenghuan, Xiao Yiguo, Mei Ruoyun, hxtx242380, love Liulixin, 18712392'8, jeankam, qth1969, Ouyang Xueyao, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, Lingsi, etc. for sending the monthly pass purse and flowers, okay? \\(o)~

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