Fortunate Wife

Chapter 138: Idea (ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)

Dinner, made by Li Hua, is very simple, white rice, a plate of stir-fried vegetables, and a bowl of green onion custard.

After eating, Li Man washed up early and got on the kang. In the dark, she tossed and turned, thinking about her own business plan. Anyway, Li Yan and the others couldn't be scared away with just a few words.

Unless they have a better idea to make money!

After a while, the door opened, and Li Hua came in with a small oil lamp. He was only wearing a jacket and shorts, and his hair was a little wet. It looked like he had just taken a shower.

Li Man was lying sideways on the kang, looking at him naturally. After these few days, she had consciously left the door open for him. Anyway, after seeing Uncle Xu that day, Li Yan and Li Shu never dared After touching her, she also relaxed, thinking that even if Li Hua came over, she would at most just sleep on the kang.

She is not afraid.

Stared at by her big watery eyes, Li Hua couldn't help feeling hot all over his body. He put the oil lamp on the big cabinet, and he turned to her and asked, Sleep now?

After a while, I still can't fall asleep. Li Man's voice was lazy, revealing a different kind of charm, even she didn't realize it.

Li Hua's throat moved, and he snorted, Yeah. He didn't blow the lamp, and came straight to the kang.

Li Man consciously lay down on the kang, giving him more time.

Li Huaping lay down and found that she was still staring at him, feeling agitated, Man'er... Unconsciously, his breathing gradually became heavy.

Yeah. Li Man blinked her eyes, her glaze-like pupils shone with a strange light, Li Hua.

She bit her lip slightly, compared Li Yan and Li Hua, and thought it would be better to start with Li Hua first.

Unexpectedly, this soft call made Li Hua's brain heat up, and he leaned towards her unconsciously.

Li Man froze, her eyes widened innocently, and she heard him rubbing against her body, and Ai Ai begged, Can you?

A few more days, okay? She was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood the meaning of his words. Her big eyes were filled with mist, and she begged softly, which made people's hearts soften all of a sudden.

But when he met those weak and dripping eyes, the wildness in Li Hua's heart was instantly aroused, and he rubbed her even harder.

Why don't you come up? I'll move gently. He said, hugged her decisively, rolled over, lay down by himself, and let her sit on his waist.

Seeing his blushing cheeks and dark eyes, Li Man was dizzy for a moment. A trick that worked very well for Li Shu yesterday had become a catalyst for him.

No. She shook her head quickly, but Li Hua couldn't wait to reach out and grab her clothes.

Wait a minute. Li Man yelled anxiously, and kept fighting him with her hands. After the two pulled each other, Li Hua was out of breath and watched her almost shrink into a ball, pity and forbearance, Why? gone?

Li Man huddled on the top of the kang, breathing heavily, and when he heard him ask, she stared at him angrily, I still want to ask you what's wrong? It's like a fireball, about to burn her, isn't the man's enthusiasm coming too fast?

Li Hua bit her lip and smiled lowly, Really don't want it?

Yeah. Li Man snorted sullenly. She still wanted to be happy for a few more days. With Li Hua's compromise, Li Mo and Li Shu are not at home these days. .

Li Hua let out a long breath, very depressed, and lay down again, Then, sleep...

Do you have to sleep if you don't do that? This man is really realistic... Li Man couldn't help frowning, and looked at Li Hua with some annoyance.

Feeling that displeasure staring at him, Li Hua raised the corners of his lips and asked in a low voice, What else do you want?

I... Seeing him seeming to be giggling suddenly, Li Man felt relieved, crawled a little towards him, and whispered, Li Hua, what I thought about during the day was actually Such.

As soon as the words were finished, Li Hua suddenly opened his eyes, and Li Man, who was staring straight at her with dark eyes, shrank again, No, don't look at me like that.

Man'er. Li Hua sat up abruptly, a little displeased, Didn't you promise me and my second brother—

That's what he forced me to agree to. Li Man lowered her eyelids, both aggrieved and sad, You two are so sloppy, you didn't even listen to my thoughts, so you just denied it, why?

Even if the eldest brother and the third brother come back, they will not agree. Li Hua cut off her last trace of hope very simply.

Li Man was very helpless, But at least you have to listen to my thoughts, you think you can make clothes—

Brother won't agree. Li Hua cut off her thoughts again.

Li Man was startled, Why are you so sure?

Li Hua smiled wryly, Brother always thought that only by studying can one get ahead. Otherwise, why put so much effort into it? Now that I've been studying for two years, he won't let me give up halfway.

That's it, But this doesn't delay your studies, our moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development is not better. Li Man was keenly aware of his looseness.

Although Li Hua didn't understand what she meant by all-round development, he was aware of his big brother's paranoia, If you don't believe me, just wait for big brother to come back and try.

So, you have no objection? Li Man asked happily.

Seeing her excitement, Li Hua sighed helplessly, If I can do something for this family, of course I would.

In fact, when he came back from Xingrong Street, he had been thinking that it would be a matter of the future to succeed in studying, but right now, couldn't he do something to make his family's life better?

Even Man'er has the courage to do it, why can't he?

Yes, she said that he can make clothes, and he can indeed try it, but, he thought that he could help out in other people's clothing stores, but he didn't think about helping Li Man realize her plan.

After all, he would rather suffer a little more for himself than to make money with his woman in public.

However, Li Man mistakenly thought that he was on the side with her, and was very happy, I knew that you are enlightened. Later, when we have money, I will buy some materials and come back. I will produce styles, you come Do.

Okay. Li Hua nodded in response.

Li Man didn't expect him to be so talkative at night, she agreed so easily, and she didn't know what to do. Suddenly, she stretched out her hand again and pressed her thumb on his palm, This is a seal. , You keep your word, you have to support my affairs.

Li Hua shook his head secretly, the little girl is really stubborn, but only his support is useless, the elder brother is the one who decides the family.

Li Man is already very proud, at least she has an extra ally.

Then, can I sleep? Li Hua looked at her with burning eyes.

Li Man's face burned, and she hurriedly climbed down the kang, I'll blow the lamp.

Lie down. Li Hua stretched out his hand to stop her, got off the bed neatly, and gently blew out the oil lamp.

When the room was dark, Li Man only felt that her breathing was tight, and a heavy sense of oppression was pressing on her. She grabbed the quilt tightly and curled up in the kang.

Li Hua lay down, got into her bed naturally, pressed her hot body against her, and rubbed her into his arms bit by bit.


At dawn the next day, Li Man woke up from a sweet dream, gently pushed away the arms encircling her, and slowly broke free from Li Hua's arms, rubbed her sore waist, and lay down on the window sill to rest. a while.

The small window was pushed open slightly, and the morning breeze slowly blew in. Li Man felt very comfortable, and thinking of the dream last night, she suddenly felt full of energy.

Why don't you sleep more? Li Hua got up at this moment, sat beside her, and put his coat on her bare shoulders.

Li Man turned her head, blushed and tightened her clothes, I slept well.

Enveloped by his scorching gaze, she finally felt shy, and thought of it, Well, it's dawn, I'll make breakfast.

You take a break, I'll go. Li Hua hugged her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder, and whispered softly.

No, I can't sleep. Li Man struggled gently in his arms.

Li Hua's breathing suddenly became hot again, Can't sleep? Are you really going to stop?

Huh? What did he mean? Before Li Man could wake up from his words, she became dizzy for a while, and she had already collapsed on the kang, with the hoarse voice of the kid next to her ear, gently coaxing her to do it again.


Finally, Li Man still hadn't finished the breakfast. She washed and changed her clothes when Li Hua was done.

In the yard, there are already a dozen children waiting.

Xiao Wu excitedly came over and told her that several children wanted to join them and be her students.

Li Man welcomes it naturally, but the age gap between these children seems to be a bit big.

The older ones are like Dayong Huzi, they are about eleven or twelve years old, and they are also quite tall, looking like a young man.

But the young ones, there are only a few who came today, does she see if there are any of them who are six or seven years old? When I asked, it was really that big.

This age gap is too big to be taught together.

So, after breakfast, Li Man lined up the children in the yard according to their height, and then asked about their ages.

According to age, the thirteen children were divided into two groups based on the age of nine.

Then, according to the age group, the younger group mainly teaches them some introductory knowledge, starting from nursery rhymes, and focusing on daily life applications, such as washing hands before and after meals, folding quilts, working hard and loving cleanliness, etc. .

The larger group, simple math operations, and how to write the numbers 1 to 10.

After teaching the two groups, one morning passed. After seeing off the children, Li Man hurriedly went to pick vegetables, wash them and cook.

Li Yan also put down his work at this time, and walked into the kitchen slowly, seeing her cutting the eggplant, he leaned closer and carefully examined her face.

Seeing that, Li Man felt furious, What are you doing?

Girl. Li Yan reached out and touched her head, thinking, I was just thinking, what is in your head?

What's wrong? Li Man stepped back nervously.

Li Yan rested his chin on one hand, and still stared at her suspiciously, What did you say to those children in the morning? I feel that you are better than the wife of the fourth brother.

Li Man blinked her eyes, looking very innocent, Is there any? I just take them for fun.

1+2=3, what kind of calculations are these? It sounds strange, but when you think about it, it really is the case. Li Yan said to himself.

Li Man nodded, These are the simplest mathematical operations.

Mathematics? Li Hua, who had just entered the room, couldn't help but be amazed when he heard the words. It was a knowledge he had never heard of.

Li Man doesn't know how far the civilization of this era has developed, and she doesn't want to change the era or anything, she just wants to teach those children her limited knowledge.

Actually, it's really nothing. No matter how advanced it was, she didn't understand it.

Li Yan tilted his head and asked, Who taught you this?

Teacher. Li Man blurted out.

Li Yan and Li Hua were shocked at the same time, Have you ever been to a school?

Eh... Li Man's heart tightened, and she mumbled, That was all a long time ago.

Girl, you used to... Li Yan thought for a while, but finally couldn't hold back, and asked, What is it like? Why did you fall into that situation?

Li Hua also looked at Li Man nervously, looking forward to the truth but also afraid of the truth.

I don't know. Li Man was telling the truth. She didn't know anything about this deity, so she could only pretend to be confused. She pointed to her head and sighed, Actually, I'm also very sad. I seem to have forgotten a lot of things.

Li Hua paused, remembering the first time they met, she wrote on the floor that she didn't remember.

Really lost memory? Still unwilling to tell them the truth?

Really? But—

Second brother. Li Hua interrupted Li Yan, Man'er, you cook, I'm hungry.

Oh. Li Man continued to chop vegetables.

Li Yan glanced at Li Hua and pursed his lips.


The two brothers didn't say anything, and went out to work separately.

Li Man cooked the meal by herself. After lunch, she tidied up and fed the pigs and chickens, then asked Li Hua for paper and pens, and stayed in the room alone to write and draw.

In front of her was the hairpin that Li Yan made for her. The pattern on it was very delicate. She wanted to make a copy of it, and then modify it a little to draw other shapes.

She drew so seriously that she didn't know what was going on outside until Li Yan came in and suddenly took the pen from her hand.

Li Man was startled, and saw that Li Yan had already picked up her drawing and looked at it carefully, The drawing is not bad, but what are you drawing this for?

He squinted at her, his dark eyes were menacing.

You give it to me, I just draw it for fun. Li Man said.

Li Yan grinned, Just for fun? I think you still want me to make hairpins for you to sell.

What's wrong? I'm afraid I won't be able to sell it. She muttered softly.

What did you say? Li Yan raised his right eyebrow and stared at her threateningly.

What else can he do in broad daylight? Li Man stared at him unhappily, I'm telling the truth. I thought you made something beautiful, so I wanted to sell it. If you didn't do well, who would want to sell it?

She is also praising him in disguise, can you understand?

Sure enough, Li Yan's eyes flashed, Can you really sell it for money? Rich people, who would want to buy this?

Why not? I think what you make is no worse than those gold and silver jewelry. The key is to be unique and unique. Seeing his slight movement, Li Man hurriedly strikes while the iron is hot, Li Yan, to be honest, if you don't use your craftsmanship , It’s really a waste. Besides, isn’t it a good thing if one’s own works are accepted and loved by the world?”

... Li Yan pondered, he couldn't imagine that scene, but from what Li Man said, it didn't seem to be bad. He also thought about it seriously last night. The living conditions are not bad. After all, a girl needs money to recuperate her body. He thinks it is necessary to improve these two huts, and, in the future... children.

He didn't want his children to be the same as they were when they were young, lacking in food and clothing.

Li Yan. Seeing that he was frowning and silent, as if he was thinking, Li Man shook his arm and coaxed him half coquettishly, You should answer me once, your craftsmanship is the best, and the things you make are the best. It will definitely be liked by many people. By the way, do you want to hear about my plan? I think so, first of all, I will style those girls, especially those who are old and faded, and help her regain her beauty. Youth, slowly you can also sell the hairpins and accessories you made...

While dreaming about making money, Li Man talked excitedly, completely ignoring Li Yan's attitude next to her.

At the end, seeing Li Yan's unfathomable gaze, Fang shrank his neck, cautiously, What do you think?

Your brain... Li Yan looked at her suspiciously, and looked very tangled, I didn't quite understand what you said for a long time just now, what about sales, brand, franchise...

Li Man's head was full of black lines, she was too excited for a moment, and hurriedly added, In fact, when we have money, we can also set up a shop and open a store.

Open a shop. That's good, but is it a trivial matter to set up a shop? It would definitely cost a lot of money, Li Yan didn't have much confidence in it, besides, people who went out of the Goddess ditch would be looked down upon wherever they went, making it even more difficult to do things.

Okay, stop thinking about it. Is your neck tired after drawing for a long time? Let me pinch it for you. Li Yan suddenly stretched out his hand to wrap around the back of her head.

Li Man only felt a chill on her neck, she hurriedly lowered her body, and ran towards the door.

But before he ran two steps, Li Yan strode to follow her, grabbed her over, closed the door behind him, and inserted the latch.

Li Man was shocked and shouted, What are you doing? It's broad daylight. How could she forget? This bad guy stayed in her room and was willing to listen to her nonsense for a long time, so he should have no good intentions.

Li Yan smiled, What happened during the day? Didn't it happen?

Can that be the same? Last time because he thought he was poisoned, Li Man pushed him, Don't, Li Hua is still there.

He went out. Li Yan replied, while eagerly hugging her onto the kang.

Li Man kicked her feet anxiously, That's not okay, Li Yan, you are not allowed to touch me, ah...that, I...

Good boy. Li Yan leaned forward, coaxing gently, Girl, be obedient, just once, I promise.

Do you believe in ghosts? Li Man wanted to refuse, but this villain always had a thousand ways to make him submit, which made her want to cry.

The sun gradually set to the west, and the noise in the west room finally stopped. Satisfied, Li Yan sat up, picked up the drawing drawn by Li Man, and said with a smile, Okay, don't bother drawing this in the future, just tell me about it. Probably, I think I should be able to do it.

Really? Li Man asked excitedly, ignoring the pain in her body.

Li Yan looked at her with a smile, Can I still lie to you?

Li Man's face turned dark immediately, did he deceive her too much? I said it clearly just now.

Okay, let me tell you something, you can do it and see.

Yeah. Li Yan nodded, and wiped the sweat off her forehead pityingly, You didn't work hard, so why are you sweating so much?

... Li Man's cheeks were on fire, and she slapped his hand off, You make me a...

Next, she told him to give it to him according to a hairpin she had seen on Taobao.

Li Yan listened carefully, and finally nodded, Okay, I'll give it to you in two days, and fix the car first.

Last time, when Li Man and Li Shu went to the town to sell garlic, they met bad guys, got beaten and lost their car.

There is no small cart at home, which is very inconvenient, so, taking advantage of the spare time, Li Yan thought about making another one, but this would take a lot of work, especially grinding the wheels, which would take a lot of time.

The two went out of the room together, and the yard was quiet, Li Man couldn't help but wonder, Where did Li Hua go?

I was called away by the village head. Li Yan replied, also muttering in his heart, the village head didn't ask him for something, and he called the fourth brother? And after going there for most of the afternoon, Man'er, you stay at home, I'll go take a look.


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