Fortunate Wife

Chapter 177 Delivery

Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you? Seeing Li Man hopping back like a monkey, Li Shu stepped forward in a panic, and simply hugged her up.

It's hot. The ground outside has been exposed to the sun for a day, and the ground is hot to the feet.

Hot? Li Shu was puzzled, but soon thought of something, and smiled, My daughter-in-law has tender skin, so of course she can't go barefoot.

Like their brothers, who are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, they don't think it's wrong to walk barefoot on the ground during the dog days.

Seeing his teasing smile, Li Man was embarrassed, raised her fist and lightly punched his chest, It's all your fault.

Hehe. Li Shu laughed even more happily, put her on the kang, squatted down, and grabbed her feet.

What are you doing? Li Man was startled and wanted to pull her foot back.

Li Shu raised his eyes and smiled, Let me see, it's burnt.

Don't. With his two fingers lightly sweeping the surface of her feet, Li Man immediately felt itchy, and her small toes almost curled up into a ball.

Li Shu's eyes darkened in an instant, holding her delicate white jade-like feet, his expression was a little wrong.

Li Man also felt it, and hurriedly moved again, trying to pull her foot back, Li Shu—

Oh. Li Shu lowered his head, not daring to let her see his strange appearance, so he quickly wiped off the dust on the soles of her feet with his palm, and then thoughtfully helped her put on the shoes.

Li Man looked at the gentle man squatting at her feet, her heart was as soft as water, she leaned over, hugged Li Shu's neck, and said softly, Li Shu, you are so kind.

Li Shu chuckled twice, in her arms, raised his eyes to look at her, You know?

I always knew, okay? Li Man smiled and tapped his nose with her fingertips, It's getting late, I'm going to make dinner, if you have nothing to do, help me.

Of course. Li Shu said and hugged her up.

With an 'ah' sound, Li Man supported his shoulders and struggled, Put me down quickly, I'm afraid of fainting.

Hehe, what are you afraid of? Li Shu didn't hug her around anymore, but he didn't obediently let her down, but carried her all the way to the kitchen.

Daughter-in-law, what are you doing delicious tonight?

Li Man supported the pot and said with a smile, Spicy fatty intestines, it's the pig intestines that you washed all afternoon, haha.

That one can really cook? Li Shu stared at her almost adoringly.

How about the stir-fried pork liver at noon? Li Man raised her eyebrows anxiously.

Li Shu is still reminiscing about the taste, It's delicious. It's so different from the ones I've eaten before. If pigs can be made so delicious, everyone will probably have to snatch them up, and they won't be willing to throw them away.

Hehe, this one tastes better at night. Li Man said, she knows that Li Shu likes spicy food, and the spicy sausage must be spicy enough to change the taste. She believes that this dish will suit Li Shu's appetite better.

Yeah. Li Shu was almost drooling at what she said, Daughter-in-law, let's cook.

Well, you come to light the fire. Li Man gently pushed him away, picked up the cleaned pig intestines from the vegetable basket on the side, scooped some water and boiled them in the pot.

Although the ingredients were not complete enough, Li Man still cooked a plate of hot pepper sausages full of fragrance. When the men came back from work, they could smell the numbing and spicy aroma that made people want to drool as soon as they entered the yard.

After washing their hands, the men entered the kitchen. Li Man had already lit a small oil lamp and brought two dishes of meat and vegetables to the table.

What's the smell? Why is it so fragrant? Li Yan leaned over to the table, looked at the dish with excellent color and fragrance, and was very puzzled, Could it be that pig's large intestine was fried?

Otherwise, what do you think? Seeing his surprised eyes, Li Man was very proud, How about it? I have the ability to turn waste into treasure.

Li Yan rubbed her head emphatically, Yes, my wife is the most capable.

Hehe. Li Man smiled helpfully. Seeing how many people were seated, she suggested, Would you like some wine? I brought it back from Nuanxiang Building a few times last time, and I still kept a jar.

Yes, yes... Li Shu immediately exclaimed in surprise.

Li Mo was a little hesitant, last time Li Man drank too much in a moment of excitement, and he was afraid that something like that would happen at night.

But Li Man had already turned around and took down a small jar of wine from the top of the cupboard, walked to the table, and poured some into everyone's empty bowls, including Xiao Wu's, who poured out half a bowl.

Then, put the wine jar back.

Daughter-in-law, one bowl for each person? Li Shu obviously felt that it was not enough.

Li Man looked at him and smiled, If you think it's too much, just pour it back.

Ah, no, I don't think so much. Li Shu was very frank.

Li Man had already sat back and stuffed a mouthful of vegetables into his mouth, Just one bowl, don't drink too much, it's not good to be drunk.

How come? That jar...

I mean myself. She can drink at most one bowl.

Oh. Li Shumo said.

Li Yan looked at Li Man's blushing face and chuckled silently.

Okay, let's eat vegetables first, then drink, or you will burn your stomach. Come on, you all have a taste. If it is delicious, I can make it often in the future. Hehe, it's a gift from someone anyway. Unexpectedly, pigs in this age It doesn't cost money to enter the water.

It's not good to always ask someone to give it to you. If you do it next time, let's buy it from someone else. Li Mo said, taking a sip of his wine.

Li Man knew his upright nature, but he didn't like to take advantage of others, so she couldn't help but nodded with a smile, All right, I'll buy it, but the stall owner doesn't seem to have sold it before. For others, what do you say?

Is that so? Li Mo nodded after hearing this, If someone else gives you the meat when you buy it, then you can take it.

Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, Today, this one was given to us when we bought bones and meat.

Oh. Li Mo was relieved. Apart from not wanting to take advantage of others, he was also afraid of another reason, that is, Li Man's beauty. Who knows if the butcher would want to show some kindness to her? What is pictured, this kind of thing is not uncommon in rural areas.

Because everyone ate bone soup in the middle of the afternoon, and in the evening, each person had a bowl of wine, and then ate a la carte, so the dinner was not much to eat. Finally, at Li Man's request, everyone reluctantly ate a bowl of rice. There were still two bowls of rice left, so she had no choice but to fill them up and put them under the water tank to freeze them, otherwise they might fall away.

After tidying up the bowls and chopsticks, Li Man didn't immediately take a shower and go to the kang due to a little drunkenness. Instead, they moved a few stools and sat in the yard with the Li family brothers, blowing the night breeze, chatting without saying a word Let's talk about the short stories of the parents.

Li Man felt that such a family sitting together was a joke in the same yard. It was a long time ago, so long that she almost forgot the warm scene when she was young, but she never expected it to happen again now.

Li Shu first talked to his brothers and sisters about buying the land of Ada Dajia, and then discussed the details of the land measurement tomorrow. Later, under the leadership of Li Man, everyone talked about living in a spacious new house in the future. How happy and happy, even Big Black and Little Yellow, she thought of building a puppy kennel for them in the yard.

Everyone was full of confidence in their future life. They chatted like this until late at night. The wind blew on their bodies and made them feel a little cold. Li Man leaned on Li Mo's shoulder, and Xiao Wu rested on Li Hua's lap. When did I fall asleep.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and no one spoke again, nor did they wake them up.

Li Mo carried Li Man back to the West Room, and Li Hua sent Xiao Wu to the East Room. Then, the brothers each took a cold shower in the courtyard, changed into clean clothes, and went back to their houses.


With the arrival of a new day, Li Man had new energy. After breakfast, she went to the town outside the mountain with Li Yan and Li Shu. Today is the day for the delivery of clothes.

It was almost noon on the third day, but the delivery person hadn't arrived yet, so he waited in the store.

Around mid-afternoon, someone from Shenjia Cloth Shop came, and there were several truckloads of goods. Li Man was shocked, and hurriedly explained that she didn't order that many.

She only laughed at her ignorance when they unloaded all her goods in the store. It turned out that many garment stores in Songfeng Town purchased their goods from Shenjia Cloth Shop. A lot of customers ordered a large order together, and they delivered it in one trip. In fact, it didn't cost much, but it earned a lot of word of mouth, which is really good.

After checking the goods one by one, Li Man paid the final payment after confirming that they were correct. She originally wanted to entertain the deliverers for a drink of tea, but they left without even having a chance to sit down and take a breath while waiting for the deliveries to return to the village.

After these people left, Li Man looked at the room full of clothes and wondered if it was still early in the day to send all these to Zhang's residence.

Anyway, all the embroiderers she hired belonged to the Zhang family, and the manager Zhang also said that he would set aside an extra space for them to work, and stipulated their construction period. When the time came, she just went to receive the goods. If the goods are not satisfactory, they are responsible for it themselves, and she doesn't need to worry about it.

However, Li Hua's style has not yet been fully designed, and she wondered whether to wait a few days and send it over together to save trouble.

Girl, what are you going to do with these fabrics? Seeing Li Man staring at the fabrics in a daze, still unable to make up her mind, Li Yan asked.

Li Man looked at Li Yan, Why don't we send it to Zhang's mansion today? She also thought about it just now, and it will take a few days before the shop opens, and these materials are placed in the room, and no one is watching , she was worried.

Going to Zhang Mansion again? Li Shu didn't really want to go.

Then? Go back next time? Li Man was also undecided, and was afraid that if she went too much, she would disturb others, even though the old lady told her to go often.

Li Yan thought for a while, and said, Forget it, let's send these over there today, and put them over there. It's better to keep some than here.

Yeah. Li Man nodded, That's my idea too.

Li Yan took a deep look at her, Oh, so we still have a good understanding.

Li Man blushed slightly, smiled and went to move the clothes, but was stopped by Li Shu, Sit next to you, you can't move these things.

Oh. Li Man tried it, and it was really heavy. In order not to fall to the ground, she really stood aside and watched the two men move.

The small cart was not big, and these materials were piled up on it. In the end, afraid of falling, Li Man borrowed a hemp rope from the neighbor and tied it a few times to stabilize it.

Li Shu pulled the cart, Li Yan and Li Man pushed from behind, and walked all the way to Zhang's mansion.

However, I used to take a carriage to go to Zhang's mansion, and I didn't feel far away, but today, everyone is walking, and they also carry a cart of goods, which is different. A place that can be reached with a cup of tea, today After walking for more than an hour in a daze, the three of them were still sweating from exhaustion.

Fortunately, as soon as Li Man knocked on the door, the uncle who opened the door recognized her, and immediately sent someone to notify Manager Zhang, and he took the three of them to a small hall where the gate was waiting.

After a while, Guanshi Zhang came over with two servant girls. He was very happy to see Li Man, and then looked at the cart of goods, and immediately ordered someone to send them to the warehouse.

Li Man also followed, but was held back by Guanshi Zhang, I was just playing cards with the old lady's house, and it so happened that you came, no, the old lady is happy, and now I'm waiting for you to go and start playing cards again. .”

Playing cards? Li Man didn't know how to do it. Ms. Zhang, all the clothes have been delivered. I want to go to the warehouse to check with you first.

Oh, don't worry about it for a while. When the old lady is happy, let's find some time to do the calculation. Steward Zhang still wanted to pull her away.

But Li Man insisted, Let's do the calculation now, or wait until it's in the warehouse, and if there is any problem in the future, I will explain it. In addition, as for the style of the clothes, I will deliver them in person in two days.

This—the old lady is still waiting. Manager Zhang was obviously in a dilemma.

Li Man also hesitated, came here, and didn't go to greet her personally, it was her fault for being a junior, but these goods can't be so vague, the two families will always have business contacts in the future, she decided to make everything clear That's good.

It's better. Li Yan stood up and said, Man'er, you and Aunt Zhang go over and say hello to the old lady first, we are here for the storage, Aunt Zhang, you can send another letter People, why don't we go to inspect the goods together?


Oh, that's a good idea. Without waiting for Li Man's objection, Aunt Zhang applauded immediately.

Li Man was worried, took Li Yan's hand, moved a little to the side, and said in a low voice, Can I do it without me? You and Li Shu can't read, how do you know how they registered?

Damn girl, although I don't know many words, I can still read simple accounts. Don't forget, I am the one who has to account for anything in the village. Li Yan said.

Is it really okay? Li Man thought for a while, and then said, Well, you guys go first, and I'll go directly from the old lady's side in a while.

Well, hurry up, other people's house has something delicious and delicious to keep you. Li Yan smiled and pinched her lips.

Li Man immediately stared and became ashamed. He became more and more carefree in front of outsiders.

Li Yan smiled lightly, and said to Li Shu, Third brother, let's go there first.

Daughter-in-law, hurry up, it's getting late. Li Shu reminded, afraid that it would be the same as before, Li Man would go for a long time, making their brothers anxious.

Li Man nodded vigorously, Understood.

Hehe, your two husbands are quite clingy to you. Aunt Zhang looked at her funny.

Li Man blushed and didn't speak, which was tantamount to acquiescing.

Let's go, go to the old lady's side to cool off, look at your sweat. Aunt Zhang said, then took out her handkerchief and handed it to Li Man to wipe her face.

Li Man didn't answer, and just wiped her forehead with her sleeve, It's getting hotter when you come here, but it's much better now. The trees in the house are so shady.

Well, that's true, did your goods come from the county? Aunt Zhang asked.

Li Man nodded, Yes, the goods just arrived today, I thought it would be convenient to send them here.

Well, how about sending the goods directly here in the future, and I will send someone to receive the goods, which will save you the trouble of sending them over there. Aunt Zhang thought for a while and suggested.

Li Man felt that this would save her a lot of trouble, but it would be too much trouble for others. Besides, she had to personally inspect the quality of the goods, so she politely declined.

After all, Mrs. Zhang is a person who is used to doing things. She is good at observing words and expressions. She can tell what Li Man is thinking when she sees Li Man's expression, and she said with a smile, It's nothing. Check the goods, if you have any questions, you can directly tell our embroidered mother, isn't it much cheaper than running back and forth over there?

Thank you, Aunt Zhang, but if you do this, it will be too much trouble for you. Li Man said.

Aunt Zhang smiled, It's troublesome or not, but you have to go all the way, what's the difference? It's just that you are tired of delivering goods and running errands on the road.

... Li Manxi thought that this was really the case, and smiled embarrassedly, It's still Mrs. Zhang who is thoughtful, so the next delivery will be delivered directly to the house.

En. Aunt Zhang nodded in satisfaction.

The two of them arrived at the old lady's yard while they were talking, and the maids at the door greeted them immediately, Aunt Zhang, you are back, the old lady asked us to look for it.

Go look for it? The old lady doesn't know why I went there? Manager Zhang asked amusedly.

The servant girl glanced at Li Man, and said with a smile, The old lady said, she asked you to pick up someone, but she couldn't pick up herself. She is in a hurry to ask us to find someone.

Hehe, the old lady is still so impatient, let's go, Miss Li, let's hurry up, don't really make the old lady anxious. Aunt Zhang said, holding Li Man's hand, and walked forward at a faster pace Then, when he reached the door, he didn't need the maid to open the curtain, but lifted the curtain himself, and led Li Man in together.

As soon as he entered the room, a cool breath came over his face, which was extremely comfortable.

Girl Man, you're here? Just in time, I'm lucky today. Look, I've won so much. Come over and try your luck. Maybe you'll be luckier than me. When the old lady saw someone coming in, He showed off and pointed to the loot in his hand, hoping to attract Li Man to join in and play a few cards together.

Li Man smiled and walked to her side, Grandma, I don't know how to play cards, I'm here...

What are you afraid of if you don't know how to play cards? I'll teach you. A pleasant male voice came over, and Li Man was shocked. The person sitting opposite the old lady was Zhang Jing, the young master of Zhang's residence.

Yeah, I'll teach you if you don't know how, don't let this little guy teach you, he's very bad luck, see, he lost almost all the things on my table. The old lady also echoed repeatedly, However, the words were to make fun of Zhang Jing.

Zhang Jing narrowed his eyes and smiled, Grandma, you're still talking about me. If you didn't play tricks a few times, I should be the one who won.

Yo, it's obvious that you distracted me by talking on purpose. It's okay if I read the wrong card for a while and then take it back? My luck is bad, hehe, Man girl, let's ignore him, you come to me, I will teach you You. As the old lady said, she winked and ordered the girl serving beside her to move a stool and put it beside her.

Grandma, I'm here today on business. Li Man didn't want to sit down, for fear that she wouldn't know how long she would sit.

The old lady hurriedly waved her hands, What is so important? Wait until I finish playing this card first, Man girl, you sit down first, and I think my luck will be better when you come. Now, let them put the cards in their pockets. Lose all the money I have, and buy delicious food for Man girl, okay?

When she is a three-year-old child? Still coaxing with delicious food?

However, when the old lady said this, Li Man was too embarrassed to refuse, so she sat down next to her and looked at the cards in the old lady's hand. They were somewhat familiar, which seemed a bit like modern mahjong.

Watching them play cards again, it's even more similar.

Just watching, Zhang Jing suddenly shouted happily, Grandma, I'm confused.

Stupid? What's wrong? The old lady didn't seem to react, and when she saw her grandson really won, she immediately wanted to regret the card, but this time Zhang Jing quit, Grandma, don't play tricks, this time I I won, hehe, Miss Man'er, do you want me to teach you?

Li Man was stunned, looking at Zhang Jing's smiling eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable all over.


Happy Dragon Boat Festival\\(o)~

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