Fortunate Wife

Episode 15 VIPs

Is this her love story? Li Yan had to admit that he liked it.

However, it is his characteristic to get cheap and behave well, so, following her words, he looked at her resentfully, Yes, you also know that you are negligent? You have been negligent for so long, your eyes Li, never see my good.

Sweaty wow, this resentment seems to be quite small.

Li Man rubbed his heart with her small hands, and raised her lips to coax, It's all my fault, I'm blind, from now on, I'll keep my eyes wide open every day, and only look at you every day, okay?

You said it. Li Yan smiled happily, and he still did not forget to threaten, If you dare to forget again, I will not obey.

Yo, don't follow? If I really forget, what should you do? Seeing him smiling, Li Man was relieved, and also intended to tease him.

A sly light flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and Li Yan's hands suddenly moved around her body.

Li Man is the most ticklish, especially his deliberate scratching, which is the most unbearable. With just a light touch, the whole body writhes like a loach, laughing a little out of breath, so she has to beg for mercy, Well, I lost, I won’t forget, even if I’m beaten to death, please forgive me.”

Oh, I really don't forget? Li Yan stopped his hand and stroked her waist gently with his big palm. Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling under his palm, What?

Don't look at it. Li Man pressed down his hand, not allowing him to lift the quilt to look.

It doesn't look like ordinary clothes, Li Yan became more and more curious, What's wrapped around your waist? It's so tight?

Tummy belt. Li Man could only explain.

Li Yan was even more surprised, Tummy belt? What is that?

Things for women. But, if you are so fat that you can't even find your waist, I can help you make one.

Li Man pursed her lips and smiled, and then looked at Li Yan's exceptionally handsome features. Suddenly, she thought in her mind, such a handsome man will one day be so fat that he can't even find his waist? Hehe, absolutely not, he was only in his early forties at that time, he must be a mature, charming and elegant uncle.

However, Li Yan didn't like to hear what she said, so he took her hand and put it on his strong waist, Touch it yourself, the situation you mentioned will never happen to me.

Heh. Amused by his childish behavior, Li Man teased with a smile, You are not bad now, because you are young, but in another ten or twenty years, when the living conditions are better, it is inevitable that you will become fat, hehe , when the time comes, don’t be fat and even walk on the road.”

Stop. Li Yan's eyebrows twitched, he was really disgusted by the scene she described, and couldn't help reaching out to pinch her small mouth, You did it on purpose, didn't you?

She tickled her just now, but now, she has verbally hit him.

Suddenly, thinking of something, Li Yan lifted the quilt suddenly, and saw Li Man's delicate and soft body nestling in his arms, his heart tightened suddenly, but his eyes were fixed on her lower abdomen.

This is? He had also had physical contact with her after she gave birth, but he had never dared to touch her belly.

Lifting the quilt violently, Li Man felt a little chilly, and quickly pulled the quilt to cover the two of them, but her face was a little flushed.

After giving birth, this belly is always fluffy and soft, and it's so uncomfortable to touch.

Fortunately, she checked after waking up, and there were no stretch marks that women talked about, which made her somewhat relieved, but the loose belly and loose skin still made her a little annoyed.

The belly belt can not only help restore the waist, but also relieve postpartum back pain.

However, she couldn't buy it here, so she found some cotton cloth and made a simple one. Although the effect was not good, it was better than nothing.

Li Yan didn't speak, but gently stroked her lower abdomen with his hand, it was not as loose as she said, but he also knew that after a woman gave birth, there would be some changes in her body.

This kind of change is especially evident in the women in the village, just like the daughter-in-law of Da Lai San Lai's family, she was thin and dry when she first married, but she swelled up after giving birth, and she was round and full of hair. Meat, seemingly without bones.

For this reason, she was often ridiculed by the women in the village with winks and winks. Fortunately, the daughter-in-law gave birth to a son and was in a good mood, so she didn't care about these things. Much more cheerful.

But Li Yan knew that other people's daughters-in-law were like that, but his own was different.

Just like he himself would become fat and unable to walk when he heard the words, if his little woman really changed, he didn't mind, she was afraid that she would die of sadness in her heart.

This woman gave birth to a child, the physical pain is only one of them, and the mental pain cannot be ignored.

Li Yan felt sorry for her, and said, Tomorrow, I will ask my fourth brother to make you two sets of useful ones.

No need. Li Man shook her head hastily, she hadn't let any of them see it before.

It's not that I'm afraid they will see it, but I'm afraid that this matter will spread, and I'm afraid that people will use it to gossip.

It is very common for the women here to have children, and after giving birth, they don't pay attention to their own recovery.

Thick waist, big buttocks, sagging breasts, all kinds of problems, I think it is normal, but I think that these are the characteristics that a woman should have after giving birth.

If she is so fastidious, if it spreads, it will inevitably lead to other gossip.

Anyway, ever since she was able to understand the language here, the words that she is a vixen who can seduce men have reached her ears more than once.


p\u003eOne thing more is worse than one thing less.

After confinement, she plans to make two more sets of bras and bras that fit well, and she doesn't know whether to be happy or worried. Her breasts are much more impressive than before giving birth, so the ones Li Hua made for her before, She secretly took it out and tried it on, but she couldn't put it on anymore.

Seeing her shaking her head in such a hurry, Li Yan smiled, Afraid that the fourth brother will use a ruler to measure your stomach?

You don't need to measure it, you can't run two feet one. Li Man wrapped her hands around her waist and said depressedly. Before giving birth, her waist was less than one foot nine.

Li Yan smiled, and rubbed her waist with his hand, It's a little plump, but it's more convenient to hold her in my arms.

Would you take advantage of it for you? Li Man shot him a look, and said, I don't care, anyway, if you don't lose weight, none of you will touch me.

... Li Yan's face darkened. Does this person say that if you are thin, you can lose weight? What's more, she is not fat now, but her small face looks rounder than before.

Besides, she is still in confinement, how dare she lose weight?

Hey, this is the best way. I want to be as thin as before, pressing down on the chromium man.

Ah? Li Man glared at him, contemptuously, You did it on purpose. In the past, you said that I was the best.

Oh, isn't that afraid that you will be annoyed? Li Yan said with confidence, a wicked light flashed in his squinted eyes, and he smiled in her ear, Actually, men prefer that kind of skin, which looks thinner. , but a woman who looks plump. Haven't you seen that the women in the village, after they get married and have children, all of them match each other? That's because they know that the men in the family like...

Pfft. Lying without blinking? Li Man looked at him teasingly, Okay, so you like Mrs. Lai?

Cough. Li Yan gasped in his throat. This girl never forgot to make him feel uncomfortable. When she thought of Da Lai's wife's unkempt appearance, she even dared to lift her clothes in front of all the elders. When the child is breastfeeding, he loses all mood.

Okay, it's midnight, let's sleep.

Li Man looked at the sky outside the window, and knew it was getting late, but now she sleeps during the day and sleeps at night, she feels like a little pig in the pen, it's strange that she doesn't gain weight.

Hey, with a slight sigh, she nestled in Li Yan's arms, but opened her eyes, listening to his powerful heartbeat, breathing in the clean, refreshing and warm breath from his body, when her heart moved, she raised her head, and looked at him with bright eyes. he.

Li Yan's heart skipped a beat, and his voice became hoarse, What are you looking at?

Li Yan. She called softly.

Hmm. He responded in a low voice.

Li Man curved her lips and smiled softly, I, love, you.

... Li Yan's hand holding her suddenly tightened, What?

I love you, idiot. Li Man embraced his neck and said in a tired way, From now on, I will tell you every day, Li Yan, I love you. How? In this way, you should be confident Alright.

Heh. Li Yan smiled, lowered his head suddenly, and kissed her lips passionately.

She felt dizzy and foggy in the straight kiss, so she let go of her.

Facing her confused eyes, she chuckled, This is a reward for you, from now on, once a day.

... Li Man blushed, feeling sweet in her heart.


After a night of silence, the next day, the dawn light enveloped the earth gently, and on the branches in front of Li's house, magpies sang happily.

After finishing breakfast, Li Xiangyu stood at the door of the kitchen, staring at the sparrow on the treetop, and said, The magpies are singing, is this a happy event for our family?

After hearing this, the Li family brothers smiled heartily.

For them, the biggest joy of the Li family is the safe birth of a pair of children, and Li Man's health as before.

By the way, Boss, the children have been born for several days, and Man'er is fine now. I think we should get ready and go to relatives and friends' homes to announce the good news.

While eating breakfast, Li Xiangyu said to Li Mo, The eggs I prepared earlier, I'll cook some later, and the eggs are dyed red, you take Li Hua and go to relatives and friends' houses for a walk together.

En. Li Mo felt that this matter should be done.

In the countryside, the birth of a child is a great joy, which means that the family has passed on, and Li Man has no natal family, nor any close relatives, so Li Mo considered the Zhang family in the town.

The old lady of the Zhang family treated Li Man like her own granddaughter. During Li Man's pregnancy, overturned people delivered things every three days, food, clothing, play, everything, even the child's small clothes and shoes. , and there are quite a few.

Li Man originally planned to send someone to announce the good news as soon as the child was born, but after these things happened, it was delayed.

Li Mo planned to take his fourth brother with him after breakfast, prepare some gifts, and go to the Zhang family to announce the good news.

However, what I never expected was that just after breakfast, when Li Xiangyu was still loading red eggs into the basket, the people from Zhang's family came to the door in person.

The old lady of the Zhang family sat in a small sedan chair carried by four people, and Zhang Jing, the grandson of the Zhang family, rode a tall horse with shiny fur. Under the guidance of the villagers, they arrived at Li's house.

Li Xiangcao was sweeping the floor in the yard. When she saw these people, she threw down the broom in shock and ran into the kitchen to call Li Mo.

And the villagers in the village, those who were so enthusiastic, had already started talking to Li Xiangcao before Li Xiangcao had time to explain the situation.

He ran to Li Mo and said that a distinguished guest had come to their house, and he looked excited, as if he had found a treasure.

And the others, watching the excitement, surrounded the Li family yard almost in the blink of an eye.

Fortunately, seeing that Zhang Jing and the others were doing well, these people did not dare to make mistakes.

However, in a poor valley like Shennvgou, where did such a decent person come from? To them, it was equivalent to the feeling of the emperor's presence, exciting and exciting.

Li Mo and the others also came out in a hurry, seeing that it was the Zhang family, they were shocked and speechless.

Zhang Jing got off the horse first, then walked to the sedan chair and helped Mrs. Zhang down.

When Li Xiangyu saw the new pair of satin shoes under the old lady's feet, stepping on the unswept yard of her house, she felt distressed and uncomfortable, but she didn't know what to do?

I heard that rich people's homes are covered with carpets, which are soft to step on and don't dirty shoes.

But their family...

Just thinking wildly, Zhang Jing had already helped Mrs. Zhang to Li Mo and the others.

Brother Li, you are being abrupt. I was thinking of posting here first, but grandma wants to come here in person. Zhang Jing explained with a smile.

The old lady Zhang glanced at him, and said, I, Man'er, gave birth to a baby. How can you post a post on such a big matter?

Then, he said to Li Mo, Boss, I heard people say about Man'er yesterday, but it was all true? How is she doing now? I want to see her? No wonder my eyelids kept twitching a few days ago. , I felt flustered, I thought it was Jing Er who caused some trouble outside, but I didn't want it to happen to Man Er.

Old lady, Man'er is fine now, don't worry, she's upstairs, I'll take you there. Li Hua stepped forward to comfort her.

Mrs. Zhang nodded, pushed Zhang Jing away, helped Li Hua, and was about to go upstairs.

Li Xiangyu gave his sister a wink, and Li Xiangcao immediately supported Mrs. Zhang and went upstairs together.

Here, Li Mo and others brought Zhang Jing to the living room to sit and talk.

It was the first time for Li Xiangyu to greet such a respectable person, she was nervous for a while and didn't know what to do, she was spinning around in the kitchen.

It was still Xiao Wu who held her back, and said with a smile, Auntie, don't worry, they have their own particulars, not to mention, they came here to see my sister, not for anything else, you just need to provide good tea , considerate hospitality, they will not dislike anything.

Tea, oh, by the way, the hot water is gone, auntie has to boil water quickly. Li Xiangyu only heard the word tea after Xiaowu said that, and hurriedly went to boil water under the stove.

Xiao Wu looked at her in a hurry and laughed, Auntie, this is the first time I've seen you panic like this.

Stinky boy, if you don't hurry to help, you'll know how to laugh. Li Xiangyu hit him a few times, but it didn't catch the fire, so he threw the firewood to Xiaowu.

Xiao Wu walked up to her and said with a smile, Auntie, let's boil the water. The premise is that there must be water in the pot.

Oh. Li Xiangyu slapped his head, suddenly realized, Look at my brain, it's alright, you light the fire, I'll add water.

Yeah. Xiao Wu responded and went to the stove to light a fire.

After a while, Li Xiangyu said again, Xiao Wu, I heard that the big family not only drinks tea, but also eats snacks and fruits when talking and chatting. Last time, Man'er ate some snacks. You can take some. Come out and put it on the table.

That's what Mrs. Zhang sent to deliver it. Xiao Wu said.

Li Xiangyu glanced at him and said, What are you afraid of? There is no name on this dim sum. Who knows it belongs to her family? Besides, there are some things on the table, which are decent. The Zhang family is a decent family at first glance. Our family ...It can't be too shabby.

About the Zhang family and Li Man, she also vaguely heard about it from Li Xiangcao later on, so she didn't know much about it, but she knew that the old lady had taken a fancy to Man'er at first and wanted her to be her grandson-in-law.

Just now, the young master of the Zhang family was sitting on that big horse, she didn't dare to look closely, so she took a sneaky glance.

Obedient, she really deserves to be a child raised by a rich family. Needless to say, his appearance is handsome, but just his whole body demeanor, this is the first time she has seen such a person in such an old age.

So noble and gorgeous, unassuming, but with a unique aura that people can't help but worship when they see it.

This made her firmly believe that if Man'er had known this family first, her nephews would not have had any problems.

Therefore, I suddenly felt strange in my heart, and I also felt a little unsteady.

Even, there is some feeling of being afraid of being compared to the dust.

Therefore, as the eldest aunt of the children, she felt that she should try her best to be better.

Although the Li family is not as good as the Zhang family in terms of family status, they are not the kind of poor people who can't afford food. Moreover, the Li family is also knowledgeable and courteous in hospitality.

Heh. Probably guessing what Li Xiangyu was thinking, Xiao Wu didn't point it out, and followed her orders very obediently.

Take out the snacks from the cupboard, divide them into several beautiful plates, and put them in a nice shape, and then show them to Li Xiangyu.

Auntie, is this possible?

Li Xiangyu looked at him, very satisfied, patted his head lightly, and said with a smile, Very good, send it over first, by the way, I will go to the vegetable garden later and pick some fruits.

The persimmons aren't ripe yet. Xiao Wu said.

Li Xiangyu said, It's almost there, I tasted one yesterday, you pick a few, wash them in a while, give them to taste,

This is what grows on our own tree, better than what they bought outside.

Heh. Little Wu Yile responded readily, Okay.

Just as he was about to take it away, Butler Zhang came in, and ordered someone to send a dozen boxes of things to Li Mo's room, and now he took the initiative to help in the kitchen.

This is Auntie Li, right? My surname is Zhang. Man'er calls me Aunt Zhang. I see that you are probably a few years older than me. How about I call you Sister Li and you call me sister?

As soon as Steward Zhang came, he talked to Li Xiangyu enthusiastically.

Although she is a housekeeper, the clothes she wears on her body and on her head are more neat than the rich-mouthed rich man's wife that Li Xiangyu has ever seen. This makes her feel a little embarrassed, so she only replied in embarrassment, saying hello, Sister, sit down quickly, I'm boiling water, and make tea later.

Sister Li, don't be busy, let's sit and talk. It's from the old Chang family. Butler Zhang called two women to come in.

The two women knew what to do, one went to boil water under the stove, and the other cleaned up the pot.

Li Xiangyu looked very sorry, and hurriedly stopped, I don't need you, we are all guests, how can this be so embarrassing? Sit down and rest quickly.

Sister Li, let them do it. Butler Zhang stopped Li Xiangyu, pulled her to sit on a chair, and said with a smile, I'll let them cook lunch later. I know that my sister's cooking skills are good, but These days, when Man'er gave birth, you have to take care of the whole family, which is hard work, no, the old lady brought us here to comfort you and let you have a rest.

This? What are you talking about? Taking care of Man'er is the right thing to do. Li Xiangyu said embarrassedly.

Steward Zhang held her back, Stop your hands and talk to me for a while. I heard that Man'er almost lost her life when she gave birth to this child...

Hey. Speaking of this, the two women started talking.

Upstairs, with the support of Li Xiangcao and Li Hua, Mrs. Zhang went all the way to Li Man's room.

The moment Li Man saw Mrs. Zhang, she was very happy. However, what was sad was that she was gesticulating her breasts boredly, thinking that after measuring the size with her fingers, she would ask Li Hua to make it for herself as soon as possible. She felt uncomfortable in unlined clothes.

But who would have known that Li Hua and others suddenly opened the door and came in, and then, the scene where her fingertips circled around her chest fell into everyone's eyes so gorgeously.

Li Xiangcao was taken aback for a moment, and her face immediately turned red.

Li Hua was stunned for a moment, his eyes flickered.

Li Man straightened her clothes, bent her lips pretending to be calm, and didn't look at the two uncles and nephews who looked strange, but only looked at Mrs. Zhang who was running towards her with red eyes.

Grandma, why are you here?

Mrs. Zhang is old, her eyes are a little blurry, and after hearing about Li Man, her eye circles have been red all the time. The moment she saw her again, she was probably excited, and her eye sockets were a little hot, so I didn't see her clearly. just move.

But, she threw herself to the side of the bed, held Li Man's face in her hands, looked left and right, Man'er, are you all right?

Hee hee, grandma, you've heard that too? It's really all right. Look, I've gained a lot of weight now. As she spoke, Li Man pinched the flesh on her cheek.

Seeing her ruddy complexion, Mrs. Zhang was relieved, and said with a smile, It's good to be fat. It's a blessing to be fat. By the way, where are the children?

It's in the little girl's room downstairs. Li Man said, Have you seen it yet?

Mrs. Zhang grabbed her hand and said, I'm worried about you as a mother. Now that you're fine, I'm relieved. Well, Li Hua, do you think the children are asleep? If they are, it's fine. , if you are awake, hug me up and let me have a look. My old leg, just climbing up the stairs like this, I can’t bear it anymore, don’t joke, I’m too lazy to move.”

Madam, you can just sit here and talk to Man'er, and I'll bring the baby up later. Li Hua said with a smile.

Then, they went downstairs with Li Xiangcao, leaving this space to their grandparents and grandchildren.

Mrs. Zhang took Li Man's hand and asked many questions carefully.

For example, what symptoms did you have when you gave birth that day, but it went well, why did you become unconscious later? Is there any abnormality in the body after waking up?

Also, is it breastfeeding the child, and the children are not making trouble at night.

As soon as she heard that this old lady was someone who had experienced it, Li Man answered all of them.

But in time, Li Hua came up holding the two children one by one, and Li Xiangcao followed behind, bringing hot goat milk.

When Mrs. Zhang saw the child, she was very excited, but the child was too young, she didn't dare to hold it, so she just put it in Li Man's arms, looked at it a few more times, the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

And took off a pair of bracelets on the wrists, and a child stuffed one.

This can't be done. After all, Li Man has some knowledge. The bracelets on the old lady's wrist are of good quality. Wearing it on your hand, I am afraid that it is also very meaningful.

Sure enough, Li Man guessed it right. Mrs. Zhang pressed down her hand that she was about to reject, and said with a smile, This is my favorite pair of bracelets. It was back then when Jinger's grandfather was born after I gave birth to Jinger. In my father's year, I bought it for me. I have been wearing it on my hand all these years, and I have never been willing to take it off. It is agreed that I will leave it to my granddaughter as a dowry in the future. Haha, but you can see, I The old lady has nothing but a grandson like Jing'er. Man'er, I really like you when I met you, old lady. Although it is not my own, Sheng is my own.

The same goes for this bracelet passed on to you. It's just that you are a baby girl now, hehe, you don't need a dowry, so just leave it to my great-granddaughter.

Li Xiangcao said from the side, Madam, this is the great-grandson.

Oh, oh. Mrs. Zhang excitedly lifted off the little quilt of her second child, revealing the pleasing little sparrow, and immediately smiled from ear to ear, Okay, okay, really good. Man'er, then this I will leave the bracelet to my future great-granddaughter-in-law.

Li Manhan grumbled, and said with a smile, They're only a few days old now, so it's too early to say that.

What's the matter? The more Mrs. Zhang looked at these two children, the more she felt good about them, the more she liked them, and she couldn't help thinking again, and said, Man'er, look, I wanted you to be my grandson-in-law at the beginning, you It's over. This time, you can't go back on your word. Soon, at the end of the year, Jing'er will marry a young lady from the Mei family, and it is estimated that she will be able to have a baby next year. Let me tell you, if Jing'er in the future If you have a girl, this girl will be your daughter-in-law, if you have a boy, hehe, don't be reluctant, this pink and tender little girl of yours will belong to my Zhang family.

Cough. Li Man's head was full of black lines, Grandma, is this a doll kiss?

Mrs. Zhang looked serious, It was too late when I met you, now it's not too early, and I will be preempted by someone later, old lady, I can't find a place to cry when I want to cry.

Li Man laughed.

Li Hua was beside him, but he didn't agree with the baby girl very much. He just changed the subject with a smile, Madam, this child is still young and cannot bear such an expensive gift. Today, you can come, it is already a big deal for them. God loves it so much.”

As he spoke, he took out the bracelet from the two children's bags, and handed it to Mrs. Zhang respectfully.

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback for a moment, she saw Li Hua's refusal, she was a little embarrassed, she just looked at Li Man with a smile.

Li Man did not expect that Li Hua would reject the old lady so directly. She couldn't figure out why he did this, but felt that he had his reasons for doing so.

When her man does things, she should naturally stand by his side.

So, Li Man also smiled, and put the pair of bracelets on the wrists of the old lady Zhang, Grandma, this is a gift from grandpa. Things are precious, and love is even more precious. The children are young and don't understand anything. Give it to me. They, what a pity. If you really want to give gifts to the children, hehe, I think the golden lock you gave last time is very good. Li Hua, please open the small box in the cabinet. There is a pair of small golden locks inside. The lock was given to the babies by grandma, and they haven’t worn it yet. Grandma is here today, so I just took it out and put it on for grandma to see, our little girl looks so pretty, haha.”

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