Fortunate Wife

Episode 34 Lawsuit

Little rabbit, where did it come from? Looking at the little pitiful rabbit in Li Hua's arms, it seemed that it had just come out of the mother's womb, and even its fur was wet. Li Man couldn't help feeling pity, and took out a clean cloth from under the car. Come on, pass it to Li Hua, Wipe it quickly.

Yeah. Li Hua wiped the little rabbit with a dry cloth while introducing its origin to Li Man.

It turned out that I picked it up when I was cutting thatch on the mountain in the afternoon. At that time, the little thing fell into the grass, and my elder brother didn't see it. I almost cut it with a scythe, but it was just trembling with fright, but it couldn't even escape. In the end, the eldest brother picked it up pitifully, thinking that it was probably a cub that was lost at birth, so he asked Li Hua to send it back first.

Looking at this poor little thing, Li Man suddenly thought that there is still a bamboo basket at home, which was used by Li Xiangcao to raise rabbits last year. It is covered with dry thatch, which is the most suitable nest for rabbits.

She hurriedly put the eldest in the car and let him play by himself, while she went back to the house to find the rabbit nest.

Li Xiangyu also came to see the little rabbit with her second child in her arms. She felt that the rabbit was too small, and that she might not even know how to eat, so she probably couldn't keep it alive.

But Li Man brought the finished rabbit nest over, and Li Hua carefully put the little rabbit into the rabbit nest.

What should you give it to eat? Li Xiangyu reminded the childish couple from the side.

Li Hua was taken aback. Last year, the rabbit that Zhang Ben gave to Li Xiangcao had grown up, but this one is obviously too small, and it seems that it can't eat by itself.

Don't be afraid. Li Man suddenly had a flash of inspiration, picked up the little rabbit, and walked to the corner of the room where the milk goat was tied.

The dairy goat was sleeping against the wall and taking a nap on the ground. Just in time, Li Man stuffed the little rabbit into her arms.

It's just that the little rabbit is too small, it seems that it doesn't know how to drink milk, and it doesn't even know how to hold a nipple.

Li Man had no choice but to help.

Fortunately, this little thing was hungry, and after a few drops of milk, it probably knew what was going on. It really kicked its calf, and immediately regained its energy, and started sucking and sucking by itself.

The sweet dream of the dairy goat seemed to be awakened, struggling to get up like annoyed, but when he saw a little furry thing in his arms, his motherhood was suddenly revived, and he lay down quietly again.

This scene made Li Man full of emotions. Sure enough, maternal love does not distinguish between types.

Li Xiangyu watched from the side and also smiled, These two are really like a family.

That's right. Li Man also smiled, unexpectedly, a few strangers suddenly came to the yard at this moment.

Everyone followed the reputation, and it was Qian San who was beaten before, and there were two government servants in official clothes.

When Li Xiangyu saw the yamen servant, her legs became weak, and Li Man hurriedly supported her, Auntie, are you alright?

What are they doing here? Li Xiangyu asked worriedly. Since ancient times, no common people liked to deal with people in the government.

Li Hua stepped forward to inquire, and the yamen servant brought up Qian San, saying, You guys know him, right? Go to the yamen today and sue you for not paying the debt, and beat him up.

Officer, are you mistaken? We don't owe him money, and we don't know him. Li Xiangyu said hastily.

It doesn't matter to us. Whoever is in charge of this family, come with us to the yamen, and the county master will handle it impartially. Yaya servant Jia said in an official tone.

When Li Man saw him talking, he made eye contact with Qian San. He was clearly very familiar. Maybe it was Qian San who secretly bribed him, so he couldn't help feeling cold sweat.

Are you going to take someone away? Then, show us your ID first. Also, do you have an arrest warrant from the court?

What? Documents, arrest warrant? The two yamen servants were stunned for a moment, but they both looked at Li Man at the same time, and they couldn't move their eyes away.

What do you want to do? Seeing the two yamen servants approaching Li Man, Li Hua suddenly stood in front of his wife, staring at them vigilantly.

The two yamen servants looked at each other and smiled, with the same wretched light in their eyes, Hey, you are the head of this family, right? This is your wife? Well, you two will come with us.

As they said that, one of them stepped forward to arrest Li Hua, and the other wanted to arrest Li Man.

Go away, don't touch her. Li Hua pushed away the yamen servant in front of him, turned around and kicked the yamen servant who was rushing towards Li Man, kicked this person to the ground, and gnawed. marl.

Damn, how could he allow another man's dirty paws to touch his woman?

Li Hua, who has always been gentle and refined, lost his temper. Not only Li Xiangyu was frightened, but even Li Man was stunned.

Well, seeing how he slapped and kicked people just now, he is so handsome.

Seeing his companion's panic, Qian San and another yamen servant rushed towards Li Hua.

Li Hua was probably confused, and didn't dodge, but started to fight with these two people. Li Man was afraid that he would suffer, so she hurried to the corridor, picked up the washboard, and threw at the two scoundrels. People screamed.

Li Xiangyu looked at the group of people who were fighting, and was afraid that his nephew and niece and daughter-in-law would suffer, so he couldn't control so much, so he picked up a stick and joined the ranks of fighting.

So, when Li Mo and others came back, the Li family's yard was already in chaos.

Stop, stop quickly, you are so bold that you even dare to hit the official? The village chief was the first to jump in, almost roughly tearing Li Hua away.

Li Mo and Li Yan waited for a few, and also hurriedly pulled Li Man and Li Xiangyu away.

Master Village Chief, they are the ones who come up regardless and want to arrest people

what. As soon as Li Xiangyu saw the village chief, Li Xiangyu had a backbone. After all, she and the village chief were acquaintances growing up together, and she didn't believe that he could favor outsiders.

You go away first. The village chief gave her a helpless look, did he still have Wang Fa in his eyes, and even beat officials? Aren't you afraid of being caught in jail?

You are the village head? Yamen servant A wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then vented all the grievances after the beating on the village head, You came just in time, you should take a look, this is your good villager? Lian Yamen The people in the house dare to fight? Tell me, how do you deal with it?

What should we do with it? Are you people from the yamen? Li Man stepped forward angrily, accusing him, If you're from the yamen, at least you have to be reasonable? Before you arrest someone, you have to show your ID and explain why, right? If you say arrest people, you arrest them, who dares to go with you? You say you are government servants, we are used to living in poor valleys, how many servants can we see in our lifetime? If you don’t prove it to us, how can we do it? Believe it? This Qian Sanben is a gangster, used to cheating and abducting, he came to my house a few days ago without extorting money, and today he brought you here again, who knows if you are in the same group?

Li Man crackled, and the village head understood what she said after hearing it. He hurriedly followed her words and explained, Misunderstanding, you two officials, this is all a misunderstanding.

What a misunderstanding, I've been beaten up like this, you just misunderstood and it's over? Yamen servant B rubbed the corners of his bruised eyes, and glared at Li Man and the others viciously.

Li Man curled her lips, shook her sore arm, and spat, Fighting is not as good as others, what can we do? Besides, you three, we are three, and two of us are women , one is a half-grown child, fighting with you three elders, it stands to reason that we are the ones who suffer.

You? Qian San was furious, and said to the two yamen servants, Master, this village woman is too tricky, let's leave her alone, take her back to the yamen first.

Yamen servant A glanced at Qian San, communicated for a while with eyes that only two people could understand, and then snorted coldly, Village chief, we have been ordered by the county lord to bring the head of the Li family to the county yamen. handle the case.

At this time, the periphery of Li's courtyard was full of people, all curious about what case the yamen servant was talking about?

As soon as Li Mo saw Qian San, he basically guessed what was going on, and said, I am the head of this family, and I will go with you.

Brother. Li Man and the others quickly grabbed him.

This ancient time is different from modern times. Li Man has also seen the darkness in the yamen on TV. There are many people who are tortured and tortured indiscriminately.

No matter what era it is, if the common people want to compete with the government, that is completely nonsense.

Brother. Li Man hurriedly explained, Remember, that Qian San is nothing more than extortion of money. The most we can give someone money is to treat it as feeding the dog. Don't wrong yourself.

Li Yan pulled Li Man away and said, Brother, I'll go with you.

I'll go too. A good man with three gangs, relying on his brothers to go into battle, Li Shu will naturally not be left behind.

Li Hua also took a step forward, Second brother, third brother, you stay at home, I will go with elder brother. After all, he has studied and knows a little about the laws of the dynasty. With him around, maybe it will be better .

Fourth brother, you and the third child stay here. Li Yan pulled Li Hua down and said seriously, There must be someone at home. Only when you are at home can my elder brother and I feel at ease.


Just listen to your second brother. Li Mo stopped Li Hua and said, I'll just go with your second brother, it's not a big deal, fourth brother, you and third brother, just stay at home and take care of them, don't... ....don’t worry.

When it was over, before everyone had anything to say, Li Mo said to the village chief again, Village chief, you are troubled.

Boss, this matter, hey, why did it become a lawsuit? The village chief showed a helpless look.

Let's go. Li Yan listened lazily to the village chief's rambling, and took a step first, and Li Man followed him in small steps, Li Yan.

Huh? When Li Yan turned his head, he saw his daughter-in-law with red eyes, feeling sad for a while, Don't worry, nothing will happen.

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to rub her hair, but he stretched out his hand, but didn't touch her hair, so he withdrew his hand suddenly and strode out of the yard.

Li Mo also told Li Shu and Li Hua to take care of the house, and followed him out.

Brother. Li Man was so sad that she secretly hated Qian San, who even got through the yamen?

As soon as the few people left, Li Xiangyu begged the village chief, Master village chief, you have to think of a way. Our boss is an honest man and has never done anything bad in his life. This time, he was completely framed by the one who suffered a thousand knives. .”

Auntie. Li Hua pulled Li Xiangyu away. If the village chief could think of a way, he wouldn't let someone take away his two elder brothers just now.

Li Hua, what should I do? Li Xiangyu burst into tears as she spoke, thinking that she had never encountered such a thing in her life.

Li Man hurriedly pulled her back to the house, persuading her, Auntie, don't worry, brother and the others didn't commit any serious crimes, they were just wronged and extorted money, and they just spent more money to get people, no Something big will happen.

Spending money? Yes, hurry up. I heard that people who enter the yamen will lose their skin if they don't die. Hurry up and get some money. Li Xiangyu hurriedly ordered.

Li Man nodded repeatedly, Okay, aunt, you take care of the children, and I will take care of it myself.

After finishing speaking, he came out and saw that many people were still standing at the door, arguing a lot, so he winked at Li Shu.

Li Shu understands,

Busy over to chase people away, It's all gone, gone.

The village head also helped drive people away, You are not allowed to watch it anymore, and you are not allowed to talk nonsense when you go back, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude.

After everyone dispersed, the village chief said to Li Shu worriedly, Third brother, this matter is big or small. Once it goes to court, it will be hard to say, and white can be black.

Then according to the opinion of the village chief? Li Hua asked with eyebrows raised.

The village chief sighed softly, For the current plan, what other way can we do? Hurry up and collect some money and send it to the yamen, and all parties will take care of it, so that your two elder brothers will not suffer more. .”

That's exactly what I said. Hearing this, Li Xiangyu rushed out to say it again, but the Li family has always been honest and responsible, so who can they know in the yamen, so she wanted to ask the village chief to help the Li family manage.

The village chief originally had the same thoughts. Although he has been the village chief of this village for many years, people always go to high places. Why don't he take this opportunity to get closer to the people above him? Second, if he really saved the Li family brothers, it would be considered a merit, and his prestige in Shennvgou would also increase greatly from now on.

But Li Man didn't believe him, or in other words, the experience of traveling through the day made her have an unspeakable prejudice against the village chief.

Auntie, you go back to the house first. We need to discuss this matter in a long-term way. Mr. Village Chief, you can go back too. You are tired of this matter today. When Li Mo comes back someday, let him bring a special gift to thank you. Mr. Village Chief. Li Man said while pulling Li Xiangyu into the house.

Li Shu and Li Hua naturally guessed what she was thinking when they heard her words.

Besides, the two of them didn't have much trust in the village chief.

If the money is handed over to the village chief to handle it, it's better for the two of them to go in person, and feel more at ease.

Village Chief, I'm really sorry. If this happened at home, I won't let you sit down. Li Hua said and was about to turn around and enter the house.

The village chief hurriedly shouted, Li Hua, if something happened to your family, can I, the village chief, just sit and let it go? Don't worry, you should prepare your money first, and I will take you brothers to the county government right away. It’s better not to be late to manage things, otherwise, it’s useless to use money after being beaten.”

We don't have any money, and besides, it's someone who blackmailed us, not to mention going to the county government, even going to the emperor's dragon hall, we are justified. Li Shu shouted angrily.

The village chief frowned again and again, Third brother, what you said is reasonable, but we have to prepare for this matter first, don't we? If something happens midway, it will be your two elder brothers who will suffer from it.

Okay, village head, let's discuss this matter first, you go back first, if we need your place, we will naturally have to ask you. Li Hua said.

Hearing what he said, the village head could only sigh a long time, and said, Well, then I'll go back first, you guys have a good time discussing it yourself, if you need my place, just open your mouth, anyway, I'm also the head of a village, the key I can still say a word or two from time to time.”

Thank you, village chief. Li Hua sent the village chief away and hurried back to the house.

Li Xiangyu was sitting by the door wiping tears, Li Hua asked, Where is Man'er?

Let's stay in her room. Uh, what kind of evil has this been done? One thing after another, it's only been a few days in peace, and this kind of thing happened again. God bless, the boss and the second child must be safe, Otherwise, how can I explain to your underground parents.

Li Xiangyu and his party said that they were crying, but Li Hua ignored her and went straight to the second floor with Li Shu.

Li Man was rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the house, and finally found the money.

There are more than two hundred taels in total, which is the silver that Li Mo intends to use to buy the land.

She put it in her arms, and pulled Li Hua, Let's go, Li Shu, you stay and take care of the family.

Daughter-in-law, where are you going? Li Shu hurriedly grabbed her, worried.

Li Man grabbed his hand comfortingly and said, Li Shu, don't worry, Li Hua and I will go to the Zhang family first. We are familiar with each other, I think, it is better to ask them to manage it than our own headless chickens.

Yes, why did I forget this, hurry up, Man'er, go and beg Mrs. Zhang, let them help rescue the boss and the second one. Li Xiangyu followed closely behind and came up when she heard Li Man'er If so, he immediately agreed.

Well, okay, aunt, the family will be handed over to you and Li Shu, Li Man instructed, Li Shu, if Li Hua and I can't come back tonight, we will come back tomorrow, don't worry, take care of me. Well, our children, don't go out, no matter who is looking for you, you have to keep someone at home, you know?

Well, I know, daughter-in-law, you and fourth brother pay attention to safety. Li Shu couldn't help nodding, he knew that fourth brother was smarter than himself, and it was much better to have him with his wife than to be with him.

Third brother, don't worry too much, the eldest brother and the second brother will be fine. Seeing the sad expression on the third brother's face, Li Hua comforted her.

Li Shu nodded again and again, Go, it's getting late.

Okay. Li Man packed up his money and set out on the road with Li Hua.

This time, without using a small cart, she was able to walk with wind, probably because she was full of Li Mo and Li Yan in her heart, so she didn't feel tired after walking such a long distance for the first time.

Not long after they left home, Li Xiangcao ran back crying.

Sure enough, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

As soon as the incident with the Li family came out, within half a day, even Li Xiangcao heard the news.

Knowing that it was the servant of Qian Sandai, Li Xiangcao thought it was because of her own

Because of this, the two nephews were harmed, and they ran back crying immediately. Zhang Ben wanted to stop him, but he ran after him.

Sister, as soon as they entered the door, Li Xiangcao grabbed Li Xiangyu and asked crying, Have Li Mo and Li Yan really been taken away?

Well, how did you know? Li Xiangyu's eyes were already red and swollen, and tears flowed down again.

Li Xiangcao shook her head, both ashamed and angry. After letting go of her sister, she ran outside, I want to find them. It's none of Li Mo and Li Yan's business. If they want to arrest, they can arrest me.

Vanilla. Zhang Bencai rushed in, and saw his daughter-in-law crying and ran out again. He hurriedly hugged her and dragged her into the house, Calm down, let's talk slowly if we have something to say.

Sister, Li Shucai coaxed the child, and came out after closing the door. Seeing Li Xiangcao and Zhang Ben, he said, Keep down, the child will fall asleep.

Li Shu. I'm sorry for you.

Li Xiangcao looked at him guiltily, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Vanilla, sit down and rest for a while. Zhang Ben felt sorry for his wife, pulled her to sit down, and asked Li Shu what happened.

Li Shu then brought Qian San to the yamen servant to arrest people in detail, and at the end, he said, Don't worry too much, Maner and the fourth brother went to the Zhang family to find someone, and they will definitely rescue the elder brother and the second brother. of.

En. Li Xiangcao's heart was a little more stable at this time, but thinking about it, Qian San came to Li's house to ask for money with Shen Runsheng's IOU, so he must have been instigated by Shen Runsheng. Thinking of this, Li Xiangcao's heart ached. The fire burned again.

After ten years of love, once it was gone, she thought everything was over.

Even though he did many things that made her sad and painful, she never hated him in the true sense, and sometimes even explained to him in her heart. After all, he is the only son of the Shen family, and the Shen family relies on him to inherit , she couldn't give birth to a man and a half woman for him, and it was quite unusual for her to end up in this final situation.

But, even if he was empathetic, she never doubted that he was so filthy?

What about his literati character? Did all the books he read end up in the dog's stomach?

Instead, she wanted to ask him face to face, to what extent was his heart so dark that he would harm the Li family so much?

Vanilla? Seeing Li Xiangcao's expression suddenly changed, Zhang Ben's heart skipped a beat, and he hugged her instinctively.

Leave me alone, I'm going to ask him, is his heart really dark? Without knowing where the strength came from, Li Xiangcao threw Zhang Ben away and ran out suddenly.

Sister-in-law. Li Shu and Li Xiangyu hurriedly chased after her.

Zhang Ben knew that there were children at home to take care of, so he stopped them, She won't run far, don't worry, I'll chase after her, and nothing will happen to her.

After speaking, Zhang Ben chased him out.

As soon as Li Xiangyu clapped his hands, he sat on the stool and cried sadly.

Li Shu stood at the door, looking at the well-growing flowers and plants in the yard, thinking about the joy of being with his wife last night, and thinking about the enthusiasm of his brothers when they were busy working in the field in the morning, he suddenly felt a little dazed.

How did things come to this point?

Before the sun set, Li Man arrived at Zhang's house.

Mrs. Zhang was about to have dinner, she was very happy when she saw her coming, and quickly ordered someone to order more dishes in the kitchen.

But where Li Man could eat, she didn't care about all the maids in the room, so she begged the old lady, Grandma, I have something to ask you today, something terrible.

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Zhang also jumped, and then noticed that Li Man's expression was not the same as before, and she was very haggard.

What's the matter? Tell me quickly. Mrs. Zhang hurriedly pulled her to sit down, and at the same time shunned the maids away, leaving only Nanny Zhang who was doing business.

Li Man simply and clearly explained the arrest of Li Mo and Li Yan.

Mrs. Zhang was very angry when she heard the words, There are such farting things in the world, they have already made up, why don't you come here shamelessly to ask for a dowry?

There is no dowry at all, it's all made up by that person. Li Man said.

I know. Without further ado, Mrs. Zhang ordered Nanny Zhang, You, well, I don't need you. You go directly to Jing'er, tell him about it, and let him handle it himself. I don't care what he does. What method, in short, the two brothers of the Li family must come back to me tonight.

Yes. Upon hearing this, Nanny Zhang went to look for Zhang Jing immediately.

After listening to the old lady's words, Li Man's heart was half relieved. Hearing from the old lady's tone, it would not be difficult to do this. However, she didn't dare to rest assured that the person hadn't returned yet.

Grandma. She took out the money in her bosom, I don't know much about it, but it always costs money to ask for help. I don't bring much, so you keep it first. If it's not enough, I'll figure it out later .”

Seeing Yinzi, Mrs. Zhang's face was pulled down, Damn girl, then the brother of the Li family is your husband, that is, my grandson-in-law. My old lady wants money to save her grandson-in-law? Aren't you slapping me in the face?

No, grandma, you have misunderstood. Li Man hurriedly explained, This money is not for you, but for your business. It takes a lot to find someone in the yamen...

Oh, don't worry, Jing'er will take care of everything. Mrs. Zhang interrupted her and said with a smile.

Li Man sighed softly, I know, but I can't ask you to contribute your efforts and money.

It doesn't cost money. Madam Zhang said confidently.

Li Man blinked, Really?

Really, you can't even trust me

? Mrs. Zhang looked at her funny, Man'er, don't worry, if you don't see your husbands and sons-in-law tonight, I will personally accompany you to the Yamen tomorrow, how about it?

With the old man's words, Li Man felt more at ease, Grandma, no matter what happens, Man'er will remember your kindness.

What kind of grace is this, it's just a matter of convenience, besides, you were framed by someone. Mrs. Zhang said, and called the maids outside, ordering them to prepare a meal.

Me. Li Man wanted to say that he couldn't eat it, but Mrs. Zhang's kindness was not easy to shake off.

Mrs. Zhang said with a smile, People need to be rescued, but they also need to eat. Your husbands and sons-in-law love you like a baby. If they see you lose weight this time, they will die of heartache. Don't worry, just wait here with me, you should eat and drink, maybe you will see them in a while.

Oh. Li Man didn't think that things would go so smoothly. If Li Mo and the others could go home tomorrow, she would already be thankful.

Okay, quickly call the fourth child in, I am not someone else's house here, besides, he is also my grandson-in-law, so how can I have so many scruples. Mrs. Zhang ordered someone to invite Li Hua who was waiting outside. .

Not long after, Li Hua came in. Before Li Man could say anything, Mrs. Zhang said, Sit down with Man'er and have a good meal. Leave the rest to Jinger. If he can't handle it, it's a big deal. , my old lady will do it herself, I believe the county master will give my old lady a little bit of face.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Momo came back and said, Madam, Master Jing has already left the house. According to your instructions, he said that he will personally pick up the brothers from the Li family.

Okay, okay, that makes sense. Mrs. Zhang nodded repeatedly, and finally persuaded Li Man and Li Hua, Did you hear that? Jing'er said to pick them up in person. Hurry up and eat, and we'll see each other in a while. .”

Thank you, old lady. Li Hua said sincerely.

There was also a smile on Li Man's face, picked up the chopsticks, and picked up the food for the old lady, Grandma, thank you, I am not familiar with the place here, and I will never think of others when I encounter something. If there is no Grandma, I really don't know what to do?

She was telling the truth, which also aroused some hidden sadness in her heart. Even if she had her husband and children who loved her in this life, she would still miss her parents and friends in that life.

Silly boy, don't be sad. Look at you, your eyes are red. After a while, Li Mo and the others will come back and see your swollen eyes. You still think my old lady is bullying you. Mrs. Zhang jokingly said with a smile .

Nanny Zhang also advised, Man'er, don't worry if Master Jing comes forward, everything will be fine.

En. Li Man nodded repeatedly.

Accompanied Mrs. Zhang for a dinner, after the meal, they sat in the room and chatted. When talking about the two children at home, Li Man finally had a smile on his face.

The old lady said that the weather is cold now, otherwise, she really wants to go to Shennvgou to see the child again.

Li Man said, when the children are older, it is easier to bring them, and bring them to Zhang's mansion to see their great-grandmother.

Talking and chatting, time flies, seeing the sky outside the window darken, and the lights in the room are turned on, suddenly, someone outside reported, Master Jing is back.

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