Remember in one second

Jiang Wei, who flipped through the book and got the answer right, slammed his head on the table, and he got it all right!

Why even a coin can be used for multiple-choice questions!

After finishing the previous question, Lin Qingyin was stunned for a moment when she looked at the question and answer question at the back. Jiang Wei took a look and felt relieved. You can choose and judge fortune telling, but short answer questions can't do anything, and coins can't do it. Help you write your answers on paper.

Unexpectedly, Lin Qingyin only paused for a moment and then picked up the tortoise shell. After a while, she suddenly picked up the geography book and turned to page 73. Jiang Wei couldn't help standing up and glanced at the book. The content of that page was astonishingly The answer to that short answer question.

Jiang Wei: ...!!!

Can you tell me how that coin tells you which page the answer is on?

Jiang Wei looked at Lin Qingyin in dismay as he quickly copied the answer, picked up the turtle shell, and found the answer to the next question accurately. Looking at Fatty Wang, who was also stunned next to him, Jiang Wei slammed his arm into him with a suspicious look on his face: Brother Fatty, how did the little master know where the page number is?

Fatty Wang glanced at him in vain: If I knew this, I would become a master too!

There were only five short-answer questions, and Lin Qingyin quickly copied the answers and put the written test paper aside, only to find that the two people in the room were looking at him strangely.

Little Master... Jiang Wei sighed bitterly, You're not doing well?

Lin Qingyin raised her head and looked at her: What's wrong? Teacher won't let me?

Jiang Weiyu glanced at her, but the teacher didn't say no...

But the teacher never imagined that there would be students who would shake their fortunes and calculate the answer! !

Fatty Wang pushed Jiang Wei, who had broken the three views, to one side, and was especially courteous to flatter him and offered suggestions: The little master is really accurate, but it's too cold to mix it with coins. I know that there is an antique street that sells all kinds of things. Yes, why don't you go there and choose some ancient coins.

Lin Qingyin's heart suddenly moved when she heard this, she reached out and picked up the turtle shell and started another hexagram. She calculated that this hexagram was longer than the previous calculation of the answer, and even her expression became much more solemn.

Three minutes later, Lin Qingyin put down the tortoise shell: We will go out to Antique Street in an hour.

Fatty Wang immediately clapped his hands in agreement: The time that the little master has calculated must be a good time, and you can definitely choose the ancient money you like.

Jiang Wei: ...

He felt that if this happened in the past, he must have been an upright loyal minister, and that Fatty Wang...

snort! That is a flattering eunuch!


Qicheng is also a city with cultural heritage. It was the capital of a dynasty two or three thousand years ago, and there are many historical sites. In recent decades, there have been frequent reports of building houses and buildings to dig out ancient coins.

When Fatty Wang used to set up a stall and fortune-telling, he was in the market every day. There was nothing he didn't know about the three religions and nine streams, and there were no places he didn't know about. He was like a treasure uncle, he could find anything Lin Qingyin needed. .

Fatty Wang drove the two to Antique Street. The Antique Street is divided into two parts. The four-storey red building in front and the facade of each room sells artworks such as calligraphy, painting, porcelain, snuff bottles, etc. An old alley, there are various shops on both sides of the alley, some of which are low and dim and look like old houses, while others are decorated with big plaques. It's a kind of antique literary play, but it's hard to tell whether it's true or not, it all depends on the eyesight of the person who buys it. There are also some small stalls at the back of the street, and they only need 10 yuan per day for sanitation management fees.

Lin Qingyin wanted to buy ancient money for fortune telling. Fatty Wang took her directly to the backstreet. It was not yet noon, and there were not many people on the backstreet. Most of them looked like tourists, and few really came to shop. of. Some shop owners are sitting in the shop playing with their mobile phones, while others are sitting under the eaves drinking tea trays of walnuts.

Although Jiang Wei is a local, this is the first time he has come to Antique Street. He looks around like a silly roe deer and wants to enter when he sees the shop. Fatty Wang grabbed his collar and pouted towards Lin Qingyin: Follow the little master.

Lin Qingyin touched the tortoise shell and stopped in the middle of the street for a moment, then walked directly to a nearby shop. The shop owner was sitting under the eaves drinking tea. After seeing Lin Qingyin, he raised his eyebrows and didn't get up. Seeing Fatty Wang behind him, he smiled.

How come fat brother is free? Business has been bad recently?

Fatty Wang laughed twice, and didn't answer his question directly, but said ambiguously, I'm so bored that I come out and walk around, let's see Mr. Zhao too.

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