Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2915: Head of the family

However, the matter is very important, and no mistakes are allowed. If you tell these people in advance, whoever leaks the news will not be fruitful.

"I know Brother Tyrant, you don't need to order this, we will definitely pay attention."

"Okay, go ahead and work on your own affairs. I will notify you when you act."

Liu Badao, these people under his hand would only be loyal to Liu Ba alone, except for his words, no one's orders and orders would be effective.

Sitting in the room alone, drying up all the wine in the glass in one breath, Liu Ba took a deep breath.

"The surname Xiao is yours. You must offend those people. Don't blame my ruthless men."

Liu Ba will find the right time to start, but Xiao Yi doesn't know what others think, so he still follows the trajectory of his previous life.

Raytheon’s wife, the family also moved to H City to live at this time, saving a lot of trouble, and coming to an unfamiliar city would be somewhat uncomfortable.

After returning from the mission, Xiao Yi also got news that Raytheon had already returned to the team, and he had his own things to do after half a month of leave.

The next day Xiao Yi went to Raytheon's house first to see if they had any needs, and Xiao Yi would try his best to meet them.

On the other side of the world, the Jiang family was preparing for the big wedding, seeing the wedding date gradually approaching.

However, everyone in the Jiang family knows that Jiang Ying, who is really married, has already escaped from the Jiang family. This time, it is Jiang Ying's older sister, Jiang Wan.

In this Jiang family, as long as it is a woman, in addition to marrying into the Jiang family, they can be in power in the Jiang family. The fate of everyone else is waiting to be arranged by others.

Over the years, they have been married into different family giants and lived different lives. Only they know that happiness or sadness.

Jiang Zhen returned home from City H. This time it was his daughter's big wedding. As a father, he must make preparations in advance and make sure that Jiang's family shines that day.

On an isolated island of the Jiang family, there was no one living there, but more than ten years ago, a woman entered the island and lived alone.

This has been more than ten years. In more than ten years, she has never returned home. No one has seen her except for some food and clothing.

"Are you planning to meet her?"

"Grandma, you are right, no matter what, she is Jiang Wan's aunt. We need to inform her of such an important matter."

Jiang Zhen was sitting on a boat at this moment, and the turbulent sea, near the area where Jiang lived, became calm, like a lake in the interior.

After seeing Jiang Zhen's figure, an old woman with white hair came to Jiang Zhen's side with the support of two close-fitting maids.

Like Jiang Zhen, the woman mentioned is the granddaughter of the old woman, the one who was more dear back then, but it's a pity that things are wrong, and some things can't be returned.

"Hey... this girl, she was rushed back from Xiao's house, and she completely changed like a person, even my old lady ignored me."

"Grandma, don't be sad, my sister just can't think about it, so she kept shutting herself up on Mochizuki Island."

"She can't think about it. It's been sixteen years. I don't know if I can live and see her again."

The old white-haired woman sighed. She did some things ruthlessly, just for the whole Jiang family. This was a choice that she had to make.

Outsiders don’t understand, just forget it, just understand it in your heart, and work hard for the same Jiang family and the prosperity of the Jiang family.

Jiang Zhen understood some grandma's intentions a little, he looked at her grandma's increasingly aging figure, and said here.

"Don't worry, grandma, after I passed, I persuaded her that this matter has passed for so many years, and she should have forgotten about it. It's time to go home."

"Well... if she still refuses to come back, you can give her this thing."

The old woman took off a bracelet from her body. The bracelet showed a crimson red color, as if a ball of flame was burning in it.

"The weather on the island is gloomy and cold. If you wear this bracelet, you can resist the cold, which is good for her body."

"Grandma, it's not enough. You have worn this bracelet for many years, and you have never taken it off."

"Haha... it's been seventy-three years. This was given to me by my mother when I got married."

Jiang Zhen's grandmother is already 96 years old this year, but she is not deaf in her ears, her eyes are not flowery, and her body is very tough.

Most of them are related to some things, but today this bracelet will have to be replaced by another owner, and the old woman gave the bracelet to Jiang Zhen herself.

"Okay, you can bring it to her, it was my old lady who couldn't stand her before and ruined her life."


"That's it, you young junior and I, what do you say these things?"

Jiang Zhen wrapped the bracelet given by his grandmother in a cloth, which must be given to his sister by hand.

If you punt from here to Mochizuki Island, it only takes ten minutes.

But for such a short distance, grandma obeyed what her sister said, and had never been to Mochizuki Island. Ten minutes had blocked too many things.

The Jiang family lives on an island in the sea, but there is a strange place on this island where vegetation from all over the world grows.

The original exposed rocks were opened up to build houses and cultivate flowers, plants and trees. Here is a completely independent world.

The ancestors of the Jiang family, through continuous efforts, laid out numerous magic circles in this area of ​​the island, which allowed the Jiang family to take root in this place.

Even in the bad weather, it didn't affect the Jiang family much. The punting came to Mochizuki Island, and Jiang Zhen got off the boat and went up.

"I really didn't expect that the little girl has lived in such a place for so many years, it is really not easy."

The island was overgrown with lush trees, Jiang Zhen followed a path and walked into the interior of Mochizuki Island. Mochizuki Island is high on all sides and a sunken valley in the middle.

Three houses were built on the low ground. Here is Jiang Zhen's sister, Jiang Qi's residence, a stubborn woman.

Jiang Qi used to be the woman of Xiao Huaixin from the Xiao family. She was also honored to be a woman of the Xiao family at that time.

Although it was a family marriage, Xiao Huaixin treated her tenderly and considerately after the marriage, thinking about her everywhere and taking care of her carefully.

Until one thing happened that completely changed everything, the man changed, became so strange and terrifying, and finally she had to leave the Xiao family.

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