Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 2917: A compensation

She was forced to marry into Xiao's family because of some misunderstandings. These were grandma's decisions. Jiang Qi hated the old man in her heart at that time.

I decided that I would never say a word to her in this life. After returning from the Xiao family, I stayed on Mochizuki Island and never returned home. ,

And she said beforehand that anyone on the island can go over, but her grandmother can't. If she violates this rule, she will choose to leave the house.

"Sister...Actually, grandma is forced to do this. Everything she does is for the Jiang family. You are already this age and should be able to understand her painstaking efforts."

Jiang Zhen persuaded that after a long silence, Jiang Qi took the fire spirit bracelet, with tears in her eyes, facing Jiang Zhendao.

"You go back and tell her that I need to be quiet, and I will go back after I think it over. Some people have some things, and it's time to end it."

"Well, you can say that, it's pretty good, then I'll go back and tell grandma first, you take care of yourself here."

Jiang Qi sent away Jiang Zhen. Regarding the secret Jiang Zhen brought this time, Jiang Qi already knew in her heart.

Since his husband learned the news, Jiang Qi knew in his heart that a plan came into being in his heart. From that day on, Xiao Huaixin went crazy...

In order to protect himself, protect his family, and avoid being framed by siblings, Xiao Huaixin had to do this, and at the same time, to conceal others.

After all, who would have thought of a madman with the idea of ​​revenge brewing in his heart, and he is also working in this direction step by step, just for the sake of justice.

"It turns out that his child is really alive, living in this world, what are you doing now?"

Jiang Qi returned to the room, the dusty memory was opened at this time, and a lock was hung on the drawer of a desk.

Originally, she would not open the lock, but now she couldn't help herself. Jiang Qi found the key, opened the drawer and took out a box.

After opening the box, there is a picture of her lying on a hospital bed with a newly born baby next to her, lying fast asleep in her infant.

"Xue'er...Where are you now? Mom really misses you so much. At that time, I was forced to put you on the side of the road. You must not hate mom in your heart."

Jiang Qi was very emotional, hiding her face and crying here. After all, she was her own daughter, who can't eat the child, but she put her child on the side of the road with her own hands.

"Qi'er, take advantage of Xiao Huaili's absence, and if you clean up and go quickly, if you continue to stay in this Xiao family, you will be attacked by him sooner or later."

One night sixteen years ago, Jiang Qi had not yet given birth to a child. She was already more than eight months pregnant and was about to give birth in a while.

In desperation, Xiao Huaixin made a painful decision, personally drove his pregnant wife out of the Xiao family, and because of this, Xiao Huaixin became a ‘trash’.

"Huaixin, you can go with me. He treats you like this, and even sends someone to watch and take care of you, and come back to Jiang's house with me. Jiang's family will keep you safe.

"No...I can't go yet. Since some things have been done, they must be done."

Xiao Huai had enlightenment in his confidence, he had his own ideas, and he arranged for his wife to leave Xiao's house before talking.

"After all, I am his own brother. The old man will protect me at critical moments. Don't worry, I have my own way, but you can't give birth to the child in Jiang's family.


"I don't want our two daughters to end up as victims. You should understand in your heart."

Jiang Qi looked at Xiao Huaixin's eyes, her marriage was arranged by the family, and how many women in the family ended up.

"Then where do you want me to go?"

"Go to Huaxia, these two people are my confidant, they will keep you safe and bring you to Huaxia safely."

"After I leave, you must be careful. Since he can attack your second brother, he will not let you go if he is in a hurry."

For many years, Xiao Huaixin has been at home and has cultivated his own people. The two most trustworthy people escorted Jiang Qi away from the Xiao family.

The next day there was news that Xiao Huaixin had become a useless person overnight. He used his woman to lose his temper, and personally sent her away.

Jiang Qi knew very well in her heart that even though she had left Xiao's house, the people who stayed were even more dangerous. The two escorted her to a hospital.

I clearly remember that there was a heavy snowfall that day. She came to a city in China. After several hours of pain, she gave birth to a baby girl in the hospital.

The baby girl was simply cleaned up in the hospital and placed in a swaddle. Jiang Qi was very weak at the time, and the mother and daughter took a picture as a souvenir.

After that, she had to take her child out of the hospital. She wanted to put her child in an orphanage in the city. In the future, she could have the opportunity to meet her daughter.

But in that heavy snowfall, in addition to the two people arranged by her husband and her side, there were other people who were following her all the time, watching her every move.

I don't know since when, the Xiao family of life has become a prison, always under the surveillance of others, a little carelessness will lead to killing.

In the end, he had no choice but to make a helpless choice. On a snowy night, Jiang Qi held the child alone and stood wandering at the intersection.

She saw an old man, who was walking towards this side, and after seeing the child for the last time, she put her daughter in the snow and left with grief.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that the person who picked up Jiang Qi's child was Xiaoshan who had returned home from the county seat. Jiang Qi had only one wish in his heart, that is, to see her daughter.

"Hey... After all, the shackles in this sister's heart still cannot be opened."

Jiang Zhen wanted to take his sister home, but it seemed that it was not that easy to do so, so he had to go back and talk about it first.

In an old-fashioned house, the old white-haired woman was alone, sitting in a chair waiting for news, fiddled with a string of Buddhist beads.

"Grandma, I'm back."

Jiang Zhen came to the old woman's room alone, and stood aside at this moment.

The old white-haired woman closed her eyes, as if she was mumbling something, the movement in her hand stopped, and then she sighed.

"You come back alone, it seems she still hates me after all, and refuses to come back to see me."

"Don't worry, grandma, I think she will figure it out clearly. She has already accepted the fire spirit bracelet."

"She is willing to accept the Fire Spirit Bracelet. This is a good start. If you change to the previous words, I think she will definitely refuse."

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