Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3002: No way to survive

He was looking for a middle point, a middle point that could compromise with Xiao Yi.

After all, Liu Ba didn't want to bury Xiao Yi. If he killed Xiao Yi, the people behind Xiao Yi would never let him go.

Now he is in control of the situation, just so that both sides can live, once Liu Ba is at a loss, he would rather shoot and kill Xiao Yi.

"Liu Ba, do you dare to shoot?"

Xiao Yi said solemnly, even though the muzzle was on his forehead, he still remained calm.

Just as if Liu Ba didn't exist, Liu Ba drank half a glass of red wine in one breath, said at this time.

"Xiao Yi, don't push me, if you push me, I can do everything!"

"It's worthy of being the third-in-command of the Green Gang, and he does have a bit of courage."

"I know that what I did this time touched your bottom line, but it all started because of you. Don't blame me for targeting you here."

Liu Ba said with a ferocious face, and the hand holding the gun pressed firmly against Xiao Yi's head.

"I got the news. You know the information about my order from country Y. I will never allow it. Someone knows this secret."

"It turns out... It turns out that you made up your mind to get rid of me because of this."

Xiao Yi understood. Although he didn't know who had leaked it, it was true, and he did.

"Xiao Yi, you should understand that my biggest handle was caught by you. Once you report it, I will only have a dead end, so I must do it better."

Liu Ba wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes were cold and his hands were shaking.

"If you promise here, that matter will not be told, I will let you go today, and from then on I will treat you as a guest of the Qinggang."

"anything else?"

"Also? If you have to make it clear, the boss over there will supply me, as long as you don't interrupt my way of making money, how about a five to five split between us?"

Xiao Yi let out a sneer, saying that Liu Ba was greedy and lustful, but he didn't expect to be so persistent.

At this time, I still need to discuss this kind of business with Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi can see how ambitious Liu Ba is.

Seeing Xiao Yi's expression on his face, Liu Ba thought it was because of the lack of money for Xiao Yi, so he gritted his teeth, as long as he made money.

"Four or six, how about my four and your six?"

"Sanqi...This is my last bottom line."

"Twenty-eight, you can already get the maximum profit, as long as you are responsible for the transportation line and give me a convenience."

I lowered my profit distribution time and time again, but I didn't know that I was wrong from the beginning. Even if this kind of business had huge profits, Xiao Yi would not get involved.

"Haha, Liu Ba, you are really greedy for money and fate. At this point, you are still negotiating business with me."

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, seeing Xiao Yi's expression, Liu Ba knew what Xiao Yi's decision was.

"Xiao Yi, don't pretend to be lofty in front of me. You founded the Tenglong Group and grow the vegetable development company for nothing more than making money. No one will not bow their heads in front of money.

"Yes, everyone likes money, but Liu Ba, did you ever know what does the goods you get from over there mean?"

"What does it mean?"

Liu Ba never cared about these. Money is the most important thing. He can do everything for money.

"Some of the teammates I trained with became anti-narcotics police. They fought on the border of China to protect the peace of China."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Every batch of goods you get means that someone will shed blood and sacrifice on the border. You can make money without compromise. Have you ever thought about others?"

Xiao Yi said angrily, especially when he came back from country Y this time, when he heard the news of the sacrifice of his comrades, Xiao Yi was heartbroken.

Xiao Yi would never show mercy to this kind of drug maker and dealer. Liu Ba suddenly understood something. From the beginning, he wanted to be crooked.

Liu Ba's muzzle pushed forward, and he could see that a fresh red mark was left on Xiao Yi's forehead, and he roared.

"Do you mean that you want me to die today?"

"Do you think you can leave this room alive?"

Xiao Yi said sharply, Liu Ba had been waiting, and Xiao Yi was delaying time.

Because Liu Ba had a fluke, Xiao Yi came to the door, and brother-in-law would know.

The brother-in-law of this kind of thing will surely come forward to settle for him and get through this time of difficulty, but until now, there is still no movement.

"I know Liu Ba, you are deliberately delaying time just to wait for the rescuers of the Youth Gang, right? It's just that no one can save you today!"

"Then you can die for me!"

Liu Ba shot without hesitation. In such a close range, he could definitely kill Xiao Yi with one shot.

Xiao Yi moved extremely fast, avoiding the muzzle sideways, grasping Liu Ba's wrist with one hand, and the bullet shot out of the barrel, wiping Xiao Yi's cheek and hitting the wall.

"damn it……"

A miss Liu Ba had already lost his last chance, Xiao Yi grabbed Liu Ba's wrist and turned around.

Liu Ba twisted one arm and made a bang. This arm was already dead. Xiao Yi's cheek was injured and blood was flowing down.

"It seems that the **** person today is not me."

"Xiao Yi...Xiao Yi, you can't kill me. My brother-in-law is a helper. If you kill me, he won't spare you."

Liu Ba knelt down in front of Xiao Yi, begging Xiao Yi not to kill him, he didn't want to die like this.

"That's the matter between me and him, this time to blame, blame you for having to touch my bottom line!"

Xiao Yi raised a hand, wrapped in purple light and shadow in his palm, and slapped Liu Ba on the top of his head.


A palm hit Liu Ba's head. Liu Ba's eyes turned pale, his body twitched a few times, and two streams of blood flowed out of his nose.

Weak and fell on the floor, Xiao Yi let go of his hand and solved Liu Ba. He took out a tissue and wiped the blood on his face.

"You picked the wrong opponent from the beginning!"

Xiao Yi opened the door of the room and walked out. He has always been curious as to why the members of the Qing Gang have not moved at all.

In the corridor outside, Han Bing stood aside, and the younger brothers of the gang stood outside waiting one by one, without any intention of supporting Liu Ba.

"Solve it?"

"Liu Ba is dead, I will contact the police when I turn around and let the police handle it."

"Ah... you really beat him to death. I know that Liu Ba was committing a crime in this matter, but the attempt to kidnap Xiao Ya is not guilty of death."

Han Bing worried that Xiao Yi killed Liu Ba in this way, and he would have to bear the responsibility then.

"Since I killed him, I have evidence of his death in my hand, but I am a little curious."

Xiao Yi and Han Bing said that they had already walked out of the corridor and came to the outside hall.

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