Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3021: Strength single

After careful consideration, Xiao Yi finally made a decision.

Now Xiao Yi's own practice on "Xuan Tian Dao Fa" can be regarded as a small achievement.

What he worries most is the safety of the people around him. There are always times when Xiao Yi is not with them.

There are some situations that cannot be dealt with by conventional means, just like this time, this kind of lyricism will continue to happen in the future.

The only way is to let the women around them have the ability to protect themselves.


"Yes! It's cultivation."

"But... I don't know anything about this, it feels like something in another world."

Han Bing seemed to understand what Xiao Yi said, but the two words of cultivation sounded vague.

If she hadn't known Xiao Yi, she wouldn't know that there is such a magical thing in this world.

"I can teach you all of these, you just need to do what I tell you, there will be no problems."

"Can I do it?"

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I'm afraid of people with a heart. As long as you do it with your heart, you will definitely do it."

Han Bing was able to persevere in even the hardships in the military area. Naturally, his cultivation was not a problem, and there was Xiao Yi around him as a guide.

Han Bing was excited again, and he still had some expectations in his heart. Do the work now first, and talk about the rest later.

The planning and arrangement of the wedding photos were re-arranged. Han Bing paid for the clothes himself, and filmed in S City.

After the trip to City S, the next step is to go to the beach, rent a yacht, and choose to take pictures on the sea.

This time, the shooting process went smoothly, no one added to it, and it felt different.

On the morning of the third day, Xiao Yi and Han Bing came to a city by the sea in F City the night before.

City F was originally close to the sea, and here is the most fascinating area of ​​the sea, known as the sapphire of the sea.

There have been many tourists here for many years, and there are also many young couples who choose to spend their holidays here.

When I came to the beach to see the sea and the charming beach, my mood was much lighter.

Han Bing stretched his arms as if he could embrace the sea, and all the worries on his body seemed to have been blown away at this moment.

"Sure enough, the sea has a healing effect, Xiao Yi thank you for coming out with me on this trip."

"Your dad left you to me, I have to make you happy. Okay, wait here. I'll rent a yacht."

There are a total of seven people in Xiao Yi's business, two photographers, two change clothes with makeup, and the other is responsible for packing things.

Next is the need to shoot at sea, Xiao Yi felt for the first time, actually taking wedding photos is quite tiring.

Not to mention running around, you have to change into various styles of suits and different kinds of clothes to put on a satisfactory look.

Fortunately, Han Bing’s command was good every time. This time, there were more than 3,000 photos taken in the wedding dress.

Xiao Yi usually doesn't like taking pictures. It is estimated that taking a wedding photo will be enough for the whole life.

In order to make Han Bing happy, Xiao Yi made arrangements in advance to rent a yacht at the pier on the beach.

The yachts on the pier are all private. Tourists here can rent boats, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand yuan.

The larger the hull, the higher the cost. The most expensive yacht, rented for six hours, costs 8,000.

Considering the large number of people this time and the need to bring some props, Xiao Yi rented this eight thousand eighteen yacht for two days at a time.

This time, it is not only about taking wedding photos, but more importantly, taking Han Bing out to play and relax.

After paying all the fees, Xiao Yi walked over to a captain who was responsible for sailing.

In addition to the captain, there were two assistants of the captain, and a group of ten people boarded the yacht.

Prepared, the yacht sails towards the sea, heading to the most charming sea area.

Standing on the deck looking at the sea scenery, the sea is like a transparent, blue stone.

As soon as he looked down, Han Bing put his hands on the ship's gunwale, shaking the hair on the temples with his fingers.

"Has the situation been confirmed?"

In a certain part of China’s sea, it is also a ship sailing on the sea.

However, this ship has a different mission. The people standing on the deck are the three elders at dawn.

Next to the third elder, stood another old man with mottled hair, white hair and black hair, and the second elder came with him.

The two elders who had broken dawn were dispatched together, this kind of situation is really rare, the one on the deck.

"Elder Huisan, we have already found out, the people from the Black Dragon Association are coming here."

"I know, continue to pay attention to their movements. The movements of these people are really fast."

The three elders commanded that everything was going on in the dark, and the Black Dragon Society had no intention of exposing them, so naturally there was no need for them to show up.

However, the actions of the Black Dragon Club were clearly directed at Xiao Yi, and in order to ensure that in case, sufficient preparations must be made.

The second elder had acted separately from the third elder before. This time the two people took over Ji Jiangyue's appointment, and they came together.

"Xiao Yi, this kid, is really special now, and his move immediately attracted murderous aura."

"He has a lot of grievances outside. Heilong will suffer several times in Xiao Yi's hands. As long as he seizes the opportunity, he will definitely find a way to get rid of him."

"This girl cares about Xiao Yi so much. Isn't she interesting to Xiao Yi?"

The second elder asked, never seen before, the elder cared so much for others, even her own elder disciple Qinglong. ,

Xiao Yi was the first person to ask Ji Jiangyue to personally order protection, and the three elders laughed.

The second elder didn't understand some things, and they all said that this person was a wood, especially the things between men and women.

Originally there was a woman pursuing the second elder, because the second elder was puzzled by the manners, he gave no response after several gestures.

The female said that Elder Leng Er went to light a fire, and they said they wanted to find a chance to be alone, but they took the female of the other person to the secret room for practice, and they were still alone.

In the most direct time, the woman clearly stated that she liked the second elder and hoped to be a woman of the second elder. The second elder opened his mouth and said, you are a woman.

So he was single all his life, and his singleness really proved his strength.

"You don't want to think about how old she is. Except for a young face, her heart is already as dead."

"Haha...I just talk about it casually. It's not that I don't understand anything between men and women."

"If you understand, you won't be single for a lifetime."

The third elder contemptuously said, the two old guys are already used to dismantling each other's platform.

"Xiao Yi, the kid, really doesn't know how far he can go, whether his existence will bring us hope or disaster, it is still unpredictable."

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