Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3434: Well trained

Lu Qingshan is an old fox. He told Drake about the trouble he encountered, hoping that Drake could use the power of the Mafia to help him solve Xiao Yi.

He deliberately concealed Xiao Yi's identity, but only told Drake that Xiao Yi was the boss of a party and was robbing him of business.

With the money from Lu Qingshan, he had to do something for Lu Qingshan, so this time Drake was obliged.

"Help him arrange the goods and deliver them according to the agreed time. By the way, help me arrange a few good brothers. I have tasks to arrange."


Drake didn't know how deadly this decision was. If he knew the enemy he was going to face, he would never choose to help Lu Qingshan.

"Is there anything else?"

Seeing that his subordinates did not leave, Drake asked. The subordinates hesitated for a few seconds and felt that the matter should be reported to Drake.

Drake has said before that as long as the mercenaries that emerge in the area under his jurisdiction, they must report to Drake.

The rules were set by Drake, and Drake was the boss in this place. Those powerful mercenaries had to abide by this rule.

"Mr. Drake, I received a call from Freeman, a mercenary in flames."

"What does Freman mean by calling here? I remember that not long ago, he had just taken away a batch of arms. Did he want to invite me to dinner?"

"That's not the case. He said that a new mercenary came out today and fought with his men, but Freeman was beaten back."

News like this is all too common. In this place, you hit me and I hit you.

"Is Freeman so boring? Even this kind of news is worth telling me."

"He also said about this new mercenary, who had been active here before, and also took on the bounty mission."

A prerequisite for mercenaries to accept the bounty task is to report to Drake and tell the truth how much the bounty is.

After the task is completed, it will be divided according to the regulations. One part will be left, and the other part needs to be handed over to Drake.

"Are there new mercenaries? Have you found out the origin of the leader of this team?"

"No... this mercenary is not within our control. Freeman just said that their captain may be from China."

This kind of news really went beyond Drake's expectations. There are many mercenaries active here, with all kinds of people.

No one from China, this new mercenary has aroused Drake's interest.

"Hua Xia?"

Drake laughed and dared not say a word about the bounty task in the territory he controlled. This did not meet the set rules.

"Find a way to investigate the origin of this mercenary, and send someone to convey the news to their captain that I am hosting a banquet here and invite their captain to dinner."

"What if their captain refuses Mr. Drake's proposal?"

"What do you think?"

Drake looked gloomy, and resisting Drake's end was a dead end.

A team of newcomers who have just been active here, wherever their opponents are, just move their fingers and they can be crushed.

"Let them know what the rules are. Since they are here and don't even say hello, they dare to pick up the bounty mission. Don't you think about me?"

"I will do it now."

Drake is overwhelmed by the power here, he is laying out plans for the next ambitions, and he will be the real boss if not occasionally.

After several battles, Xu Qiang and his party finally completed their mission, successfully protected the group and escorted them to their destination.

Received the bounty as agreed, and completed the bounty task here for the first time. Although the money is not much, they are also considered to have opened.

Xu Qiang is exercising on this day. Duan Zhisheng taught him a lot of things. He needs to strengthen his body constantly in order to make the best use of these newly learned.

"While defending, you need to pay attention to the changes in offensive moves. When fighting against others, you need to do two things with one mind."

Duan Zhisheng became Xu Qiang's master. This master led the door and practiced personally. Xu Qiang worked very hard in this regard.

It lasted from the first day of dawn in the morning until now, nearly three hours.

Xu Qiang is trying to find a way to win Duan Zhisheng, even if it is an advantage in one move, but it is a pity that he is not Duan Zhisheng's opponent after all.

In the spacious courtyard, besides these two people, there are two idlers on the side.

It is rare for Poison King to have a free time when he completed a new experiment and lay on a chair to bask in the sun.

Sitting next to him was his junior sister matchmaker, leaning on her senior brother, the matchmaker covered her nose and waved her hands.

"Big brother, can you take a bath? Although water resources are more precious in such a place, the water for a bath should still be available."

My own big brother, his whole body exudes a sour smell, his head hurts even when he smells it.

The Poison King didn't take it seriously, he pulled one of his sleeves, put it under his nose, and smelled it, feeling good.

"Junior sister, your nose is broken, why can't I smell my body?"

"When was the last time you took a shower?"

"Probably... about half a year ago, you know me, the most annoying thing is taking a bath."

To this big brother, the matchmaker didn't know what to say, and now the big brother doesn't need to study any poison, and throwing herself out is extremely poisonous.

The old man of Poison King leaned here, watching Duan Zhisheng instruct Xu Qiang, Xu Qiang's nose and face were swollen, and he was beaten before.

"Your brother is still so cruel, if I were Xiao Qiang, I would have stopped doing it!"

"You don't understand this. Brother did this for the good of Xu Qiang. He is very accurate with his strength. If he plays like a family, how long will Xu Qiang make progress."

Matchmaker understands Duan Zhisheng's intentions. Only with this kind of exercise can there be a real improvement. Xu Qiang is still far away.

It has been more than three hours from the morning to now, Duan Zhisheng can see that Xu Qiang's strength has reached its limit, and he will stop here.

"Okay, I'll be here today. Go back and think about what I said carefully."

"Thank you, Master."

Xu Qiang was sweaty all over, and if he continued, he would have no strength.

Grabbing a bucket of cold water next to him, lifting it over his head and falling down, his whole body feels comfortable. This time of fighting, Xu Qiang has learned a lot.

They repaired in a local yard. The task was completed, and some people suffered minor injuries. After the recuperation was completed, they could make further plans.

The bounty was distributed to all members. As long as they had money to get it, everyone was still very happy, which also strengthened the position of Captain Xu Qiang.

Qin Gang received a message, he quickly came to Xu Qiang, walked into the courtyard, his face looked ugly.

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