Contrary to everyone's expectations, people are expecting that Drake can stand up to help Freeman, even if he doesn't help Freeman, it is impossible to help Xu Qiang.

In the end, Freeman said such a sentence. Freeman stared at Drake and wondered why Drake would say this.

Drake knew that Freman's temper would not easily admit defeat. He approached Freman's ear and whispered a few words softly.

Suddenly Freman's face was pale, and a truth that had never been thought of was revealed in front of Freman.

When he raised his head to look at Xu Qiang again, the kind of disdain in his eyes was a little more awed.

In order to quell this conflict, Drake told Freeman that Xu Qiang was the backer, and Freeman immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

" this true?"

"At this moment, do you think I will lie to you? Otherwise you think, why at this critical moment, I didn't speak for you."

Freman never dreamed that the backer behind Xu Qiang turned out to be the **** of death of the Chinese Wolf Warriors special team. Many people on the battlefield were frightened and heard the name of the **** of death. They didn't even have the courage to fight.

"Do you think that a new recruit mercenary who appeared here could easily defeat your deputy. Is this just an accident?"

Drake reminded him that at this moment Freeman woke up like a dream, it turned out that he had been wrong from the beginning.

Such terrible opponents, no wonder they are strong enough to have such a strong combat effectiveness, and they have lost...

Finally, Drake's last insistence was broken up, facing Xu Qiang, his strong waist bent down.

"Xu Qiang, I was wrong. I formally apologized to you for my rants and hope you can forgive me this time."

The arrogant Freeman was apologizing to a new hired mercenary. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe this was what happened.

Freeman had to do this because he understood a truth that Xu Qiang could offend, but the **** of death behind Xu Qiang said nothing can touch his bottom line.

Once upon a time in the mercenary battlefield here, there was a mercenary ranked third in strength, the Polar Bear Mercenary Group, several times stronger than his Flame Mercenary Group.

But because their boss provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, the high-level members of the mercenary group, including the boss, were beheaded.

The powerful members of the mercenary group lost more than half of them, and their vitality was greatly injured after that battle, and they never recovered.

The polar bear mercenary group fell apart almost overnight and was dismantled into several parts. After inquiring about Freman, it was this Chinese **** of death who had done something with the polar bear.

Killing a Xu Qiang can be done, but Xiao Yi will inevitably be attracted with it. Once this killing **** is dispatched, how long will his entire flame mercenary group be able to support.

Weighing the pros and cons, Freman chose to apologize. He didn't want to let the mercenary group he created by working so hard to be killed.

In front of Xu Qiang, Freeman apologized sincerely, no longer the arrogant appearance before.

Uncharacteristically, Xu Qiang knew in his heart that Drake just now must have said about Brother Xiao, which suppressed Freeman.

"Freman, please listen to me. I can forgive you this time. If you dare to speak insultingly next time, you will have to consider the consequences."

Xu Qiang moved his legs away, Freeman had already knelt down and apologized and admitted his mistake, and he wouldn't do anything wrong.

After several trials, Xu Qiang also understood many truths.

"Thank you……"

Freeman was relieved, a thin layer of sweat erupted from the temples, and everyone else saw joy in such a scene.

This is Freman, the general of the Flame Mercenary Corps, who is arrogant and doesn't put others in his eyes, but it was tonight that Freman would kneel down to Xu Qiang and say an apology.

One can imagine how strong this newcomer Xu Qiang is, refreshing people's understanding, and in the future on the mercenary battlefield, they will not dare to underestimate this newcomer.

"Xu Qiang are you satisfied now?"

There is something in Drake's words. Today, he, the new boss of the Mafia, is not like Xu Qiang, who has made the limelight.

But they didn't know that these were what they forced Xu Qiang to do. If they hadn't deceived too much, Xu Qiang would not go to the ring and fight the chimpanzee.

"Those who insulted my Huaxia, even if Xu Qiang died here today, I have to fight!"

"I hope you will be able to survive to the end on this battlefield in the future."

Xu Qiang did not continue to speak, Drake's face was gloomy, and it was obvious that the previous incident also angered him.

With the help of Freeman's hand, he forced himself to go to the ring, the purpose of which was to make Xu Qiang agree to the gold mine, and Drake made a good calculation.

"I will fight this battlefield."

Drake left the scene with a gloomy face, and the ring is just an impromptu show, and the next thing is the focus.

The deputy went to help Freeman, and even the deputy didn't understand why the general knelt down so easily to apologize to Xu Qiang this time.

After tonight's events, it will surely become the most humiliating piece of the flame mercenary group.


Freeman was embarrassed and lost home. No matter what the next activity, he had already lost his mind and continued to stay here.

So they retreated from here in advance, and everyone chose to avoid them, not wanting to get close to this humiliating thing, but they didn't know the truth inside.

"let's go!"

Xu Qiang moved his arm and solved Freman's affairs. The banquet was not over yet.

Although he was standing here, Xu Qiang was struggling to support him. He was already seriously injured when he was fighting with the chimpanzee.

If it hadn't been for this weak Dao Qi support through cultivation, he would have already been on the ground. Duan Zhisheng took out a pill and stuffed it into Xu Qiang's mouth.

"The kid did a good job."

"Master, don't think that I don't know, you helped me secretly, otherwise, by virtue of my ability, I can't beat that chimpanzee anyway."

At the end, the chimpanzee exploded with terrifying power, and Xu Qiang didn't even have the ability to fight back.

But this furious chimpanzee suddenly let go of his strength. From that moment on, Xu Qiang knew that Duan Zhisheng must be helping him.

"At least your boy's performance is much better than I thought. Facing a stronger opponent than yourself, you always keep calm and hone it a few times. I can see that your boy will become a powerful player in the future."

Duan Zhisheng and Xiao Yi have the same vision at this moment. They can see the potential of Xu Qiang, only a correct guide is needed, and Xu Qiang will do a lot in the future.

After taking the healing pill, Xu Qiang was slowly adjusting his breath to recover his strength. He knew that this evening, this time, he completely angered Freman, and he was afraid that in the future on the battlefield, Freman would be inevitable. Of the first battle.

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