Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3633: The result

A long scarlet dress with a ribbon tied around her waist, Suzaku would not have thought that she would silently watch Xiao Yi leave in this way.

On weekdays, she would definitely go over and say hello to Xiao Yi, at least a greeting.

This time Xiao Yi's breakthrough encountered major trouble. The Suzaku who was also in the cave could clearly feel the change in Xiao Yi's breath.

Knowing that Xiao Yi was in danger, but did not say anything, until Xiao Yi finally passed through safely, still did not show up.

Now the self has changed. The last time I chose, the seal that suppressed the power in the body was released, and there was a slight looseness.

Because of this power dispersing, Suzaku's personality has undergone a huge change, and it is no longer as cheerful as before.

"You have been avoiding him like this. This time he came here and didn't go to see him. Is it appropriate?"

Ji Jiangyue walked over to Suzaku, and she knew that Suzaku would definitely appear in this situation.

I didn't tell the truth to Xiao Yi before. In fact, Suzaku had always been in the Breaking Dawn Villa. She would never see her except for a few people.

"Elder, thank you for visiting me."

Ji Jiangyue stood beside Suzaku, Suzaku was very moved, turned around and smiled at the elder.

An extra veil appeared on his face, covering his face, adding a bit of mystery.

On Suzaku's face, some mysterious runes appeared. These runes were imprinted on it like a burning flame.

No matter what method is used, these runes cannot be removed. Suzaku knows that this is because of the power in the body, and does not know when this power will completely turn herself into a stranger.

"If you always choose to avoid this matter, it will not be the solution after all."

For Suzaku's affairs, Ji Jiangyue has been trying to find a way, searching the records in the library.

See if there is a similar situation, you can completely remove this power from Suzaku's body, and you can return to normal life in the future.

It just didn't find anything useful, even Ji Jiangyue was helpless, and the others were naturally helpless.

"I heard from Master, you have been thinking of ways, thank you for your kindness, but this is my personal destiny, and I don't want to involve others in it."

Suzaku chose to resist all this by herself, Xiao Yi had already helped him once, not wanting to become a drag on others because of herself.

"I will carry my own destiny. After two years, whether I am alive or will I completely become a stranger, let time verify all this."

Xiao Yi didn't know what happened to him and Suzaku. At that time, he was in a state of rampage. What happened after that left his mind blank.

After arriving on the shore by boat, Xiao Yi embarked on the way home. He hadn't gone back for almost a month, and he didn't know what was going on at home.

Calculate the younger sister is about to take the college entrance examination, he, the elder brother, must show up to cheer Xiao Ya.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Xiao Yi drove home and reported to everyone that he was safe.

Qin Jiaqi was sorting the garden, and when she heard the sound, she turned around, just in time to see Xiao Yi coming back.

"Xiao Yi, you are back."

"Well! There is a private matter that needs me to take care of it myself. After this is not resolved, I immediately return home.",

"This time you went out for such a long time, we thought there was something special, and left a home alone."

With a hint of complaint in his voice, Xiao Yi had been away from home for two days. He wanted to go out shopping and watch movies and eat together like normal couples. These have become extravagant desires.

However, Qin Jiaqi was already prepared to be a woman of Xiao Yi, and the man she loved did great things.

I can't always be entangled with him and become a burden. This is also the duty of a woman.

"This matter is over, I should rarely go out next, so I can accompany you more at home."


"When did I lie to you."

Qin Jiaqi glared at Xiao Yi, saying as if Xiao Yi had never lied to herself, the man's mouth must not be believed.

Especially in bed!

"How many of them?"

Pushing open the door, Xiao Yi entered the living room. It was already around 11 o'clock in the morning, and it was almost time to eat.

Without seeing the other people, Qin Jiaqi followed Xiao Yi.

"They went to the airport to meet Mayfair."

"Oh? Is she coming to City H?"

Qin Jiaqi nodded and was still worried at first. After they exposed their relationship with Xiao Yi, it would be strange to get along with each other without quarreling and conflicting.

But when this layer of window paper was pierced, it was found that it was not as serious as expected, and the few people got along with each other as if they were sisters.

"Sophie just finished filming, and made time to come here specially, saying that she is going to live in H City for a while, so she can relax."

I haven't seen her for a while. Last time I was involved because of Lu Qingshan's affairs. I planned to see her. Later, I was entangled in some things and I didn't have time.

Sophie is a woman Xiao Yi knew earlier. Thinking about the misunderstanding that happened at the beginning, she thought she was a fake star, but it turned out to be.

"Did she end the filming?"

I remember Sophie took over the heroine of a TV series, liked the road of acting, and dreamed of making a TV series where she was the heroine.

"It seems that there was some problem with the crew, and the filming was temporarily stopped. If the filming continues, I will call Mayfair."

"It turns out that's the case. I remember she said at the beginning that this script will be filmed for a long time. How could it be done right now."

I didn't go home for almost a month, and sat down on the sofa, the pores all over my body opened up, and I no longer needed to be so vigilant.

This is the life he wants. Xiao Yi has a hunch that he is not far from his ultimate goal.

"Nothing happened during the time I left home, right?"

Qin Jiaqi made tea for Xiao Yi, and it was rare for Xiao Yi to come back and sit and talk with Xiao Yi.

"There is nothing special. The time for Xiao Ya, the child's college entrance examination, is about to come. She has been living in the school these days. Xiao Jia has also contacted the teacher and asked the teacher to take care of it."

Today is the last day of May. For students, especially at the age of high school, the remaining few days are particularly precious. Everyone is doing their best.

Seize the time to review your homework and prepare for the next college entrance examination. For students, only a good result is the best proof.

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