Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 3661: I do not like this

"Where did you get her? Even an innocent person will be killed. Do you think you are qualified to tell me this?"

Wan Yanyu knew what Xiao Yi's words meant, and she shook her head quickly. Although this was a task arranged by the tribe, Wan Yanyu was not so cruel.

"Xiao Yi, you misunderstood. When I received the assignment, I lived in place of Liu Siyi. At that time, Liu Siyi had already passed away because of a heart attack."

For this reason, Liu Siyi arranged follow-up work. After the real Liu Siyi sparked, he gave Liu Siyi's relative a sum of money.

Let her find a place to bury Liu Siyi's ashes. Then she replaced Liu Siyi and returned to school to continue class.

Because the clansmen were operating in it, the news of Liu Siyi's death fell silent. Apart from her and a few clansmen, it was Liu Siyi's distant relative who knew the secrets.

"I'm also a human being, and I won't act on someone outside of the task."

"Really? I really underestimated your Black Dragon clan's tactics. Even this kind of deceptive tricks can be used. Unfortunately, I didn't see through it.

"I am a member of the Black Dragon clan, so I must make sacrifices for the survival of the tribe."

Wan Yanyu didn't want to explain too much. She would not resist in front of Xiao Yi. When she looked at Xiao Yi, her eyes were full of mist.

Her father treated her in this way, facing the interrogation of the people and the tragic fate of the people.

She endured it all, but when facing Xiao Yi, Liu Siyi suppressed the impulse in her heart and almost burst into tears.

Xiao Yi knew Wan Yanyu's true identity. The Liu Siyi he was familiar with before disappeared completely and became a complete stranger.

Regardless of whether this person is good or evil, or has other unspeakable secrets, Xiao Yi must make a decision for the safety of his family.

In the palm of one hand, Dao Qi was condensing, and Xiao Yi had already moved his murderous heart, and slowly raised his palm.

"You should know what it is to deceive me, plus your existence, it is a threat to me, I will not let people like you get close to my family."

"I know!"

Wan Yanyu closed her eyes, tears slid down, dripping into her heart.

"You do it! I will not resist. If you kill me, it will be a relief for me."

"Then I will fulfill you!"

Xiao Yi raised his hand and patted at Wanyanyu's Dingmen acupoint. If he patted his palm, Wanyanyu could be slapped to death with one stroke.

A big living person in front of him was about to die, and when his palm was about to fall, Xiao Yi suddenly stopped.

What happened with Liu Siyi before really made Xiao Yi unable to play. He knew that Liu Siyi was not malicious, but it was a pity that Liu Siyi belonged to the Black Dragon clan.


In the end, the palm did not fall, Xiao Yi slowly put down his hand and let out a question.

"Why are you from the Black Dragon clan? Knowing that I will do it, why didn't you choose to escape? Do you have to wait for death here?"

Wan Yanyu remained expressionless and died in Xiao Yi's hands. She recognized this time.

Here Xiao Yi killed her, Wan Yanyu would not have any resentment, knowing that Xiao Yi had put away his murderous aura.

A smile gradually appeared on his face, and tears flickered in the corner of his eyes. Although some words were not spoken, he could clearly feel that Xiao Yi had her in his heart.

Opening his eyes and looking at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi put away his aura and turned into an ordinary person.

It was like returning to the time when the two people met. From the moment Xiao Yi appeared, Wan Yanyu had a hunch that his life would be changed by this man.

"Yes, why? I have been asking myself, why am I a member of the Black Dragon clan?"

Wan Yanyu has been thinking about Xiao Yi's question, but no one has ever answered it.

"Why can't I have a good childhood like ordinary people? Since I am sensible, I have to receive various trainings and live according to other people's ideas, without even having time for myself."

She has lived in a dark environment since she was a child, and faced only the so-called training of the people of her clan, who cultivated her into a person who even hated herself.

"I don't know when I have become a tool of the tribe. I follow the arrangements of the people above. Even if they let me die, I must not have any hesitation."

Wan Yanyu smiled, but there were tears in her eyes, she looked at Xiao Yidao.

"Xiao Yi, I know that your life has been very difficult since you were young, but at least you have a grandfather who supports you, and a younger sister who follows you, and these are nothing to me."

"Finally, I am about to reach adulthood. One day a black line appeared on my arm. The people told me that the appearance of this black line meant that my life had entered a countdown."

People will die, but they are different in age. When death comes, you can only choose to face it calmly.

But have you ever thought that when someone suddenly tells you the time of death, you will not accept it openly from that moment, but live in fear.

"Our people are all the same. The first thing after waking up every day is to watch the black lines on your body grow and spread, and calculate how far you are from the end."

"Once the black line reaches the position of the chest, we will not have more than a week left. After seeing the death of too many people, Xiao Yi, have you ever faced such fear."

Xiao Yi shook his head. He had to face unknown dangers every day. Maybe someone would attack him.

But I have never thought about what kind of thoughts and feelings I will be when the real life has entered the countdown.


"Actually, you don't know Xiao Yi. Some of my people and I have the same idea. We don't want to die but live. We have tried our best to break the **** curse on our bodies."

Wan Yanyu thought several times, trying to dig out the black line on his arm in a violent way, so that it would relieve the pain.

"It's a pity that this has no effect. Even if we cut off this arm, the black line temporarily disappears. After a certain age, it will still appear on us."

"You said that you approached me to break the curse. What does this have to do with the blood of the Xiao Clan?"

"Someone in the clan has said that the curse of our blood is cast by the ancestors of the Xiao clan, and only the ancestors of the Xiao clan can open it."

Wan Yanyu once believed in the answer to Xiao Yi's question, until his father told her the truth, that all of this was a conspiracy.

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