Fringe artists in the entertainment industry

Chapter 216 214 Xiaoli’s invitation (two in one)

Chapter 216 214. Xiaoli’s invitation (two in one)

"Dabai! Water! Add ice!"

In the quiet living room, Chen Li'an's voice suddenly came from the study.

Li Dabai stood up immediately after hearing the call and walked towards the refrigerator. Jiang Qingqing rubbed her knees and stood up. She wanted to go to the study to see what Chen Li'an was doing.

It's like I want to see how business tycoons do business, how they earn sales of hundreds of millions, and I want to see Chen Li'an strategizing and wearing a feather fan!

Li Dabai moved very quickly, poured a glass of ice water and walked towards the study. Jiang Qingqing took the opportunity to follow behind, slipped to the door of the study and heard Chen Li'an making a phone call inside.

"We are a patriotic enterprise and a national brand. Is it wrong to resist the invasion of foreign companies? Is it wrong to get rich first to drive wealth later, and to give some feedback to consumers? How can it be just a waste of money!"

Patriotic entrepreneurs. National brands lead to wealth first and wealth later.

When Jiang Qingqing heard these words, she glanced at Chen Li'an who was on the phone inside, and couldn't help but feel excited. I really made the right choice! Only such an outstanding man deserves to be my master.

Jiang Qingqing blushed. Although she was a little shy, she was more proud. He was still so young and an artist, and now he could strategize in the intrigues of business wars without forgetting his original intention. Where in the world could he find such an outstanding person!

Li Dabai in the study put down the water and went out. Looking at Jiang Qingqing standing at the door, he closed the study door directly, looked at her and said, "Don't disturb Teacher Chen."

This time Jiang Qingqing was not unhappy because of Li Dabai's attitude. Instead, she turned around and returned to the living room obediently.

Seeing Jiang Qingqing being so honest, Li Dabai narrowed his eyes suspiciously, and then didn't bother to care about her.

Chen Li'an in the study took a sip of water, took a slight breath and said to the phone: "Second uncle, it's okay to play the patriotic card. Don't think about it so much. You do as I say first. I will go to Yangcheng in a while and talk to you in person. Said, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you must seize it.”

In a factory conference room in Yangcheng, Qiao Linmu and several key personnel from the factory looked at each other and then turned to Qiao Linmu when they heard Chen Li'an's voice on the phone.

Qiao Linmu put out the cigarette butt in his hand and said, "Okay, let's discuss it first and talk to you later, but I have to come over as soon as possible."

"Okay, but we must seize the time to make a decision. Many companies will soon join in this war. If we are late, we will not be able to stand out."

Chen Li'an said a few more words before hanging up the phone. His expression looked a little tired after the excitement. Although he didn't understand the specific operations and management, he was still very accomplished in being able to participate in such a big scene with his own vision. Sensational.

In fact, in Chen Li'an's own opinion, he is just talking on paper, giving a direction and plan. If he is really asked to do these things, it is very likely that nothing will go well, let alone talking about cooperation with Changhong. Where does Changhong's door open? He doesn't even know.

However, a company is a team, and everyone has a different division of labor. As long as Chen Li'an can make effective suggestions and plans at critical moments, other things will naturally be done by professionals.

You can't expect a technician to do the sales work, and let the salesperson do the research and development. If everyone performs their own duties, there is no reason why it won't succeed.

If it really fails, then ask the leader what he does for a living.

In the conference room of Lixin VCD, Qiao Linmu looked at the backbone of various departments in the factory, knocked on the table and said: "You have all heard what Li'an said. Whether the factory can double its sales in the second half of the year depends on whether it can catch up this time. Seize the opportunity.”

The director in charge of production said with some worry: "Director, then we have to increase production in advance, just in case the sales volume cannot be increased, we will have a backlog in hand."

"This is not a problem for you to worry about. As long as you can ensure that the finished lettuce is delivered on time and in the right amount." Qiao Linmu couldn't help but light a cigarette again, glanced at the person in the sales department and said, "Lao Xiao, are you I have been working in sales for more than ten years, do you think this plan can be successful?"

Qiao Linmu was actually worried that if he rashly joined the battle in the color TV industry, if he won, his sales would naturally double, but if he lost, all his hard work in the previous year would be lost.

Lao Xiao from the sales department was silent for a while while smoking a cigarette and said: "The plan is good, but the risk is not small. If it is not executed well, the gain will outweigh the loss."

Lao Xiao was under the greatest pressure in this plan. He took a puff of cigarette and looked at Qiao Linmu and said, "But I think this opportunity must be seized!"

After hearing what Lao Xiao said, Qiao Linmu felt a little relieved, so he patted the table and said, "Let's do it!"

"Done!" Everyone in the conference room shouted together.

Enterprises in the 1990s were full of vigor and courage, and they were much more courageous than the bosses who came later, and they all dared to fight hard.

Chen Li'an trusted his plan and the people in the factory, but to be sure, he sat in the study and carefully sorted out his plan. After all, it involved hundreds of millions in sales and the livelihood of hundreds of workers, so there was nothing sloppy about it. It's not necessary.

After sorting out all the plans, Chen Li'an checked and filled in the gaps several times before finally feeling relieved. He picked up the ice-free water glass on the table and drank it in one sip before calling Li Dabai over.

"Dabai, go and fax these information to Yangcheng later." Chen Li'an handed the information to Li Dabai and warned: "This matter is very important. There must be no gaps when faxing."

Li Dabai took the information and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Teacher Chen, I am no longer the Li Dabai I was before!"

Chen Li'an looked at the energetic Li Dabai, nodded slightly, and then said hesitantly: "Forget it, I'll go with you. We just go out for a meal. I'm almost starving to death."

Li Dabai: "." You just don’t believe me! snort! We are assistants who have learned from the secretarial manual!

However, in such a major matter, Li Dabai did not dare to protest. He concealed his embarrassment and looked at Chen Li'an and asked, "Okay, but your classmates are still waiting for you outside. What should I do?"

Chen Li'an was stunned for a moment and then remembered that Jiang Qingqing was still at home, so he hesitated and said, "Let's take her back to school together after dinner."

"Okay, by the way, this is the list of people who called you today. I have marked a few important things." Li Dabai handed the small notebook in his hand to Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an took it and glanced at it, then put it on the table and said, "Well done, let's go eat first."

More than two hours later, in an Audi in front of Beijing Film Academy, Jiang Qingqing let go of Chen Li'an's hand, left a kiss on his cheek, and got out of the car with a sweet smile and a pile of gifts.

After Jiang Qingqing left, Li Dabai, who was driving in front, couldn't help but curled his lips and said in a resentful tone: "Teacher Chen, I thought you only liked people older than you."

Chen Li'an glanced at Li Dabai, closed his eyes and said calmly: "Young people, don't always say whether you like them or not. Keep it simple, we are all friends."

Li Dabai: "." You are so naive. If I hadn't seen the torn stockings in the bedroom, I would have believed it!

Maybe it was because he exhausted too much physical energy yesterday and too much mental energy today, so Chen Li'an fell asleep after sitting in the back seat for a while.

Li Dabai looked at the faint dark circles on Chen Li'an's face, and was really afraid that he would suddenly die suddenly one day. Why did he have so many friends for nothing?

The car drove smoothly. When the car stopped at the destination, Chen Li'an did not wake up.

Seeing Chen Li'an sleeping with his head tilted, Li Dabai sighed and came to the back seat, sat next to Chen Li'an, held his head on his lap, and gently rubbed his temples.

Li Dabai's gaze crossed the hill and looked at the sleeping Chen Li'an. His fingers couldn't help but lightly glide across his sexy jawline, and finally stopped on his lips. He pressed lightly with his fingers and raised his hand again. I printed it on my face.

Li Dabai couldn't help but laugh. In the words of Japanese novels, this should be called a slut's behavior. In the words of youth novels, this is called an ignorant and innocent crush.

Li Dabai gently rubbed Chen Li'an's temples and looked at him quietly. Even though the sky outside was getting dark and his legs were numb, he still did not choose to wake Chen Li'an.

After waking him up, he will definitely be busy again, so let him take a good rest first.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Li'an opened his eyes in a daze and saw two hemispheres blocking his sight. There was a faint girl's body fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, and what seemed to be elastic girls' legs were resting under his head.

Li Dabai looked at Chen Li'an who opened his eyes and asked softly: "Teacher Chen, you are awake. Do you want to sleep for a while?"

"No need." Chen Li'an sat up with his hands on his hands, looked at Li Dabai and said, "Thank you, I just slept well. I haven't slept so soundly in a long time."

Li Dabai showed a sweet smile and secretly pressed his numb thigh.

Chen Li'an glanced at Li Dabai's movements, stretched out and asked, "How long have I been sleeping? What time is it now?"

"Two hours, it's now 8:05." Li Dabai immediately replied.

Chen Li'an didn't expect that he had slept for so long. No wonder Li Dabai kept rubbing his legs. Thinking that he still had seven or eight calls that he had not answered, he said to her: "It's so late, go back and rest early."

"Yeah, okay." Li Dabai responded. Just as he was about to lift his legs, he couldn't help but snort. His legs felt like they were pricked by countless fine needles, and the sore and numb feeling was like the snowflake screen of a TV.

Chen Li'an looked at Li Dabai's appearance and couldn't help but smile. Then he opened the car door, went to the front seat and adjusted the seat forward.

"Just bear with it, straighten your legs and rest for a while."

Li Dabai blushed and hummed, feeling that the voice he just shouted sounded a bit inappropriate.

Chen Li'an leaned in front of the car window and said to Li Dabai: "You can go home after a while. I'll go back first."

Looking at Chen Li'an's leaving figure, Li Dabai couldn't help but muttered: "I don't know how to rub it for me, it's heartless."

Chen Lian returned home and was in his study. He took Li Dabai's small notebook and answered the phone calls one by one according to the notes on it.

When I made the last call, it was already an hour later.

Chen Li'an looked at the things he had to do next in the notebook, and called Li Dabai again, reported his next itinerary to her, and asked her to make a schedule.

"The next two months will be very busy." Chen Li'an sighed after hanging up the phone. Just as he was about to take a shower and go to bed, his phone rang again.

Looking at the unfamiliar number, Chen Li'an hesitated before picking it up. An unexpected voice soon came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, is this Li An?"

Chen Li'an asked with some uncertainty: "Sister Xiaoli?"

"Yes, it's me." Liu Xiaoli on the other end of the phone smiled, and then joked: "You seem surprised?"

Chen Li'an leaned on the chair, put his legs on the desk and said, "Of course I am surprised. I thought Sister Xiaoli had forgotten me."

"Are you complaining that I haven't contacted you for so long?" Liu Xiaoli snorted softly and said, "Won't you contact me too?"

"Sister Xiaoli, why didn't you leave me your phone number?"


Liu Xiaoli suddenly realized that she didn't really leave a phone number for Chen Li'an. Chen Lian didn't ask what his phone number was at that time. Liu Xiaoli thought about it for a while and felt that Chen Lian didn't ask for her phone number at first, as if he was sure that she would contact him proactively.

Or if he doesn't take the initiative, it doesn't matter to him? Just forget it? Are you not taking the initiative anyway?

A lot of thoughts came to Liu Xiaoli's mind, but she still adjusted her mood and said: "Women are always more reserved, you should take the initiative to ask me."

Chen Li'an smiled and did not answer Liu Xiaoli's question directly, but asked instead: "What about this phone call now?"

Liu Xiaoli on the other end of the phone looked embarrassed, feeling like she had been tricked. She had just said that women should be reserved, so wouldn't it be wrong to take the initiative to call her?

The little man was quite good at it. Liu Xiaoli snorted pretending to be shy and said, "If you tease me again, I will die."

"Okay, just kidding." Chen Li'an put down his legs, sat up straight and asked, "Where are you now? Wuhan or Beijing."

"I just arrived in the capital today and I have something to ask you."

"Are you in a hurry? If you're not in a hurry, we can meet and chat tomorrow."

"Can't you do it tonight?"

"Okay! Address!"

Listening to Chen Li'an's words, Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but laugh silently. The little man knew that you couldn't help it, but she still pretended to hesitate and said: "Let's forget it. It's too late now. Let's see you tomorrow."

Chen Li'an: "." Just playing tricks, right? How careless!

"Then let's talk tomorrow." After Chen Li'an finished speaking, he hung up the phone and disconnected the battery.

Chen Li'an hummed a song and ran water in the bathroom to take a bath. Regardless of what Liu Xiaoli would think, he had to let her know the cost of playing tricks. She is still an adult and still playing tricks. It's so rude!

Chen Li'an suddenly hung up the phone, and Liu Xiaoli was stunned for a moment. She hesitated and called Chen Li'an again, but this time she couldn't get through.

Listening to the busy signal from her cell phone, Liu Xiaoli angrily threw the phone on the bed and couldn't help but snorted, "Stingy bastard, you are so angry."

But after seeing the newspaper on the table out of the corner of her eye, Liu Xiaoli forgot all the unpleasantness. Only such a man is interesting. What can a man without a temper be capable of?

Liu Xiaoli picked up the newspaper on the table and read the report about Lixin VCD. She thought of Chen Li'an, his handsome face and melancholy eyes, and that his artworks were sought after by so many rich people in Paris.

It's really hard to make people angry with such a man.

There are many people richer than Chen Li'an, but there are almost no people as good as him. Not to mention people who are the same as Chen Li'an, there are not many people who are ten years older than Chen Li'an who are better than him.

How could she be angry with such an outstanding man over some trivial matter? Liu Xiaoli put down the newspaper and started thinking about what to wear tomorrow. On the bed behind her, a pretty little girl was sleeping soundly, biting her fingers.

Normally, divorced single mothers rarely bring their children to meet with romantic partners, but for Liu Xiaoli, she has to do this. She wants to see if Chen Li'an can accept it. If not, then break it off as soon as possible to avoid wasting time. and feelings.

No one is as important as a daughter.

Everyone has something they care about most, and Chen Li'an naturally does too, but now he only cares about himself.

As for who he will care about in the future, Chen Li'an doesn't know. Anyway, he just wants to have a good sleep now.

But lying on the soft pillow, Chen Li'an missed Li Dabai's knee pillow.

"I forgot to buy work clothes for Dabai today." Chen Li'an turned over and muttered before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, before Chen Li'an got up, Li Dabai had already arrived. He took out the key from his bag, opened the door and came in. He didn't hear any movement, so he opened the door of Chen Li'an's bedroom.

Looking at Chen Li'an who was still sleeping, Li Dabai leaned over and looked at his face, smiled stupidly, and then quietly left the bedroom after watching for a while.

Half an hour later, Chen Li'an was woken up. When he opened his eyes, he saw Li Dabai standing beside his bed, holding a set of clean clothes in his hand and looking at him.

"Teacher Chen, it's already eight o'clock. You have an appointment with Director Feng Xiaoning and Ning Jing at ten o'clock."

Chen Li'an yawned, looked at Li Dabai, who was wearing a white shirt and short skirt, and said in a strange way: "Dabai, come here, I want to sleep on you for a while."

Li Dabai was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Li'an hesitantly with the clothes in his hand. Finally, he blushed and sat next to Chen Li'an, letting Chen Li'an rest on his legs and gently rub his temples like yesterday.

Chen Li'an smelled the perfume on Li Dabai's body and enjoyed her gentle techniques. He couldn't help but muttered: "Dabai, you spoiled me."

Li Dabai's hand paused, and he really wanted to squeeze Chen Li'an's head. It was obviously you who asked for it, okay?

However, seeing Chen Li'an enjoying it with his eyes closed, Li Dabai was still reluctant to put in more effort, and still gently rubbed Chen Li'an's temples.

But her eyes always looked at Chen Li'an's chest exposed outside the quilt, and several times she almost couldn't help but want to poke it.

It's a pity that this kind of benefit did not last long. Chen Li'an stingily pulled the quilt to cover himself, let Li Dabai go out, and got dressed himself.

Li Dabai sat in the living room with his mouth pursed. He felt that Chen Li'an was too stingy and didn't even show him when he changed his clothes. What a stingy man!

After a while, Chen Li'an finished washing and got dressed and came out. Li Dabai took one look and walked up to Chen Li'an, straightened his collar and said, "Would you like to have something to eat before going?"

Chen Li'an took an apple from the table and said, "I'm in a hurry, just have an apple."

"I know you're in a hurry, so you have to sleep for a while." Li Dabai said with disdain, ran to the kitchen and took a hard-boiled egg and handed it to Chen Li'an.

Chen Li'an knew that he was in the wrong, so he laughed and didn't refute. He was so sleepy and confused at the time, it really wasn't intentional.

The meeting place with Feng Xiaoning was not far from Chen Li'an's home, just ten minutes' drive away.

After not seeing each other for two months, Feng Xiaoning didn't seem to have changed much, except that he was in a very happy mood. It seemed that he was very confident in the film after it was edited.

Ning Jing's change was not small, but when she saw Chen Li'an, her expression was awkward for a moment, and then she covered it up.

"What have you been busy with recently? It's really hard to find you." Ning Jing looked at Chen Li'an and complained. She called Chen Li'an several times during this period, but she couldn't get in touch.

Chen Li'an smiled apologetically and said, "We were filming in the mountains, and there was no cell phone signal. There are too few communication base stations in the country."

"What movie are you filming again?" Ning Jing asked curiously: "Do you really plan to stop doing art and just become an actor?"

"No, I just encountered a good script and couldn't sit still." After Chen Li'an explained, he looked at Feng Xiaoning and said, "Does Director Feng come to me this time to discuss the release?"

Feng Xiaoning nodded and said: "The factory has seen the finished film and plans to submit it for this year's Golden Rooster, so it may be released in advance. As an investor, I naturally want to tell you."

Chen Li'an was stunned for a moment. If he remembered correctly, the Red River Valley should be participating in the next Golden Rooster. It seemed that under his influence, this time was advanced.

Chen Li'an thought for a moment and asked, "Are you sure you can win the award? It's hard to win the Golden Rooster this year."

Feng Xiaoning smiled and said: "It is indeed difficult. Kong Fansen will participate in Red Cherry, Face Changing, but the factory is very confident, and so am I."

Chen Li'an didn't know where Feng Xiaoning's confidence came from. Which of these movies was easy to mess with? Moreover, this was the Golden Rooster Award. If you shoot well, you would have a chance to win the award.

There is a slogan for the selection of the Golden Rooster: do not recognize relatives, only recognize works; steer the ship by yourself when the wind comes from all directions; do not hold any prejudices and follow the good; fully negotiate and take the overall situation into consideration.

You don’t need to read the previous ones, just read the last sentence, fully negotiate and take the overall situation into consideration.

Negotiate with whom? What's the big picture?

Anyway, Chen Li'an looked left and right and Feng Xiaoning didn't look like the overall situation, but considering that Shanghai Film Studio would probably give him a Hundred Flowers Award, don't count on the Golden Rooster.

Film, as a new product that has only developed for a century, has become the most influential art form in the world.

The huge influence will naturally make this art no longer pure. Capitalists and politicians alike will want to use movies to directly or indirectly achieve some of their own goals.

Therefore, the film festival will naturally not be pure. As long as there are people, there will be various demands and purposes. The film festival also has its own demands and purposes.

On the surface it’s to promote the development of movies, but people won’t tell you what’s going on behind the scenes.

Is Red River Valley capable of winning awards? Of course there is, otherwise The Six Princesses wouldn't be replayed over and over again, but if you really want to win awards, you don't just have to look at the quality of the movie.

Especially for awards like the Golden Rooster, Hong Hehe and Feng Xiaoning still can't reach the trophy. The best result is to give them a worthless Baihua. Anyway, there are more yolk eggs every year, so it doesn't matter if there is one more.

Chen Li'an has no idea about this. He doesn't care whether he can win awards or not. After participating in two film festivals, he finally understands that this thing is ideology, political stance and personal connections.

Film festivals in any country are like this, and domestic film festivals are no exception. There are even places that are leading. They are born to be stronger than others.

Chen Li'an stirred the coffee in the cup, looked at Feng Xiaoning and asked, "When will the film be released in the factory?"

"July, summer vacation." Feng Xiaoning thought for a moment and said, "But the specific release time is still being negotiated, and it will be July 15th as expected."

Chen Li'an nodded and said, "I don't have any objections. You are professionals and know better than me what schedule is appropriate. If you have anything you need me to do, you can tell me."

"Yes, you have to participate in the promotion this time!" Ning Jing, who had been silent for a long time, immediately interrupted, obviously very dissatisfied with Chen Li'an's failure to participate in the winner's promotion last time.

They are both the main actors, so why can you be lazy?

Chen Li'an couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ning Jing, and then said to Feng Xiaoning: "As for promotion, I will try my best to participate, but I can't guarantee the specific time now. It will have to wait until you decide the schedule."

Feng Xiaoning nodded and said: "I will confirm it as soon as possible, and Mr. Zhou would like to trouble you to inform you."

Chen Li'an agreed and said, "Okay."

After the serious chat, they chatted for a while before ending the meeting. However, Ning Jing did not follow Feng Xiaoning, but asked Chen Li'an to take her home.

After sitting in the car, Chen Li'an looked at Ning Jing and asked, "What's going on? I feel like you have a problem with me today."

Ning Jing snorted and said, "I'm afraid you're lazy. How can there be a leading actor who doesn't participate in publicity?"

"I already said I would participate, but this time I invested money." Chen Li'an glanced at Ning Jing suspiciously, feeling that she looked at him a little differently, but he couldn't explain why.

Ning Jing was embarrassed by Chen Li'an, so she deliberately changed the subject and said, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"Very busy, what do you want?" Chen Li'an asked.

Ning Jing glanced at Chen Li'an and said, "Forget it, you're busy. Do you want to go to my place for a cup of tea later?"

Chen Li'an looked at Ning Jing and felt that something was wrong with her, so he refused: "Next time, I have something else to do later."

"I really don't understand what you're busy with. If you don't want to go, just go." Ning Jing said it easily, but actually she felt a little disappointed, and then said to Li Dabai: "Just stop at the intersection ahead."

"Sister Jing, we haven't arrived yet." Li Dabai asked, looking in the rearview mirror.

"I still have something to do and I won't go home."

As soon as Ning Jing said these words, the car suddenly became quiet. Ning Jing realized that she seemed to have said the wrong thing. If she didn't go home for something, she had to ask Chen Li'an to take her there. It was obvious that she had some other purpose!

Combined with what Ning Jing said when she got in the car, it seems that her purpose was to meet Chen Li'an for tea at her house?

Ning Jing secretly glanced at Chen Li'an and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that he had no reaction, thinking that he didn't think much about it.

After the car stopped, Ning Jing quickly opened the door and got out. As soon as she took a step forward, she turned back and opened the door, looked at Chen Li'an and said, "If you are free tomorrow, call me. I have something to do with you."

Before Chen Li'an could reply, Ning Jing turned around and left, leaving only her back to Chen Li'an.

"It's weird." Chen Li'an closed the car door in confusion and said to Li Dabai: "Go back and contact Feng Xiaoning to confirm the scheduled time of the Red River Valley. If there is a conflict with the subsequent itinerary, negotiate with him and try not to It will affect my future arrangements."

"Okay." Li Dabai responded, started the car and continued moving forward.

After a while, the car arrived at the studio. Chen Lian got out of the car without waiting for Li Dabai to find a parking space. Parking in the alley was very troublesome. Every time he drove over, Li Dabai had to look for a parking space for a long time.

The studio is still the same as before, nothing has changed. The tree in the yard is still bare, only decorated with countless steel pipes, which forms a strong contrast with the leafy ginkgo trees.

Chen Li'an came to the studio. There was a faint smell of oil paint in the room. Bo Qing was wearing a white T-shirt, sitting in front of the easel and painting, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

Chen Li'an glanced at the electric fan and air conditioner that were not turned on, then walked behind Bo Qing and looked at her paintings.

This time the painting is still a family theme, but it has changed from a dining table to an outdoor one, with a family of three standing on a long stone step. However, now only the general shape has been drawn, and Chen Li'an still cannot see what Bai Qing wants to express. What.

Bo Qing felt someone behind him and that familiar smell, so he continued painting without stopping.

"Where did you go this time?" Chen Li'an asked from behind Bai Qing.

The brush in Bo Qing's hand was lightly smearing on the canvas, and he said without looking back: "I haven't gone anywhere, I'm at home."

Chen Li'an was stunned for a moment, looking at the family of three on the canvas, and vaguely understood why she continued to create family themes.

The room was quiet for a while. Chen Li'an raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and then asked after a while: "What do you think of the solo exhibition in the United States?"

Bo Qing put down the brush in his hand, thought for a while and said, "I want to take a look."

"Okay, then I will reply to Ji Fa."

Chen Li'an was not surprised by Bai Qing's choice. Art requires collision.

The development of modern art in the United States has its own unique trajectory. Abstract Expressionism and Popism both came from there. Even now, American artists have begun to emphasize breaking away from any genre.

The concept of modern art is constantly being overturned and reinvented there, and New York is now the center of modern art surpassing Paris and London.

It is very attractive to many artists, and Bo Qing naturally wanted to see what this world center of modern art is like.

However, Chen Li'an himself did not have a good impression of the United States. He had seen too much news in his previous life, and it was difficult for him to have a good impression of this country.

This can be regarded as the result of being influenced by public opinion. It is estimated that the Western world has a bad impression of China. However, this did not prevent Chen Li'an from becoming curious about American modern art.

As a country of immigrants and a new center of modern art, Chen Li'an wanted to see what interesting things were produced in the collision of different cultural exchanges.

It’s just that Ji Fa’s chosen exhibition time is August, and there’s still a month left.

Chen Li'an spent the whole afternoon in the studio. He had been filming for several months and had taken so many photos but they still hadn't been developed.

When photographing the Red River Valley, Chen Li'an took many photos of snow-capped mountains and temples, as well as many photos of local residents and monks. The purity and piety there were all recorded by Chen Li'an.

Various landscapes and characters reveal simple faith in Chen Li'an's shots. Chen Li'an wants to hold another film festival when Red River Valley is released.

Chen Li'an worked hard all afternoon and developed all the photos.

Standing in the dark darkroom, Chen Lian looked at the hung photos. Chen Lian felt that his mood had been cleansed again.

But the tranquility of this moment was soon broken. Chen Li'an took out his mobile phone and looked at the number on it, then hesitated and answered the call.

"Were you angry yesterday?"

As soon as the call was connected, Liu Xiaoli's voice came.

Chen Li'an felt that his mood was ruined, and he was not in the mood to play with Liu Xiaoli, so he said directly: "No."

Liu Xiaoli listened to Chen Li'an's voice, which was as pure as those monks in the temple who had seen through the world of mortals. She was a little surprised and wondered if he was in a state of having no desires or desires.

But Liu Xiaoli continued: "Then do you have time in the evening? I would like to treat you to dinner."

Chen Li'an looked at the photos in the room and knew that he was no longer in a suitable condition to continue selecting photos, so he replied: "Okay."

After hearing Chen Li'an's promise, Liu Xiaoli smiled, almost thinking that you had no desires or desires.

After making an appointment with Chen Li'an on the time and place, Liu Xiaoli hung up the phone, looked at her daughter who was tinkering with her cosmetics next to her, and said, "Sissi, how about we go out for dinner and introduce a very powerful uncle to you."

Sissi, who was wearing braids, turned to look at Liu Xiaoli and said oh, her voice was soft, sweet and cute.

Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but rub her little face, picked her up and put her on her lap and said, "Sissi, do you want to put on makeup like mom?"

"Well, I also want to be as beautiful as my mother!" Sissi immediately turned to look at Liu Xiaoli and said.

Liu Xiaoli hugged Sissi lovingly and said: "Our Sissi is already prettier than our mother, she will definitely be a little fairy in the future!"

"I don't want to be a fairy, I want to be a princess!"

"Okay, okay, our Sissi is a princess."

In the studio, Chen Li'an came out of the darkroom and saw Bai Qing still painting. He walked over and said, "I'm leaving first. I have an appointment with someone for dinner tonight."

Bai Qing hummed indifferently, and then asked: "Will you come to my place tonight?"

Chen Li'an was looking at the family of three in Bai Qing's painting. He was stunned when he heard her words and said, "Well, I'll be there later."

"Then go and do your work." Bo Qing picked up the pen and continued to draw.

(I realized when I woke up in the morning that I forgot to post it yesterday. I remembered to set up a scheduled release. My brain seemed to be broken.)

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