From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 999: Syed's Rainforest Business

  Chapter 999 Said’s Rainforest Business Experience

  Joga and the others, under the leadership of professionals, carefully visited the 'air resort' that Said spent a lot of money to build...

  The aerial resort that seems to be built with rainforest trees as beams and columns actually contains the top technology of the modern construction industry and the imagination of top designers.

  Said is asking for an organic combination of modern and original...

   Probably means that I want both original landscape and modern convenience.

  This kind of fucked-up request, which is both necessary and necessary, made the designer rack his brains, and finally compromised and came up with a miraculous solution.

  The aerial resort that seems to be built on the back of trees actually has thousands of solid steel structures at the bottom, but during construction, an organic material was used to camouflage the steel structures to make them look like trees...

   What's more bizarre is that these 'big trees' actually attracted a large number of vines to climb on them, making the fake ones look like real ones to the extreme.

  The entire resort looks like a huge spider web when viewed from the air.

  There is a building on each node, and the outermost side of the 'spider web' is the viewing point and the starting point of various rainforest activities.

  The inner circle is a public service point, which includes a series of service points such as several special restaurants, several massage shops, several specialty department stores, gyms, and rainforest meditation.

  The third floor inward is the guest rooms. There are 150 independent guest rooms, each of which can accommodate 4 to 6 people, which can fully meet the needs of a family.

  The fourth floor is an ultra-luxury tree house villa specially designed for rich people. There are only 50 villas in total.

  Each sky villa has nearly 160 square meters. The interior decoration of the villa is not magnificent, but the hardware is definitely first-class.

  Moreover, near the inner side of the villa, there are two small suites cantilevered outside like tentacles, which are convenient for wealthy people to arrange their own servants or nannies.

  The innermost part is the core area of ​​the resort. There is a huge beam in the center supporting a helicopter platform, which is convenient for transferring patients in the resort or important figures in a hurry in case of emergency.

  Relying on this huge beam and column is a tropical-style roof like an umbrella, and a three-story building below.

  The first floor here is the lobby of the resort, where not only are many precious plants planted, but also a cafeteria.

   On the second floor, there is a small theater that can accommodate 200 people, a movie screening hall, and a meeting room.

  The third floor is where the resort staff live and work.

  The fourth floor is the periphery of the helicopter platform, and there is a circular corridor that allows tourists to overlook the surrounding jungle from a high place.

  The bottom is a concrete space for a large oil-fired generator set.

  The entire resort looks like a spider web from above, but from below, it is a huge umbrella-shaped tassel supported by giant sky pillars and connected by covered bridges.

  The outermost part of the lowest point is only about 15 meters from the ground, while the highest point inside is 45 meters from the ground, which is about 15 stories high.

   Standing at the highest point of the resort, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding jungle and waterways.

  Joga stood on the observation deck at the highest point and enjoyed the beautiful scenery around him, and at the same time, he also understood why those drug dealers were anxious.

   Said said he only bought 60 square kilometers of rainforest land, but in fact he bought the land on both sides of this hidden tributary.

  A nearly 35-kilometer-long S-shaped meandering tributary wraps several pieces of rainforest with an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers, becoming the actual control area of ​​the resort.

   Moreover, Saeed has a serious desire to control the private domain. He built two checkpoints at the entrance of the upstream parallel river into this tributary, and arranged special personnel to guard them.

   Except for the local aborigines, any commercial cargo ships and cruise ships are not allowed to enter this tributary.

  No one used this tributary originally, because the upper and lower parallel rivers lead directly to Manaus. After the Brazilian government got enough money, it didn't bother Said.

  But now Said's approach has been proven. He cut off the key channel for drug dealers to evade the Brazilian water security forces, making their cargo ships unable to advance or retreat.

  After visiting the resort, Choja can feel his conscience and say that Said is definitely a person who will spend money.

   In the future, if anyone says that the local tyrants in Dubai don’t take money seriously, Qiaojia thinks that person must be a fool.

  Use the money to buy 60 square kilometers of rainforest to enclose 160 square kilometers of rainforest.

  Although there is a clause in the contract that the rainforest cannot be destroyed, this is really not a big problem for Global Hunting Company.

  According to Said, this is investing in the lungs of the earth.

   This guy has a ridiculous idea, that is to take more of the Amazon rainforest and protect it to balance the carbon emissions of Dubai's modern development.

  Global warming is a worldwide issue, but most vested interests require developing countries to maintain the status quo and reduce carbon emissions.

  Even the last so-called research group organized by a dozen people can ask developing countries to buy carbon emission shares without telling the public where the money is finally used.

  Many places in Europe have begun to levy carbon emission taxes on enterprises, which means that enterprises are required to purchase carbon emission shares before production.

  Part of it is free, but the carbon emission tax that exceeds the standard still makes many companies complain, and finally leads to the outflow of a large number of low-end industries.

   There are even some companies in Europe that specialize in reselling carbon emission shares, which is to sell the unused carbon emissions of some enterprises to those enterprises in need at a reduced price.

  Highly modernized and financialized Europe, using a concept, has created an industry and created tens of thousands of jobs. The price is that low-end industries have fled and more people have lost their jobs.

   But people don’t care, because most of the low-end industries are migrant workers, and these walking means of production are not included in the unemployment rate.

   Regarding this point, the situation in Boss Joe’s old mother’s house is somewhat similar...

  Enterprises that used to sacrifice environmental costs as a development factor have been shut down on a large scale, forcing them to upgrade their industries, or relocate highly polluting projects to transfer environmental costs to outsiders.

  This has caused many small and medium-sized enterprises to operate in difficulty, and finally had to choose to give up.

   This is the only way to upgrade the industry, there is really no way!

   Said's statement is very novel, but this guy did not mention the issue of rainforest ownership, which seems a bit green tea.

  You buy rainforest to pay carbon emission tax, how can you embarrass those who pay the fee honestly? What do you think of those who silently plant trees?

  Joga leaned against the fence of the observation deck, watching Kino harvest a stack of dollar bills from Said’s old housekeeper with a mosquito coil from a suitcase, he gave Kino a thumbs up...

  This kid definitely has enough brains, and the mosquito coil industry in Sengjia Town now supports many people.

  Boss Qiao didn't expect that this kid would actually develop 'overseas customers'.

  Using a box of mosquito coils, he got 10,000 dollars worth of wool from Dubai’s local tyrants. Although he never considered that the resort has the shares of Boss Joe, the pioneering spirit is still worthy of encouragement.

  An average 14-year-old boy, who dares to bargain with the butler of the Dubai royal family?

   Said saw that Boss Joe was a little bit sniffy at his 'carbon emission balance plan', and he said unhappily: "Jackal, my plan is a good one!

  I have discussed with Tahnoni and they are willing to invest 200 million US dollars each for me to operate. We are going to set up a 'Earth Lungs Protection Fund'.

  The money will be used specifically to acquire those rainforests, and then start to protect them.

   We spent money and took title to those lands for granted! "

   Said looked at Choja still unmoved, frowned and said, "Why don't you seem to be interested at all?

  You said it yourself, as long as you have the ability, you should do more for the world.

  We're friends, I'm doing something meaningful...

  Why do I think that kid sells some mosquito coils to make you happier? "

   Qiaojia listened, nodded with a smile and said, "Because Keno earned 10,000 yuan, but he supported many people.

  It is certainly a good thing to revive the rainforest, but you feel your conscience and say, how long can you persist in such a project with a very low input-output ratio?

  When you hold the title deeds to these lands, how long can you hold back from financializing them?

  Set up a so-called charitable fund, establish a concept with environmental protection as the core, and then financialize the rainforest.

  Use the acquired land for financing, and absorb those funds that need to seek profits to expand the scale of the acquisition.

   Unless you specify in the contract when you acquire those rainforests that you will never use the native rainforests for commercial logging, otherwise this project will definitely deviate from your current vision in the end.

   Timber export is an important export project in Brazil. You can't solve the core conflict. What's the point of buying land? "

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at the princes beside him, and said with a smile: "Of course, if you just want to have fun, it's not impossible.

  Buying the land that has been felled at a low price, and then planting trees with higher added value, and carrying out orderly management and harvesting can be regarded as a career that will benefit the future.

  As long as you don’t hold the idea of ​​making money with money, you can still do this.

  Brazil's climate is really good. 30 years of investment and 50 years of investment will yield benefits.

   If you can accept it, I will share it...

  I’m not really a philanthropist, but after going through so many things, I found it really meaningless to let money roll and appreciate in the capital market.

  That thing is empty, there is no hard back, and those big dealers can instantly clear your harvest at any time.

  It is much better to turn money into assets and then use these assets to do something meaningful than to use financial methods to do so-called good deeds...

  You are not short of money, since you want to be a good person, then be a good person to the end...

  For example, buying a large number of felled rainforests, organizing manpower for replanting and orderly logging can provide a lot of jobs for Indians in Brazil.

  You have done this, not to mention refusing to buy the so-called carbon emission share, but if someone dares to say nonsense, you can put what you have done on their faces. "

  Among the princes present, only Saeed could understand what Boss Joe was thinking.

  The other families rely on the energy industry to survive, and the maximization of energy value is inseparable from the current international financial order.

  It’s not that they don’t understand the truth, but they feel that Boss Joe’s utopian speech deviates from the laws of modern economics...

  How many years are there in a person’s life, and it takes decades to invest in a career that I don’t know if it will be productive, and it’s in someone’s home...

   Are you crazy?

  (end of this chapter)

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