From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1014: Responsible Underworld

  Chapter 1014 Responsible Underground World

   What Aaron wants to trap is not an individual, but a competitor of an international intermediary company.

  The business scope of the international intermediary company is very complete, covering a series of businesses such as mercenary recruitment, killer contract guarantee, intelligence transaction, money laundering and so on.

   Qiaojia understood very early on that according to the so-called deposit system provided by the international intermediary company, there must be other competitors to undertake the business that the international intermediary company does not accept.

   And this kind of business is generally concentrated on the "assassination" project that kills people!

   'Engineers' is one such organization.

  The three 'engineers' of P·B are just a member of this group, but they gave up their part-time jobs in the past and now concentrate on working for Boss Joe.

  The identities of the 'engineers' are complicated, but they have one thing in common, that is, high IQ, and some are even scientific researchers themselves. These people not only have super professional abilities, but some of them are even more familiar with the law than police or even judges.

   Compared with extremely professional people like 'engineers', there are other organizations that are closer to the attributes of 'jianghu'.

   'Stairway to Heaven'!

  'For the dead'!



  According to Boss Qiao's understanding of international intermediary companies, this company is actually a guarantee platform.

  Many times they are not so professional in some core business performance.

   It’s just that they seized the ‘pain points’ of most users and provided a third-party guarantee for this illegal transaction, so they allowed their scale to expand rapidly.

   Just like modern people hail a taxi, they usually choose to place an order on the platform, because black cars may indeed be cheaper, but there is no substantial guarantee.

   But on the other hand, for the platform, they can quickly use the resources in their hands to form a business monopoly, and then those mercenaries and killers who are attached to their platform are a bit...

  Of course there are excellent teams in the international intermediary company, but they are all obtained through the integration of other organizations, and generally within a few years, those real masters will leave after the contract expires.

  In the final analysis, international intermediary companies play for money, and their financial attributes are far greater than their business attributes.

   Such a company is a great harm to the real "jianghu".

  Because he is depriving the world of diversity, and also destroying many people's jobs.

   But everyone has to admit that the emergence of platforms like international intermediary companies has actually promoted the polarization of the underground market...

  That is, individuals or organizations that really want to develop will be forced to improve their service quality and do everything possible to improve their credit in order to compete with international intermediary companies.

   Like ‘Stairway to Heaven’…

  No one knows who the founder of this company is, but they have recruited a large number of top killers, and it is said that many of them are retired spies from various countries.

  Their mission success rate is extremely high, and the identities of internal members are top secret.

   Moreover, they implement a membership system, and they will accept tasks only if a member provides a credit guarantee.

  This is two ways with international intermediary companies...

   It is also a membership system, and international intermediary companies will always come. As long as you pay enough deposits, I will guarantee the rights and interests of the contract between you and the mercenary.

  The "Stairway to Heaven" is different. They adopt a member recommendation system, which is the kind of small circle culture that European and American old money likes.

  Take a high-end route, not only the asking price is high, but the threshold for employers to contact them is extremely high.

   Just because of the impact of international intermediary companies, the business of 'Stairway to Heaven' has not been very good in recent years, so I began to have the idea of ​​actively looking for members.

   Then soon those who were "insured" by international intermediary companies became the best hunting targets.

  For example, A has insured 80 million in an international intermediary company, requiring them to absolutely not take over their own business, and to provide a certain degree of support in underground intelligence.

   Generally this is enough...

  But for those who can spend 80 million to buy peace, what level should their enemies be?

   These people are the clients of Stairway to Heaven!

   Moreover, every time Stairway to Heaven kills a target, it will leave a mark on the scene, so as to attack the image of the international intermediary company.

   This is the malice from peers!

  If "Stairway to Heaven" still only competes within the underground rules, then "Replacement of the Dead" is different.

   This is an underground killer company that slowly developed from a terrorist recruitment website.

   And it adopts basically the same operating logic as international intermediaries, but they avoid the mercenary business that international intermediary companies are best at, and specialize in the subdivision of killers...

   Best of all, their killer asking prices are cheaper.

  'Replacement of the Dead' is searching the world for disposable consumables that are full of anger and want to take revenge on society.

  They will observe, cultivate, and stimulate the restlessness and madness in those people.

   Then after receiving the commission, help the employer find a suitable 'killer', let them act as disposable consumables, and let them attack the employer's target.

  Stairway to Heaven and For the Dead, companies with two positionings of high and low, are squeezing the business of international intermediary companies on a large scale around the world.

  There are two kinds of businesses in this world that are best to do, one is to serve the rich, and the other is to serve the poor.

  The rich are extremely capable of paying, and when their requirements are met, they are willing to pay money.

  The ability of the poor to pay is relatively weak, but the overall number of the poor is very large, and small profits but quick turnover can also create huge benefits.

   On the contrary, the middle class who are neither rich nor poor are the worst, and their lives are the most difficult!

  They also have black needs, but they will look forward and backward. Many times, they can endure a lot of grievances in order to keep what they have.

  So some people say that the middle class is the most disciplined group in the world, because they can't get up or down, and they can't afford to lose!

  The largest customer base of international intermediary companies is precisely this group of middle class!

  Pay a deposit of 100,000 yuan, and I can arrange a few contracted mercenaries to accompany you to the most dangerous places in the world.

  Pay 1 million, and I can help you hire people to fight wars, and if necessary, I can also provide supporting services for arms.

  Currently, customers in the range of 100,000 to 1 million are the main consumer groups of international intermediary companies, but they are the least profitable.

  Because there are regular PMC companies competing with you in this area, they are legally licensed companies that are more secure than gray groups like you.

   Coupled with the fact that various good and bad individuals and small organizations are fishing in troubled waters in the underground world, although the size of international intermediary companies is huge, life is far from as easy as the outside world thinks.

  Because they want to maintain this volume, they need to spend a ridiculously high cost.

  The high-end competition of the ladder of heaven prevents the high-end services of international intermediary companies from spreading among the rich, causing them great pain.

   Aaron definitely has no intention of competing with the dead, what he wants to cheat is the ladder to heaven!

  Because only he knows that the founder of 'Stairway to Heaven' was a member of the 'Jewish Avengers' back then.

  Killing the old man named Anon Taran and leaving the mark of 'Stairway to Heaven' will cause contradictions and suspicions within the Edward Fund.

  The scale of the Edward Foundation is unimaginable to most people, but there must be various factions inside this behemoth, and they will also compete with each other because of their different interests.

  When there are enough sheep outside, the wolves will hunt together to ensure that every wolf can have enough food.

   But once there are not enough sheep, the wolf pack will start to roll in, and the wolves will start to eat wolves!

  Aaron’s idea is to create an introversion of the Edward Foundation, and look for opportunities to expand his territory for the stage of his promotion to the rotating chairman of an international intermediary company three years later.

   This guy is a clear-minded strategic master. Just like Boss Joe cheated on enemies from morning to night, Aaron also creates trouble and pressure for his targets whenever he has the opportunity.

  The Edward Foundation suddenly hunted down Boss Joe, which made him see a good opportunity.

  Use the Yemen battlefield to drag them down, use the huge consumption of the war, and use the internal loss caused by the consumption to create their internal tears.

  If Boss Joe is a lion, he is taking the road of planning a territory and earnestly managing it.

  Then Aaron is a hungry wolf. He will take the initiative to attack, and he can maintain a high degree of patience, consuming the target bit by bit, until the target is exhausted, and finally rushes to bite the target's throat.

  In the past, if the Edward Foundation didn’t provoke Boss Joe, he certainly wouldn’t take the initiative to trouble them.

  But now that the Edward Foundation has taken action, the lion and the hungry wolf immediately found a common goal!

  Choga sat under the big tree, plotted with Aaron for a long time, and finalized a series of follow-up plans...

  Aaron will provide Al-Qaeda in Yemen with sufficient ammunition, and find a way to send all the remnants of ISIS to join Al-Qaeda. It is best to organize a global jihadist organization.

  Before, Choja was worried that Al Qaeda in Yemen would not be able to handle it, and wanted Aaron to find a way to make some money...

   Now it’s all right, the big head of the Edward Foundation has stood up!

  No matter what they think, Aaron must have a way to set up the Edward Foundation.

  As long as the number and strength of the jihadist organization are sufficient, the "cost of betrayal" of the Edward Foundation can increase.

  War is such a thing, as long as you get stuck, it will be difficult to get out!

  Tony tied a handkerchief around his nose, rummaged through the things that Boss Joe and the others had seized for a long time, and finally picked out a dagger...

  The guy pulled out the dagger, gesticulated on the crocodile's head, then sniffed and peeked at Boss Joe who was on the phone...

   "Elephant, what is the boss doing?"

   "I don't know if it's my illusion, I think the boss looks a little scary now!"

  Dorian, as a person who has been there, pressed Tony's head to turn him to the other side, and said seriously: "I don't know what the boss is doing, I only know that someone is going to be unlucky!"

  (end of this chapter)

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