Chapter 1017 Trouble

   Qiaojia saw the little girl in the tree hole who was probably only six or seven years old, holding the baby and rushing to the doctor's bird, crying and screaming, and kicked and beat the doctor's bird who was "bullying" the elder sister with her sister...

  He and Dorian rushed over to pull the two little girls apart, and then said to the doctor bird who was as stable as a rock: "What's the matter?"

The medical officer bird has already cut off the clothes of the girl in yellow and completed the preliminary examination. With his left hand, he covered the girl's shot abdomen with a large ball of gauze, and with his right hand, he found a dose of morphine in the bag and gave it to the girl. tie on...

   "Boss, I need help...

  Abdominal penetrating injury, I need to find a clean place to operate on her, otherwise she won't last long. "

When Qiaojia heard this, he knelt down and looked at the crying little girl. He held her tightly with one hand, and gently touched her head with the other, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm here Help you..."

While speaking, Qiaojia looked at the girl's toy backpack which contained a small bag of milk powder and a half-remaining feeding bottle. He reached out and took out the feeding bottle to have a look, and gently put the still warm feeding bottle into the girl's arms. The mouth of the baby who is at most four or five months old.

  Watching the baby hold the pacifier and start sucking vigorously, Choga reached out and wiped the girl's tearful face, and said again: "Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you.

  Follow me, I will take you home..."

  The language of the two sides is not the same. It may be that the appearance of Boss Qiao gave the girl a sense of security. She stopped crying and pulled Qiao Jia's hand to point at her sister who was shot, and kept talking...

Qiaojia couldn't understand what she was saying at all, so he could only touch her head and let her take care of the baby in his arms. He himself rushed to the side and chopped off two five-centimeter-diameter branch...

   After cutting off the branch on the branch, Choga dug out a rainproof cloth from the bag...

   At this time, Dorian comforted another older girl. He took out a pair of straps and helped quickly make a stretcher.

  Medical Officer Bird put a lot of hemostatic gauze on the abdomen and back of the girl who was shot, and then wrapped it tightly with tape, then directed Choga and Dorian to put the **** a stretcher...

   "Boss, you are responsible for carrying her, I need to save energy..."

  Speaking, the doctor bird walked up to the girl who was holding the baby, said a few words in Portuguese, and after taking the baby, he squatted on the ground and signaled the girl to lie on his back...

After securing the girl with a rope, the medical officer bird said a few words to another slightly older girl, and after confirming that she was fine, he said to Dorian: "'Elephant' take my Bao, let's go..."

  Joga watched another girl about eleven or twelve years old guarding the stretcher, and he said to Dorian: "Let's go, hurry up..."

  Speaking, Choga pressed the communicator, lifted the stretcher and said: "Dori, clear out a clean place in the cabin, someone needs surgery here...

  Well, better hide the body..."

   "Got it, boss!"

  The strong physical strength that Qiaojia had developed over the past few years played a role at this time.

The jungle was winding for a distance of about 5 kilometers. He carried a load of nearly 40 kilograms. Finally, he carried the little girl who could not walk, and carried the stretcher with Dorian. It took less than an hour. In no time, he rushed back to the plane crash site.

When rushing back, Choja saw that Tony had set up a temporary operating room in the cabin of the plane with a plastic tarpaulin. After he and Dorian put the girl in, they put their arms around Tony's shoulders and let out a sigh of relief. Said 'well done! '

   Then Choga signaled Tony to take care of the children, then sat beside him, took out the satellite phone and dialed...

   Soon Qiaojia confirmed the location of the support team, and the pterodactyl drone can take off within 5 hours...

  After confirming everything, Boss Joe pulled out a few batteries like magic and handed them to Tony...

"Keep alert 24 hours from now on. Your drone doesn't work very well in the rainforest. I have a spare Telos drone here. Come and modify it for me. Let's make a temporary one. Self-charging sentry drone."

  Tony listened, nodded vigorously and said: "Boss, if we can't leave for a while, then I can tie my Telos communicator to a high place...

  In this way, when Ms. 'Little Cat' and the others come, we can contact them in advance. "

   Qiaojia heard this, shook his head slightly and said, "I have a spare here..."

Tony glanced at the bottomless backpack of the boss, and nodded in admiration. He took the battery and spare micro-drones and walked to the wreckage of the plane, assembled a fast charging device with the tools at hand, and then put the micro-drones The man-machine is connected to the computer and starts to get busy...

Qiao Jia felt that Tony seemed to be able to handle it without the help of his own repairman. He took off the engineering shovel from the side of the backpack and said to Dorian: "The kittens will arrive in two days at the earliest. Follow-up support It will take another 4 days.

  I don’t know when the drug dealers will come, we need to make some preparations…”

Dorian glanced at the children and the doctor bird who was busy in the cabin. He smiled wryly and said, "Boss, we have too few people. Even with the cover of drones, we can't last long." .

The best way is to evacuate the children to the tributary where the 'kittens' docked after the operation. They came to Prince Said's yacht. The environment on it is better and it can save a little time. ..."

   Qiaojia listened, nodded slightly and said: "I know, but everything depends on the skill of the medical officer bird, and the speed of those drug dealers.

  Don’t worry about the firepower, I’ll figure out a way…”


  When Choga and Dorian set up a temporary defense line, in the Manaus barracks...

'Three Yellow Chickens' commanded several people to push a pterosaur onto the temporarily cleared runway, then waved for everyone to get out of the way, then pressed the communicator and said: "Let the pterosaur take off in 8-hour shifts. Make sure the boss has a drone over his head at all times..."

   After talking about the 'Three Yellow Chickens', after launching the pterosaur, they ran into the hangar...

  Looking at Sanderson who was delivering munitions to an old Black Hawk helicopter, the'Three Yellow Chickens' walked over and said, "Are you serious?

   It is about 650 kilometers from Manaus to where the boss and the others are. This Black Hawk has been refitted by the Brazilians and can only fly about 800 kilometers. "

  Sanderson commanded the soldiers recruited by P·B, sent several ammunition boxes onto the plane, then looked at the 'Three Yellow Chickens' and said with a smile: "Who said we would come back?

  Boss can crash-land in the jungle, so can we…”

Speaking of which, Sanderson pointed to the newly recruited soldiers and said, "I had a very good talk with the commander of the base. From now on, you will be in charge here. Don't hesitate in any situation. Who wants to stop the drone from taking off?" , kill whoever..."


  Choga and Dorian used the tools in their hands to cut down several big trees around while the doctor bird was operating on the girl, pruned them and built a temporary shelter.

  However, their manpower was still too small. In order to avoid being surrounded, Choga wandered around with his bag on his back, and arranged more than a dozen broadswords to deal with possible troubles...

  After everything was arranged, Choga returned to the crash site.

   At this time, he had time to take a closer look at the children...

  The girl who was shot was named Zu Lei, and she was only 14 years old this year.

  The other three girls are Dana, 11 years old, and Natalie, 7 years old.

  They went back to their hometown this time to let the patriarch of the hometown give the child a name.

  They have persisted in the rainforest for 5 days!

  Before, Zu Lei, the oldest girl, took her younger sisters to search for fruits in the rainforest to fill their stomachs. The remaining two cans of milk powder in the luggage were the baby’s life-saving straw.

   This child drank the milk powder made with water in the rainforest, and there is no problem until now. This is simply a miracle!

  These aboriginal children are surprisingly strong, and because they have lived in the aboriginal tribe for a long time, they are very familiar with the plants in the rainforest.

  When Choga was busy and sat down to rest, the third child, Natalie, walked up to him timidly holding a few strange-looking fruits...

   Qiaojia couldn't understand what she said, so he held up the fruit and put it in his mouth to signal...

  Natalie looked at it, shook her head and touched the two fruits in her hand vigorously, then peeled off a cracked fruit, picked out the white pulp like orange petals inside with her small hands, and showed it to Boss Joe...

  Joga peeled off the fruit in a similar manner, held up a piece of flesh and tentatively put it into his mouth to try it...

  The taste is very ordinary, but the moisture is quite sufficient, and after chewing twice, there will be a sweet aftertaste.

  Natalie saw Qiao Jia give her a thumbs up, she squeezed out a smile, pulled Boss Qiao's arm and pointed in the direction of the cabin, and said a series of words...

   Qiaojia couldn't understand, but it didn't prevent him from understanding the little girl's worries...

He took out two compressed biscuits and two bottles of water from his backpack and handed them to Natalie. Qiaojia squatted in front of her and said slowly: "Don't worry, the doctor is a very good doctor. Your sister will It's fine!"

  The little girl couldn't understand what Boss Qiao was saying, she anxiously held Boss Qiao's hand and kept talking, then burst into tears...

  Boss Qiao doesn't know how to comfort her...

Looking at the girl Dana who was holding a baby and trying to make a fire and boil water not far away, Choga took out a few pieces of packaged solid alcohol from her bag, pulled Natalie over and squatted on the ground, put the solid alcohol on the Lit in a half-dry firewood…

   Then he looked at the milk powder jar used to boil water, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up...

   "You are all amazing!"

   Just when Qiaojia wanted to help boil the water, Tony, who had been sitting on the top of the plane, suddenly called out: "Boss, someone is here...

   are drug dealers, about 400 meters away from the direction of six o'clock, the exact number is unknown..."

Upon hearing this, Choga cursed in a low voice, quickly extinguished the fire, then pulled Natalie and Dana, pointed to a big tree behind the plane, and said, "I dug a hole there, go Hide there..."

   While talking, Qiaojia looked at the bewildered look of the two children, shook his head irritably, and shouted at Tony: "Tony, take them to hide behind...

  You go too..."

  Tony slid down from the plane, pulled the two girls along and said, "Boss, what do you do?"

  Choga grinned and pulled the trigger, and said with a smile: "The drone is almost here, and you are responsible for using the miniature drone to guide the pterosaur to the target.

  Of course I'm staying here to surprise the sons of bitches..."

  Speaking, Choga called to Dorian: "Elephant, the doctor bird still needs a little time..."

  Dorian, who was on the outermost edge, turned back and gave a thumbs up, and shouted: "Boss, I think a salary of level 25 is the best reward for my loyalty.

  But next time we should still bring King Kong, without her, I always feel a little less safe..."

  (end of this chapter)

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