From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1056: listen to me thank you

  Chapter 1056 Listen to me thank you

  Back to the resort, Boss Joe, who had accepted a series of interviews, received a call from Forrester as soon as he returned to the room...

  Hearing about that Al Rawai, Choja's big teeth almost fell out of laughter.

  The bad mood harvested by the Taran family was swept away at this moment!

  Forrester's way of dealing with problems has a strong P·B style!

   There is no need to get angry when you meet a bad-hearted bastard...

   Air leakage everywhere has the advantage of air leakage everywhere!

  As long as you prove that you are a bastard, then I can pinch your weakness and make you do your job obediently, and you have to say 'thank you' to me afterwards!

  The other party will have weaknesses if they want something, and those who have weaknesses will unconsciously fall into the disadvantage when facing the upright P·B.

  'The benevolent is invincible' means that the values ​​​​converge with the public, and thus show the calmness!

  P·B is the clear card!

  If you want to win, you either have to invest a lot of energy and financial resources to align with the arms alliance that Boss Joe has pulled together, or you have to use some external tactics.

  But things that are not on the stage are shameful, and this has nothing to do with your power.

  Because P·B has actually become a force that can control a region, and at this stage, the feminist forces and arms companies held by Boss Joe are announcing their power!

  The combination of these two irrelevant forces, even the Tathagata Buddha would slap his head and shout "afraid" when he encounters it, and then turn around and leave, let alone use the media to fabricate facts to frame P·B.

  Boss Qiao himself can be regarded as high-spirited if he doesn’t tell lies to deceive people. How dare they use the power of the media to mess around?

  As long as P·B is upright and upright, he will be able to overcome this kind of problem all the way.

  This is the pit dug for themselves by the Jews who dominate the European and American media weapons...

  'Political correctness' is a good game for these establishment factions, that is, 'vested interests', to divert conflicts by cutting through the crowd!

  Represented in the beginning of the United States is a racial issue...

  Black people are defined as a disadvantaged group and enjoy privileges in certain things, and give this political correctness the meaning of 'great'.

   People are afraid to say it, but deeper antagonisms will arise because of this, and once the economy weakens, racial issues will reappear!

  When you have money, everyone will not be stingy with kindness, but once everyone has no money, 'weak privilege' will become a point of disgust.

   Race is followed by feminism…

   It is important to know that the source of feminism has never been to oppose men. The greatest group of women who proposed the concept of feminism opposed 'patriarchy', or simply put it against the power class.

  When the European and American governments discovered that women were pointing the finger at the group of "vested interests", what was their solution?

  Under the guidance of the media, the antagonism between men and women was put on the table for discussion, which triggered fierce confrontation, and then slowly many people were led astray.

  Induced by the media, some women have assumed the role of victims themselves, which is both necessary and disgusting.

  Racial conflicts and conflicts between men and women have one thing in common, that is, ordinary people pay for the results in the end!

   Vested interests have actually transcended the racial level, because even the blacks they come into contact with are high-quality smart people.

  They are still aloof, they can still enjoy the pursuit of women, and their lives are no different from the past.

   But what about ordinary people?

   Spoiled black buddies and a bunch of misleading girls, let a group of ordinary men who live in ordinary communities and have ordinary work and life, bear the greatest malice in the world.

  They can’t resist yet, because resistance is ‘politically incorrect’ and they will be punished.

  Only a few percent of the upper class called for equality, but the "political correctness" they advocated was a political means of compensating and pleasing from the very beginning.

  On the one hand, let politicians win votes, on the other hand, vertically cut social classes to transfer conflicts.

  When people in the middle and lower classes forget the root of all injustice and start to look hostilely to the left and right, the people at the top of the pyramid laugh!

  Because you're fighting each other, they're safe!

   But in fact this world has reached the edge of danger!

  The disorderly expansion of capital, the greed of human nature, the spread of consumerism, the acceleration of industrial automation, and the slowdown of economic development...

  These problems exist, but people at the top of the pyramid will never consider solving the problems at the root.

  Because everyone has no experience, and solving problems will move their interests.

  This is especially evident in Europe and the United States today, that is, procrastination. When all means are exhausted and social conflicts cannot be alleviated, a hot war is inevitable.

   Once upon a time, in order to win votes, the politicians in the lighthouses of the world offered the conditions of raising taxes for the rich and reducing taxes for the poor.

  Although the rich still have ways to take advantage of loopholes and not pay taxes, and the middle class has borne the tax increase in the end, at least their slogans have been shouted out, that is, the basic face is still needed.

  But now the common people are not stupid anymore...

  The Occupy Wall Street movement has lasted for a long time, which shows that the elites on the Internet are dismissive, but in fact they are afraid in their hearts!

  So in order to defeat the magic, more and more powerful magic was released!

  Women’s rights are not enough, homosexuality is not enough, there is still LGBT...

  There are many minority groups in this world, and any minority can consider themselves as the oppressed party.

  Support them to talk about their appeals loudly, and use their habits and manners that are abnormal in the eyes of ordinary people to invade the living space of ordinary people.

   make you angry, let you attack each other...

   Then the big men will mediate in the middle, use the rights and interests that originally belonged to ordinary people to fill the needs of the minority, and then label them politically correct.

  This is the politically correct routine in Europe and America at this stage!

  If the earliest blacks were politically correct and really had the idea of ​​protecting vulnerable groups and resolving racial conflicts, then the later developments were basically political means.

  Because at the end of the day everyone looks back and thinks, well, my wallet is getting smaller and smaller, there are more and more demons and ghosts, and the living environment is getting worse and worse...

   There is really a reason why Dazui Tang can get so much support!

   A group of rednecks and low-middle-class middle-class people who basically have no right to speak in the media expressed their position with their own votes.

  Da Zui Tang, a political amateur, used his brutal image to tear away the dignity of the establishment, broke people's fear of "political correctness", and wanted to use the power of the United States to regain its glory with hooligan means.

   Such a guy is a standard bully for other countries, but he can indeed be called a spokesperson for the middle and lower classes in the United States.

  Although Dazui Tang himself also evaded taxes, compared to those geniuses in Wall Street and Silicon Valley, Dazui Tang was too frank.

  I’m like this, whoever scolds me is ‘fakenews’!

  This fully shows that people all over the world are the same. They have no ability to mind that you have interests, but they mind that you eat too badly, and mind that you mess up our lives more and more.

  If there is no Che Guevara, then Big Mouth Don, he is the least bad choice!

  Boss Joe now has the right time, place, and people, because he has firmly held the feminist group, and his image is absolutely positive.

  The most important thing is that he single-handedly sent Dazui Tang to the top position, and combined with Tom Reed, a staunch conservative, to win 15 seats in Congress.

  No one can deny that the United States is still the most powerful country in the world, and Dazui Tang is the most powerful person on earth at this stage.

  Now anyone who wants to get P·B has to go through complicated judicial procedures, even if the page number of the accusation document is wrongly marked, they have to type it back and go through the process again.

  In the end, even if everything is done, the files are put on the desk of the big man, and most of them will be thrown into the trash can in the end.

  Because P·B’s black work was done by Joe himself, without any actual evidence left.

  Any other 'crime' for which actual evidence can be collected is accompanied by a 'just war' that has already been characterized!

  Anyone who takes the normal way to compete with P·B has no chance at all!

  Finally, if those hostile forces want to defeat P·B, they will go to Yemen to fight for their lives.

  At this stage, there is only one place where we can avoid the shadow of universal values ​​and use all means without any scruples.

  Because Al Qaeda will resist all the pots, so that those people can avoid being abused by the whole world!

  The only bad thing is that 'war' is exactly what P·B is best at!

Qiaojia hung up the phone and became happier the more he thought about it. He kicked away a waxed crocodile, picked up his son from the cradle, and took a bite of his son. Then he looked at Niss who was smiling, and said, "Listen! Say you've been a little irritable these days...

  I like you like this, but let's save a little effort next, there will be more big scenes later.

  The kitten is now pregnant, let her take care of Igor, let's go to Yemen for fun! "

   "cough cough"

  Joga glanced at Dorian, who was coughing beside him, then glanced at the expressionless Dragon Lizard, and said with a smile: "I'm just kidding, I'm going to Djibouti, mainly because the business there can't do without me...

  Actually, Igor can also hang out with me for a while, I bet Igor must be the baby who has experienced the most wars and victories under one year old on earth.

   This kid will definitely have great prospects in the future! "

Kaman looked at Igor who was bubbling stupidly, such a gloomy old guy, he couldn't help sighing, and said, "Boss, it's really unnecessary, or I'd better bring Igor and Let the kitten go back to Sangha Town.

  I think I should watch P·B's second prince be born..."

   As Kaman glanced at the flat belly of the kitten, he hesitated and said, "Of course, the princess is also good..."

  The kitten’s nose is crooked. Why did everyone think that Niss was a prince when she was pregnant, but when she came to her, she said, “Princess is not bad too”?

   This girl glared at the unfair dragon lizard, pulled Boss Qiao and said pitifully, "Boss, I want to be with you..."

   Just as Choga was about to reject the kitten, he heard Niss next to him say to the kitten: "You stay in Brazil, and I will arrange a team of anteaters to protect your safety.

  Here is your career, and it is also the career of the child in your stomach.

  You want the boss to help you save Rocinia, he gave you a good start, you are responsible for it! "

   While speaking, Nice stretched out his hand to press the kitten's belly, and said seriously: "You are different from me, you are healthier than me and more energetic than me, fighting is not a necessity for your life!

   Love your child as much as possible, and then be responsible for him. Only in this way is a qualified mother!

  Don't be self-willed, just like you advised me in Syria!

   You will always be the most important part of our family! "

Seeing that the atmosphere was made a little heavy by Nice, Qiaojia put his arms around the girl's shoulders and said with a smile: "Don't make the atmosphere so heavy, Djibouti is not very dangerous, whether it is a kitten or Igor, Go if you want.

  You have to know that we are different from a year and a half ago, at least in Djibouti we are a strong side!

   Don't say those who love me, even those who hate me, must respect my family before I die! "

   As he spoke, Choga looked at Kaman and said with a smile, "Because we have the ability to punish them, don't you think so?"

  Kaman looked at Qiaojia's serious expression, he nodded while pinching his nose, then thought for a while and said: "The air in Djibouti is not very good..."

   Qiaojia laughed loudly, lifted Igor up and kissed him, and said, "My son is a tough guy who pulls a cart with a crocodile, what's wrong with the drier air?

   After a while, I will take him with me to Djibouti to meet some of the most militant people in the world...

  He's destined to be an eagle, and I, daddy, need to give him some preschool education so that he understands that's all there is to the messy people who mess up the world!

   It's all **** business, but we just want to straighten our waists and make money! "

Dorian on the side nodded seriously, raised Igor's little fist with a sense of ritual, let him touch him, and then laughed and said: "Let them be sincere to us!" Say 'thank you'!

  This is the way we do things! "

  (end of this chapter)

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