From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1216: Tomica grass, king of prairie

Chapter 1216 Tomica Grass, King of the Grasslands

Joja roared while running wildly, attracting Arthur's attention...

Seeing a familiar two-legged monster trying to intervene in his battle, Arthur roared in displeasure, sprinted a few steps in the direction of Boss Joe, then braked and created a cloud of smoke to warn the ignorant Boss Joe...

Boss Qiao doesn’t do this...

The experience of subduing Arthur at the entrance of the resort made Boss Qiao lose his sense of awe towards Arthur. In his heart, he was a "cooked lion".

Although it was Kaman who helped cheat at the time, humans have occupied the top of the earth's food chain by "cheating", and Boss Qiao doesn't feel embarrassed at all.

In response to Arthur's annoyance, Boss Joe fired a shot at the stray lion not far away while running wildly...

 The bullet grazed the body of the running lion and left a scorch mark, but it did not stop the lion.

 The missed shot made Boss Qiao a little unhappy. He stopped more than 30 meters away from Arthur, and then pointed the gun at the lion more than 30 meters away and fired again.

Boss Joe, who rarely uses shotguns, accidentally missed again. The speed of the shotgun bullets caused Boss Qiao to feel a little out of balance...

The powerful single-head bullet did not hit the lion's vital part, but hit its side hip.

 The tumbling and deformed bullet tore a huge wound in the lion's tail!

Theoretically speaking, although this cannot kill the lion, it should make it fall to the ground in pain.

But the lion seemed to feel no pain and rushed straight towards Arthur...

The moment the two male lions faced each other, their forelimbs jumped up in unison, and they slapped each other hard with their front paws.

Boss Qiao, who was very close, heard two muffled sounds like drums, and then saw the two lions in the smoke taking a few steps back at the same time.

  Then they bounced up and rushed towards each other again, but this time Arthur was obviously smarter.

At the moment when the opponent swung, it stood up with the help of its waist strength. While avoiding the opponent's blow, it hit the opponent's nose with stronger force. The sharp claws even picked up a large piece of flesh, making it The opponent looked extremely ferocious...

Boss Joe shot the stray lion in the side chest again when it retreated.

But soon Boss Qiao felt something was wrong...

The power of a single-head bullet is huge. In theory, even an elephant will fall after receiving such a shot.

But the male lion seemed to be aroused with ferocity. When Arthur attacked for the third time, he sold the back of his neck to Arthur, and then bit Arthur's right front leg.

Arthur used a very awkward posture, his left front paw firmly clasped the stray lion's back, and bit the stray lion's neck with his big mouth.

Two huge male lions bit each other, their bodies tangled and writhing on the ground, and the smoke and dust they stirred up made the surrounding area seem unusually hot.

It seemed like there was nothing wrong with the lions fighting like this, but Qiao Jia realized that something was wrong...

 He rushed up and fired two shots at the stray lion's body at close range. The second shot hit the lion's spine, which made it completely stop.

Arthur, who was biting the back of the stray lion's neck, might have felt that his enemy was dead. He let go of his mouth and struggled to pull his right front leg out of the enemy's mouth, but he tried twice without success. …

Seeing that Arthur was clearly in extreme pain, he was still roaring at himself, telling himself to stay away...

Qiao Jia magically took out a medicine bag, patted it twice on his body, and then put the medicine bag into his pocket.

Looking at Arthur suddenly stopped roaring, dragging the body of the stray lion back as if he had encountered a natural enemy...

 Boss Joe stepped forward proudly, inserted the barrel of the M4 into the mouth of the stray lion, and forcefully pried open the big mouth like a bear trap.

Arthur retracted his right front leg, stepped back several meters continuously on three legs, lowered his body, turned his ears back, and started to grin at Boss Joe...

That kind of look that wants to go crazy but is a little scared at the same time makes Qiao Jia very proud!

Qiao Jia has seen this guy look like this once...

Seeing that Arthur's front legs were afraid to touch the ground, Qiao Jia stared at him for more than ten seconds, and then bravely stepped forward and grabbed the scalp of the male lion...

 After scratching hard a few times, the wildness in Arthur's eyes did not recede, but the fierce-looking fangs were retracted.

Carman grabbed Manluo who was about to rush over to protect the boss. As he slowly approached, he watched the boss grab Arthur's neck and make him fall sideways...

 “Our boss has found the feeling of the prairie!”

Seeing his boss squatting in front of Arthur, pressing the side of Arthur's face with one hand and grabbing Arthur's right front paw for inspection, Manluo held Remington in his hand and said nervously: "I don't think this has the same feeling as the grassland. It doesn't matter, Arthur is not hostile to us, it doesn't mean it..."

Kaman shook his head with a mysterious expression and said: "You don't understand, there is no lion on the grassland who dares to hurt the boss...

 For the boss, the only limitation on the grassland is the environment, not lions or other things. "

Kaman always mythologizes Boss Joe intentionally or unintentionally. Of course he is familiar with the medicine package he gave him, but this kind of thing is not worth mentioning if it is revealed. But if it is not revealed, it can create one legendary story after another.

And in Afika, legends are far more convincing than science!

For example, Man Luo obviously believes it now!

While Qiaojia was disinfecting and wrapping gauze on the wound on Arthur's front leg, the lioness Nasia and five other lionesses slowly approached him.

Seeing that blood was oozing from Nasia's face, and the other two lionesses were walking a little unsteadily, Qiaojia shouted to Kaman: "Look at that stray lion, something is wrong with this guy..."

With that said, Qiao Jia let go of Arthur's huge front paw, stood up and pulled his injured hind leg to hold on, and found that the old injury was almost healed...

At this time, Qiao Jia understood that Arthur was bringing his own pride of lions to hunt the intruders.

 The one who injured it must have been the stray male lion with the shoulder injury before, but the opponent it chose for itself this time was a new stray male lion who was also the murderer of two lionesses and cubs.

 “Looks like I misunderstood you…”

As he spoke, Boss Qiao grabbed Arthur who was very unhappy, scratched his neck hard a few times, and said with a smile: "I thought you were a softie at first, but now I know, you are still a dog." Tough guy lion.”

Arthur couldn't understand what Boss Joe was saying either. He shook his head vigorously and broke away from Boss Joe's big hand, retreated to Nasia's side, put his big head on Nasia's neck, and growled as if he was saying something. something...

Boss Qiao held a tube of ointment in his hand. No matter what threatening actions the aggressive Nasia made, he would resolutely approach her...

 When he was half a meter away from Nasia, Boss Qiao stretched out his hand and slowly approached Nasia, letting her grin her teeth, but firmly grabbed her scalp...

The moment Boss Qiao's big hand came into contact with Nasia, the fierce lioness was like a deflated rubber ball. She lay on the ground in frustration, covered her nose with a pair of front paws, and allowed Boss Qiao to apply the ointment on the into the wound on his face.

 Perhaps it was the cooling and analgesic effect of the ointment that made Nasia feel comfortable, and her tensely curled hind legs also relaxed.

 The fierce-natured Nasia held her nose and looked aggrieved, which was quite amusing.

The huge contrast made Boss Qiao burst into laughter. When he tried to check the other two injured lionesses, he was stopped by Carman...

“Boss, don’t worry about them, they are all bruised and will recover quickly.

These lions should not have too much contact with people. Being too close to people will cause them to misjudge sometimes. "

As he spoke, Kaman opened the belly of the stray lion and looked at the messy internal organs inside. He frowned and said, "This doesn't seem to be an ordinary stray lion..."

It was rare for Qiaojia to get close to a wild lion. He was not angry when Kaman stopped him. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Nasia's neck vigorously. He stood up and walked to Kaman with the smell of a lion...

Looking at the old guy dissecting the lion's body with rough methods, Qiao Jia smiled and said: "I don't know what happened, but I feel something is wrong.

Logically speaking, the lion should run away as soon as it hears the gunshot...

 I can understand why Arthur and the others don't run, probably because they can often hear gunshots. But it’s so strange that this stray lion didn’t run away even after being shot..."

Kaman listened, shook his head and said: "When the lions are extremely angry, the sound of gunfire cannot scare them.

 The strange thing is this..."

As he spoke, Kaman opened the lion's mouth with his **** hands, pointed at its teeth and said: "This is an old lion, a very old lion.

 It should not have the courage to challenge Arthur, nor should it have the ability..."

 After speaking, Kaman opened the lion's eyelids, looked at the bloodshot eyeballs and frowned as if he remembered something...

 “Tomica grass…”

Qiao Jia looked at Kaman who was mumbling to himself, frowned and said, "What did you say?"

Kaman was stunned for a moment, looked at Boss Qiao and said: "This lion is not an aborigine of Ndele, it may not even be a wild lion, because there are no wounds on its body caused by long-term fighting, and its muscles have not completely degenerated.

He may have taken a herb called Tomica and became crazy..."

Qiaojia sighed and said, "What kind of herb is Tomica?

This thing is like an injection of steroids, adrenaline and drugs...

  FUCK, remember those guerrillas in the Congolese jungle?

 When they use the medicine provided by G.I.D., they will become manic and not afraid of death..."

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said, "No one will do similar experiments on lions, right?"

Carman shook his head and said: "I don't know, I have seen many similar situations...

After humans and animals eat Tomica grass by mistake, they will have terrifying hallucinations and their body functions will increase rapidly.

 At this time, they will become manic and aggressive, a bit like the PTSD they always talk about. "

Qiaojia heard this and said in surprise: "What kind of grass is this, so powerful?

Will there be any side effects from eating this grass? "

Carman wiped the blood on his hands from the stray lion and said: "Most of the people who ate Tomica grass died, and most of the people who didn't die were also crazy.

Only a few people survived in the end!

 Remember the rhinoceros?

 He once fell into madness due to long-term fighting. I used Tomica grass mixed with other herbs to treat him.

 And in the earliest times, rhinos were far less powerful than they are now..."

 Fight fire with fire!

Looking at Kaman’s calm look, this word suddenly appeared in Qiao Jia’s mind…

Rhinoceros were once murderous lunatics, there is no doubt about that!

The rhinoceros is much better now, at least he can control his temper a little...

Looking at Kaman's calm look, Qiao Jia said in surprise: "The rhinoceros is doing very well now. In other words, this Tomica grass can not only treat PDST, but also create super soldiers with super physical strength?"

 Carman shook his head and said: "He is one of the few who survived!

 Tomica grass is dangerous, otherwise why do you think I would cut off his nose?

 And the kind of strength produced by hormones and stimulants is meaningless if it cannot be adapted through long-term exercise.

 That is a disease, just like the kind of people who keep growing taller. Their bones will become fragile, and their muscles will be congested and excited for a long time, and they will have similar problems. "

Qiao Jia thought about the image under the rhinoceros respirator that should only appear in a B-level horror movie. He smacked his lips and said, "Forget it. In fact, it sounds like Tomica grass is a steroid with hallucinogenic ingredients." Or doping..."

Kaman saw that Qiao Jia had lost interest, and he smiled and said: "Yes, this kind of thing is meaningless at all, otherwise the army led by the wizard would have ruled Afika long ago.

Tomica grass is not rare, but you still need some luck to find them.

 It’s not worth wasting time on something like this…”

 “Wizard army?”

Joja looked at Kaman curiously and said, "Afika's wizards also have an army?"

Carman hesitated for a moment and said: “It once existed, but it died out quickly because the mortality rate of Tomica grass was too high.

 In fact, the so-called wizard army was just like the guerrillas who went to the battlefield after taking drugs. They were not afraid of death, pain, and fear...

During the massacre in Uganda, Senturu led us to defeat several such teams, and we also personally burned a group of rebellious wizards to death. "

Qiaojia looked at Kaman and said curiously: "How did you win back then?"

Carman shook his head and said nonchalantly: "Those people who took Tomica grass have no brains. If we kill them all, we will win!"

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "That's right. People who are irrational must not use weapons well. It should be easy to kill them with a gun..."

Kaman was stunned for a moment. He shook his head and did not answer the boss's words. He turned to Manluo and said: "The bodies of the male lions need to be burned. Their flesh and blood contains ingredients of Tomika grass, and they can be eaten by other beasts. It will cause quite a bit of trouble.”

As he spoke, Kaman looked towards the east, frowned and said: "Boss, are you interested in going to the east and taking a look?

 The sports meeting is about to begin. If a batch of Tomica grass happens to be mature, if an animal that follows it accidentally eats it, the Ndele grassland will be unsafe..."

Qiao Jia said nonchalantly: "Of course, we are all choosing routes for long-distance running anyway. Where can we run without running?

If we really find it, let's burn those dangerous things with fire and set the end point there...

 This must be the most exciting long-distance running route in the history of sports..."


While Boss Joe and the others were taking action, the three unlucky Reeds who were kicked out of the sky encountered trouble on the grassland...

 The three guys encountered strong winds in the air and were blown eastward for a hundred or ten kilometers.

After landing hard, the three of them rested for a while and then began to wander on the grassland in a daze...

 At the end of the day, hungry Richard hunted a porcupine with his revolver.

While they were lighting a fire to barbecue the porcupine at night, several figures quietly sneaked up behind them...

When the knife was pressed against his throat, Richard, who was in a state of embarrassment, suddenly yelled as if to vent his anger...

"Jackal, do you want to torture us? If you want, kill us!"

 You want to control the Reed family through that bastard, let me tell you, that's impossible! "

Several black men who restrained the three Reed brothers and sisters heard Richard's roar. After they looked at each other, they called the rear via radio...

 “Take them with you, they may be useful!”

 (End of this chapter)

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