From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1290: The way forward

Chapter 1290 The way out for the future

 “Don’t worry about him, that guy has a talent for solving complex problems!”

Aaron was sitting in the yard of the beach house in Madagascar, gently caressing his wife Claudia's slightly swollen belly, and said with a smile: "You are pregnant now, I think you can relax a little...

The integration of the Sicilian gangs is almost done, and it's time to try to let them run on their own.

 The environment here is very good…”

The eye-catching Claudia put her arms around Aaron's neck, kissed the top of his head, and said: "I will listen to you, but next year I will return to Sicily to participate in the competition for the European president of an international agency company. Go in.

 Dear, I want to help you. You should be the ruler, and all the people in the underground world should bow their heads and pay tribute when they see you. "

Aaron shook his head indifferently and said, "I thought the same way before I became the president of an international agency.

 But after I achieved my goal, I discovered that only by climbing to the top of a mountain can I see new mountains.

 Claudia, we still have a long way to go! "

As he spoke, Aaron looked into Claudia's eyes and said softly: "But if you touch drugs, your road will be over.

Musa of the 'Ndrangheta is not someone to be trifled with. He bows his head to you for peace not because you are really important...

If I were you, I would definitely choose to use all my strength to defeat him, instead of forgetting the harm caused by the Glory Society to the Mori family just because of the greed of my subordinates. "

Claudia was stunned for a moment and said: "It was a jackal that killed all my family members..."

Aaron smiled and shook his head and said: "Claudia, don't lie to yourself. The 'Ndrangheta is the main culprit for the decline of the Mori family, and you have never had any thoughts of revenge.

Musa persuaded several families in Sicily to force them to marry you, right?

 You find that people who are united by interests will also leave because of greater interests, right? "

As he spoke, Aaron looked at Claudia's tired eyes. He took her hand and asked her to sit down next to him, and then said with a smile: "We only see each other twice a month, but you suddenly got pregnant. It's because you feel like you can't cope, right?

Want to hear my opinion? "

Claudia rested her head on Aaron's shoulder and said weakly: "Aaron, the world is changing so fast, and I suddenly feel like I can't cope with it."

Aaron reached out and touched Claudia's head and said: "It's not that you can't cope with it, but that you have re-established roots in Sicily. When you want to return to the arms market for money, you fail. Suddenly I found that the arms market has changed...

 In fact, it is not your problem, but that you have more people to take care of and you are not fully prepared! "

Aaron said with a smile and said: "I will help you 'persuade' those people. After you give birth to the child, you will find that you are still the queen of Sicily, and those greedy **** will be convinced by you."

Upon hearing this, Claudia straightened up and said, "What do you want to do?

The economic situation in Italy is not very good, and I just can’t find new profit points for everyone, so that’s why...

I actually don’t want to cooperate with Moussa, but I found a contact person in Eastern Europe a few months ago. He told me that there are no weapons that can be sold at low prices. In the past year, black market arms from all over the world have been converging on Yemen. …”

Aaron sneered and said: "It's not that there is no more, but you didn't ask the right person. I am your husband, you should ask me...

 You need a ‘big customer’ beyond those guys’ cognition, and you also need a bottomless weapons warehouse…

I happen to have both of these! "

Claudia was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Who is the big customer you are referring to?"

Aaron smiled and said: “Al Qaeda in Tripoli, Hezbollah in Lebanon, plus the arsenal I developed in Moldova, it’s enough!

 As for those Sicilian mafia families…

 Stabilize them, oppress them, annex them..."

When Claudia heard this, she was horrified and said: "It was the jackal who asked you..."

Aaron shook his head and said: "No, he didn't mention it to me, but I know the importance of Libya.

Only by maintaining instability, Tobruk will not escape his control.

As for Hezbollah, Jackal will definitely find ways to improve Hezbollah’s strength. Since it’s all business, of course let me, a professional, do it..."

 “Why Hezbollah?”


“Because Hezbollah is the key to P·B’s ability to gain a foothold in Canada and break through the predicament!”

Qiao Jia was walking on the dock of Crete, Greece, looking at several freighters being refitted. He smiled and said to Qiao Liang beside him: "The whole world is waiting to see my joke...

   Brother Xiaoma called me specifically to apologize, but he didn’t advise me not to join S…

 Tahenoni of Abu Dhabi was willing to lend me two modified 056s for "testing", but said nothing about the complicated situation of adding S.

 Shah's Dewali was willing to provide unlimited drone and missile support, but never expressed any sympathy for the Haram.

Al Thani of Qatar spent US$3 billion "out of his own pocket" and sponsored a hospital ship. He hopes that I can help Hams change the current situation.

Egypt seems willing to help, but in fact they are already fed up with the Palestinian refugees who keep coming into their country. The extremists among them always make Egypt feel alien inside and outside.

Jordan is too close to Israel, and their holy king can only survive if he sticks to the United States.

 Syria is too weak!

 Only Hezbollah has the will and the strength to contain the Israelis! After hearing this, Qiao Liang said a little confused: "Brother, adding S is a trap. Both Hams and Fatah are unreliable. I don't think you need to invest too much energy there."

 In fact, if you protect the United Nations volunteers well and show up from time to time to show your presence, you will be accountable to the international community..."

 Speaking, Qiao Liang hesitated for a long time and said: "Brother, there is a powder keg there. Once you are involved, P·B will lose its fair position...

 I can actually understand your thinking, but you have to know that there are countless people under P·B now..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia put his arm around Qiao Liang's shoulders and said with a smile: "What, you came with a mission?

Some people are worried that Jialiang trade will be implicated, affecting tens of billions of exports every year, right? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia waved his hand to signal Qiao Liang not to speak. He pointed at the sea in the distance and said with a smile: "Did you see what that is?"

Qiao Liang squinted his eyes and said, "A natural gas carrier..."

Qiaojia smiled and nodded, saying: “Yes, a natural gas carrier!

Mediterranean Energy Company, which Xiao Ma and I cooperate with, has already produced output. Although the pipeline will take another year to reach Crete, the natural gas power plant on the island has already started operation.

 That is the ship that delivers natural gas to the island!

 At the current market price, the power plant in Crete would lose several million by purchasing that cargo of gas. "

 Speaking, Boss Qiao patted Qiao Liang on the shoulder who was confused, and said with a smile: "You know? Some politicians in the United States are actually right...

 The rise of the old mother has broken the balance of the world!

ˆThe ecological niche of island countries and peninsulas determines their stance…

Because according to the Western view, as long as a hot war destroys their industrial system, the old mother will eat up the two companies themselves and the overseas markets they have developed, becoming an unstoppable super giant.

ˆThe characteristics of the export-oriented economy and industrial automation determine that its market demand is endless.

According to Western thinking logic, the old mother would definitely do this!

  And because of the overlapping ecological niches in mid- to high-end industries, not only peninsulas and island countries, but also Europe are scared to death! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang said curiously: "Brother, what does this have to do with adding S?"

Qiao Jia said with a smile: “The lifeblood of industry is energy. If you look at the world through the energy context, you will find a whole new world.

 Is it important to add S?

 Whether it is from a human rights perspective, a political perspective, geographical location, or economic value, adding S is extremely important from any aspect.

 Eastern Ukraine has been at war, and the United States’ idea of ​​​​cutting off the connection between Russia and Europe is already a clear sign.

 Europe and the United States are geographically unlikely to start a hot war with the old mother, and they cannot defeat her.

But if the United States forces Europe to join forces with them and politically disintegrate Russia through blockade, then the encirclement of the old mother will be formed.

 At that time, the old mother will help Russia to resist it no matter what, and once it resists, Europe will fall into an energy crisis.

The United States overturned the Iran-H agreement, which actually overturned Europe's energy plan B. Europe purchased high-priced energy from the United States, and their industrial products will never be able to compete with their old mothers in terms of product cost.

 Once it slips from its industrial ecological niche, the consequences will be unbearable for Europe! "

As he spoke, Qiaojia looked at the sea to the east and said with a smile: "They need Plan C, and the east side of the Mediterranean, from Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Canada, to Cyprus, has a huge amount of natural gas. resource…

 But the nail in the S column is stuck there, and with such a complicated surrounding situation, the natural gas can never be safely exploited.

I now have the support of Syria. As long as I can hold back Hezbollah and control the situation in Canada, P·B can become the core of that area in the future!

The strategic shift of the United States to the east has put great pressure on Israel to survive. As long as I can stabilize the situation in Canada, I can become the most trusted person on the east coast of the Mediterranean.

 The Greek offshore platform that Ma Ge and I collaborated with is a model. I want to provide Europeans with a feasible backup plan.

Otherwise, they will definitely allow Israel to drag the United States into the water, and use Israel's survival pressure to force the United States to integrate new energy lines.

 At that time, adding S will be a purgatory on earth. I will never allow such a thing to happen!

This world is indeed bad, but I hope it won’t be so bad that I lose confidence...

I hope my old mother can stand up at that time. As long as the issue of the establishment of the Palestinian state can be solved and there are political checks and balances, whether this energy line can be formed depends on whether I nod! "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Liang stared and said, "You mean that adding S to control can contain Europe?"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia smiled and shook his head and said: "Containment is just a means of negotiating terms...

 Only if it makes them feel painful but not fatal, can they sit down and negotiate seriously!

There are many smart people in this world, and they can always come up with solutions to problems! "

After hearing this, Qiao Liang said with a wry smile: "Can the overcapacity caused by agricultural automation and industrial automation also be solved?"

 Qiaojia stopped, sat on the beach, looked at the sky, and said with a smile: "I don't know, maybe the stars and the sea are the destination of all problems...

I may not be able to see that day. The only thing I can do now is to guard my conscience.

 No matter what the outcome is, I can tell my children...

Your dad was very awesome back then! ! "

 (End of this chapter)

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