From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1309: huge waves

Chapter 1309 Huge Waves

 A live broadcast watched by more than 80 million people set off a huge wave around the world!

The U.S. Congress urgently issued a document to refute the rumor that 70 members of Congress signed the document in three days.

 Then they turned around and several members of Congress strongly condemned Boss Qiao’s illegal detention and interrogation, and expressed their intention to propose a bill to prohibit organizations like P·B from continuing to run rampant on an international scale.

These elite people who usually don't pay much attention to "Nipple Fun" have not yet realized the influence of social media and short videos on modern consultation communication, and have not yet realized that first-hand, unprocessed and reliable sources of information on the scene have a profound influence on people's opinions. The impact of…

 Everyone hates being deceived, especially premeditated and organized deception!

European and American people who have been brainwashed by left-wing ideas for many years suddenly saw the background of Israel from a reliable first-hand source on the scene, and then they began to take to the streets.

Gver's expression with a strong Nasty tone sent shivers down many people's spines.

 Gevir’s identity dealt a heavy blow to the Israeli government!

The Israeli government, which was already deeply involved in the nuclear bomb crisis, has once again fallen into the whirlpool of public opinion.

 Their response was to let the so-called authoritative media begin to intervene, and people from various positions began to appear on the stage to debate or discuss this issue.

Everyone must admit that the Jewish consortium's penetration into the media is pervasive. The best way to eliminate this media impact is to find a group of people to act as reasonable guests and interpret the cause of the matter from various angles...

Of course, the people who can sit in the studio are all selected!

  When so-called rationality and objectivity dominate the mainstream voice, anger will be eliminated first, and then nothing will change!

 This is the end of Hamas…

They are defined as humanoid beasts because of their resistance, but if they don't resist, the whole world will not hear their voices at all. They will eventually die silently like the Indians, and not many people will really care about their life or death.

  Israel has created a terrible world!

 Children in Gaza, from birth to death, in their consciousness, the open-air prison in Gaza is their entire life...

In their eyes, the world only has electricity half of the time every day. Poor drinking water should make people sick every month. People should be unemployed after graduating from school. Getting up at 5 o'clock every day and queuing up to receive today's bread means every day. The most important thing is that rockets should be flying all over the sky...

 When the Israelis calorically calculate the amount of food they can take in based on Gaza’s demographics…

 When the Israelis seize water sources, destroy industries, and prohibit Palestinians from developing...

When the Israelis continue to harass the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the holy site of MSL, and wantonly humiliate the Palestinians there...

How can we expect the Palestinians not to resist?

Gevir’s ‘confession’ and tragic death slapped Europe, America and Israel hard in the face!

If we follow the traditional script, this huge wave will capsize some people's boats and make some people pay the price. Then the left wing in Europe and the United States will be satisfied and call it a day, return to their comfort zones and continue to enjoy the quiet beauty of the world.

 But things are different this time…

The group of young people from the United Nations who used a video to trick Boss Joe into coming to Gaza were summoned...

 They began to give up the unnecessary call signs of the past and began to show the real side of Gaza from the perspective of children.

 Stop all the adults and let the children do the talking!

 When ignorant children describe their living conditions in a simple and simple tone, without even much pain, civilization is stung.

Central African President François held up a tablet playing children's videos at the United Nations and mocked a group of European and American representatives in public, saying that they were all hypocritical sons of bitches.

When the Israeli representatives strongly demanded that the United Nations cut off all ties with P.B. and impose sanctions on P.B., Congolese President Kabila led his carefully selected men to fight with the Israeli delegation in the United Nations building. .

 The two sides fought from the conference hall to the corridor, and all six members of the Israeli delegation were sent to the hospital.

Then Kabila, who lost one of his front teeth, led his boxing champion men to the gate of the United Nations. Surrounded by the parade crowd, he watched the Israelis being put into ambulances...

 Kabila then held a press conference with Francois, domineeringly stating that Central Africa and Congo would cut off all contacts with Israel.

 If Israel does not correct its Zionist extremist ideas, Congo and Central Africa, as democratic countries, will never consider resuming diplomatic relations with Israel.

 At the same time, large-scale demonstrations and riots occurred again in Europe...

 For the first time in the eastern region, the German right-wing party proposed reducing Germany’s aid to Israel.

   Brother from France, despite Boss Joe’s dirty greetings, resisted the pressure and did not pass the ridiculous anti-anti-Semitism bill.

 Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras simply ignored the issue and indulged the idle people in the country to launch a rally of 50,000 people in Athens to support Palestine.

 Crete serves as a material transfer station in the Mediterranean, and its first "actual combat" was realized in Gaza.

The huge amount of material transfer is only secondary. Boss Qiao has brought a packaging industry chain there that is the core.

The so-called "green aid plan" run by Gemma Alexander claims to be a sustainable aid program, but what was reflected in actual actions early on was the replacement of aid supplies with "green packaging."

We use biodegradable packaging to package aid supplies and send them to all parts of the world, in order to reduce the generation of garbage and prevent the environment from continuing to be polluted on a large scale... Greece suddenly received a lot of support, and there were many more technology-based environmental protection companies.

At the same time, because of the huge amount of bulk materials arriving in Crete and the emergence of the "environmentally friendly packaging industry", tens of thousands of people were employed at once.

Of course Greece must take advantage of political correctness and make every effort to support Boss Joe...

The rally of 50,000 people was just the beginning. Tsipras had already regarded the Jialiang trade as the next stop in his life.

This extremist will of course have to give a strong political response at this time...

Two Greek Hydra destroyers, working with Boss Qiao's 056, blocked the important shipping lanes of Israel, causing trouble for cargo ships heading to Israel, making Israel's already bad inflation even worse.

Then Tsipras began to shout in the media, strongly demanding that Israel hand over the mass murderers in the Sinai Peninsula.

Greece’s full support is just a microcosm…

The Brazilian government has not expressed its position, but tens of thousands of yellow-shirted boys in Rio and Sao Paulo all have the "voice of Gaza" printed on their clothes and walk back and forth on the streets.

  The negotiating parties between Al Qaeda and the National Army in Tripoli, Libya, gave up the tradition of greeting each other's mother first when meeting, and reached an agreement on the issue of solidarity with Palestine, finding a common topic for the first time.

Yemen's Houthi armed forces no longer want to cooperate with P.B. They have come forward and stated that they can cooperate with P.B to drive away al-Qaeda, so that P.B can free up enough energy to support their MSL brothers.

Immediately afterwards, under the guidance of Suleiman, Lebanon and Syria once again launched attacks on Israeli border posts and military camps on the Golan Heights.

 The attack was carried out in a low-key manner, but the results achieved far exceeded expectations!

 Boss Qiao used the power of the media to plunge Israel into political siege through an illegal live broadcast, but he also got himself into controversy...

 Fatah let him down again!

At a time when the whole world was supporting Palestine, Israel released a recording of Fatah extorting them on the condition that they prevent the West Bank demonstrations from expanding.

 ‘Pioneering group’-‘settlement’, ‘maintenance meeting’-‘Fatah’, ‘anti-union’-? ? ?

●Qiao Jia immediately thought of these things!

 Chinese people have been exposed to rain, so they have deep sympathy for the suffering of the Palestinians, and have a deep understanding of the existing political structure of Palestine and the situation of the people.

When the furious Tahdi wanted to vent his anger by launching rockets, Joga stopped him...

 Having experienced the last time, Qiauga has become immune to some of Fatah’s practices.

Those billionaires pretend not to see that the West Bank is divided into three zones ABC...

  Pretending not to see the 700,000 Jews occupying the most fertile land in the West Bank valley...

Pretending not to see that 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank only have 17% of water resources…

  Pretending not to notice that Palestinians have to get up at 4 a.m. and stand in a passage like a rat cage, waiting for the mercy of the Israeli soldiers to let them go there to find work and make a living.

 Pretend everything is fine!

Boss Qiao even feels angry as a waste of time, because he knows that the only way out for Palestine is 'unity'!

 The Arab world has long proven that ‘unity’ is just a joke here!

 But as a dominant nation, Palestine really has no future if it is not united.

 But ‘unity’ requires some people and some groups to pay the price!

Hamaas was once an obstacle to unity, but now if they want to seek unity, they have to pay double the price!

Boss Qiao is not angry at Fatah's attitude, he is just ashamed that they can't even muster the courage to add insult to injury!

Even if the Shah is being soft, he dares to shout a few words at this moment, Fatah. It would be better for you, instead of taking the opportunity to add insult to injury, run to extort benefits.

This world is so **** up!

Boss Joe prevented Hamas from venting its attack, but he paid the price for the Palestinians. He was put on a wanted order by the Israeli judicial department.

 Illegal detention, illegal interrogation, assisting murder…

Dozens of crimes were accused of Boss Joe, and then the Israeli government declared that all P.B.'s actions in Israel were illegal. Then P.B.'s security team followed him at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Clashes broke out between Israeli security forces.

The news that Choga got from the Spurs was that they used practice bullets, but the Israeli military issued an announcement protesting that P.B. killed 15 Israeli soldiers and 8 civilians during the conflict. .

In order to prevent the situation from escalating, even though the United Nations obtained the evidence recorded by the recorders on the Spurs, they still announced the recall of the security forces and trustee office personnel, and entrusted the security of the International Atomic Energy Agency to the US military.

 After Boss Qiao learned the news, he smiled bitterly when interviewed by the media...

 “I believe there is justice in this world and everything will be fine!”

 (End of this chapter)

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