From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1313: Taking advantage of the chaos and taking advantage of the situation

Chapter 1313: Taking advantage of the chaos and taking advantage of the situation

Europe and the United States were so happy to add insult to injury, but now they are so embarrassed!

 When they discovered that the virus began to enter their country and spread with a more rampant and more deadly effect, they persisted for a few days, and then the medical system they were proud of was completely broken down.


 Humanity has never defeated the virus. What mankind has improved is its ability to care for patients.

 If you have a fever, we will cool you down. If you have high blood pressure, we will lower your blood pressure. If you have pain, we will give you pain relief. If you are out of breath, we will put you on a ventilator...

 That’s all!

In order to relieve the tension of the common people, various experts in Europe and the United States came together to use various theories that sounded reasonable but were actually nonsense, telling everyone that it didn't matter, this was just a slightly more serious flu...

 Then people from the medical system collapsed and jumped out to slap them in the face...

 They have nothing. They have seen more dead people in the past month than in the past few years combined.

 The doctors don’t even have masks, let alone protective clothing and the like.

Once those elderly people who are most vulnerable to harm become seriously ill, the result of being admitted to the hospital is to lie there, waiting for a free ventilator to free up to relieve them. If they are lucky, they can survive, but if they are not, they will die...

The worst problem of universal privatization emerged at this time, as the country failed to work together.

Capital will not talk about patriotism with you, business is just business.

 There is no problem when the economy is good. Once there is a crisis that affects a wide range of areas, all the government can do is to set up an emergency budget and then place orders with companies that desperately need money, hoping that they can assume social responsibilities...

 Finally, when they discovered that driving everyone home was the cheapest way, the freedom-loving Europeans and Americans began to protest...

 Give me freedom or give me death!

It was so tough, and then he died so hard!

When the old mother wronged a city and basically controlled the virus, the virus spread all over Europe and the United States, causing a tragedy...

Central Africa and the Congo are faring relatively well because the early viruses did not like hot weather.

Moreover, even if Boss Qiao wants to be on tight defense, given Afika's brother's nature, it is unrealistic unless he acts like a **** warlord.

However, after all, P·B has experienced the more serious Zika virus and Marburg virus. During this period, Ebola virus appeared in some places in the Congo, so everyone's mentality is relatively stable...

 Just take an antibiotic if you have a fever, and you will get through life!

 Those who have money buy high-priced immune globulin injections, and those who have no money buy low-priced immune globulin injections...

This thing was copied by the medical doctor who surrendered when Boss Qiao attacked G·I·D Company in the Congo.

In order to save his life, this guy said he could make a vaccine for the Zika virus.

As a result, in the past three years, there has been no vaccine, but a lot of generic drugs have been produced, and they have also made a lot of money.

 With the help of Fei Fei, he established a generic drug industrial park in Congo, which is considered Fei Fei's most successful achievement.

That guy pulled a group of medical doctors to disassemble the formula according to the finished drug. Finally, he added more corn flour to make the pills bigger, and then he dared to take them out to make money.

In the past, Boss Qiao had to hide it. The companies in the pharmaceutical industrial park were all registered by local people to prevent them from being discovered and sued by those super pharmaceutical companies.

 In this situation, just stop pretending.

 The virus has not yet spread to Central Africa and Congo, but it will come sooner or later. Since the virus cannot be cured, we need to improve the resistance of the local people.

  P·B immune protein is on the market quickly!

A set of 6 high-quality products costs US$500, and a set of 12 regular products costs US$50. One set per year is enough for one person.

 In fact, the ingredients of the medicine are exactly the same, but the efficacy of a single ordinary medicine is discounted by 20%, but the total amount is doubled.

Dorian also laughed at Boss Qiao at that time, saying that he was doing something unnecessary.

The shocking result is that the supply of high-quality immune proteins that can only be bought in hospitals exceeds the demand, and the cheap drugs that are dragged around by fresh food trucks and cargo ships and sold at discounts are even more sold out.

The rich people follow suit, and the poor people see that the rich people are buying medicines, and then they naturally follow suit without having to do much mobilization.

  In the past, the per capita income of Central Africans was less than 200 US dollars a year, but now it is really completely different!

Of course there are still many poor people, but if we only look at Sangha Town and nearby Bangui, the per capita annual income has exceeded US$2,500.

  And the purchasing power of this US$2,500 is far greater than anywhere else in the world!

 This is the first time that Boss Qiao has really seen the return money from Afika!

 What should I do if I have money?

That is of course buying, buying, buying...

Just when the whole world felt that it was in dire straits, Boss Qiao used the huge funds earned from the three major markets of gold, futures, and stock markets to start large-scale purchases around the world.

With 10 million masks, 1 million sets of protective clothing, and US$100 million, the world's last An-225 and its remaining accessories were driven back to Sangha Town from Kiev, Ukraine.

 At the same price, Boss Qiao consulted Daer and wanted to know if the White Swan could be sold?

Although it was met with disappointment, it was able to capture two older An-124s.

 What is a strategic transport aircraft?

 It is a large aircraft that can fly about 5,000 kilometers in one breath, and can basically fly around the world in two breaths.

UKL is really just a shell. In order to deal with the virus, they can sell anything. Da'er held back his bad feelings and felt that Boss Qiao couldn't protect An-124, and there would always be a time when he would ask them for help.

But Boss Qiao doesn’t mind this. How can P·B’s ‘technical ability’ be compared to that of Da Ru, whose military technology relies on archeology?

Their national artifact ‘Poseidon’ is still lying in PB’s warehouse, and ‘Swallow’ has been copied by Boss Qiao.

 The S400 air defense missiles that they have been reluctant to sell all year round have become the conventional air defense weapons of Sangha Town.

 With strategic transport aircraft, not only shopping is convenient, but also buying things is more convenient.

Those technical men in the Hexagon Building have gone crazy. Boss Qiao has set out a huge procurement budget. For any technology you think is useful, we will directly ask for the price with masks and protective clothing...

The United States has entered another election year, and Big Mouth Tang has been shaped into a retarded person by the Democratic Party establishment...

 At the moment, their internal technology companies are having a harder time day by day due to reduced financial liquidity.

 An American company is willing to invest some money, so why don't you obediently hand it over?

When the old mother’s production capacity has not yet been released to save the world, Boss Qiao stepped forward half a year in advance...

 The harvest has been great!

At this stage, no country can resist the temptation of masks and protective clothing. It is really impossible to add more ventilators for you...

 That's it for plundering by fire!

In order to get some medical supplies back home to save lives, Iran took out its inventory of F-14 Tomcats and sold them to Boss Qiao at a discount as trading items.

As soon as the plane arrived, the American Cube Company, which was short of funds, rushed to Sangha Town with its technical team.

This group of electronic information experts, with the cooperation of P.B.'s ground crew, modernized those F-14 Tomcats using advanced electronic equipment that they didn't know where they came from, but were obviously tailor-made for Tomcats. Let these old cats step onto the threshold of fourth-generation machines again.

 ‘Cube Company’ has always had in-depth cooperation with P.B. Boss Qiao’s first two F-14s were sent by them.

They are an important defense contractor in the United States, a system engineering participant in the F-22 fighter jet, and the most advanced flight simulator manufacturer in the world.

With the attitude of being idle, Boss Qiao has made great efforts to revive heavy fighter jets like the F-14 that have been retired around the world.

 If the engine doesn't work, replace the engine. If the radar doesn't work, replace the radar. If the electronic equipment doesn't work, replace it...

‘Cube Company’ itself is one of the developers of the F-14 flight control system. Now, together with the people from Talos Company, there is also a group of technical nerds who are fascinated by the F-14. Finally, under the temptation of debauchery and sugar-coated bullets...

 There were 40 people when we came, but only half of them were left when we went back!

 No man majoring in science and engineering can refuse an F-14, especially if it comes with a high salary.

The new F-14 Super Tomcat has a new engine, so its speed is not much improved. However, because it needs to match the new engine, the entire machine has been reduced in weight and reinforced to a certain extent. After adding an auxiliary fuel tank, the range has been increased from 3,000 kilometers. Arrived at 3800 kilometers.

 At one time, the combat radius of the F-14 could reach 1,250 kilometers, which was unprecedented among carrier-based aircraft.

With Boss Qiao’s investment regardless of cost, the current new F-14 has increased its combat radius to 1,500 to 1,600 kilometers, even surpassing the F-35.

Of course, the F-14 is not a stealth fighter and is not comparable to the F-35, but it is handsome!

And this kind of old fighter jet is really not eye-catching to be honest, especially when parked in Central Africa...

 The plane is parked here, and its attack range can only radiate to central Afika.

Now the whole world is in chaos, and no one is paying attention to what is happening in Central Africa.

In other words, Boss Qiao is still reasonable and has no evil thoughts, otherwise he can make the F-22 by himself.


 “Boss, how much money have you made?”

Dorian was sitting in the modified cockpit of the F-14 that looked full of science fiction, watching Boss Qiao driving the F-14 in front, followed by the lead aircraft driven by the 'Archerfish' in front and several other F-14s. Flying in formation together...

“Boss, I think instead of wasting your time on this kind of plane, you should buy more Global 8000s. That thing is the car of successful people.

This thing has no use at all in Afika..."

After hearing this, Boss Qiao proudly pulled the joystick and began to sprint upward. When he climbed to 15,000 meters, he turned to dive.

 The feeling of weightlessness made Boss Qiao couldn't help but whistle...

  Until the plane leveled off, Boss Qiao made an apologetic gesture to the archer fish catching up from the side, and then said proudly: "Elephant, money is just a number. Money is only meaningful if you can use it to exchange for good feelings.

 Building roads and factories, fighting wars and saving lives will give me a sense of accomplishment...

 Flying an airplane, especially a model I like, also makes me happy. "

 Speaking, Boss Qiao took off his oxygen mask and said proudly: "This is called emotional value. Most of men's money is spent on this..."

Dorian nodded a little carelessly, pointed at Said in the back seat, and said: "Then your emotional value is too expensive. You should occasionally take care of your most loyal bodyguard. He also wants it." I want to be happy, and the asking price is not high, just give me a two-level salary increase...

 Sayed has been coming to see me lately and he offered me a big contract...

 Boss, if you don’t give me a salary increase, you will lose me! "

 (End of this chapter)

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