From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1344: turning point

Chapter 1344 Turning point

While Boss Joe was flying towards Catania in a helicopter, the ‘Mountain Eagle’ tracked the location of Aiden and the hostages in the underground laboratory of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

These terrorists are now gathered inside the laboratory, and one of the guys with glasses is using a computer to transfer data from the laboratory computer.

There are about a dozen experimenters in the underground laboratory, and now they are all hostages.

 The current situation is very unfavorable for "Mountain Eagle" and "Tom", because the enemies and hostages are gathered together, and there is no chance to defeat them individually, and the risk of a hard attack is very high.

But the trouble is that the other party is trying to open the virus warehouse inside the laboratory to steal the virus...

“Mountain Eagle” and “Tom” looked at each other, pointed to the opposite passage, and said: “We can’t wait, you pretend to be a staff member who slipped through the net and ran over to attract their attention...”

They were at a crossroads. ‘Tom’ ​​was leaning against the wall, turning on the shooting mode of his mobile phone, leaning out a little and looking at the images on his mobile phone...

There were two terrorists guarding the outside of the laboratory, and screams could be heard from time to time from the door behind them...

Through the small window on the laboratory door, you can see the terrorists beating the staff inside.

'Tom' confirmed the situation. He put down his phone and fiddled with his hair, then staggered out and rushed out. When he saw the two terrorists at the end of the corridor, he paused deliberately and then let out a cry of surprise. I hurriedly rushed to the corridor on the other side...

The terrorist was also stunned by the sudden appearance of "Tom" and did not have time to shoot.

They quickly reported on the radio, and then the two of them chased out together.

Tom, who was wearing a white coat, did not pose any threat in their eyes, so they stalked after him without taking any precautions against the corridor where the "Mountain Eagle" was.

When they arrived at the intersection and turned around to chase, one of the terrorists saw the Eagle behind him out of the corner of his eye. Just when he was about to shout, the Eagle who was clinging to the wall pulled the trigger of the Ruger silent pistol. trigger…

 “Da da, da da…”

Two double shots accurately hit the two terrorists in the back of the head, causing them to fall headlong into the corridor where 'Tom' was.

 The scene was very harmonious, and there was not even much blood flowing out. The .22 bullet did not penetrate enough. After entering the human brain and staying inside, it was both lethal and environmentally friendly.

'Tom' did not hesitate to take off the black hood contaminated by brain matter from the terrorist's head and put it on his own head. Then he took off his white coat, took off the terrorist's tactical vest and put it on himself. …

 With enough ammunition and body armor, ‘Tom’ ​​stood up and moved around in a good mood, and said to ‘Mountain Eagle’: “The other side should have 6 to 7 gunners left. Are you sure you’re fine?”

‘Shan Ying’ leaned his rifle against the corner, moved his neck and shoulders, and said, “Push me hard after entering...”

 Inside the laboratory, Aiden, who was sitting in a wheelchair, covered his mouth with a handkerchief and kept coughing...

Seeing the director of the CDC finally opening the virus warehouse, Aiden waved to a tall guy next to him and said: "Go and bring the virus with you, let Ike destroy the new G virus data in the laboratory, and then we will evacuate. …

On the other side of the wall of the laboratory's power distribution room is an underground passage from World War II. There are ships there that can lead directly to the sea, and we retreated from there. "

The tall Ike was stunned for a moment and said, "Boss, what about the people above?"

Aiden coughed a few times, shook his head and said: "Those are the martyrs selected by Iblis, and their fate is already doomed.

Ike, we are mercenaries and we should not confuse ourselves with them.

 Sending the laboratory information to Ruihui can earn a commission of 5 million yuan, which is enough for you to go home and retire.

 Sorry for bringing you into this...

 The situation in Yemen made me see a lot of things clearly. Iblis could not let go of Isis. He knew that Moussa Suleiman was using him, but he still chose to cooperate.

When Isis became a bargaining chip of the 'Ndrangheta, it was destined that Isis led by Iblis could never be P·B's opponent. "

The big man Ike was stunned for a while. Just when he was about to speak, the door to the laboratory was pushed open...

 Such a big movement attracted everyone's attention...

Just when Ike wanted to ask questions loudly, Tom, who was escorting the Eagle, tripped over a researcher next to him. He pushed the Eagle unhappily and made him fall forward, and then he He turned around, yelled, waved his gun and put it on the shoulder of the staff member...

 ‘Tom’s actions attracted everyone’s attention…

  The ‘Mountain Eagle’, who was pushed out of balance, staggered forward two steps, and the moment he lost his balance, he pulled out his pistol...

 “Da da, da da…”

 Successive double shots hit the heads of two terrorists. At the same time, the crazy "Tom" also pulled the trigger of the automatic rifle...


The automatic rifle swept across and killed two terrorists standing by the door. At the same time, it also made everyone lower their heads subconsciously, giving the "Mountain Eagle" a key opportunity...

"Da da da"

The moment ‘Shan Ying’’s shoulder landed, he exerted force on his left hand and right foot at the same time. His whole body bounced up like a spring and sprinted forward for several meters. When he found an opportunity, he shot decisively...

 One of the terrorists was hit in the head by two rounds, and Ike, who was next to Aiden, was hit in the shoulder because there were hostages blocking him.

The shortcomings of the bullet's too low power are revealed... Ike, who was shot, pushed Aiden's wheelchair hard, then bent down and moved a few steps sideways with the help of the cover of the experimental equipment, and then raised his gun to cover it by firing indiscriminately. suppress.

At this time, ‘Mountain Eagle’ had no time to think about it, because Aiden in the wheelchair raised his gun towards him and pulled the trigger...

 “Bang bang bang bang…”

 The bullets fired in the automatic mode of the Glock pistol caused the "Mountain Eagle" to roll awkwardly continuously. One bullet hit the back of the "Mountain Eagle" and was blocked by the flexible armor...

Had it not been for Aiden’s sudden health condition while shooting, this wave of ‘Mountain Eagle’ would probably have received two more hits...

The ‘Mountain Eagle’ bounced up again after falling to the ground, quickly replaced the new magazine, and shot Aiden in the wrist...

Immediately afterwards, 'Tom' on the other side suppressed the big Ike with bullets. Finally, when the magazine was empty, he strode forward. When Ike wanted to shoot at him, he used his gun to attack him like an ax. Ike.

At the moment when Ike hurriedly resisted with his rifle sideways, the forward "Tom" jumped up and hit Ike in the chest with a Muay Thai knee...

After a muffled sound like a drum, Ike took a few steps back, and suddenly his body went limp and he knelt down on one knee.

And ‘Tom’ ​​used the unforgiving spin to take advantage of the force, and struck Ike’s neck with a ferocious side whip like a big axe…

The huge force made Ike jump sideways as if being lifted by a rope. Then his neck twisted into a terrible shape during the sideways movement, and finally the whole person hit the ground heavily.

 The whole process sounds long, but in fact it takes less than a minute.

‘Mountain Eagle’ didn’t have Boss Joe’s habit of never leaving his heavy body armor in battle. He grinned and stretched out his hand to scratch his back, then walked up to Aiden and kicked the Glock off the ground.

After searching for Aiden, ‘Mountain Eagle’ found a mobile phone. He looked at Aiden with only one leg left, gave up the idea of ​​tying him, and began to calm the panicked researchers loudly...

 “Where is the virus?”

‘Shan Ying’ found the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, grabbed him by the collar and asked loudly: “What else did these people take besides the virus?”

The head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pointed at Ike who was kicked to death by "Tom" with a pale face, and said: "The virus is in his backpack...

These people sent our research results on new G through the Internet..."

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, pulled him up, and said: “Get up, quickly organize people to check...”

As he spoke, 'Mountain Eagle' took a look at the backpack on Ike's body and 'Tom' who kept scratching his legs. He took a few steps back and said to the person in charge: "Let your people go and check it quickly. FUCK, plague sounds scary..."

 After saying that, ‘Shan Ying’ pretended not to understand the strange expression of the person in charge. He packed up the weapons on the terrorists, then pushed Aiden to join ‘Tom’ ​​and left the laboratory...

'Mountain Eagle' held a radio in his hand, looked at Aiden with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice: "Your plan failed. I need you to help me rescue the hostages upstairs. In return, I can intercede for you." …”

Aiden thought he heard wrongly. He looked up at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ and said: “That’s not what P.B does...

who are you? "

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: “P·B? Why do you think we are P·B’s people?”

Aiden glanced at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ curiously, nodded slightly and said: “You are not from P·B, but you have some connections with P·B.

Did the jackal go to Marsala and didn't have time to come over? "

 ‘Mountain Eagle’ looked at Aiden with a frown and said, “You seem to know a lot of things…”

Aiden sighed and said, "Of course, since I found out about the connection between P·B's Jackal and International Agency's Aaron, I've figured out a lot of things."

As he said that, Aiden looked at the ‘Mountain Eagle’ who had an incomprehensible expression, and said with a smile: “It seems like you don’t know much, so even if I tell you, you don’t understand...”

‘Shan Ying’ frowned and looked at Aiden, whose face seemed to be much rosier, and said, “I don’t understand, but I know that if you don’t cooperate, you will be dead.”

Aiden sneered and said: "Do you think I am afraid of death?"

As he spoke, Aiden coughed a few times, patted his chest with his bullet-pierced left hand, and said: "Kidney failure and terminal lung cancer, that's why I personally led the team here.

It is impossible for me to cooperate with you in rescuing the hostages, because it is useless. They are all people from Iblis, and they all came with the determination to die. "

‘Shan Ying’ was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized something, so he looked into Aiden’s eyes and said, “If you were really not afraid of death, you wouldn’t have told me so much…

what do you want? "

After hearing this, Aiden turned to look at the corpses in the laboratory. After being silent for a while, he said: "Promise me a few conditions, and I will give you some very important information...

 Very, very important!

 About the woman and the child, about Iblis, about the ‘Ndrangheta…”

 (End of this chapter)

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