Chapter 1448 Landed

 In the desert outside Zaranj...

‘Niujiao’ was sitting in a dilapidated pickup truck, waiting for his boss to show up, while squeezing the last bit of lotion into his hands, and then rubbing it on his face.

‘Niujiao’ has been crawling around in the mountains and deserts of Aqionghan for several months, and now his whole body looks gray and dusty, as if no matter how much he washes, he can’t wash away the smell of sand and dust on his body.

After applying lotion, Niujiao turned the rearview mirror and looked at it, then cursed and said: "I hate Aqionghan, this **** place I hate even more than the Sahara.

 Why is it that the idiot "Iceman" has been here for several months and still looks like a pretty boy, but we can't? "

The ‘Water Ghost’ in the co-pilot was wearing a pair of noise-cancelling headphones to block out the noise of ‘Horns’. He was holding a palm-sized book in his hand and was flipping through it with relish, as if there were some interesting stories in it.

 ‘Horns’ are the kind of guy who can’t ignore me when I talk to you…

Seeing that 'Water Ghost' didn't respond, 'Ox Horn' reached out and waved it in front of him in displeasure. He found that this guy still ignored him, so he opened the public channel and sighed like a resentful woman who has been alone in an empty room for decades. Said: "It's really difficult to be a captain. What do you think I do to you guys...

 After all these years, have I really asked you to do anything for me...

 You don’t even think about it, how many times I have saved you, like the ‘Iceman’, when he…”

Before 'Ox Horn' finished speaking, 'Ice Man' got out of a car next to him, opened the door forcefully, pulled off 'Water Ghost''s noise-canceling headphones, and said unhappily: "Control him For a moment, or just give him a shot..."

 Speaking, ‘Iceman’ took the small notebook from ‘Water Ghost’’s hand, looked at the content on it, and found that it was actually a travel manual of Aqionghan...

He was stunned for a moment, then patted the 'Water Ghost' on the shoulder sympathetically, and said: "I know this is not a good job, but you lost in the draw...

 Shut this idiot up! "

The 'Water Ghost' glanced at the 'Ox Horn' with a resentful face, he looked up to the sky and sighed, and said to the 'Ice Man': "I will take a vacation this time, at least half a year.

 When I think about the past few **** months, I feel like this life is meaningless.

    P·B Why does it stipulate that those who hurt themselves should have their wages deducted?

I want to consult with the boss when he comes. If the salary downgrade is not particularly serious, I want to cut out this idiot's tongue..."

"Niujiao" was probably used to hearing threats. When he saw "Water Ghost" speaking, he said a little excitedly: "'Water Ghost', I heard you calling yesterday. What are you planning for a wedding?

 As your captain, I can be your witness..."

'Water Ghost' looked at 'Ox Horn''s excitement. He shook his head decisively and said: "NO, I'm not planning a wedding. I think travel wedding is a good way. I asked Team E's 'Capybara' to make an appointment for me. I bought a Bajau people’s wooden house on the water.”

Upon hearing this, ‘Niujiao’ said unhappily: “Oh, this is wrong of you. We are teammates, how can you get married alone?

 No parties, no alcohol, no friends…

How can this be done? "

 Speaking of 'Niujiao', he took out the radio and said: "I have to talk to 'Capybara' and ask him to help us rent a few more houses. I can't watch my team members face terrible marriages alone..."

 ‘Iceman’ watched ‘Water Ghost’ roll his eyes and push the door to get out of the car. He whispered: “You made a wrong decision...”

The 'Water Ghost' shook his head slightly, and gave an encouraging smile to the 'Niujiao' who was arguing with the 'Capybara'. Then he turned his head to the 'Iceman' and whispered: "I'm going to get married on a trip." The destination was set in South America, and Niujiao's mother wanted to meet my fiancée.

As long as this guy is taken away, everything else will be fine! "

After hearing this, the 'Iceman' couldn't help but give a thumbs up and said: "That's good. You should let the 'Capybara' take him to the most remote sea area, preferably where there is no phone signal."

"what are you guys saying?"

'Iceman' was frightened by the sound coming from behind and jumped away. Looking at 'Horns' twisting his body and leaning out from the cab to lie on the passenger window, 'Iceman' squeezed out a smile. , said: "Let's talk about it and go celebrate the 'Water Ghost' together when the time comes..."

Upon hearing this, ‘Niujiao’ said excitedly: “That’s right, we are comrades in arms, and good things must happen together.

I will help you book a flight. When the time comes, the two of us will go to Malaysia together. You will be responsible for upgrading the cabin and arranging the hotel..." After hearing this, 'Iceman' resisted the urge to punch 'Horn' on the nose and said unhappily. : “I have a few patients who have been booked for a long time, so I’m relatively busy. "

‘Niujiao’ said nonchalantly: “It doesn’t matter, I have time, I will accompany you, you just need to book a hotel and first-class flight for me.

You are a rich man who can get paid just by chatting with people. If you also chat with me, I think I am not in a very good mood recently..."

 ‘Iceman’ pinched the bridge of his nose painfully, tried his best to smile, and said: “You are suffering from constipation. You can take some medicine and it will be cured.”

‘Niujiao’ rubbed his belly, frowned and said in disbelief: “Really? I’ve only been buying **** for four days…”

 ‘Iceman’ said impatiently: “But you **** eat more than a pig…”

 When the ‘Niujiao’ wanted to refute, their radios rang…

Sanderson of Team B said in a disgusting tone: "Girls of Team E, get ready, our boss is coming...

 Hey, ‘Iceman’, if I were you I would put on diapers, because you always like to **** on ‘horns’ hands, haha…”

 Sanderson’s words made the public channel burst into laughter…

Team C’s ‘Poisonous Wolf’ said in a hoarse voice: “Team E has a good captain. They don’t have to get close to the enemy, because even if they just tell jokes, they can make the enemy laugh to death...”

Team D’s ‘Gray Wolf’ laughed and said: “Yes, I rely on Team E’s jokes to attract girls in bars. They are really a source of happiness…”


 The people’s ridicule caused everyone in Team E to curse...

‘Iceman’ took a long breath of dry air, stared at the head of ‘Horn’ for a few seconds, and imagined several scenarios after breaking it open...

But when the 'Iceman' returned from fantasy to reality and confirmed that he should not be able to defeat this muscular woman, he forced a smile...

‘Niujiao’ cursed at the radio for a few minutes until the boss’s voice came from inside…

“Niujiao, are you **** crazy? Come and pick me up quickly...”


After landing, Qiao Jia threw away his parachute bag and quickly joined Dorian and the others who landed.

  From the moment he jumped off the plane, Boss Qiao heard the cheerful exchange of dirty words between these people...

To ensure the concealment of his whereabouts, Qiao Jia chose to skydive at night. However, judging from the reactions of teams B, C, D, and E on the ground, Boss Qiao’s choice was useless.

 This situation makes Boss Qiao a little unhappy...

 “You bastards, get serious, we’re going to do something big fucking!”

"YEYEYE, boss, we are going to do something big. Don't worry, we will definitely cut that Varys into pieces..."

Hearing Sanderson's somewhat perfunctory response on the radio and the whirring sound of the wind, Qiao Jia simply sat on the ground, looked at Dorian who was packing things next to him, and said, "Are these people relaxed? Too much?"

Dorian was stunned for a moment, nodded seriously and said, "Yes, boss, I think you should deduct their salary..."

Qiaojia frowned and looked at Dorian, who had a slightly perfunctory expression, and said, "Is there something I don't know?"

Dorian spread his hands and said, "Boss, you will understand when you get there..."

 (End of this chapter)

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