From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 146: Rangers, be the vanguard

  Chapter 146 Ranger, be the vanguard

  Running with weight is a fixed track for all special forces or reconnaissance forces around the world.

   Marching quickly with a load of 50 kg is a test that every outstanding soldier must pass.

   This 50-kg load is not the same as what ordinary people imagine running with a 50-kg sack on their backs.

  Because of the tactical vest and high-quality tactical backpack, the weight can be distributed to the body, not simply carrying 50 kg for running.

   Qiaojia’s grandfather used to be a veteran of the counterattack. When Qiaojia was a child, he saw his nearly 60-year-old grandfather carry his father who had lung disease on his back and walk 6 kilometers to the county hospital to see a doctor.

  The only tool he uses is a two-finger-wide green canvas tape, which is really awesome!

  People's potential is really great, as long as you are willing to squeeze it, you will find that you are much stronger than you imagined.

  Joga’s so-called “slower than me or eliminated” is not really trying to set a high threshold, but he wants to give those guys a little motivation, and at the same time, he also knows that he is really not good at it.

  In Damazin, he always runs with a weight of 15 kg in the morning and evening, and when he is in combat, he can reduce the weight as much as possible.

   Just like that, every time he finished playing, he would be more tired than others because of excessive tension.

  These mercenaries are attack vanguards, which are completely different from Choga's requirements for those Serbian veterans.

   If someone can't even run with a weight, he should be eliminated!

When Qiaojia started, he felt the difference from the past. 50 kg was not unbearable for him, but as he ran and consumed energy, the physical pain hit him like a tide. swept up.

  You know that you have not reached the limit, but the pain will urge you to stop.

  This is the disadvantage of lack of willpower training. If you have not encountered extreme physical torture, you will never be able to touch your upper limit.

   It’s funny to say that sometimes the person people distrust the most is themselves.

  When there are a lot of scientific proofs and examples telling you that you can, most people will give up when they think they have reached the limit.

  Training is like this, so is life!

  So really good people will always stand out from the mediocre group, because their willpower makes them different!

   Qiaojia considered himself a person who could endure hardships, especially physical ones, but halfway through the run, he still couldn't take it anymore.

  The route chosen by the instructors of the training camp was very funny. They planned a loop around the perimeter of the training camp, but this loop went downhill first and then uphill.

This was a huge test for the inexperienced Choga. When he had just adapted to the rhythm and pace of the downhill, the moment his feet stepped uphill, the pressure on his face made him utter A groan of pain.

   At this time, the more experienced recruits who had been suppressing the speed before began to slowly overtake Choga.

   Kaman, who had been sitting in the jeep, saw that Choga's situation was not good. He jumped out of the car that was still in motion, and trotted to Choga.

  The old guy didn’t know those technical terms. He chose to jog side by side with Choga, and kept breathing heavily, driving Choga’s breathing rhythm.

   "Don't mess up, don't breathe messy, you can, you can definitely!"

Dorian, who wanted to strive for the top three before, also slowed down and stayed with Choga on the other side. Although he was sweating profusely, he still kept saying during the interval of breathing: "Persevere, persevere, It’s cool to get over it!”

  Choga had no time to pay attention to Dorian at the moment, he tried hard to control his breathing rhythm, and waved his hand to signal him to leave quickly.

  In fact, his physical strength is not bad. The normal five kilometers is not stressful for him at all, but the sudden heavy load and high self-demand make him very uncomfortable.

  He wanted to eliminate a few people, but in fact he was about to eliminate himself.

  The weight on his body is still barely able to hold on, but the unlucky AR70 rifle in his hand is like the last straw that may break the camel's camel at any time, making Choga's hands always fall unconsciously.

  If there is no one else around, Qiaojia must choose to take a break at this moment before running the whole distance, and try to see if he can break through himself next time.

  This is the disadvantage of personal training and self-exploration. This way of practice should also increase the physical reserve, and you can feel that you have improved every time, but it does not have the slightest benefit for willpower exercise.

  Using this method for a long time will subconsciously want to stop and rest when encountering problems in the future!

   This is a wall, and those who have no determination will never be able to break it in their lifetime, but those who break it will find another world behind them.

  Joga has an unyielding spirit in his heart. He always feels that he should be able to do what other people can do.

  The standard you set to test others, you should be able to complete it yourself!

  Following the rhythm of Kaman's breathing and steps, Choga slowly found a suitable frequency.

At this time, the benefits of spending money to hire coaches in Egypt were reflected. Professional coaches and nutritionists have laid a strong physical reserve for him. When he touched the limit of his body and persisted, his body naturally developed. An uncanny pleasure.

  After the critical point is broken, it is like ordinary students who suddenly take a double hundred test, and then they will suddenly realize, "So I can do it too", and then the dopamine automatically secreted by the brain will make the whole person happy.

  With the breakthrough of the limit, the creatine produced by the body is neutralized, the pain begins to subside, the feeling of fatigue naturally decreases, and the steps are no longer as heavy as before.

   At this time, there were 4 teams behind Qiaojia. These soldiers who had misunderstood the selection naturally formed a team and helped each other move forward.

   It is not the fastest one that determines their speed, but the slowest one.

   After Qiao Jia recovered, he saw the situation behind him out of the corner of his eye. He panted heavily and said to Kaman beside him, "Remind them that their real comrades-in-arms are among those who have not been eliminated."

  Kaman followed Choga for a few steps and confirmed that he was fine, so he turned around and ran back tens of meters to a team.

  In the surprised eyes of a young man, he suddenly swung a knife and cut off the lanyard on a soldier's backpack. At this time, he was dragging a comrade forward, supporting him with his own strength.

  The moment the hanging bag of the backpack broke, the guy who was running with the help of his comrades staggered a few steps forward and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

  Kaman didn't explain to these people at all. He waved the hunting knife in his hand, and dismantled the seemingly united teams in the same way, and then said in a hoarse voice: "All those who can't run away from the boss will be eliminated!"

   At this time, the people who were lagging behind realized that this selection was not the usual "friendship routine" in the army or movies and TV. This was a business interview, where the strong passed the test and the weak were eliminated.

   A few guys who dragged strangers away for a while now want to slap themselves in the face. If they are all eliminated, what kind of friendship is there?

   Everyone doesn't even know each other's names, so what kind of friendship are we talking about?

  Following Kaman's movements, several obviously physically strong soldiers began to speed up, ruthlessly leaving those weak players behind.

  Kaman looked at a guy who was dragged forward by his comrades, but at the moment he was 'abandoned', he actually cheered up and accelerated his speed.

  The old guy is indifferent to this kind of sneaky tricks, but he understands that if there are one or two such selfish people in a team, the morale of the team will not be raised.

   When this guy passed by, the hunting knife in Kaman's hand scratched his thigh.

  The knife only scratched through the camouflage pants, leaving a shallow bloodstain on Slider's thigh.

  It’s a very minor injury, but this thing is like a weight. Even if you know that this kind of injury may be better if you send it to the hospital, it will still make the injured lose concentration during high-intensity exercise.

  He will always observe, always worried that his injury will worsen, and then the weight will become heavier and heavier.

  Karman doesn't understand psychology, but he knows how to torture people too well.

Looking at Slick's angry expression, Kaman gave him an indifferent look, and said, "If you can't outrun the boss, you will be eliminated. If you can outrun, I'll make you the boss's bodyguard. I'll watch you! "

  Kaman's tone was not harsh, but it pierced Slick's will balloon like a needle, making him wilt instantly.

   Just kidding, if you win, you have to face this innocuous guy every day, how do you live your life? It's not good to make money!

  Compared to the three groups that quickly collapsed, the group that Lao Niu and Sanderson were in was a bit different.

  Sanderson's gunshot wound just happened not long ago, and there was no time for rehabilitation at all, so he limped a little while running.

The farm boy Tony is even worse. This guy doesn't look tall and burly, but he has a lot of weight and a heavy load, and he hasn't undergone strict training. Moved.

The four 'diamond' men saw that the comrades they had chosen gradually became burdensome. They looked at each other, and one of them, with curly hair and beard, grabbed the backpack of 'hemostat' and said, "Give us, you Go help them, that's all we can do."

'Hemostat' is not that hypocritical, she quickly took off the backpack, scattered the sandbags inside and stuffed them into the bags of 'Diamond' and the others, then slapped the curly-haired bearded buttocks, grinning He said loudly, "Catch up with him, we'll see you at the finish line."

Watching the diamond man leave, 'Hemostat' looked back, and was surprised to find that Lao Niu actually carried Tony's backpack on his chest, and took off his tactical vest and stuffed it into the gap in the backpack on his chest , and at the same time used a belt to string himself and Tony together, dragging more than 200 kilograms abruptly, and Tony, who was drooling like a zombie, moved forward.

   Now Lao Niu is like a small walking tent, which is both funny and moving.

  At this moment, the "hemostat" really looked at Lao Niu with admiration. Even if she switched backpacks with Tony, Tony's load was still 30 kilograms, which means that Lao Niu was carrying 80 kilograms and dragging Tony.

  The old cow with a broken mouth had a ferocious expression at the moment, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing, but surprisingly, he didn't want to stop. This level of physical fitness was incredible.

   But pain is pain, and the spirit of "never abandon, never give up" seems very silly at this time, but it is also very passionate.

  She chose this team at the beginning because Sanderson was here because she is a single gangster and a woman, so she needs reliable comrades in arms, otherwise she will easily suffer in the mercenary camp.

   As a result, who would have thought that Sanderson, who was full of the atmosphere of an elite special forces force, would actually be the one holding back?

  The resolute 'Hemostat' did not intend to give up. She slowed down and when Sanderson caught up with her, she grabbed his backpack and carried it on her back.

   Then, looking at Sanderson, who suddenly felt much more relaxed, she pulled out a leash and tied it around Tony's waist, and then yelled at Sanderson: "comeon! Ranger!"

  Sanderson, who had been showing bitterness and hatred, cheered up, grinned, and also took out a leash and tied it around Tony's waist, and then shouted as he ran...

   "Rangers, lead the way! Hu~"

   (Rangers, be the vanguard! Huh~)

  (end of this chapter)

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