From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 1540: New information upon arrival

 Chapter 1540 New information after arrival

 After the hotel problem was solved, Qiao Jia released his own humanitarian evacuation channel plan through live broadcast...

This approach responded to the call of the United Nations, and also forced Russia, which was under great pressure, to hold its nose and recognize P·B’s presence on the battlefield in Ukraine.

The day after Choga issued his statement, a huge convoy set out from Odessa and began to move slowly eastward along the road.

 The distance from Odessa to Berdyansk is nearly 400 kilometers, passing through more than a dozen towns of various sizes.

The Lion Battalion from Yemen was still on the way, so Qiaojia had to urgently recruit a group of volunteers from Odessa who could drive supply trucks...

 Then the 438 newly arrived Cossack soldiers completed the change of equipment, drove 15 Bradley fighting vehicles and 80 Humvees, escorted 80 trucks containing food, and established a total of 15 supply points along the town...

At this time, Nikolayev, which was closest to Odessa, was still under the control of the Ukrainian government forces. Kherson was attacked by Russia, but Russia did not occupy Kherson.

Even further east in Melitopol, there are only some Russian second-line troops from Crimea stationed on the main road outside the city.

 Only when you arrive in Berdyansk can you see the large Russian army.

Things quickly developed beyond the expectations of the outside world...

 In order to show the demeanor of a big country, Russia showed great restraint in the early stage...

The supply points of P·B are not just for people who are pro-Ukrainian. As long as they are not regular soldiers, anyone wearing regular clothes can get some food and drinking water at these supply points.

Occasionally, an old lady with a pouty mouth tugged on the clothes of the Russian soldiers, asking when the war would end, and worried that she had missed the time for farming.

Then people quickly discovered a particularly interesting place, which was P·B’s video website.

 Reports of both sides and calibers were widely disseminated around the world...

 Because only by going there can people see the full picture of the Ukrainian War...

 The supply points along this route were established very smoothly...

Then in Western media reports, a large number of Ukrainian civilians complained with despair that Russia had destroyed their homes and turned them into refugees...

At this time, the Russian soldiers would always patiently appease the old lady's emotions, and then give her double supplies, and then solemnly promise that the war will end soon and the evil regime in Kiev will soon be destroyed.

In the footage of the Russian media, Russian soldiers wearing dirty uniforms enthusiastically greeted the Russian civilians who came to receive supplies. When they saw the children, they would take out their hidden candies to make the children happy. .

 No one is a fool. In order to cope with the war, both Russia and W have domestic propaganda machines operating at full capacity.

At this time, a gangster appeared on the most important highway in the south with a large amount of supplies to establish a humanitarian evacuation point. If you don't go to whoring for free, what are you waiting for?

 Then a series of strange operations happened...

Those Cossack soldiers wear recorders on their chests. They record a large number of images every day and send them to the rear. Then, specialized people will edit them fairly, and finally send them to the P·B video website.

 And east of Kherson it’s a completely different scene…

  Not only do they have to fight, they also have to cooperate with the propaganda department at the rear and shoot a lot of content that is close to the people.

 It was not until the Asian S Battalion lost nearly two battalions of soldiers in the city of Malupol that the Russian Aerospace Forces began to follow up the bombing of Malupol.

DaRu made rapid progress in the early stages of southern Ukraine, but the battle against Maupol did not go particularly smoothly.

There were even soldiers from Russia who changed into civilian clothes and went to get things. The Cossacks who were responsible for distributing supplies would pretend not to know and put good things like cigarettes and chocolates in the supplies to make these soldiers happy.

And with the follow-up circulation of supplies, these supply points that are more than ten or twenty kilometers apart can also echo each other to form a chain of defense strongholds.

With Kherson as the boundary, to the west is the Ukrainian army taking the initiative to help maintain the safety of the evacuation point.

The Western media here attacked Russia as a non-human being. Then the Russian netizens pulled out scenes from the P·B video website showing the Ukrainian military embezzling, accepting bribes, reselling arms, and beating civilians...

Over there, Russia acted perversely and indulged in cruelty in attacking Ukraine. Then some netizens came up with footage of Russian soldiers oppressing ordinary people in Ukraine. There were also scenes of a large number of ordinary people shouting curses at Russian soldiers while receiving supplies.

It’s a pity that the media still has to rely on traffic to speak for itself in the end...

  First of all, Great Russia fought badly in its own war, and then in the public opinion where Western narratives are the mainstream, it is also untenable in terms of international law and morality.

This inevitably makes them a little short of breath!

 Then in this warm atmosphere, Da Russia suddenly stepped up its offensive...

The Russian Aerospace Forces carried out large-scale bombings on Malupol for three consecutive days, covering the ground troops' march into the city.

At this time, Choga had already taken a Seahawk-43 and arrived at the waters outside the seaside town 'Urzuf', 15 kilometers east of the small town of Berdyansk. The 056 Lion King was a short distance away from the Seahawk. -Cruising back and forth at a three-kilometer location of 43…

Choga was sitting in the Seahawk-43 cab, with a wooden desk in front of him and a map of southern Ukraine in the background... He faced the live broadcast camera and held up a carbon pen in Berdyansk. He drew a circle on the position, and then said with a face of joy: "I got good news today. The last stop of the first phase of the humanitarian evacuation channel, Berdyansk, has been opened...

Any local person who encounters unsolvable difficulties can seek help from the P·B soldiers at the evacuation point.

If you are far away from the evacuation point, you can also choose to wait on the roadside.

We have fleets plying the road every day. As long as you ask for help in accordance with our safety standards, our people will provide you with timely and effective help. "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia looked at the word "Gemma" on the screen. He smiled helplessly and said: "A fierce battle is taking place in Malupol, and Russia has launched a large-scale air raid on the city in the past two days.

 As UN mercenaries, we cannot intervene in the war between Russia and W, and it is unwise to enter Maupol at this time.

But please believe me, I am trying to communicate with the Russian army, hoping that they can open a channel for us to enter Malupol.

Gemma is a good friend of mine, and I care about his safety more than you..."

After speaking, Qiao Jia ended today's live broadcast, then rubbed his face a little tiredly, waved to the crew to remove everything around him, then looked at Antal, who had been playing with the computer, and said: "This is really nothing. Good job…”

Antar finished the final work, moved his somewhat stiff mechanical thumb, then stretched, and said: "Boss, there will be a stable period for some time in the future. You have recorded a lot of videos in the past few days. When the time comes, Just take it out and play it.

Tony and others will post questions in the live broadcast room when playing the video to coordinate with your video recording.

I guess no one thought that you would appear in this position at this time! "

As he spoke, Antar turned the computer in front of him, pointed at the picture above, and said: "The Russian side has sent warnings many times and refused to allow our airship to enter the area around Malupol.

We have no way to conduct effective reconnaissance there. I am requesting the British side to provide real-time satellite images. Then we can use small drones to fly over Maupol to verify the ground conditions.

DaRu’s bombing has compressed the activity area of ​​Asia S Battalion. If your target is to operate with Asia S Battalion, then we can reduce the scope of investigation.

However, intelligence shows that the most intense fighting is near the Malupol Steel Plant, where there are said to be huge underground facilities.

 If the target retreats underground, it will be very difficult for us! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia waved his hand and said: "Even if it is difficult, we have to find a way. In fact, the advantage is on our side now...

 The Great Russia will definitely not compromise with the Rothschild family. Although our opponents have Gemma in their hands, their situation is actually worse than ours.

 I will think of a way to let Russia expand the scale of bombing, further compress the activity space of the Asia S Battalion, and force the "executors" on the periphery who are trying to rescue to move first.

As long as we catch the tail of these people, the initiative is in our hands! "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia glanced at the electronic map and said, "Where are the sharp knife and the knight?"

Antar typed a few times on the computer, then pointed at the green dot that lit up and said: "The Knife Squad is with Sergei and the others and has arrived in Berdyansk.

They are passing through the evacuation point and collecting intelligence information from the surroundings...

The Jazz team has entered the outskirts of Malupol. They are operating together with a group of Russian paratroopers. Last night they also participated in a raid on the outskirts of the steel plant..."

As he spoke, Antar glanced at Choga and said: "Boss, the crows of the Jazz team sent a message, and the Chechen Kadro contacted them..."

Choga frowned and said: "Chechens? Aren't they in Donetsk?

That guy named Cardro must have worked too hard to flatter Boss Pu..."

Antar shook his head slightly and said: "The Chechens' combat effectiveness is stronger than that of the Russian army, but they did not have a hard time in Donetsk.

That Cardro is more like a frontline internet celebrity than a commander-in-chief. "

Qiao Jia said matter-of-factly: "Of course, even if you want to show your loyalty, a normal person would not lead his men into a pit of fire.

The Chechens in this situation cannot fight a tough battle...

What does that guy want to do when he comes to the Jazz Squad? "

Antar shrugged his shoulders and said: "Equipment, they want to purchase equipment for the 'Jazz Squad'!"

After hearing this, Choga sneered and said: "This guy is out of his mind and crazy. Chechnya is so poor. How much money can he spend to buy equipment if he digs through his family's finances?"

Antar spread his hands and said: "He said he has information that interests you, and the condition is to help him arm a squad!"

After hearing this, Qiao Jia frowned deeply and said, "Should I believe him?

 We killed nearly 3,000 Chechen mercenaries in Afghanistan a few months ago, and more than 2,000 of the captives are still building roads in Afghanistan..."

 (End of this chapter)

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