Chapter 162 The peerless fierce man

  The other three members of Belarusian Diamond are called 'Crowbar', 'Torch' and 'Shock' respectively.

  The two machine gunners in the cabin are 'Hemostat' and another South American woman selected by Sardinia, her nickname is 'Kitten'.

  Before the downhill, the 'Crowbar' yelled at the 'Hemostat' who was screaming and shooting at the convoy: "Don't waste too many bullets, now you have to reload yourself."

   Said 'crowbar' and looked at another South American woman, grinning and shouting: "'Little cat', the boss is right below, you have to behave well, I think you are no worse than that devil bird, haha..."

'Little Cat' raised her **** and watched 'Crowbar' get off the plane. After she untied the downhill rope and kicked off the plane, she shouted in the direction of the cockpit: "Go to the other side, go to the other side, the enemy over there wants to Ran."

  'Fat Goose' didn't need to be reminded. Seeing that the enemy on the other side couldn't cross the river to help, he wanted to retreat by car. He quickly turned a few heads to provide 'Wrench' with a shooting angle.

  500 meters, another ten rockets hit the past...

   'Boom, boom, boom...'

  With a series of explosions, the enemy's last convoy was stopped.

  'Fat Goose' looked at the enemies in the sea of ​​flames, he grinned and turned around and shouted: "The rockets are too expensive, keep an eye on your shooting holes and **** them!"

  Looking at the hellish scene below through the shooting hole, the 'Hemostat' angrily hung up a safety rope for himself, and sat by the open hatch with the machine gun in his arms, so that he could get a larger shooting range.

  Looking at the fallen corpses on the river bank, the special female soldier from the Peruvian navy stared at the enemies fleeing in the village in embarrassment like falcons, and began to drive them towards **** with the fire chain of the machine gun.

  The development of the battle was even smoother than Qiaojia had imagined. Sanderson and the diamond team rushed to the village where Qiaojia and the others were located, and began to clean up the enemies hidden in the adobe houses one by one.

  Diamond is an urban anti-terrorist force. Compared with jungle warfare, DIAMOND people are instinctively sensitive to CQB.

   At the request of Kaman, Qiaojia finally took Ayu with him during the assault.

  This King Kong-like character cooperated with Dorian to stand in front, using her full set of enhanced 'Interceptor' body armor to become Choga's best cover.

During the assault, Ayou didn't choose the door, but pressed his shoulders and easily smashed through a dirt wall, rushed into the house and stabbed a hapless ghost in the eye socket with the heated PKM barrel, and picked him up Hit another guy.

   Choja, who was following Ayou, subconsciously pulled out his pistol and pierced the panicked guy's skull. Then, looking at Ayou's back, he swallowed subconsciously.

   It's really too fierce, it's unreasonable!

  According to Ayou's posture, normal humans cannot be her opponents.

  Because there are not many human beings who are stronger than her, and they are definitely not as fast as her, let alone those who are faster than her, as long as they are caught by her, they will die.

  With the addition of Ayou, the efficiency of Choga's four-member assault team has doubled.

  With Sanderson and the Diamond Four on the other side, under the attack from both sides, the battle to clean up the village went smoothly.

  Seeing Sanderson and the diamond quartet coming tens of meters away, Choga nodded at them, pointed at the last house, and made a flanking gesture.

  Sanderson nodded decisively, led the team around the back door of the house, and after confirming that Qiaojia and the others were in place, kicked open the back door to attract the attention of the enemies inside...

  Ayu rushed into the house at the moment Sanderson and the others acted, and then let out a roar of extreme anger, dropped the machine gun in his hand and rushed to a corner.

Choga immediately followed up, but Ayou's huge body blocked his shooting range, and he could only watch him crash into a pile of people like a truck, grab a tall black man by the neck and hit the wall go out…

   There was a loud bang...

   Half of the adobe house collapsed, and several half-grown children and several disemboweled children's bodies were buried inside.

Kaman glanced at the half-grown children who were buried, and he waved to Sanderson who was rushing over to stop acting rashly, and then the old guy walked over and moved a few pieces of adobe and wood by himself, speaking in an unintelligible language , and said a few words to a few half-children who were slightly injured...

  Choga has no time to care about Kaman at the moment, he was stunned by Ayou's ferocity.

  The tall Ayou lifted a strong black man who was at least 1.8 meters tall, smashed through the wall and smashed him onto a tree. The terrible "click" sound indicated that the guy didn't have too many good bones.

Then, without knowing what was the stimulus, Ayou threw the black man to the ground heavily, then stepped on his thigh, hugged his other leg with both hands, and let out an inhuman howl while tearing it hard. Cry, I tore this guy apart...

   A person is torn apart like a roast chicken, that scene is absolutely creepy.

   Sanderson and the diamond quartet, who can be said to be experienced in many battles, seemed to be pushed by something, subconsciously took two steps back, and then took a breath.

  Amidst the screams of the enemy, Ayou threw aside a torn thigh and a small half of his crotch.

   Then she seemed to be still puzzled, roaring and rushed up and stepped on the head of the guy who was still breathing.

Huge military boots were printed on the bridge of that unlucky ghost's nose. With a crisp 'click' sound, more than half of that guy's head sank into the soil, and then the huge intracranial pressure caused his two eyeballs to fall from the ground. Popped out of the eye socket.

  Looking at Ayou, who looked like a ferocious beast, with white air blowing from his nostrils, Qiaojia finally realized that this is the kind of peerless fierce man in the legend, Liu Bang's Fan Kuai, Li Er's Yu Chigong...

  Human life is nothing in front of them, and their huge strength and fierce style make them frightening.

Based on Ayou's current appearance, when she goes to the civilized world, she will trigger an alarm wherever she goes. It is probably normal for those who are less timid to faint when they see her. Involuntary chills.

  Dorian, who had been so passionate before, retreated to Qiaojia's side and whispered, "Boss, I really didn't play 'King Kong' before. I never thought of letting her be a packer, really!"

  Things happened so fast just now, Qiaojia didn't know why Ayou suddenly broke out.

  He patted Dorian on the arm and said, "Go, let King Kong calm down and ask what happened?"

Dorian blinked his eyes, and was about to call to ask if the gas at home was turned off, but Kaman, who was played at the end, suddenly said something loudly, and then broke the arms of the two and a half boys with a wooden stick. .

  Hearing the two boys grunting in pain, Sanderson walked over instinctively and said, "Hey, are they still kids?"

  Kaman looked at Sanderson coldly and said, "The child in your mouth just killed a few people."

Speaking of which, Kaman stared at the two boys sitting on the ground silently with innocuous eyes, and said in a strange tone: "Although they were forced, they have to be punished, otherwise they will be punished forever." Will never forgive myself."

   At this moment, Qiaojia realized something. He pointed to the tattered corpse and said, "This guy was training these children before? Like that guy by the river?"

  Kaman shook his head and said: "It's not the same. The boy scouts are trained by the river, and this is reformed. These two children are villagers here, and the people who were killed were from their same village.

   That guy forced the two boys to kill their smaller and weaker companions, and at the same time killed their own conscience. "

   Talking, Kaman looked at the other trembling half-children, he shook his head and said, "They are lucky!"

Qiao Jia looked at the trembling boys, although he was terrified, but the eyes of the two children with broken arms were full of hatred and fear, while the two half-sized boys whose arms were broken by Kaman sat down. Silent on the ground.

  Joga didn't like this kind of scene. Seeing that the surviving villagers started to gather in his direction not far away, he frowned and said, "Then what should we do now?"

  Kaman dropped the stick in his hand and said, "Kill them, or take them away, they won't survive if they stay here."

   Although the two boys on the ground couldn't understand what Kaman was saying, they looked at him.

  Kaman's feelings were not rich, facing the instinctive begging eyes of the two boys, he didn't say a word.

  Break their arms just to use physical pain to remind them 'you are being punished' and give them a reason to barely live as human beings.

   Otherwise, these two half-children will either suffer under the hatred eyes of the villagers and even their parents, die from the anger of the villagers, or they will become inhuman beasts.

   This is the unit created by the devil, the 'Boy Scouts'!

  Joga knew that Kaman was waiting for his order. He looked at another village that was still howling in the distance, frowned and said, "Take them, let's go there..."

  Hearing Qiaojia's order, Kaman's eyes instantly softened a little.

  He walked up to the two boys and said a few words in the local language...

   "You are as lucky as I am, because you have also met someone worthy of respect!

  I need two apprentices to keep him safe after I die, will you? "

  A boy glanced at his companion not far away, and found that his own brother looked at him with strange and disgusted eyes, completely forgetting that he was the one who blocked him just now...

  He opened his eyes full of tears, looked at Kaman and said, "I am willing!"


   I don’t know what’s going on, this chapter is always blocked, it’s been modified, it’s probably less content, but it basically doesn’t affect the plot of the story.

  (end of this chapter)

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