From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 182: International agency

  Chapter 182 International Intermediary Company

Boykin's men didn't come on time. Choga and the others waited in the jungle for three days. A cargo ship transformed from an inland fishing boat and three speedboats slowly arrived in a piece of land in the afterglow of the setting sun. Fairly flat river beach.

Because the rainy season has passed, the water level of the river has dropped considerably, and the cargo ship could not completely dock, so it could only stop in the middle of the river, and then a pontoon bridge was built with three rubber boats. People move materials.

  A bald white man jumped off the cargo ship the moment the pontoon bridge was built.

  The drop between the cargo ship and the rubber boat was only 1.5 meters. As a result, the bald man couldn't stand still, his hands were dancing wildly like windmills trying to maintain his balance, and finally he plunged into the muddy river.

   Watching several black militants with rifles sneer, the bald white man cursed a few times in the water, and then simply swam to the shore.

When two fully armed mercenaries rushed to his side through the pontoon bridge, the bald man came back to his senses completely, made a threatening gesture to the black buddies who laughed at him, and then turned to his side Two bodyguards said: "I hate this **** place, the smell inside the cargo ship makes me want to throw up."

  A white mercenary with greasy hair and a big nose handed a set of clean clothes to the bald man, and then said with a smile: "I think it's not bad, Boykin is a bit different from the general anti-government leader.

   I had a great time at his camp, the only pity was that he roasted a woman I liked, and it tasted terrible. "

  The bald man retched subconsciously, then waved his hand and said, "Can you stop mentioning this **** thing?

   That guy tricked me into eating human flesh. If gold wasn’t more attractive, I should stay away from that beast!

   These **** are beasts, remember to remind me that when we earn enough, we must find someone to kill them all. "

  Another mercenary with a red hair and **** head grinned and said, "Don't be afraid after eating it, but if you really want to kill Boykin, you can entrust the task to us.

  500,000, paid in private, we can find enough men to take out Boykin's camp.

   This is a friendly price, but the loot in the camp must be ours! "

   Speaking of this, the **** head looked at the blacks who were driven off like pigs and dogs on the cargo ship, he licked his dry lips, and said: "Actually, we can do it ourselves, and we don't need to share with Boykin at all.

  The mine is almost ready. It is not too difficult to get some slaves. There are many **** in the jungle here.

  Who knows if that guy Boykin stole our harvest?

  If we do it ourselves, we don’t need to come to this ghost place every other month, and all the gold will be our own. "

   The bald man cast a glance at Ginger's head, and said sarcastically: "Then who stays here to watch the mine, you? Or you?

   Don't be silly, we need Boykin, and Boykin needs me, but not you.

  I'm paying you to keep me safe, not to teach me how to do business, and I'm not going to make you **** partners. "

Speaking of which, the bald man saw a fierce light in the eyes of the big-nosed mercenary. He took a provocative step forward, stared into his eyes and said, "Shut up your **** eyes, I will give you a salary of 15,000 euros per month. Let you protect mine.

   You are a **** beast mercenary, I bought a large amount of revenge funds from international intermediary companies, so they gave me a guarantee.

  As long as I die, you will not only become nothing, but also face a gunman brought by a 1 million euro revenge fund.

   You see, this is the benefit of spending money on insurance, otherwise why do you think I dare to entrust my life to you? "

  Big Nose clenched the Famas rifle in his hand, and after looking at the bald man for a few seconds, he finally lowered his head.

  There are many beasts among mercenaries, and additional guarantees are needed to gain the trust of customers, so the "international intermediary company" came into being.

  They are an intermediary company and a guarantee company. When a novice tries to go to a dangerous place and plans to use mercenaries to ensure his safety, they can find this company and sign a contract with the mercenaries under his introduction.

  The price is not high at all, you only need to buy their funds, although the annualized return is almost zero, although the price of mercenaries is higher than that in the general market.

   But those mercenaries don’t care about what you do, and they can get security, and as long as one year is over and the contract with the mercenaries ends, you can withdraw the money at any time.

  It roughly means that it is equivalent to putting a sum of money under the fund of an international intermediary company as an insurance. Once the employer dies, the investigators of the international intermediary around the world will initiate an investigation.

   If it is confirmed that the death of the employer was caused by a mercenary, then that fund will automatically start.

  The international intermediary company will not only seize the mission deposit and commission of the mercenaries, but also use that revenge fund to the extreme.

   100,000 yuan can guarantee to kill the mercenaries, and 1 million will not only kill the mercenaries, but also their families. If you give more, the scope can be expanded.

   Fully embodies the international intermediary company's service concept of "money is guaranteed"!

  Of course, spending this revenge fund for you also requires a commission.

   This is only a part of the business of an international intermediary company, but it can attract a large number of Xiaobai who have needs but are worried that they cannot control the mercenaries.

  The mercenaries recruited by international intermediary companies are often the kind of surly people who can't find a job in other places and have a relatively poor reputation.

  The deposit and fund guarantee system, as well as the professional investigator system for special agents, make these **** mercenaries behave like professional soldiers in most tasks.

  Of course there are still loopholes that can be exploited, but these mercenaries who can't even find a serious team generally don't have the brains to deceive investigators. Enough blood and death can alert most of the desperadoes.

  Really reputable professional mercenaries do not need to go through international intermediary companies to get jobs.

   Guys like Big Nose and Ginger Head have no choice, and no one will feel bad about them being buried with their employers.

  Of course, the revenge fund is only for both parties to the contract, not only the mercenaries, but also the employers, because the deposit paid by those mercenaries is also a kind of insurance.

  In this kind of high-risk project, not only the profit of the fund, but also the deposit of the dead and the revenge fund of the employer are a huge income.

An international intermediary company used an unpopular project to accumulate a huge fund by using a model that seems to be completely non-profit-seeking but actually takes advantage of both ends. At the same time, it organized a huge network, turning mercenaries into ordinary people available occupations.

   Mercenaries are just weapons. Even if the mercenaries are vicious and vicious, ordinary people can use them as long as they have money, and they don't have to worry about backlash.

   This is why bald people are not afraid of big noses at all!

  Capital is eroding every corner of this world, and in the underground world, 'rules', 'credibility', and 'friendship' are the last bastion to stop them.

   Wait until one day these things no longer exist, maybe you have to go through the transfer of capital when you do any business, otherwise you will not have the slightest guarantee.

  The only thing capital needs to pay is to build a reputable platform, then attract users at a seemingly cheap price, and finally find a bunch of college students to take advantage of the power of the platform and use the terrible mercenaries as tools.

   In front of international intermediary companies, those mercenaries who can’t find a job by themselves are no different from the takeaway boys. They will also be deducted from their salaries if they are badly rated by customers.

  Of course, there is no need to sympathize with mercenaries who are mixed up to be exploited by international intermediary companies.

  There are public, legal, and reputable mercenaries in this world who are large PMC companies and capable and have good personalities. In theory, they will not find a job.

  It's a pity that the big nose and **** head are not the kind of honest people, so they can only endure the bald head's saliva.

  The argument between the three made the surrounding Boykin men laugh, and 40 militants armed with AKs drove sixty or seventy pig-like blacks off the boat and made them line up on the shore...

Then a militant with inlaid gold teeth and missing three fingers on his left hand patrolled in front of them, and finally felt that it was a good sign that no one escaped, so at the end of the walk, he took out a brand new With a revolver, he fired a shot in the head of a middle-aged black man who looked a little thin.

  The brains of a middle-aged black man splashed on the face of a black man behind him, causing him to pee his pants immediately.

Seeing the body of the middle-aged black man fell to death in the river, and was slowly carried downstream by the current, the black man whose face was splashed squatted on the ground and let out a heart-piercing cry, and then the black men around him The slave also began to wipe away tears.

The gold-toothed black man seemed to think he had achieved his goal. He proudly blew the smoke that did not exist at the muzzle of the gun, then smiled at the bald man with a grin, and said, "Mr. Browne, this is our style, you guys White people can't do this.

  Because you will be afraid!

  I've **** a few white women and they always scream in horror, I love hearing them scream, lol...”

  The bald Browne rolled his eyes, raised his **** at the gold-toothed black man, and said, "Let's go, let them carry the fuel and food on their backs, and I'm going back to the ship before it gets completely dark.

  I don't want to be here for a **** minute, get the gold, I need to go back and find some chicks to lick the **** smell off of me. "

  The gold-toothed black man grinned, imitating the movements of the characters on TV, touching his chest and bending over, saying: "Yes, my master, let's take these people to go through the process and let them learn to obey the management.

  But don’t pee your pants later, or I’ll have to kill a few more to keep them scared, hahaha…”

   After hearing this, the bald Browne cursed and said, "No matter what you want to do, hurry up, shit, this **** place stinks."

   Just as they were driving a group of laborers into the jungle with a lot of things on their backs, a figure with jungle camouflage on his face appeared 10 meters upstream of the pontoon bridge.

  Sri Lanka's "Viper" stared at the team with cold eyes. He waited until they had all entered the jungle before he pressed the communicator and said, "The package has entered the jungle. There are 43 militants and 65 captives."

   Immediately after, Qiaojia's voice sounded in the channel...

   "The white man is bald and I'm going to gut out the thief and kill the rest."

  (end of this chapter)

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