From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 331: Fight with me? ?

  Chapter 331 Fight with me? ?

  As Qiaojia shouted, the medical officer bird and the elephant pulled out sideways at the same time, shooting indiscriminately towards the northeast corner of the building.

Qiaojia couldn't see the sniper's position at all. He threw a smoke grenade outward again, covering the three DEA's field staff and rushing to the corner, then pressed the communicator and said, "Devil bird, the northeast corner of the building , can you see him?"

  Nice passed through the gap between two factory office buildings through the scope, and stared at the southeast corner of the building. She said calmly, "My field of vision is very narrow, and I can't see his specific location."

  As Nice was speaking, Choja noticed that his opponent was firing again.

  A gunfire lit up the window, and a large hole was cut in the wall next to him.

Qiaojia couldn't see the other party from the bottom up. He turned his head and glanced at the medical officer bird who was rescuing the helicopter pilot. He frowned and squatted on the ground against the wall. A few rounds were fired.

   "Devil Bird, try it, your gun can penetrate walls..."

  Nice saw the eye-catching on the outer wall of the building, she adjusted the sights, and then picked up a specially marked magazine from the side.

   "Armor piercing shell"

  Joga promised Nice's "little toy", which can penetrate bulletproof armor within 500 meters.

  Pull the bolt to push the sabot-piercing projectile into the chamber, Niss aimed at the position indicated by Choga, held his breath slightly, and pulled the trigger when the muzzle was completely stable.


  After a gunshot, Choga saw a small hole appeared on the outer wall of the building, and then a person suddenly appeared inside. He seemed to be injured, and he supported himself on the wall while straightening his body...

  Choga didn't let go of the fleeting opportunity, and decisively pulled the trigger and hit the guy in the neck.

  The moment the sniper was killed, gunshots rang out again from the top floor, but this time the bullets were directed at Qiaojia and the others.

  Choga, who was still immersed in the pleasure of killing the opponent's sniper, felt a tightness in his lower back, and felt that his whole body was flying into the air, and finally hit Ayou's body.

Feeling that Ayou wanted to push himself behind her, Qiaojia glanced helplessly at the black-clothed field workers who were behaving like hell, then patted Ayou's arm and said, "It's okay, They can't see us."

  Speaking, Qiaojia looked at the three black-clothed field workers, and said: "You go around from the back, let the crow one cooperate with you, and you must not let the people in the building slip away from the north."

A tall field worker with a wound on his face watched the helicopter pilot swallow his last breath with the help of a shot of morphine from the 'Medical Officer Bird', he shook his head heavily and said: "Sir, we left behind You attack together."

   Qiaojia looked at the field agent like a fool, and said, "Offensive? What are you kidding?

  The advantage is now on our side, I have a few portable thermobaric rounds in the car..."

  Gao Da field office thought he heard it wrong, he said in disbelief: "Sir, what did you say?"

  Joga pushed Dorian, motioned him to go to the car he was riding in to back up the thing, and then said to the tall field worker: "At first, I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but now...

   There are at least 15 to 18 people inside, let me go in and fight a bunch of mercenaries? NO!

  What are their identities? What is my identity? "

   Gao Da field staff stared in surprise, and said, "Sir, who are you?"

  Choga grinned and said, "I am the commander of a secret force under the DEA, and my name is Jackal.

  I usually work in Afika to fight against drug trafficking networks. It's normal for you little guys like me not to know me. "

  The three black-clothed specialties glanced at the equipment on Qiaojia and the others, especially Ayou, who was full of oppression. They looked at each other, and then the tall field staff asked curiously: "Sir, what are the conditions for joining you?"

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said: "We are a secret army, if you want to join us, you must first give up your current job, and then accept strict selection.

  I'm not sure if you're the right fit, but if you lose your job someday, you can come to Afika and try it out, maybe I can offer you a new job. "

   While Qiaojia was talking nonsense, the voice of 'Spurs' suddenly sounded on the channel...

   "Boss, here we are, on the north side of the building.

  Boss, it’s not a good idea to attack by force, ‘Pliers’ used the gasoline of the vehicle to make two gasoline bombs, as long as we send them in, we can burn the people inside. "

  Joga was very satisfied with the cleverness of the ‘Spurs’, he took a quick look with his head, and then said: “Hold your position and don’t let the people inside escape.

  Those guys want to rely on the building to fight an indoor war with us to consume us, and then take the opportunity to escape.

  I don't know what they think, but they do know me well enough to know that I don't like to wait.

   Later we will attract their attention in the south. You try to break in and plant a gasoline bomb, preferably on the second floor. I just want to see if the tough guy at Heinz Farm will break his leg when he jumps from the third floor. "


  Bill Heinz never imagined that the opponent he met would use thermobaric bombs, an absolutely prohibited killer in New York.

  RPGs and machine guns are already the limit of his imagination...

   Originally Bill Heinz wanted to play an indoor CQB with Choga by virtue of the superior numbers and defensive advantages, but...


  Nice has been controlling the field!

  'Spurs' They captured the black police team and handed it over to Estella, then rushed to support the boss.

Nice was the only one to take care of the huge open field. Thompson saw that Nice was like a ruthless machine, harvesting the last guy who was hiding in the dark and pretending to be dead. He hesitated and said: "I'll help that Estella , she may not be able to keep watch over those black policemen by herself."

  Nice glanced at Thompson, nodded and said in a slightly flat tone: "You do what you should do, that 'messenger' should still be breathing.

  Go to 'Ask a question', our boss needs some answers from him. "

  Thompson glanced at the miserable condition of the 'Messenger' with the night vision binoculars, and he said helplessly: "I can't guarantee anything...

  Ma'am, if we need to know anything from him, we should capture him as alive as possible, preferably whole. "

  Nice saw Estella’s black police officers through the scope, one of them was attracting her attention, and the other was rubbing the straps that bound him with stones…

  Because they all knelt on the ground with their backs facing Niss, Niss could clearly see the small movements behind them.

Estella over there was still yelling at the black policeman who attracted her attention. Just when she was a little impatient, the head of a black policeman on her left suddenly exploded, and then there was a gunshot, The large amount of blood and brains immediately made the surrounding people quiet...

  Nice ignored Estella's screams, she looked sideways at Thompson, and said, "You are an intelligence officer, it's your job to find intelligence, our job is to kill the enemy.

   We will not risk any enemy alive, especially not our boss.

  Remember, your responsibility is to cooperate with us! "

   Thompson listened, and looked curiously at Nice, who was extremely serious. He hesitated and said: "I want to say that intelligence is sometimes the key to determining the direction of the war, but you are also the boss, and the boss is always right..."


  Michael Beach of the DEA seconded a SWAT from New Jersey next door, and at the same time organized a police convoy to rush along the banks of the Hudson River to Yonkers at high speed.

  When they approached the abandoned shipyard in Yonkers, several dull bangs came from the direction of the shipyard, and then a huge 'torch' was suddenly lit there.

  The burning torch emits hot light, lighting up a large area around it.

  Explosions of this magnitude could be heard several kilometers away, and can now be seen more clearly.

  Michael Beach frightened and took out his phone to call the secret service he sent...

   "What happened? The Ndrangheta planted a bomb in the factory?"

   "NO, sir, it's our special forces, the Jackal fired three thermobaric bombs at them, and then used petrol bombs to set the factory on fire.

  Ohshit, a guy jumped off the fifth floor, oops, head first..."

  Michael Beach was trembling when he heard it. The consequences of the thermobaric bomb explosion in New York were too serious.

   No matter where Choga got this thing, once the cause of the explosion is revealed, it will trigger a tsunami of security upgrades.

  It’s like once a school shooting occurs, it will lead to tension in the police force everywhere, and the school’s security will be upgraded.

The Jackal will definitely not admit that thermobaric bombs are used. It can only be used by the people of Heinz Farm. This means that there are loopholes in New York's security. Once someone catches the head, it will be used to attack all the security chiefs.

  If you can’t press it down, DEA will offend the New York Police, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and even the New York Fire Department this time.

  He didn't expect that Choga's so-called "heavy weapon use license" is not simply to use heavy machine guns, "thermobaric bombs" are a bit too much...

   "Where the **** do we get Special Forces? You're the DEA Special Forces, get the situation under control, I'm coming..."

Michael Beach smelled a pungent smell, and at the same time saw a large area of ​​lights lit up in the apartments and buildings across the river, he covered his forehead in pain and said to the phone: "Forget about that 'thermobaric bomb', The chemicals contained in the building must have exploded."

   Just as Michael was about to make a call to Choga's cell phone, the huge 'torch' exploded again.

   It was like a festival, a violent flame erupted on the roof of the building, and the scattered fire rain covered a large area of ​​the surrounding airspace.

  From a distance, it looks like fireworks are being set off, but if you look closely, you will find a large amount of oil carrying flames, which ignites the buildings near the building.

Qiaojia also did not expect that there was a large amount of waste oil stored on the top floor of that building. The thermobaric bombs did not detonate those things, but because of the explosion of the petrol bomb, the flames caused the temperature inside the building to rise, and the waste oil began to vaporize, and finally appeared Had a weird 'reaction'...

  Seeing the fire rain from Dapeng hit the outer wall of the building he was in, Qiaojia led the people out of the building in a panic.

  Seeing that Michael Beach called himself, he connected and said: "Dude, you have done a good job!"

   "FUCK, Jackal, what the **** did you do? The National Guard was alarmed..."

   "How the **** do I know what's stored in that building, that thing almost burned me just now?"

   "Is that building destroyed?"

  Joga realized something from Michael Beach's tone, he nodded and said: "I don't think there is a week, no one can enter that building, of course, the premise is that it can last a week!"

   Talking about something that Qiao Jia suddenly thought of, he said to Michael Beach who was about to arrive, "Slow down a little bit, give me a little time, and I will go say hello to that black police friend and the 'messenger'."

  (end of this chapter)

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