Chapter 602 is done

   Choga estimated that the reporter was from the royal family of Monaco. The questions he asked were stupid, and Choga could easily hang him in the frenzy of public opinion and whip him.

  But Choga didn’t choose to do this. His answer was actually pointing at the royal family.

  The members of the royal family have reached this level. Of course, they want to solve the problem as soon as possible. They are just waiting for Charlene to give them a step, even if it is just a small opening.

   Now P·B's people are guarding the hospital, and those from the Extrajudicial Legion take the initiative to come here to stand guard in shifts, leaving the Monaco royal family completely helpless.

   Qiao Jia felt that it was almost done, and let the public opinion ferment, maybe Charlene could only go for a divorce. If she didn't divorce by then, maybe a large number of fans would be disappointed.

  Occupying the high point of public opinion also needs to be handled carefully. It is not good for anyone to push the opponent into a hurry.

   After all, Jacques still has the throne to inherit, doesn't he?

All the reporters could feel what Qiao Jia meant. When they found that the scandal between Boss Qiao and Charlene had lost room for hype, apart from those tabloids, the serious media began to shift their attention angles and began to report on the terrorist incident itself. ask questions.

   "Sir, regarding the terrorist attack by the al-Qaeda organization in Libya, what do you think is the problem with France's response?"

   "Sir, according to our investigation, when the Monaco crisis happened, the highest person in charge in France was an agent of the Ministry of Security. What do you think of this matter?"

   "Sir, you said that you participated in the interception of chemical bombs, so what role did Britain and France play in it? Why didn't we see any actions and efforts from them?"




  Boss Joe smiled and laughed to deal with the cross-examination of these reporters, which was also one of his goals.

  Nima, the media is always entangled in scandals, how can they put pressure on France?

  Gami is currently negotiating in Paris. As the center of the incident, Choga must of course find a way to provide her with sufficient support.

  A French bank controlled by Greek Chinese and acquired by funds imported from the United States is about to control the financial lifeline of North Kivu Province in the Congo. There are no French people who can speak...

   You must know that the national banks of the 15 Afika countries do not have this treatment!

  France’s control over them seems to be loose. There are only two or three French people on the bank’s board of directors, and the limited power of the shares they control is not great, but they hold veto power in their hands.

   This is too deadly for a national bank!

  The financial plan you have worked so hard to formulate, people will reject you with a show of hands.

  This is what the French want to achieve!

  Now Boss Joe and Jamie are going to break this rule, allowing you to invest in and participate in dividends, but you are absolutely not allowed to dictate.

  Jamie is now in Paris arguing with a bunch of officials in charge of the economy...

  She asked someone to evaluate the assets of Boss Joe's financial company. The valuation of those collaterals was magnified many times, and the risks were ignored. In the end, she actually got a magical valuation of 60 billion.

   Then Jamie combined the financial companies that have not yet been incorporated into the bank with the assets of the bank itself, and got a jaw-dropping magic number.

   If France wants to take a stake, it should inject capital in proportion to the business rules.

  What Choga is doing now is to use the media to create pressure and push French politicians to speed up negotiations with Jamie.

  Anyway, there is no 'loss' in France. A responsible company such as P·B invests in a French bank. In the end, doesn't it still have to pay taxes to France?

  The passive response of the French politicians to the Monaco incident has actually passed all the risks of terrorist attacks on to P·B, and they owe Boss Joe!

   If they want a satisfactory settlement, they have to agree to Jamie's conditions.

   Qiaojia was already a little familiar with handling this kind of thing. Not long after the press conference ended, he received a call from Jiami...

   "Jackal, the French agreed. The Prime Minister arranged for several wealthy people to raise 300 million euros to inject into our bank, obtain 5% of our bank's equity, and give up arranging people to join the bank's board of directors."

  Joga was taken aback by the good news on the phone, and he suddenly said: "These people have given up the national interests of France, but injected their own capital in order to make money.

  I'm going, does that mean that as long as the Prime Minister of Valls of the French Socialist Party is still in office, our banks will be able to get great convenience? "

  Gami smiled and said: "The French president is elected. Although the prime minister is not well-known, he is the leader of the Socialist Party and the defender of France's internal affairs, defense, and laws.

  Even if he steps down, as long as the Socialist Party is still there, his influence will still exist.

   Jackal, this is a good deal, but they have one string attached..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and said, "What condition?"

  Gami said with a smile: "They know that they want you to become a French citizen, and you may disagree because of your position.

  So you are required to become a Monaco citizen at a minimum and transfer some of your assets to Monaco. "

   Qiaojia smiled indifferently when he heard this, and said, "This is ready to punish me at any time!"

  Gami heard Qiaojia's reaction, she smiled and said, "How can it be as exaggerated as you think?

   They just need to find a rationale for approving the bank's actions in Congo.

   Otherwise, it would be difficult for a Greek to use the Bank of France controlled by US capital to gain support in the French Parliament.

  Monaco is different, the financial environment there is more liberal, and France has never regarded them as outsiders! "

   Talking about something, Jamie seemed to think of something, she laughed and said: "In this matter, Albert II played a big role.

  Now as long as you are willing to nod, that guy will personally send you a Monaco passport and give you the green light to invest all the way there.

   Jackal, to be honest, it is actually more convenient to put the bank's investment headquarters in Monaco. "

   Qiaojia probably understood what Jamie meant, that is, to put the bank's shell, that is, the nominal headquarters in Paris, so as to obtain qualifications.

   Then put the bank's foreign exchange investment operation business in a more free and open place in Monaco.

  Finally put the core business of the bank in Congo...

   This is the same as the military contracting company run by Choga himself. It obtains qualifications from the United States, and its nominal headquarters is in New Jersey. It normally accepts American business operations and pays taxes.

  But P·B's core business is in Central Africa!

  Now the bank has an extra buffer zone, which is Monaco. It seems a little troublesome, but it allows the bank to gain more room for free operation.

   This is really good news!

  And from this point of view, it is impossible for Jamie to push this matter alone.

  When those French politicians give up national interests and instead seek their own interests to buy shares in banks, they will become very talkative.

   Those people paid 300 million euros to get 5% of the equity, which means that they have become shareholders of the bank, and protecting the interests of the bank is protecting their own interests.

   After thinking about everything, Qiaojia said with a smile: "That's it, my phone has been turned off for the past few days, it's time for me to turn it on and chat with them.

  No matter which boss comes over, I will cooperate with them anyway, P·B completed the anti-terrorism mission under their wise leadership, haha..."

  Gami listened, and said with a smile: "I am only good at financial business, and you have more experience than me in politics, so you can figure it out.

  But Albert II came to see me, I want to hear your opinion..."

  Joga heard this, and said amusedly, "Isn't it a little strange that Albert II left his wife to beg you and went to Paris to beg you?"

  Gami said with a smile: "Jackal, Albert II surrendered, he and his team wanted to talk to Charlene, but he couldn't find a suitable opportunity.

   You are all hiding in the hospital and not going out, so Albert II can only come to me?

  He really helped me when I was negotiating with France, and said that he could give Charlene enough freedom of movement and power.

  Now he only asks Charlene to come forward to quell the protests from the outside world.

   I want to hear your opinion, do you think it's time for Charlene to step up? "

   Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, and said, "How can I intervene in this matter? You should ask Charlene for her opinion."

  Jamie was silent for a while, and said: "Jackal, Charlene is just the daughter of an ordinary family. She has fought so many times, but she chose to compromise in the end. It is not without reason.

  She needs support, or she will end up compromising..."

   Qiaojia was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously, "How can I help with this kind of thing?"

  Jamie was silent for a long time, and said: "Charlene needs chips, not simply signing the 'husband and wife contract' handed over by the royal family.

   She shouldn't be a beauty doll who has to appear in public how many times a year. "

   Qiaojia said helplessly after hearing this: "Jami, I can probably understand what you are talking about, but how can I help?

  If you want Charlene to have a 'chip' to talk to the royal family, then you need to let her have her own career, and you must leave the Monaco royal family aside.

  How much does she have to do to have a bargaining chip with the Monaco royal family?

That's impossible!

  Albert II himself is only worth more than a billion dollars, and his king is nothing more than an executive officer of the royal family.

   Now that both of us discount all our assets, we may both be richer than Albert II, but the two of us together cannot compare to the fraction of the royal family of Monaco.

  Instead of embarrassing her like this, you might as well take this opportunity to get her divorced.

   But in this case, she will have to make a choice between giving up the child and letting the child give up the throne. "

  Jamie heard this, and said helplessly: "Charlene doesn't need money now, she needs protection, and someone to help her when she encounters problems.

  She couldn't hide in Afica forever, nor could Briella and Jacques leave Monaco for long.

  They need protection, the kind of strong protection that can stand up at any time! "

   Talking about it, Jamie hesitated for a while, and finally insisted: "Jackal, you can!

  I don’t know much about how military contracting companies work, but I recently contacted Chris, and he said that given the current situation in Monaco, P·B is fully capable of taking over Monaco’s security contracts. "

  When Qiaojia heard this, he said in disbelief: "I'll go..."

  (end of this chapter)

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