From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 653: good businessman

  Chapter 653 Good-hearted businessman

  In a house south of Mosul…

  Amir, a veteran of the Iraqi government army who is in charge of monitoring the situation in Mosul, is leading a team of people to monitor the situation in the city of Mosul in the distance.

  When the first ray of sunshine shone into Mosul in the morning, Amir stood at the window and chanted a few words, symbolically completing the prayer, and turned his gaze to the road behind their house.

  A young man with curly hair approached Amir and said, "Father, when will our breakfast be delivered, I like those mutton soup and scallion shortbread so much.

  The big man said the day before yesterday that there will be a new dish today, what do you think it will be? "

  Amir licked his dry lips and said, "I don't guess, as long as it's hot, I like it.

  The people in that P·B company are very powerful, but unfortunately they are only responsible for delivering meals, otherwise we would have ended this **** war earlier and returned home earlier. "

  The curly-haired youth heard this, with a ferocious expression on his face, and said, "No, I want to kill a few ISIS people with my own hands, they killed my family.

   These **** have no humanity at all! "

  Amir looked at the young man with vicissitudes of life, hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly and said: "It's good to maintain hatred for Isis, but don't let revenge become the whole of life.

  Kana Khan, you can't spend your life in the military, go to school if you get the chance, life goes on...

  You can go to Baghdad and get a job, and marry a woman you like. "

  The young Qana Khan shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to stay in the army, and I'm going to see ISIS' people wiped out.

   Blood debts must be paid with blood! "

   After hearing this, Amir did not continue to persuade, but shook his head and said: "Isis is gone, and there will be other people coming out..."

   While Amir was speaking, several trucks suddenly drove out of the city of Mosul...

  Hearing the call from the sentinel on the roof, Amir rushed out and took a look through the binoculars, then waved his hand and shouted: "Don't shoot, I know the driver, he's one of us..."

   A few minutes after Amir finished speaking, two trucks drove to the open space near the outpost, and then a few soldiers jumped out of the car, and began to move the corpses in the car out with numb eyes...

  Amir knew at a glance that the situation in the city was very bad. This was the second batch of corpses he had seen transported out in the past three days.

   Slapped on the arm of Kanakhan, who was a little dazed, Amir called the soldiers in the post to go up to help, unloaded the corpses from the car and arranged them on the ground, and then covered the corpses with a white cloth...

  There were more than forty corpses in total, and Amir was used to such scenes. He stopped for a moment at the head of each corpse, and sent these comrades off with prayers...

  Kanahan was infected. He clasped his hands on his chest and looked down at his palms, murmuring a few scriptures in his mouth.

   Just as they were collecting the corpses, an armed Humvee drove up from behind, escorting a pickup truck...

  Seeing the P·B logo painted on the car door, Amir smiled...

  He found a bottle of water and rinsed his hands, then greeted a few soldiers who were transporting the corpses, and said, "Come with me, our breakfast is here..."

  Kanahan was very uncomfortable with Amir's 'indifference', as if the solemn Amir in the previous second was just his hallucination.

  The young man could never understand Amir's numbness, he chased after Amir and said, "Dad, we just went to eat like this, then they..."

   Amir glanced back at Kanakhan, a smile appeared on his wrinkled old face, and said, "Let them stay there, and someone will come to take them home."

   As he spoke, Amir sniffed and said, "I seem to smell the smell of mutton soup, oh, and potatoes and beef...

  P·B's chef does not use curry in this dish, but it tastes better.

  Hurry up, let's go to help, people from P·B are willing to stand guard for us, let's take this time to take a break. "

   When 'Fried Tang' got off the Humvee, he saw corpses neatly placed on the ground not far away...

  He frowned and waved to the little blacks, and moved the two stainless steel buckets off the car...

  Looking at Amir who was running over, 'Fried Tang' took out a brand new military lunch box and handed it to Amir, saying, "You said you never used it, so I got an extra one, and this is for you."

  Amir took over the lunch box made of stainless steel with the P·B mark on the lid, touched it with calloused hands, and said gratefully: "Thank you, child, God will bless you!"

  'Fried Tang' doesn't believe this, he just thinks that Amir's poor 60-year-old man has to fight in battle, which makes this cooking soldier who grew up under the red flag very uncomfortable.

  Huaguo young people are generally not used to thanks from the old man, he waved his hand and said: "Today we made mutton soup, scallion pancakes and potato beef, and the vegetables will take two days to arrive, so you can make do with it.

  You are the last stop, and the leftovers should be enough for you to eat for two days.

  Give me back the barrel that was thrown here last time, and I'll come back the day after tomorrow. "

After hearing this, Amir felt like calling his teammates to bring out the two cleaned and polished stainless steel barrels, offered to help deliver them to the pickup truck, then rubbed his hands and looked at 'Fried Tang' and said: "Son, can you do more in the future?" Bring some food over?

  There are still people from us in the city of Mosul, and every time they want something hot, they have to venture to come to me, and we don't have enough food. "

  'Fried Tang' heard it, shook his head and said: "They are all rationed according to the number of people, but I have already helped you fight for it. Your ration is much higher than other teams."

Speaking of 'fried sugar' and seeing Amir's expression of disappointment or helplessness, he smacked his mouth and said: "Your officers are also stupid. We asked them how many people there are in the city, and they couldn't figure it out. .

  You are like this, if you can roughly calculate the number of people in the city, and report the name to me, I will go to your chief and ask him to sign the account.

   How can a war not make people full? "

  Amir nodded vigorously and said: "No problem, no problem, we will compile it now, no, we will go to count..."

  'Fried Tang' didn't care about Amir's bad language, he waved his hand and said: "You go to eat, we will stand guard for you.

  This is an additional service of P·B. After we get familiar with the road conditions, as long as your chief is willing to sign and add money, it is not impossible for us to deliver meals into the city. "

  Amir was stunned for a moment, then stroked his chest as a salute, and greeted his people to have dinner, don’t let P·B’s people waste too much time here, it’s still very dangerous here.

  'Fried Tang' didn't care, he climbed up a simple wooden ladder to the top of the small building, squatted behind a row of half-person-high bunkers, and stared the old machine gun in the direction of Mosul.

   That place is a meat grinder. In just one week, several major mercenary companies lost more than 60 people there, and the losses of the Iraqi government forces were even heavier.

   It was really a house-by-house competition, and those ISIS people were very tenacious and desperate.

  They tightly control the main roads of the city, and anyone who wants to enter or evacuate will be killed by them.

  Using the cover of civilians, Isis was not at a disadvantage in the face of government troops and mercenaries without air support. Instead, relying on its familiarity with the city, it fought several beautiful battles one after another.

  The 30 155mm self-propelled howitzers transported by P·B to the base, as well as a large number of air-burst bombs, became the life-saving straws of those mercenaries.

  Heavenly explosive grenades cannot be used, because once they hit buildings, they may accidentally injure civilians.

Only this kind of grenade that explodes at a height of about 20 meters can be used, because as long as the war starts, civilians will consciously hide in their own houses. As long as the house is not collapsed, the shrapnel will not cause much harm to the people in the house. threaten.

  At first, the people of ISIS were not used to it, but when they discovered the pattern, they learned how to avoid the damage of air-burst bombs.

  However, even if the effect of the air-burst bomb is discounted, P·B’s price of 15,000 air-burst bombs still needs to be fired more than 40 rounds a day, just to cover the attack or retreat of those mercenaries.

  Although the price made the major mercenary companies complain, the mercenaries who participated in the battle were not soft-spoken when they called, and the guy in charge of signing the money at the back did not dare to neglect.

  Because if you neglect, you might be shot black by those violent mercenaries. The most important thing is that the asking price of P·B is not too high.

  However, after a few days in a row, those mercenary companies are still a bit overwhelmed. Everyone is here to fight to make money. If this continues, they may have to post money. How can this work?

  They are discussing to jointly negotiate with P·B, let them pull out the 120mm mortar...

  Titan company said that it can give away a set of advanced sighting system and fire control system for free. As long as the P·B people change the fuze of the mortar shell, it can actually have a similar effect.

It is too strenuous to fight a war without air support. Everyone has helicopters, but they are still queuing up at the ports in the Persian Gulf, and they don’t know how many days it will take to get here. P·B, who has taken care of the guy's affairs, helps.

  'Fried Sugar' joined P·B not long ago, but he has experienced two places in Libya and Iraq, and he has completely lost his sense of awe for these so-called world-class mercenaries.

  No matter how good the resume is, no matter how high the asking price is, you will inevitably cry when you enter Mosul.

   Just when 'Fried Tang' was slandering those mercenaries for their ineffectiveness, there was a 'whoosh' sound, and he hit the bunker on his side with a shot, blasting a small hole.

  'Fried Tang' couldn't see where the enemy was. He turned the muzzle of the machine gun and pulled the trigger in the direction where the enemy might exist. Then he regrettably found that the machine gun jammed...


  Throwing away the machine gun and yelling, 'Fried Tang' immediately squatted down and picked up his rifle, and then he felt his helmet vibrate...

   Another bullet hit the low wall in front of where he was just now, and the flying gravel made 'Fiao Tang' jump.

  At this time, he realized that he had met a master...

   "Sniper, take cover..."

   Saying "Fried Tang" quickly crawled sideways, got to the edge of the roof and shouted at Amir who rushed out from below: "Everyone enters the house, everyone enters the house, there are masters..."

  Amir froze for a moment, took out a periscope-style telescope from his arms and threw it on the roof of the building, shouting: "Don't look up, wait until I find a way to cover you, you are going downstairs..."

'Fried Tang' picked up the periscope and tried it, then quickly climbed to the position just now, lay on the ground and slowly poked out the periscope, pressed the communicator while observing, and said: "This is 'Fried Tang', I Encountered a sniper, apply for artillery support..."

  Speaking of "fried sugar", through the periscope, I found a lot of figures in several factory-like buildings on the edge of Mosul city...

   "Damn it, why did you hit it and then push it?"

   While speaking, 'Jiaotang' reported the location to the people at the base, wanting to wait for the cover of artillery fire, and then hurry down the stairs...

  'Fried Tang' is not in a hurry, but Amir downstairs is a little anxious.

  The young man on the top of the building is one of the few people who really cares about them. If something happens to him, this checkpoint may never receive support again.

  The old guy rushed up to the second floor with a PKM machine gun in his arms, stuck to the bottom of the window, stretched his legs long, and observed the situation in the distance with the mirror glued to his toes.

  The distance between the two sides is less than 400 meters, and Amir can only see a rough outline...

   Just when the old man was getting a little anxious and wanted to take the risk of shooting to attract attention, there was a sudden sound of a helicopter in the sky...

  The sound of several missile launches came, and a violent explosion occurred in the building hundreds of meters away, and thick smoke instantly covered the area...

  'Fried Sugar' watched four small antelopes fly over his head, and four hellfire shots precisely hit the upper floor of the building, and one shot even penetrated the window and exploded inside the building.

  'Fried Tang' got up decisively and trotted to the edge of the roof, and slid down on the wooden ladder.

   The moment he landed, a familiar voice rang through the communicator...

   "Hellfire comes once in 100,000, thank you for your patronage!"

  'Fried Tang' froze for a moment, then cheered and waved to the helicopter, shouting: "Elephant, blow them up, blow them up, there's a master inside..."

  Four more hellfires were launched following the call of 'Fried Sugar'...

   At this time, Choga was shaking hands with representatives of the mercenaries in the Mosul base...

   "P·B Air Force is always ready to serve you!"

   "Helicopters make 20,000 sorties, Hellfires make 100,000 rounds, and machine gunners cover 5,000 people."

   "Propeller fighter jets make 30,000 sorties, Blue Sword 7 missiles make 80,000 rounds, and aerial bombs make 10,000 rounds."

   "L-159 jet fighter, 300,000 sorties, more advanced missiles still need to wait for the arrival of the price before calculating the price."

  The man with the triple canopy met Choga, and he said with a bitter face: "Sir, is it possible to go to the rocket nest? We can provide the rockets ourselves..."

   Qiaojia looked at a group of petty guys with distaste, and said: "'Bring your own wine' is another price, and the 'corkage fee' is not cheap either!

   It's all for the sake of eating together, everyone understands and tolerates each other! "

  (end of this chapter)

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