From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 797: the air force too

  Chapter 797 Air Force can also

  A stream of colored smoke rose from the village, which Sanderson and the others used to mark their location...

  After Dorian confirmed the location, he controlled the muzzle of the mortar and let the 'Spurs' keep loading the mortar with ammunition.

  The power of the 60mm mortar can only be said to be average, but if the power is not enough, you can rely on the number to make up.

  As long as the manual is fast enough, the firing frequency of the mortar can also be accelerated.

  Indiscriminate bombing began to spread in front of the village. The actual killing effect was mediocre, but it effectively prevented the terrorists from continuing to attack Sanderson and the others.

  Choga didn't have the energy to pay attention to the situation in the village at this time, because the 'Sharp Knife' team was in danger.

   These old seals are very powerful. They used their broadswords to create a trap and knocked out nearly a third of the roundabout terrorists at one time, and then they ran into trouble...

   Again, everyone has two shoulders on top of one head. In the unobstructed environment of the grassland, the advantage of the special forces is not as great as people think.

  'Cerberus' they were very tenacious. After a wave of fighting killed a few people on the other side, they began to leave the battle to lure the enemy to follow them.

  The remaining 30 or so terrorists frantically chased after them, and the intensive shooting quickly injured 'Gunpowder' and 'Shark'...

  'Gunpowder' was shot in the thigh, and a piece of flesh was taken away, and'Shark' was shot in the back. If it wasn't for the quality of the body armor, this guy would have confessed.

  In order to cover these guys, Choga had to stand up and put Barrett on the rearview mirror of the Humvee, while accelerating the shooting speed.

   "Bang bang bang..."

  Super long-distance shooting is not Boss Joe's specialty, but when he gave up observing the results of the battle and switched targets immediately after firing a shot, his hit rate actually improved significantly.

  Eight bullets killed two running enemies. The injuries caused by the large-caliber ammunition were terrible. After Boss Joe finished firing one magazine, the devious terrorists actually stopped...

  Snipers are so deterrent. People's fear of the unknown far outweighs their fear of hand-to-hand combat.

   Seeing that he had lost his target, Qiaojia turned his head and shouted at Ayu: "King Kong..."

  Ayou didn’t need Choga’s reminder of what to do, she rushed to Choga’s side with the heavy automatic grenade launcher, sat on the ground and started launching a series of grenades under Choga’s guidance…

  Joga corrected Ayu's trajectory several times through the scope, until the grenade landed in the area where the enemy disappeared...

   "Boom boom boom boom..."

   During a series of grenade explosions, dozens of terrorists stood up and began to flee, trying to get out of the grenade killing zone...

  Choga locked onto a guy with a machine gun and pulled the trigger...


  The bullet flew for nearly a second, and hit the shoulder of that unlucky ghost accurately.

   That guy seemed to be chopped on his shoulder by a machete while running. Because of the weight of the machine gun, half of his shoulder was separated from his body during the run, and fell to the ground together with an arm.

  The screams and horrible injuries made those terrorists start to panic.

   At this time, the "Cerberus" and the others also began to counterattack with grenade bombing...

   This kind of battle with long-range support gave the "Cerberus" and the others a chance to breathe, and began to use more precise shooting skills and tactical movements to keep going around in circles to harvest the lives of those embarrassed terrorists.

  Choga slowly found a little feeling in shooting. Although he couldn't always find the enemy's key points like Niss, it was enough to help the Cerberus relieve their pressure.

  With the cooperation of rifle grenades and Barrett, the "Knife Squad" gradually gained the upper hand in this close-range conflict where bayonets were popular.

   This may be where the special forces are so powerful. As long as they find a hole, they can use their abilities to tear the gap wide, and then slowly reverse the situation.

   Just when Ayu emptied a box of ammunition and began to reload, Dorian, who was controlling the mortar behind him, suddenly shouted: "Boss, be careful, the enemy drones are coming..."

  When Dorian yelled, the M2s on the Humvee collectively raised their muzzles too high, and launched an attack on a small black spot in the sky.

  'Spurs' gave up the task of supplying ammunition, called Orange Cat and Blowing Arrow, raised their rifles and started shooting towards the sky.

  When Qiaojia came back to his senses, the drone in the sky threw something down, landed in front of the Humvee position, and then exploded with a 'boom'...

Qiao Jia shrank his head subconsciously and squatted under the front wheel of the Humvee, and then heard a sound like rain hitting a lute, and the machine gunner of a Humvee behind him groaned and slowly got into the car …

  The sides of the three Humvees within the explosion range were blown up. The splashed steel **** did not penetrate the protective steel plate, but the bulletproof glass was completely white...

Choga glanced back, Dorian and the others in the rear were thrown to the ground by the explosion, but Ayou didn't seem to feel it, she stood up and rushed to the side of the car behind, opened the door and knocked a dizzy The female soldiers of the Martyrs Battalion in the past were dragged out of the car...

   Quickly checked the condition of the female soldiers, Ayou shook his head at Choga, then put the grenade gun on the engine again, and started bombarding the front of the village.

   Qiaojia knew that the female soldier was dead, but now he has no time to be angry...

  Calling 'Cerberus' and they figured out a way to deal with the remaining enemies. Choga stood on the side of the vehicle, put Barrett on the roof and started searching for the rogue drone.

  The battlefield is really a place where "intelligence" can be stimulated. These ISIS terrorists do not have professional suicide drones, so they use civilian drones and rush to use them on bombers.

  With a charge of 5 kilograms and hundreds of steel balls, it is an anti-personnel bomb that can sweep across a radius of 40 meters.

  Although it is impossible to precisely control the direction of the explosion, resulting in a great loss of explosive power, it is already a good air weapon for terrorists.

  If this thing falls into the crowd accurately, the consequences will be disastrous...

  Joga quickly found the drone, which was not small in size but flew very fast.




  Joga tried three times in a row, and finally a bullet hit a rotor blade of the drone, and then the drone lost control instantly and began to spin and fall towards the ground.

   "Boss, pay attention, another drone is coming, this time two..."

  Joga heard the information from the rear. He looked up and looked around, and then found two small black spots approaching the Humvee position from behind him. This time they flew higher...

   "King Kong, grab the machine gun and come help..."

   At this time, it was too late to take the Stinger, Choga called Ayu loudly, and when she arrived, he put Barrett on her shoulders...

   "Bang bang bang bang..."


  Ayou sits on the ground as stable as a stone statue. She spreads out her shield and inserts it on the ground to act as a stand for the machine gun. She allows the boss to place the gun on her shoulder and fire and still keep it stable...

After the two tried a few rounds together, Ayou's machine gun bullet was lucky enough to hit a beggar version of the surveillance drone, but the other one passed through their blockade and quickly approached the position. .

  Choga felt the long-lost tension at this time, he closed his eyes and took a slight breath...

   Just when he opened his eyes to lock on to the drone, the drone suddenly exploded, and then Qiaojia heard a violent roar...

  An F-16 flew over his head, heading straight for the direction where the drone appeared, and then two aerial bombs were thrown down...



  After two explosions sounded, the voice of a cobra sounded on the common channel...

   "Boss, you have to give an order!

  The Air Force is not only responsible for flying, it can also be responsible for dying when necessary...

   Let those 'black eagles' move and kick out those who dare not fly out of P·B.

   It is a shame for all soldiers to watch their boss take risks on the front line, but dare not dispatch! "

   While 'Cobra' was speaking, another F-16 swooped down from the sky, and under everyone's horrified eyes, fired two 'Pitdog' air-to-surface missiles in the direction of the Isis pickup position.

  The moment the missile hit the target and exploded, the F-16 driven by "Archerfish" suddenly turned sideways when it was approaching the smoke column at high and low altitudes, and the two 250-kilogram aerial bombs mounted under the wings were thrown out...

   "oh shit!"

  Everyone couldn't help exclaiming, because once the two bombs deviated from their positions, Sanderson and the others in the village would be hopeless...

  Joga couldn’t help standing up and staring at the aerial bombs in the sky, seeing them land precisely on both sides of the road at the entrance of the village, and explode close to the periphery of the village...



  After two loud bangs, this small village was like a piece of cake, a piece was dug out with a spoon...

  There can be no living people in there!

  Joga pressed the communicator nervously and called, "'Pioneer', how are you doing?"

Sanderson hid in a room, watching a house 40 meters away from him collapsed half as if it had been ravaged by a hurricane, he subconsciously touched the wall in front of him, and said in a trembling voice: "Boss, We're okay, but just a little bit...


  I **** peed my pants!

   Really don’t need to do this, the doctor bird and anteater are here, we should be able to withstand it..."

  Joga wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, then pressed the communicator and said, "Cobra, are you crazy..."

  'Cobra' made a circle in the air, and then used aerial bombs to hit the uncollapsed buildings in front of the village, and then said: "Boss, a commander who cannot give full play to his own advantages is not qualified.

  伱Can't stop using planes for fear of being shot down, as long as we have enough planes, as long as we let the enemy know that if they fire anti-aircraft weapons, we will tear them apart, the air force is not as dangerous as you think.

  Boss, you spend so much money recruiting pilots, you can't be polite when you need them to take risks. "

  (end of this chapter)

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