From Arms Dealer To King of War

Chapter 816: condition

  Chapter 816 Conditions

  In the temporary liaison room in the village, Choga met the American Secretary of Defense Carter through the Internet...

  The moment he watched Secretary of Defense Carter through the video, Choga knew that these guys were determined to betray P·B.

  Because Carter has a history of betraying the SEAL Team Six and is a supporter of Lacily!

   These people don't understand at all. Boss Joe has Aaron to provide information, and he knows the direction of the enemy and us better than anyone else.

  Boss Joe's many 'foresighted' actions are actually all due to Aaron.

   Now that these people put on a pleasant face and are going to fool P·B into being the first bird, then you can't blame Boss Joe for cutting their flesh with a knife.

   "Sir, P·B is a military contracting company, and I'm fulfilling my contract, so I don't even hesitate to put myself in the most dangerous place in Syria.

  You guys want me to make big moves now, but I can't do it, so I refuse! "

   Carter is an old guy from the Cold War era...

  This kind of people have a common feature, that is, America comes first.

  The victory of the Cold War allowed the United States to stand on the top of the world, and at the same time created this kind of arrogant character.

  In their hearts, all external forces need to give priority to serving the United States in order to get their favor.

  Joga's blunt refusal made Carter's face look a bit ugly, because the reasons for Qiaojia's refusal were too perfunctory!

  The number of soldiers has never been a measure of combat effectiveness. People from the Pentagon once made a detailed assessment of P·B, and the answers they got were amazing.

  There are so many giant companies in Mosul, if they are purely for revenge, they don’t need to find P·B at all.

  The current reality is that only P·B has the ability to create huge pressure and trauma to ISIS in a short period of time.

   And only when P·B hurts Isis, can the United States gain more leverage in negotiating with Khafari.

  Carter's team discussed a lot of strategies to drive P·B to step up the offensive. Now, Boss Joe rejected them with an extremely blunt attitude, making it impossible for Carter and his assistants to develop the routines.

   These people have contacted many people related to P·B in the past three days...

  Ambassador Steven, Eric Bent, Monica, William Alexander…

  Almost everyone the Jackal knew, they contacted them all.

  From the mouths of these people, the people of the Ministry of National Defense did not get any affirmative answer, but from the attitude of these people, they felt a very strange 'dominance'.

   It's hard to find anyone like Jackal, who connects everyone together in a loose but strange way.

  The people from the Ministry of National Defense couldn't find a breakthrough, so they could only hold back their anxiety and wait patiently. As a result, they are now connected, but the situation is not as good as before...

  Even if you raise a little difficulty!

   This way we can also find an entry point!

  Now Boss Joe said 'I can't do it', putting Carter in a dilemma.

  The thing that people in business are most afraid of is that others ask for prices. The most uncomfortable thing is that they don't even ask for a price.

  This means that people in need need to spend several times or even dozens of times the price to get what they want.

  The Secretary of Defense of the United States is also a big shot, but now he is being controlled by Boss Joe.

  Under normal circumstances, Boss Joe would not deal with problems like this, but Carter has already been written down in his small notebook. He really can't be polite to the "destined enemy"...

   That's not called 'demeanor', that's called 'despicableness'!

  And the current situation is that the tougher Boss Joe is, the higher the price from the Pentagon.

  Minister of Defense Carter, who has always been known internationally, suddenly fell into a disadvantage and became the role of 'begging for help'.

  The current situation cannot be delayed by the boss. After pondering for a long time, he looked at the Qiao family and said in a low voice: "Jackal, you didn't hang up the communication, which means you know the importance of this matter.

   Tell me what do you want? I can satisfy you as much as possible!

money? arms? Political support? Or a Pentagon contract? "

  The Qiao family looked at Carter who wrote the bad check with a smile, and said, "No, I don't want anything...

  sir, I just want to finish my contract and go home..."

  'Blank check' is not attractive to Qiaojia. He doesn't really lack 'money', let alone weapons.

  Old America’s political support is a bit valuable, but unfortunately their influence in Afika is really limited, and poison is usually hidden in it.

  Even if Qiaojia wanted it, he had to have a choice, and he had to stand on the high ground of the law and pay for both money and goods, otherwise he would be led by the nose sooner or later.

   As for the Pentagon contract...

  To put it bluntly, if Carter didn't have the status of Secretary of Defense, he might not have as many friends in the Pentagon as Boss Joe.

  The seemingly generous asking price is of little significance to Boss Joe, what he wants is something real.

  The frivolous smile on Choga's face is very exciting...

  Carter looked at Qiao's house with gloomy eyes, and after being silent for more than ten seconds, he said: "50 million US dollars, plus a military base in eastern Syria, everything in it is left to you.

   There are 4 Black Hawks, 80 Humvees, 20 Bradley armored vehicles, and a large stockpile of ammunition.

   And Halliburton's stake in the oil refinery in northern Syria is also transferred to you. "

   While talking, Carter looked at the Qiao family who was obviously a little surprised and said in a deep voice: "Jackal, this is the highest offer I can give, promise me, and then show me the results within 3 days. I know you have the ability."

  The Qiao family digested the 'reward' with blinking eyes, and then took the initiative to avoid the topic of 'betrayal', and said curiously: "Is the US military going to withdraw from Syria?

   Are you going to leave NATO allies there?

  Wow, the people from the energy group really can't beat you...

  As soon as the front foot turned from Libya, the back foot wanted to withdraw from Syria. Where is your next goal? "

   Talking about it, the Qiao family squeezed his chin, thought for a while and said, "Asia or Eastern Europe?"

  Carter shook his head noncommittally, and said: "Jackal, I appreciate P·B, as long as you cooperate with us, no matter what happens in the end, we will provide you with sufficient compensation.

   At that time, you will find that P·B will grow at an astonishing rate!

   Jackal, Afika is not worth wasting energy. If you want to make money, you have to turn your attention to the more intense battlefield. "

  Joga knew that Carter was vaccinating himself, and wanted to have room for negotiation after betraying P·B.

   After pondering for a long time with pretentious gestures, Choga nodded and said, "We've made a deal, and my lawyer is near the Pentagon. After he confirms the details of the contract, P·B will start to act.

  sir, I took a huge risk to fight Isis in Syria, I don't want someone to stab me in the back. "

  Carter saw that Choga simply accepted the contract, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "You should know about the dirty bomb, we have to make ISIS pay the price to express our position clearly!

   Have your lawyer come to my assistant, I need to see progress ASAP!

   Jackal, we will never betray our allies, you can rest assured about this..."

  Joga got what he wanted...

  Money is secondary. The US military base is very valuable. It can extend the humanitarian channel to a large area like the interior of Syria, and the range of radiation is the northern part of Syria, which is the non-government army-controlled area.

  The converted price of those ammunition and other things is very astonishing. Including the shares of an oil refinery, if it can be converted into cash, the total value must be 200 million US dollars.

   Is this Carter's bottom line Choga doesn't know, he just doesn't want to argue with Carter anymore.

  Anyway, it’s all my own thing to do, and I won’t talk nonsense with people who are full of lies when I get enough benefits...

  And Carter didn't even realize how important he had left out to Boss Joe.

  The movements of the US military in Syria are not only related to the interests of energy groups, but also to the interests of the Kurds.

  Knowing the thinking of the US military in advance is too beneficial for Boss Joe to control the situation in northern Syria and Iraq.

   As for Carter's promise, Joe weighs in when he's farting...

   Carter's so-called 'not betraying allies' is a joke!

  This world is naturally a 'double standard'...

  When you are strong, even if you betray your allies, some licking dogs will jump out, saying that this is a choice based on national interests.

  The most typical example is the "Plaza Accord" in the old days. It really means you can do it if you want to do it, and it will make you take off your three layers of skin.

   But when you are weak, even if you don’t want to fulfill some unreasonable promises for the sake of the national interest, you will face verbal criticism, and you will face the big stick of sanctions if you don’t compromise.

   This is Venezuela. Chavez's revolution did not achieve its full success. He only regained control of some oil fields, and did not solve the domestic land problem.

  As a result, as soon as the sanctions came, Venezuela was basically abolished.

  Those who believe that the old beauty is trustworthy are either innocent little white flowers, or they have strength themselves.

  Blindly trusting old beauty without strength, in the end, you can't escape the end of being wiped out.

  The Kurds are the most typical example of remembering to eat but not to fight!

   Quickly ended the call with Carter, Choga reported the result to Eric in the United States...

   This guy has not been discharged from the hospital until now, and he is lying in the VIP ward of the Presbyterian Hospital enjoying Anna's care. Every 7 o'clock in the evening, this guy will change into a suit and go to various parties to attend parties.

  Joga said that in order to make those who betrayed him pay the price, all forces must be mobilized.

  Eric is one of the key links!

  Originally, Boss Joe’s plan to use it in the United States was to counter the remarks made by the old woman Lacily who accused P·B.

  It's all right now, let's have a little more time to prepare, when the time comes, we'll hit the rabbits and bring Carter and the people from his camp into it.

  Even if you can’t kill them, let them be covered in shit...

After arranging the work on Eric's side, Choga opened the door and walked out of the liaison room, looked at a group of T1 waiting outside the door, and said with a smile: "Don't be dazed, let's all go get ready and go. .

  Bring a laser pointer, GPS locator, and each team has a fighter as cover.

  The "Sharp Knife Squad" is responsible for destroying ISIS's air defense positions, and others sneak in to guide the bombing target. We will let others see the results within three days! "

   Several T1 captains looked at each other...


  (end of this chapter)

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