Another new day has arrived.

After the rain, the sky cleared up, the sun shone on the world, and Leon began to rush to the battlefield.

This was his second time flying to Afghanistan, so he was familiar with the route.

It took him a few minutes to get there, and he overtook more than a dozen Boeing planes.

Leon floated in the air, overlooking the blue world under the clouds.

His eyes moved from time to time, locking onto targets more accurately than radar.

It was already night in Afghanistan at this time, and most of the bases of the Ten Commandments began martial law and prepared to rest.

However, there are always some terrorists who are so crazy that they will take advantage of the darkness to harass civilians.

These are the people that Leon targeted first.

"You are the first one to fall!"

He saw two armed terrorists kicking the door of the civilians.

So he leaned down and fell down instantly.

The biological force field made Leon fall silently like the god of death.

When he landed, he dispersed the force field, and the ground under his feet cracked like a spider web, making a dull falling sound.

This sound scared the two terrorists who had just kicked the door open.

They turned around with guns in hand and saw Leon in strange clothes. They immediately came up to him cursing.

"Dari? Are you from Iran or Tajikistan?"Leon asked in Dari.

He has learned most of the official languages on Earth in recent days and can understand the Dari swear words spoken by the two people.

However, the two people were indifferent and even wanted to point the gun at his forehead.

Leon shook his head:"It seems that you don't want to communicate"

"Goodbye then!" He stretched out his hands, grabbed the necks of the two men like a phantom, lifted them above his head, and gently twisted them. With two crisp clicks, the two terrorists drooped their heads and stopped breathing.

Lyon threw the bodies away and was about to leave, but then he thought of something and looked back at the family hugging each other in the house in silence.

This was a typical Pashtun family.

The old father had a full beard, deep sunken eyes, sallow skin and cracked lips.

The mother and two daughters were wearing long gowns and dresses. The combination of brown and orange was a kind of Pashtun national costume.

They all looked at Lyon in fear, their bodies trembling, not daring to speak, and could only desperately hide the heads of their two daughters in their arms.

"You don't have to worry about the consequences of these two people dying here."

Lyon said in Pashto, the official language of Afghanistan:"It's late at night, go back to sleep, and tomorrow morning the terrorist organizations nearby will be gone."

After saying that, Lyon turned around and floated in the air, and swept his eyes to lock on the next target

"Please, please!" Just as he was about to leave, a childish voice suddenly called out from inside the house.

Leon turned around and saw the youngest girl in the family.

The girl was about seven or eight years old. Her frightened mother had covered her mouth, but she still struggled to pull her mother's hand away and asked timidly.

"Are you Superman?"

Lyon wore a uniform he made himself, a red cape, and appeared at the critical moment. He could fly, and he really looked like Superman.

But Leon was stunned.

He didn't expect that Hollywood's cultural output was so powerful that the suffering families in Afghanistan also knew Superman.

……But think about it, a few years ago, before the Americans came here, there must have been a rich entertainment life here.

"I'm not, but it's okay for you to call me that."

Leon first answered the little girl's question with a smile, and then comforted the two parents:"It's okay, I will leave soon, and the guys from the Ten Rings will leave too."

"So you are here to help us?" The little girl suddenly asked again. After getting the answer, she became bolder."Just like you beat up those bad guys on TV?"

Leon was silent for a while, then nodded:"Yes, I am here to beat up the bad guys, and they will never bully you in the future."

"" Great! Superman you are awesome!" The little girl cheered, broke free from her mother's hand and ran towards Leon, wanting to hug his thighs.

Leon laughed dumbly, landed on the ground, squatted down and held down the little carrot head:"What's your name?"

"Shafiqa, my name is Shafiqa Mazari!"

"Okay, Shafika, listen to me, go back to your room, lie on the bed, and have a good dream, so that when you wake up tomorrow morning, all the bad guys will be gone, okay?"

But the little girl didn't agree. She looked at Leon with her big eyes:"Are you leaving, Superman?"

""Shafika," Leon answered irrelevantly, and tapped the little girl's forehead with his index finger:"Next time, you can't easily talk to strangers, and listen to your mother!"

After that, Leon stood up and took a step back, flying into the clouds with a sound of breaking through the air.

The little girl and her family ran to the yard together, looking at the dark night sky, shocked.

"God bless, he is really a superman!"The old father made a blessing gesture.

That night, the family suddenly had expectations for tomorrow's life.


Lyon quickly cleared out all the terrorists who were harassing civilians in Afghanistan.

Each time he just showed up, threw a punch, and then left.

A set of processes was completed within one second.

It took no more than ten minutes in total.

After clearing out the soldiers, Lyon began to deal with the terrorist organization's base.

If it was a normal strategic offensive, it should be to attack the small base first, erode the terrorist forces step by step, and finally expel them from the country.

But Lyon would definitely not do that.

His first stop was the largest base of the Ten Rings Gang.

He flew in the clouds, and his cloak was fluttering in the long wind at high altitude. At a glance, there were more than seventy patrols in the base below.

Under Lyon's perspective, the remaining more than four thousand sleeping combat members in the base were also in full view.

In addition, he also saw the Jericho missile in a tent in the camp.

That was a high-powered weapon developed by Tony not long ago. One round of artillery shells could flatten a hill.

"How could there be a Jericho missile here? Tony, Tony, you are really helping the evil. Although Tony felt guilty now, Leon couldn't help but complain.

He even took out his cell phone.

"Jarvis," Leon called,"Take a picture of everything I see and send it to Tony after the battle."

"Especially the Stark weapons seen in the process, every detail was filmed for him to see."

Leon will make Tony feel so guilty that he can't sleep all night today.

""Okay, Master Leon, the camera has been activated for you." Jarvis' voice came from the phone.

Leon nodded silently and fell down:"The battle has begun!"

This time he did not hide his tracks at all, and fell into the Ten Rings Gang camp like a meteorite, so fast that it rubbed out flames in the air.

""Boom!" The deafening sound of falling echoed throughout the camp.

The next moment, the alarm was sounded, and cries of enemy attacks came one after another. The terrorists quickly gathered.

Leon stood in the middle of the camp, and he used heat rays to kill every person who appeared.

Soon the terrorists found that half of their side had died before the fight even started.

Some people were awakened just after falling asleep at night, and after hearing this bad news, they were already shouting monsters and began to flee.

However, they were soon killed by the remaining people's concentrated fire.

But the remaining people were not much better.

They didn't even dare to show their faces, hiding behind the tents, pulling out grenades, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, tank missiles, and Jericho missiles, intending to concentrate fire to beat the invading monsters to ashes.

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