"What idea?" Natasha was stunned.

Leon began to pack up the items on the workbench and prepare to make a batch of inhibitors.

"I will help you solve the red house, and you and your companions will change jobs and serve me, how about that?"

No one can refuse a group of extraordinary female agents who can fly planes and cook in the kitchen to serve them all over the world.

"I can get the services of a group of top agents, you can destroy the Red House, and the other widows can get rid of control and find a new buyer, a win-win situation for all three!"

As for the win-win situation mentioned at the beginning, Leon not only achieved the goal of destroying the Red House, but also gained a group of subordinates. He won twice.

"What do you think of my suggestion?"

While talking casually, Leon's hands did not stop moving.

His hands left afterimages on the workbench, but every operation was extremely precise, and the ratio of every milliliter of reagent was perfect.

Natasha was amazed as she watched from the side:"How are you going to solve the red house?"

For some reason, she did not doubt Leon's words at all. She felt from the bottom of her heart that if he was willing, he would definitely be able to destroy the red house that frightened her.

"So you agree?" Leon asked without turning his head.

Natasha was silent for a few seconds:"I agree. After destroying the red house, I will cooperate with you to persuade other widows to join."

"But I can't guarantee that they will agree. As for me, I am yours now."

Natasha's decisiveness made Leon stop what he was doing.

"Are you serious?" He turned back in surprise,"You didn't even ask me what I want you to do?"

What is this inexplicable trust?

Generally speaking, shouldn't you make three rules with him after careful consideration, so that he can't order the widows to do something immoral?

For some reason, Leon looked at Natasha and felt that this woman exuded a little more charm.

Natasha shook her head:"Believe me, as long as you can destroy the Red House, they will be willing to do anything for you."

"What about you?" Leon asked

"I said from the beginning that I owe you my life." Natasha put her hands on the table, leaned close to Leon and looked into his eyes.

"I will do whatever you ask me to do. If I can't do it, I will have to give my life back to you." Her breath sprayed on Leon's face.

Natasha's eyes were seductive, and she really grasped the man's desire to conquer.

Obviously, what she meant was that she would not do anything against her will.

But when she said it, it became euphemistically that if she couldn't do it, she would pay with her life.

Even if Leon heard such a complete entrustment of his life, he might be moved.

However, it was obviously an exception this time.

"Oh! The smell on you! Don't get so close! I wanted to say it before, you can use the bathroom in my room upstairs as you like, now go and wash yourself!" Leon pinched his nose and quickly moved away from Natasha with a look of disgust.

Although he suppressed part of his super sense of smell, the faint smell of sewer on Natasha still made him feel quite uncomfortable when he got close to her.

"Me, my smell! ?"Natasha looked dazed, as if struck by lightning.

Leon did not explain, and directly ordered Daidai to send her away:"Daidai, push her out, and don't let her come in before she is clean. Anyway, it's useless for her to stay here while I make the inhibitor!"

Daidai obediently rolled the pulley under his feet, used the mechanical arm to support Natasha's back, and pushed her out.

Natasha was still in a trance until she walked into the bathroom in Leon's room.

It was the first time that she was disliked for being too smelly when she was using her charm.

"Do I really stink?" She raised her hand and sniffed under her armpit,"No... the chemical deodorant has clearly covered up the smell of the sewer."

Natasha took off her combat uniform doubtfully, clicked the electronic screen on the wall, and released hot water.

"Well, I haven’t taken such a hot bath for a long time, it’s so comfortable… Could it be that Leon actually cares about me?"

Her red lips curled up with a smile:"So he is still a proud little brother... After all, he is only about seventeen or eighteen years old"


"Looks like you're ready? That's great, I've got enough inhibitors ready."

An hour and a half later, Natasha and Leon met in the living room.

At this time, the huge sun had set below the sea level, and the living room of Stark's mansion was orange-red, with the shadows of all the furniture stretched out.

Natasha was still wearing the black combat uniform.

However, after she took a bath and washed and dried the combat uniform with a smart washing machine,

Leon was finally able to face her image.

——Natasha's figure is not tall, but she is at the peak of her beauty. She is slender, curvy, and full of feminine charm.

However, the most attractive thing is her temperament and her amber eyes.

Every look in those eyes seems to contain thousands of words and express thousands of emotions.

Leon thought as he looked into her eyes.

No wonder Natasha never wears a mask when she goes on a mission.

It's because her eyes are too recognizable.

Even if she covers her whole body tightly.

Anyone who sees her and sees those eyes will know it's her.

"We are ready, so what is our plan? Why do you sound like we are going to attack the red house right away?"

Natasha looked at Leon and said,"And why are you wearing a windbreaker? Is your iron armor hidden inside?"

"Wait, am I right?"

As Tony Stark's younger brother, it's not surprising that Leon has an iron armor. Natasha

""You are wearing armor, are you going to take me to overthrow the Red House now?"

Natasha asked a series of questions.

She was a little excited and a little hesitant at this time.

In the evaluation system of the Red House, the most valuable thing about the Iron Armor is actually the technology on it.

As for the armor itself, at most it is the combat power of a flying formation.

And what the Red House lacks the least is a flying formation.

"Should we make a plan first?"Natasha tried to persuade Leon to calm down.

But Leon shook his head and put the box of inhibitors on the ground.

"Plan? The plan is to find the Red House and kill all the members of the organization."

He pulled the collar of his windbreaker with both hands:"But you guessed part of it right just now"

"I do intend to take you directly to the Red House."

"But I won’t be wearing the Iron Armor."

After saying that, Leon pulled with both hands, unzipped the collar and threw the windbreaker onto the sofa.

"Not wearing an iron armor? It's not that I don't trust you, Leon, maybe you don't know much about the Red House. I think we can... wtf!!"

Natasha hesitated and wanted to persuade him again.

But the next moment, she saw Li Yang rip open his collar, revealing the S-shaped logo on his chest. She immediately broke down and cursed.

"You are Superman!?"

Natasha was surprised and delighted, as if a big cake had suddenly fallen from the sky and covered her face with cream.

"Are you really Superman?"

She asked again, not quite sure, but her eyes were already full of life, as beautiful as crystal.

"Of course."

Leon opened his hands, and Natasha immediately stepped forward to press his chest muscles, and then touched every hard muscle.

"My God, it feels just like an ancient Greek sculpture!"

She couldn't help exclaiming. ,"No wonder you are so strong, no wonder your chest muscles are so beautiful!"

""So you are Superman!"

Natasha no longer felt any pressure.

She was suddenly very happy, like a little girl who entered Disneyland for the first time.

In her hand, Leon was like a big, soft Mickey doll.

This is Superman!

As the top agent of the Red House, how could Natasha not know about this Internet celebrity who has become famous all over the world in recent days?

Even superpowers have to worry about his power, so it is not difficult to deal with the small Red House.

Natasha felt that it was right for her to invade the Stark Mansion today.

""Ahem, stop touching me now. Are you ready? If you are, we will set off!" Leon coughed lightly to interrupt Natasha's aggressive action.

Natasha reluctantly withdrew her hand and nodded seriously:"Let's go!"

At this time, the orange sunlight of the evening shone in from the French window.

The sunlight fell on Leon's body.

Extending his shadow to the farthest wall in the room.

Natasha stood in this shadow, and Leon in her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of golden light.

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