"Master Lyon, maybe Miss Natasha is really good. She doesn't seem to be willing to bow down to money and has a heart of justice."

After everyone left, Jarvis spoke again.

Lyon said perfunctorily,"Yes, she is a good subordinate. She is loyal, indifferent to fame and wealth, and not afraid of sacrifice. Where can I find such a good subordinate?"

"Master... your perspective is really amazing, it's always beyond my calculations."

"That's a must," Leon slid a few times on the electronic screen,"By the way, look in the Red House host to see if there are any documents related to Hydra"

"Please wait... There are 8 undercover files and 316 transaction files, all related to Hydra."

Jarvis unfolded the folder on the big screen.

He added:"However, the Red House does not know that the objects of these undercovers and transactions are Hydra."

"The above results are based on the Hydra intelligence you uploaded earlier."

Leon crossed his arms and said,"8 undercover agents! This red house is really powerful. Even Hydra can go undercover in it.""

"The file shows that another Widow agent went undercover in a scientific research institute controlled by Hydra and was recommended to join S.H.I.E.L.D.," Jarvis said.

"In terms of identity, this Widow agent is also a Hydra, although she is not aware of it."

"There is actually a double agent! Why do I suddenly feel that Drekov is also a genius!"Leon clapped his hands.

He thought for a while and said,"Let Natasha find a way to contact this widow first and inject her with inhibitors!"

"Then package up all Hydra-related files and transfer them back to Tony's host!"

"Also, remember to keep the part of the file related to the Red House, so you can use it to write an article later."

""Okay, Master Lyon." Jarvis responded.

The file transfer screen immediately appeared on the big screen:"The file package has been transferred back to Mr. Stark's host."

"Well done!"

Lyon patted the table with satisfaction, just like patting Jarvis' shoulder.

He moved his shoulders and said:"Tonight's work can be ended here, and then it's time to have a happy sunbathing time!"

"And you, Jarvis, you are off work too. Next, you can run whatever you want in the host of this fortress!"

"Thank you, Master Lyon."Jarvis said

"But I have to remind you that there are still four hours before your next scheduled sunbathing time."

In order to predict the upper limit of the strength increase,

Leon's sunbathing time in space this month is fixed.

If he wants to bask in the sun as he pleases, he will have to wait for more than half a month.

""Okay, I forgot." Leon touched his chin,"Then I'll go help the girls clean up the bodies."

He floated up, flew out of the command room, found the busy Widow agents, and helped them carry the bodies.

This made the work that should have taken several hours to be completed in less than ten minutes.

So Leon simply called everyone together and started a party in the officers' mess on the lower floor of the fortress.

At the beginning of the party, there were only simple fast food on the table, and the protagonists were the large amounts of whiskey and champagne that Leon moved from the wine cellar.

The girls sat neatly at the dining table, each with a plate and a wine glass in hand.

At first they sat stiffly, at a loss.

They couldn't even adapt to this kind of eating activity without any time limit.

But soon, as bottle after bottle of high-end champagne sprayed into the goblet.

Girls from all over the world gradually indulged themselves.

They whispered at first. Communicate.

Then gradually they began to boldly ask Leon all kinds of questions.

In the end, the girls cheered, clinked glasses, drank, and sang loudly around Leon the nursery rhymes from their childhood memories.

English, German, Chinese, Portuguese, all kinds of cheerful nursery rhymes were sung.

Nearly a hundred arms of all colors took turns lingering on Leon, and were pushed away helplessly by him.

Halfway through the party, most of the girls were just in high spirits.

Their specially trained and even transformed bodies were destined to be difficult to get drunk.

But this did not affect their increasingly bold actions and increasingly explicit words.

Leon began to feel that he was no longer hosting a party, but a...

So he tactfully closed the door and left the officers' mess, leaving behind a group of girls singing and dancing with blushing faces.

"Phew... I can't have dinner with so many girls next time."

Leon grabbed a towel beside him and wiped the marks on his face.

"Especially a girl who can't get drunk no matter how hard she tries, and only gets drunker the more she drinks?" Suddenly a female voice added softly.

"Huh?"Leon turned back in surprise.

Natasha was standing by the wall, and she was the one who handed him the towel.

"Why don't you continue to have a few drinks with them? Your sister has started to take off her coat and dance the Gopak dance."Leon joked.

Natasha reached out to take the towel again, stepped forward, and wiped the marks on Leon's neck and behind his ears.

"If I was inside, wouldn't I be unable to wait for you?" Her beautiful amber eyes blinked mischievously.

Leon looked at the pretty face close at hand:"It seems that I have just escaped from the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den?"

I have to admit.

As long as you don't use super vision to observe, Natasha is a top beauty.

"What do you think?"Natasha stood on tiptoe and hooked her arms around Leon's neck.

She breathed moistly into Leon's ear:"I don't stink anymore, do I, bad guy?"

"That's hard to say." Leon lowered his voice,"Maybe you have to let me smell it carefully to know."

Natasha tilted her head and pressed her cheek against Leon's.

She sniffed lightly,"But I think you smell really good. Do you want to come to my room tonight to see why you smell so strange?"

"Are you serious?"

Narsha's fingertips slid down from the S-shaped logo on Leon's chest.

"It depends on whether you are willing to be the beach where I stop and take root."

"I'm very happy!"

The two figures overlapped, slowly moved into the elevator, returned to Natasha's room, and slammed the door.


""Beep! Beep!"

Jarvis gave an urgent reminder, and the reminder sound kept ringing.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Leon half-opened his sleepy eyes, reached out and groped for his phone from the Superman uniform on the ground.


The phone screen lit up, and a wavy curve representing Jarvis appeared on the screen.

"Master Leon, I'm sorry to disturb your rest, but maybe Mr. Stark needs your help."

"Tony?" Hearing that his brother was in trouble, Leon woke up instantly and sat up.

"What's up with him?"

"Mr. Stark is on the top deck of the fortress when he is stopped by the secret service ladies. It's an emergency!"

"Huh? Deck? Agent? Why is he here?"Leon felt puzzled.

"Tell him to calm down and not to conflict with the widows. They are all family members. I will go to find him soon."

Leon pulled down the white arm on his body and slapped the bulge in the quilt beside him.

"You're awake but still pretending to be asleep. I'm going to go see Tony, you hurry up and follow me."

Natasha opened her eyes, but they were not as sharp as before. Instead, they were like a deep green pool in summer, with water so thick that it seemed to flow out.

"When will we meet next time?" She sat up hugging the quilt, her shoulder-length hair disheveled, revealing half of her red and white collarbone.

Leon quickly put on his uniform:"When you want to come to see me"

"What do you think our relationship is now?" He also asked.

Natasha showed a charming smile:"You know me so well, you should know"

"The only and most special friend?"

"You are very greedy, but I agree." Natasha hugged her knees across the quilt,"You are my boss, but you can't deduct my salary in the future."

"Do you still need to worry about salary and benefits? What I gave you last night was so much that you couldn't even take it with both hands, right?" Leon raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, Natasha covered her head with the quilt and said nothing more.

But after Leon left, she got out of the quilt again.

In the empty room, she stretched out her hand with her eyes rolling, raised her eyebrows for no apparent reason, and uttered a silent"Wow!"

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