"What is that? An anti-gravity device made of propellers?"

"Have I suddenly returned to the Age of Discovery? Why does an aircraft carrier use propellers?"

"We have to rebuild this fortress!"

Tony was completely in the mood, his eyes moving rapidly, pointing at one module after another and talking about his ideas for the renovation.

"Replace the energy system with an arc generator, change the anti-gravity propulsion device into a beam energy, and strengthen the stealth system……"

"Also on the deck, I can build an armor storage compartment so that the armor can be deployed in real time.……"

"Wait! Tony, wait a minute!"Seeing Tony taking over, Leon interrupted

"What? Do you have other suggestions for transformation?"Tony now attaches great importance to Leon's scientific research ability.

"No, I mean, you seem to have made a mistake."

"What's up?"

"This fortress is not yours yet."

"What? Jarvis said you gave it to me!"

"It's a 40th birthday present. Are you 40 now? You're still a few months away from 39!"

Tony was shocked:"40? Are you going to leave this fortress idle for the rest of the year?"

"Of course not, I still have a use for it. The Widow Agents still need this fortress, and……"

"So you're going to give me a third-hand birthday present! ?"

Tony said earnestly:"Leon, what makes you so cruel that you don't even want to give me a second-hand gift? Has my brother treated you badly over the years?"

It can be seen that he really likes this sky fortress. Although he kept complaining and finding faults during the visit, and said that he could only accept this gift reluctantly, his eyes were always shining. Just like a little boy who got the Transformers he had longed for.

"I'm certainly not……"

"Like this!" Tony interrupted again,"Before your 40th birthday, we will each own this fortress in half, and then you will give me a gift worth two and a half hands!"

Leon hesitated:"But……"

""Leon! You can't transform the entire fortress by yourself, right?" Tony said again.

His big eyes almost stared at Leon's face.

"……"Leon's scalp tingled when Tony looked at him with eager eyes.

He raised his hands in surrender:"Okay, okay, for now, you take half and I take half.""

"Normally I would have the widows stationed here to conduct mission handovers and personnel transfers."

"As long as you don't affect them, you can do whatever you want."

Tony was delighted:"Of course, I will never affect the work of those girls!"

"But why do you always call them widows? Does the Red House specifically look for widows to train?"

Leon shook his head:"They were selected by the gene sequencing project when they were young, and then sent here.……"

He briefly introduced the history of the Red House.

Tony's face became a little gloomy after listening to it.

"Training and transformation of little girls……"

"First Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., then the Red Room"

"Under the peaceful surface of this world, I wonder how many evil organizations are hiding in the dark."

"Take me to meet the girls."

"Also, since you are planning to set up a new organization, maybe you should change their name."

"You can't have a bunch of girls around you claiming to be widows all day long, can you?"

"That will make you look like an unforgivable medieval lord."

Tony has always had a warm heart.

Leon nodded:"They will naturally have new names later."

When the two returned to the deck, the girls were still here, basking in the sun and chatting while looking at the sea of clouds.

The content of the chat was incoherent, and they talked about everything they could think of.

For them who had just gained their freedom, just sitting like this, even if it was for a whole day, was extremely comfortable.

After seeing Leon, the girls all stood up and surrounded Leon.

After the introduction and communication,

Tony talked about his plan to transform the fortress.

And took the initiative to propose that he would pay the widow agent who was responsible for guarding the fortress a monthly salary of 100,000 US dollars until the other party changed his post and left.

However, during the communication, Tony found that the girls looked at him very strangely.

He asked Leon several times before he got It was because everyone in the fortress knew that he had been holding his urine in the armor.

So, Leon and Tony quickly said goodbye to the girls and left the sky fortress together.

Tony left partly because he was too embarrassed to show his face.

Partly because he had to go back to prepare for today's press conference.

If he missed the press conference, Pepper would definitely be angry for a while.

It was time for Leon to bask in the sun.

He was going to fly directly back to the space capsule to sleep.

By the way, he carried a new hatch of the spacecraft up and repaired it last week.

When he just woke up, he was so excited that he just wanted to destroy something to test his strength.

As a result, the hatch suffered an unexpected disaster.

In the end, he naturally had to repair it himself


On the fortress deck, the widows looked at the two people flying away with envy.

"It's great to be able to fly freely."

Yelena said,"I wonder if I will have the opportunity to ask the boss to build me a battle armor in the future."

"That's so cool just to think about it, flames burst out from the soles of feet, whoosh! and it flies away!"

Natasha didn't say anything, just watching Leon disappear into the clouds.

Yelena noticed her sister's abnormality and bumped her with her shoulder:"Hey, stop looking, everyone has left. You were alone with the boss for the past few hours, haven't you seen enough?"

"It's none of your business." Natasha pushed her sister away.

"I'll take care of it!" Yelena approached again with dissatisfaction.

She suddenly thought of something:"Oh, yeah, you should have…���How do you feel?"

The other girls also became interested in this topic and came over.

"Yes, Superman is so strong, how do you feel about that?"

"Tell me"

"Is it as strong as a hydraulic press driving piles? Or as fast as an electric drill?"

"We can't even eat it. If you don't tell us, we'll be so jealous!"

The widows turned into curious babies, and they almost wrote the word"curious" in their eyes.

Natasha looked embarrassed and stretched out her hands in the air:"It feels a bit like flying in the sky... and it never stops, and it's very strong."



"Damn you, Natasha!"

"My Superman!!"

When they really heard what they wanted to hear, the curious babies were defeated.

The scene was filled with ghosts and wolves howling.


Los Angeles, 10 a.m.

Stark Industrial Park.

The press conference was held on time.

Pepper read a long speech on the stage.

It was a plan for the deployment of new energy supply.

But it is only a preliminary explanation now.

Real cooperation must be carried out with major sovereign countries.

The reporters in the audience kept flashing their flashlights, and everyone was very quiet before Pepper finished speaking.

They knew they were witnessing a major event that would change the world.

As long as they performed well enough, perhaps in the future they would be written into textbooks because of a wonderful report issued today.

However, when Pepper finished speaking, the question-and-answer session that the reporters had been looking forward to did not come.

Pepper stood aside on the stage to make room, and Tony Stark walked up instead.

"Well, don't worry, I'll just say a few words."He put his hands on the podium.

After a brief commotion, the crowd quieted down again, with hundreds of eyes waiting for Tony's next speech.

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