However, even though she had made such a huge sacrifice,

Leon just looked at her strangely.

"What did you say?"

"Do you think I can only think with my muscles?"

Leon frowned with some dissatisfaction.

He snapped his fingers:"Jarvis!"

"I'm here, Master." The Iron Armor, who had always had little presence, stood up.

"Turn on the cable car and start it running"


Several data cables extended from the steel armor and connected to the cable car's external screen.

After a few seconds, the screen flashed, and the cable car's armored door opened with a hiss.

"Look, I also have artificial intelligence."Leon winked at King Ada and walked into the cable car first.

Everyone followed him in, praising him for being worthy of being Mr. Leon.

"……"Ada Wang was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly tilted her head and laughed,"Heh~ Like a fool."

She didn't know whether she was talking about Leon or herself.

She tapped her forehead and followed him into the cable car helplessly.

Under Jarvis' control, the cable car began to run slowly, and the speed gradually increased.

"There should be a lot of zombies and mutants in the institute."

Leon stood in the middle of the group and said,"So it's the same as before, I'll be in front and you guys follow me."

"Once the underground base is cleared, you can help organize the research materials and equipment."

"As for how to improve the vaccine, I have already had some preliminary ideas, and if nothing unexpected happens, I will have results by tomorrow morning."

Several people expressed admiration for Bud, Marvin and Elliot were full of excitement, and Ada clapped her hands with a slightly flickering look in her eyes.

"Ha, you boastful brat, you are only 17 or 18 years old, go to college first!" Only Annie muttered disdainfully.


The cable car arrived at the station very quickly.

As soon as everyone got off the platform, they exclaimed

"I don't even know how much money and effort Umbrella spent on this!"

"This is simply another world!"

Marvin and Officer Elliot exclaimed.

At the first glance, the underground research institute left them with an extremely deep impression.

The research institute is completely different from the sewers in front.

The sewers are full of rough pipes and stinking odors.

But here, this Umbrella research institute, the outermost is a high-strength titanium metal wall.

The texture of metal flows throughout the entrance, and the indicator light like sunlight shines all the way to the deepest part.

Marvin and the others felt like they had walked into the future world.

In their eyes, facing this sci-fi base, it seemed that even Leon had become much softer.

——He no longer used his fist to open the blocked door like before.

Instead, he asked the iron lump to crack the data.

Of course, the actual situation was that there was no electronic door in the sewer for Jarvis to crack, and the fastest way was for Leon to swing his fist.

With another click, Jarvis easily invaded the base that required researcher privileges to enter.

The heavy three-story gate outside the base slowly rose.

The five people present were automatically given high-level privileges.

Every time they arrived at a door, an intelligent system would automatically open the door.

Compared to the outside, there were almost only humanoid zombies in the institute.

Leon directly sent Jarvis to clear it out, while a few of them waited in place.

The few people who stopped temporarily began to explore and search in the surrounding rooms.

As a result, they really found a lot of researchers' diaries.

The diaries of these people almost all recorded the general process of the outbreak of the biochemical crisis.

From the beginning when someone was accidentally infected during the experiment, to that person becoming a zombie and being dealt with by security forces.

Then everyone was in danger, the virus leaked, and creatures such as rats began to bring the virus to the ground.

"I didn't expect it to be like this at the beginning, my God." Director Bud rubbed his eyes,"I thought only my team was doing this research."

Marvin comforted him:"Dr. Bud, you were just forced by people with bad intentions. What we have to do now is to save everything!"

The two of them were chatting enthusiastically, and Ada also found Annie Birkin on the other side.

Leon was checking the past records on the computer in the security room.

Suddenly, the mobile phone in his bag was turned on, and Jarvis' voice came out.

"Master, the mutant creatures inside the base have been cleared out."

"But I found a creature similar to the tyrant"

"It's chasing a little girl hiding in a corner. Do you want me to rescue her?"

"Little girl? Could it be Shirley Birkin?"Leon picked up the phone.

Shirley Birkin is the daughter of Annie and William.

In the game, William was forced to inject the G virus and turned into a monster. His brain was affected and he was full of the desire to reproduce the virus.

However, this virus can only be transmitted stably between parents.

Non-parental transmission will cause the infected person to die quickly.

So William, who turned into a monster in the game, has been chasing his daughter Shirley all the time.

And Shirley was later killed by Leon in the game..S.Kennedy and Claire.

In the end, she even became one of the heroines of the sixth generation of the game.

Leon thought for a while:"You take Shirley to lure the monster over, and let me deal with it."

The firepower of Super Mark 1 is enough to kill William.

But the G virus infected people are like the trackers they have fought before, and can continue to mutate and regenerate.

If Jarvis really lets William deal with him, the end result will probably be that this research institute will be destroyed.

After Jarvis gave a positive answer.

Leon immediately took everyone back to the platform and waited for Jarvis to lure the monster back.

The area here on the platform is spacious and suitable for fighting.

Facing several people with confused faces, Leon stood in the front:"There are 'very strong' enemies coming, we will meet them here."

A few minutes later.

The iron armor held a little blonde girl in his arms, spewing out a long tail flame, and stopped abruptly above everyone.

""Sulli!" Yani suddenly shouted to the little girl,"Why are you here?"

""Mommy!" The little girl was a little happy, but not too excited."It was this Iron Man who saved me!"

Jarvis landed and let go of her hand. The little girl immediately rushed to Annie.

Ada, who had been restraining Annie, was also a little stunned.

After all, she was 23 years old and had little experience. Seeing that her enemy was the mother of a little girl, the strength in her hands relaxed a little.

As a result, Annie broke free and hugged Shirley in her arms.

"Shirley, I'm sorry, Mommy hasn't been to see you these days." Yani rubbed Shirley's head.

Shirley said timidly:"Mommy, Daddy has become so scary, he, he wants to catch me……"

Yani was stunned for a moment, staring at her daughter, her eyes flickering, as if she had thought of something.

"Didn't he hurt you or give you anything to eat?"

"No... Dad hasn't caught me yet." Shirley shook her head.

Annie heaved a sigh of relief, but her eyes struggled, and her heart was in a fierce struggle.

""I'm sorry, Shirley, I have to do this." Yani suddenly said something inexplicable.

She hugged Shirley tightly, her expression became determined, as if she had made up her mind.

Then she turned around in a flash, grabbed the gun in Ada's hand, turned it around, and actually wanted to shoot Shirley!

But Ada reacted quickly, twisted Yani's arm and pressed her to the ground.

"What are you doing, that's your daughter!!" Her voice was cold

"It is because she is the daughter of William and me that I cannot let her live!" Annie struggled, but was determined.

Except for Leon, everyone present felt unbelievable.

What kind of mother could say such cruel words in such a ruthless tone.

Shirley fell to the ground, kicking her legs against the ground and backing away, feeling at a loss:"Mom, Mommy……"

Annie noticed the strange looks from everyone and retorted fiercely:"You don't understand anything! You don't understand what kind of monster it is!"

"We must never let the G virus spread, otherwise the world will be doomed!"

"If Shirley stayed here, William would infect her and turn her into a monster. Even if he sent her out, William would chase her out!"

"So, in order to prevent the G virus from spreading, I can't let Shirley stay!"

"And you, you'd better not think about the G virus, it's the key to the end of the world!"

Marvin walked forward with a bad look on his face:"No matter what you say, it's not a reason for you to kill your own daughter!"

"Excuse me, William Birkin? That's the monster in front of us." Leon suddenly spoke.

He twisted his neck and said,"Mrs. Birkin, have you ever thought about the possibility that killing your husband can also prevent him from spreading the virus?"

"What did you say?" Annie Birkin looked at him like a fool."You know nothing about his power!"

"Really?" Leon took the initiative to greet William Birkin who had just run out of the research institute.

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