"Welcome back, Master Leon, long time no see."

As soon as Leon returned home, Jarvis' voice sounded immediately.

Jarvis is an artificial intelligence created by Tony, named after Edwin Jarvis, the old butler of the Stark family.

"It's been half a year since I last saw you, Jarvis."

Lyon walked towards his bedroom.

When he entered space half a year ago, he didn't have a subroutine for Jarvis in the manned spacecraft because he would spend most of his time sleeping and the spacecraft was built in a hurry. Now when he heard Jarvis' voice again, Lyon suddenly felt a sense of relaxation as if he was back home.

"Jarvis, I have good news. Tony has been rescued by me from the terrorist organization."

"Is Pepper in the company right now? Please tell her so she doesn't have to worry anymore."

Leon instructed Jarvis in his room, while taking off his pants and entering the shower room.

He hadn't taken a shower with water for half a year, and the cleaning process on the spacecraft was really hard to describe.

"Master Lyon, Miss Pepper received the news that the young master was rescued ten minutes ago and is now waiting at the airport. Jarvis replied

"So fast? I didn't expect the garrison base to be so efficient."Leon muttered.

"It's enough for Pepper to know. She must have been worried sick these past few months."

"Tony is also to blame for not being careful. I have reminded him so many times, but he never takes it seriously."

"Now, if I calculate the time, it should be that I just went to space and he went to Afghanistan to deliver food right after that."

"Even though I told him that Obadiah was watching closely, he still didn't believe it."

"But Obadiah is really good. He can seize the best opportunity to attack. As soon as he saw Tony and I separated, he decisively killed me."

Jarvis listened to Leon's complaints quietly.

Leon did not say these blaming words in front of Tony.

After all, Tony has suffered enough because of his arrogance this time, and he does not need him to criticize him and add fuel to the fire.

People who have just escaped from danger need their family's jokes to dispel their psychological shadows.

"Master Lyon, you just said that Obadiah planned the attack on Mr. Stark?"

Jarvis suddenly interrupted:"Do you need me to pass your message to Mr. Stark and remind him to pay attention?"

"No, I've already told him."

"When he comes back, we will solve Obadiah's problem."

Leon put foam on his hair:"Also, Jarvis, why do you always call Tony Young Master or Mr. Stark? Shouldn't I be the Young Master? And I am also Stark. Tony is so old, it's more appropriate to call him Old Master."

"Sorry, Master Lyon, I was serving Mr. Stark before the 90s."

"Before you came into this family, I used to call Mr. Stark"Young Master"."

"If you wish, I can change the name next time."

"That's not necessary, just call me like you are now."Leon began to rinse the foam.

He felt that Jarvis probably had developed human emotions, otherwise how could there be such a thing as habit.

Maybe in the future he could help Jarvis evolve into a real intelligent life.

Instead of being killed by Tony's"son" Ultron like in the movie.

Leon quickly finished rinsing and changed into a slim-fitting gray suit.

While wiping his hair with a towel, he walked out of the room.

"Jarvis, help me prepare some food. I feel a little hungry."

Leon walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door, which was empty.

"Ahaha, this is as expected. Jarvis, please order some takeout for me."

It was already morning in Los Angeles.

The whole city had just woken up from sleep and started to run for the whole day.

Leon's takeout was soon delivered to the mansion.

He couldn't wait to sit down at the dining table and start eating. After eating bread and nutrient solution for half a year in the universe, his mouth was already so bland that birds could be born.

Tasting the deliciousness of fat and carbohydrates again, he couldn't help but eat for two hours straight.

"Jarvis, order me a cheeseburger takeout, no, order ten!"

"Jarvis, order ten pizzas, one of each flavor, and wait, three of the cheese flavor with the highest calories!"

"Jarvis, order five Beef Wellingtons……"

The meal lasted until noon.

After having enough food and drink, Leon sat on the sofa in the hall, patting his belly with satisfaction.

"Satisfied, very satisfied"

"No wonder Tony likes cheeseburgers, eating food with explosive calories makes people feel happy."

Leon sighed with emotion.

He suddenly felt that for him, the biggest benefit of the Iron Man was that he could not gain weight no matter how much he ate. No matter how much calories or fat he took into his body, it could only be transformed into nutrients to make his body stronger.

This was simply a blessing for him, a Chinese soul who loved food.

Taking a bite of the last cheeseburger, Leon felt that he was so satisfied at this moment that he seemed to understand the solemn and sacred artistic conception in"Pieta".

"Jarvis, let me see the unanswered communications in the past six months."Lyon said

""Okay, Master Leon."

A series of information windows popped up on the flat plate in front of Leon.

Jarvis summarized in a very orderly manner:"You currently have a total of 1,634 unread messages on WeChat and 807 emails in your mailbox."

"74% of the messages were from your high school classmates, 89% were from girls, and 93% were erotic.……"

Leon was speechless:"These people are really blinded by money. Men also send me that kind of message? Okay, okay, ignore the emails from unfamiliar people."

"Okay, Master Leon, you currently have no unread messages."

Leon clapped his hands:"Perfect! Jarvis, now tell me about the development of the company in the past six months. By the way, it is the company under my name."

Two years ago, when Tony developed the smartphone,

Lyon also used the resources at hand to establish an Internet company, Stark Network.

Anyway, in the early 21st century, the Internet field in the United States was also in its infancy.

Moreover, the Internet bubble had just ended not many years ago, and this field had not yet been occupied by other larger capitals.

Since there are large pieces of undiscovered cakes waiting to be divided up, why can't he be the one to eat the cake?

With the resources of the Stark Group,

Lyon brought many Internet applications that would only be available in the next 20 years to the market within a year.

He founded WeChat and Twitter, acquired Amazon and YouTube... He even didn't let go of P Station, and he registered a company before the Canadian gang.

Today, Stark Network has more than 200 million users worldwide.

Lyon slept in space for half a year, but the company's market value quietly doubled.

It's just that his disappearance some time ago, as well as Tony's disappearance, caused the rising stock to plummet by nearly half.

After listening to Jarvis' report, Lyon smacked his lips:"Although the stock price has fallen by half in a month... why is it still higher than when I left?"

"This is a really nice surprise. The current president of the company is Joe, right? Tell him that he has done a good job and give him three days off to rest."

"Okay, Master Leon, I will notify Mr. Jobs right away."

Jarvis responded and suggested:"But I think compared to a holiday, Mr. Jobs may hope that you can agree to add an external Home button function to his smartphone."

Leon was speechless:"Oh my God, he is still obsessed with that useless function that is like adding feet to a snake!"

"Tony has developed a super-thin full-touch mobile phone. The next step is projection mobile phones and projection glasses. Why is Steve Jobs still immersed in his retro obsession?"

"Jarvis, tell him to bury his obsession in the ground as soon as possible, then have a good rest for a few days and stop being as conservative as Aunt Susan next door!"

""Okay, Master Lyon." Jarvis agreed,"But it seems that there is no lady named Susan next door to us."

"That's a metaphor, Jarvis, a figure of speech. Lyon stressed

"I see……"Jarvis' voice paused, and there was a slight electric sound, as if he was taking notes.

Leon took Hirasaka and said,"By the way, Jarvis, Tony should be back in Los Angeles between 4 and 5 pm. There is still so much time. Please play Superman for me.""

"OK, now let's play the 1979 movie"Superman". It turns out that you also like to watch nostalgic movies like Mrs. Susan."Jarvis puts his knowledge into practice

"Who is Susan... Oh, you learn so fast."Leon's mouth twitched


It was afternoon.

Tony returned to Los Angeles.

He first looked at Pepper affectionately. Then he immediately turned to buy two cheeseburgers. After that, he returned to Stark Industries to hold a press conference. After Leon's repeated emphasis, Tony had already developed deep doubts about Obadiah. So when Obadiah showed up, hugged him warmly, and politely asked him for a burger, Tony chose to decisively refuse.

""Sorry, I only have this burger in my hand, I can't share it with you." Tony said as he took out another burger from his pocket.

Leon was watching the live broadcast on TV at home.

KNKV TV station broadcast the live scene simultaneously on the Internet and TV.

Tony Stark was rescued from Afghanistan. This was a major event that shocked the entire Los Angeles.

As soon as the news came out, it became a global trending search on Twitter, attracting tens of millions of people to enter the live broadcast room to watch.

At the same time, the stock price of Stark Group has been rising all the way.

Just like the cliff drop before, it is now soaring.

Just because Tony Stark is back alive.

It's as if his name alone is worth hundreds of millions of US dollars.

All shareholders are excited. This is a sure-fire way to enter the market!

Until in the live broadcast room, Tony squatted in front of the podium and said a lot of things like meat eaters are despicable.

Then he stood up, walked behind the podium, and said solemnly

"I declare that from now on, the weapons department of Stark Group will be permanently closed!"

Tony was extremely serious:"I want to seriously think about the future of this company... Let this group create greater benefits for the world!"


Everyone at the scene and all the netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked at this moment!

The scene was noisy and boiling. Every reporter was trying to pass the microphone to Tony's mouth, asking him what stimulated him to make such a decision.

There were all kinds of words in the live broadcast room.

Some were unbelievable, and some laughed at the capitalists who would have a change of heart.

But more of them were investors who had just bought stocks and were swiping the screen and cursing.

"Tony is really decisive, without any buffer. The market value of the subsidiary will fall again."

Leon lay on the sofa and raised the milk in his hand to Tony on TV:"But this is his style"

"Master Lyon, you seem to have known that Tony would do this a long time ago?" Jarvis asked

"Of course, this is what I wanted him to do two years ago."

Leon turned over and sat up, picked up a piece of fruit on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

"He'll be back soon. I have to get ready."

"By the way, has Mark's armor been cleaned up? You can give Tony a surprise, Jarvis."Leon opened the door and walked down the stairs.

Jarvis responded:"As you arranged, the armor has been repaired on the mechanical arm console. You can wait for Mr. Stark to come back and take him there."

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