From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 127 Heaven-Defying Imagination

A basic common sense is that the more dangerous the item, the more tightly it is kept.

For example, lead boxes are used to store radioactive substances, because lead is a particularly stable heavy element and is the final product of the decay of radioactive substances. It will not be bombarded by particles to produce new radioactive isotopes.

Another example is that for certain highly toxic substances, in addition to being sealed, they also need to be put in a safe with several locks.

If it is said that radioactive substances and highly toxic substances are dangerous because of their "extreme toxicity".

Then certain substances become dangerous because of their "great power".

For example, antimatter.

After Ye Ming got the antimatter binding force field, he didn't care about it because he couldn't use it anymore. He didn't take it out until the last time he verified the guess of the electrode array. After confirming the guess, the blueprint was thrown into limbo by him again.

As a result, Ye Ming didn't realize immediately that the dysprosium compound O-Grct in front of him was actually used as the base of the antimatter confinement field.

As we all know, once antimatter encounters positive matter, it will annihilate and generate huge energy.


Then to keep it, or to restrain it, requires an extremely powerful force field that far exceeds the existing strong magnetic field—that is, the one drawn by the system.

And to create a powerful force field, no matter whether it is the field wave generating device or the substrate carrying the electrodes, it must be beyond the specifications.


The laboratory is extremely quiet.

Even the sound of pattering footsteps outside the corridor did not wake Ye Ming up from his "obsessed" state.

Sheng Fei heard the footsteps getting closer, and when he saw that it was Mo Gu, he immediately booed Mo Gu.

Mo Gu was wearing a white coat, and she saw Ye Ming as soon as she entered the door, and seeing Sheng Fei told her to be silent, she nodded knowingly, and approached them tiptoely.

"What are you doing?" she asked with her mouth.

"New material." Sheng Fei also replied with his mouth.

Mo Gu was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Ye Ming like a ghost, then stretched out both index fingers at the same time, pointing at Ye Ming and Sheng Fei.

She was asking if Ye Ming and Sheng Fei did it.

Sheng Fei smiled wryly and waved his hand.

He just wanted to join in the fun, to see if he could hug his thighs, and try out the use of new materials and property experiments—even if he didn’t have the luck of Mogu to share the same nature with Ye Ming’s back-to-back posts, but new materials, he wants to post articles Isn't that minutes?

In the gesture between the two, Ye Ming finally raised his head.

Then he saw Mo Gu.

"When did Sister Mo come?" He rubbed his eyes, exhaled heavily, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Just here, what new material?"

"Well, semiconductor crystals. Would you like to take a look?"


Mo Gu also leaned under the microscope, but obviously, she couldn't see anything, so she quickly raised her head: "How about using the foreground?"

"It's not clear yet, originally it could be regarded as a by-product of the hydrogel material." Ye Ming exhaled softly, hiding his astonishing guess in his heart.

——This thing is indeed the base material of the antimatter binding force field!

You said there is no antimatter to restrain?

Is it possible that a strong force field that can restrain antimatter can also be used to restrain plasma? Like controlled nuclear fusion?

If that's the case, then this material...

Under Sheng Fei's eager eyes, Ye Ming put away the materials and tore off the test notes along the way.

Seeing his movements, Sheng Fei was taken aback for a while.

"You don't do it anymore?"

"Let's not do it now, don't be a hammer here and there, just concentrate on helping you get the hydrogel material out - is Boss Tao planning to establish a project?"

Hearing Ye Ming talk about hydrogel, Sheng Fei shifted his attention a little bit, and seeing that Mo Gu was also looking at him expectantly, he nodded: "Well, but your molecular formula is weird, I don't know how long it will take you to hit it. Get it out, so Lao Tao plans to prepare with both hands, starting with polymers, after all... Brain-computer chips will indeed need a flexible insulating material that is resistant to rejection in the future."

Mo Gu smiled and said, "Then I will trouble you."

"Hey, everyone is comrade-in-arms, what's the trouble? Isn't it just to make a big noise when we get together?" Seeing Ye Ming, Sheng Fei was about to pack up the materials, and finally couldn't hold back: "Ye Ming, you Are you really planning to pretend that this thing has never been generated?"

"Uh... The main reason is that I don't want to make it public for the time being, and I don't want to post an article."

"Then can you satisfy my curiosity?" Sheng Fei rubbed his hands, stomped his feet and said, "Give me some, I'll go play, and if I find anything, I'll let you know right away, even if I post an article, I'll listen to you and read yours." ,Ok?"

Ye Ming: "..."

Seeing that Sheng Fei was impatient, Ye Ming couldn't bear it anymore, so he took out a three-centimeter O-Grct the size of a chopstick head and gave it to him: "Go and play."

"Thanks! Then I will flash first."

Watching Sheng Fei leave, Mo Gu blinked: "Aren't you worried that he will publish a paper without you?"

Ye Ming shook his head with a smile: "The preparation method is in my hands, and it's a lot of trouble... He can't publish the preparation method of the material, even if it has amazing properties, people will call him delusional."

"Haha! That's right."

"By the way, Sister Mo, why did you come to the physics laboratory?"

"I'll find you."

"Ah? Why didn't you call me?"

"Try to see where your phone is?"

Ye Ming touched it, and found that his mobile phone was left in the office, and immediately smiled: "Then you can wait in my office, it's not like you don't have the key."

"The main thing is that Xiaoqi is moving bricks in your office... You go quickly, I won't go, I'll go and see the indicators of that lame little white mouse."


Ye Ming returned to the office and saw Qi and Mo sitting in his boss's seat, frowning and meditating on his notebook.

Sensing Ye Ming entering the room, Qi and Mo immediately raised their heads, and made a threatening gesture of raising their fists at him by the way.

"You capitalist!"

"Hahaha! What's wrong?"

"I'm moving bricks for you!"

"...Why don't I come?" Ye Ming knew immediately that Qi and Mo had accepted the work arrangement of Jizhi Technology, and walked behind her with a smile.

"No, Teacher Chen specifically said that day, don't expect you to do all the work, no matter how awesome you are, you don't have superpowers... let alone rely on you for the subject."

Ye Ming: "..."

But when it comes to missions, he does have them.

—— On the third day after the Spring Festival, Dr. Qin Weimin took the initiative to contact him, and then went to the provincial capital to meet Lao Tang and Lao Chen, and made it clear that NationalChip was willing to cooperate with Jizhi Technology in the field of hybrid chips and supporting EDA.

In other words, it won't be long before real hybrid chips may be able to be taped out in the fab.

And by then, it will be Ye Ming's task to design the first truly universal brain-computer chip.

It's just that no one knows that Ita can help with this kind of design work.

Seeing Ye Ming standing behind him silently, Qi Yumo turned around and said, "Boss, you look at me like this, I always feel like I'm being supervised."

"Then where do I stand?"

"If you have nothing to do, go read a book—oh, you don't have any books here, why don't you lie down for a while?" Qi Yumo pointed to the back of the screen: "The quilt has been spread for you."

Ye Ming turned the screen, and sure enough, the quilt was neatly spread on his camp bed.


Lying on the camp bed, listening to the sound of Qi and Mo typing on the keyboard in front of him, he couldn't help thinking that at this time a year ago, he and Qi and Mo seemed to have just met in the library, and they still communicated by writing...

This year has passed, not to mention that I have an office, but she is actually familiar with me and working here - and she still works for me...

Ye Ming carefully recalled his experience this year.

From joining the two teams, to Boss Tang's group, to publishing the first paper, and then letting Ita write the first line of code in reality, to making neural connection materials driven by chip circuits, and even Helping Professor Pan, who is engaged in quantum computers, solve the photon quantum confinement well...

In the end, the school established a brain science research center, and I myself was promoted by the school to create a god movement—perhaps in order to maintain the last reserve, the school did not give myself a higher level, and came up with the disgusting operation of specially appointed professors at the undergraduate level Come, but give the status of a special assistant researcher.

Although the level has not risen, his treatment and status in the group are actually the professor's standard.

There are two postdoctoral fellows crammed into the office next door of the same size!

"It's quite magical." Ye Ming exhaled softly and entered the virtual space.

In space, Ita is still using her current knowledge system to simulate the evolution of the entire universe, but because the scale is too large and the tools are not complete, so she can only look at it macroscopically. If you want to start from the big bang Simulated to the birth of human beings... It's almost like an idiot's dream.

After all, according to the uncertainty principle, the world is random and God plays dice.

If the universe restarts, not to mention the birth of human beings, maybe even the earth will not appear.

Fortunately, Ita decisively changed the method behind. She directly defined primate creatures, and it depends on whether humans can evolve.

Swinging away the entire universe with ease, Ye Ming directly called Ita.

"Ita, help me design a dense array of antimatter confinement fields."

"I can't design without the drive circuit structure."

"No need for circuits, just do model stacking first."

Immediately, a wall-like binding force field appeared in front of his eyes.

Ye Ming said dumbly: "That's not the case, it's a closed ring pipe structure."

"You'd better tell me what you want to use it for."

"Well... well, I want to use it to see if it is possible to use an antimatter confinement field to confine a plasma beam—the kind with extremely high temperatures."

"You want to design a fusion reactor?"

"I can't think?"


After her words fell, a huge ring rose in front of Ye Ming's eyes.

"You said, how much energy is needed to confine the plasma?"

"The formula is unknown, and I think what you're thinking about is heating the plasma."

"... Is there a possibility that heating the plasma is not difficult, but heat insulation is."

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