From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 177 Strong AI and Digital Life

The crowd watching is the best advertisement.

Leading Yita and hundreds of onlookers through the street, after entering the campus, Ye Ming saw Liu Jiequan, Sheng Fei and others who almost trotted all the way over.

"Fuck, this is not your style!"

"The main thing is to show her to the world." Ye Ming turned his head and glanced at the mechanical body, which is still purely mechanical and circuit structure, and joked: "By the way, let's test it."

"DY has become the number one hot search." Liu Jiequan held up his mobile phone, and pointed to the construction site next to him - countless heads and mobile phones emerged from the isolation board, and they were taking snap shots at this side: "Who are you? Make big news."

"Big news is big news, free traffic is not for nothing." Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Aita, let's go."

An elegant and intellectual response came from the mechanical body: "Okay."

But Yita's displeased voice sounded in Ye Ming's ear: "My name is Ita!"

Ye Ming replied in his mind: "I will talk when you can stay online at any time."



Enter the brain-computer center surrounded by a group of people.

But this time, the guys at the brain-computer center can only watch - it's not like a drone they can play with, and even this robot doesn't have a control terminal, it's all controlled by AI through the network.

After returning to the office, Ita controlled her "body" and sat on the chair in a very ladylike posture.

In the face of everyone's amazement and amazement, she behaved calmly.

After all, she had known these people through the ubiquitous cameras a long time ago, and had analyzed everyone's facial features with Ye Ming.

"Aita, for an interview, how do you feel after having a body?"

"very good mood."

"If it's very good, can you sing a song and listen to it?"

"There is no absolute logical connection between being in a good mood and singing. At least I don't think that being in a good mood should be expressed by singing."

"Then how should I express it?" Sheng Fei was narrow-minded, with a resolute expression on his face.

Ye Ming watched quietly from the side. He knew that these guys had always been so curious about "Aita", that in many cases, he didn't dare to open up the conversation authority to a group of people in the laboratory—otherwise these guys could chat for a day.

Maybe even drive!

But in front of him, and there are girls around, it's just a joke at most.

It's just... Sheng Fei doesn't know, it's not Aita who is talking to him now, but Ita.

If an artificial intelligence like Aita can already pass the Turing test, then Ita...

Let's put it this way, she is an existence that makes Ye Ming feel deflated.

What she's doing now is completely pretending to be stupid.

Sure enough, Yita's voice sounded in Ye Ming's ear: "How can I make him not treat me like a three-year-old child?"

Ye Ming blinked, held back his laughter, and said softly in his mind: "Then you can perform a show."

"you said."

As this sentence fell, the robot sitting gracefully on the chair suddenly stood up, and then walked to Ye Ming's desk in a few steps.

Looking at the pair of binocular cameras, Ye Ming always felt that Ita was staring at him.

"Master, may I use your pen and paper?"



Immediately afterwards, the robot picked up a pen and paper and walked up to Sheng Fei: "When I am happy, I want to ask questions."

After finishing speaking, she sat back in the chair, supported the coffee table with one "hand", and grabbed the gel pen with the other hand-she even used the posture of a human holding a pen.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she wrote out a Yip's partial differential equation.

"Hello, please complete this test."

Sheng Fei looked at the equation, his eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

The sweet and elegant voice sounded again: "The test time is 10 minutes."

"I rely on it!"

Following Sheng Fei's roar, the office roared with laughter.


Half an hour later, the two professors Tang and Chen rushed to the conference room.

He Mo also left the office tactfully, and then closed the door.

"Professor Tang, Professor Chen, please drink tea."

The robot held two cups of tea and put them on the coffee table, then returned to the side and sat down in a very ladylike posture.

Tang and Chen looked at the teacup and remained silent for a long time.

Of the two of them, one is an authority in the field of information, the other is a master in the field of AI, and because they have led robot teams successively, and the field of AI + robots is already extremely hot, it can be said that this robot controlled by Aita Definitely crashing into their territory.

Hmm... And it was the kind that broke their domain directly.

"Ye Ming, just say what you think." After exchanging glances with Professor Chen, Professor Tang picked up the teacup.

"My idea is that we can launch a butler-style robot for the family." Ye Ming has already removed the sensor, so the current robot is completely taken over by Aita.

But just like that, with Aita's "strong artificial intelligence"—yes, some academic institutions have now defined Aita as a strong artificial intelligence—she still has no problem with completing the task of housekeeping, and it is even more than enough.

As for Ita...

Letting Ita control the robot is cheating.

Regarding Aita's "artificial intelligence level" identification, Ye Ming is actually somewhat conservative. He believes that Aita's performance can pass the Turing test from the beginning, mainly due to Ita's design and data.

But with the increase of Aita's computing power and the improvement of self-learning ability, Ye Ming gradually tends to recognize the definition of Aita in the academic circle.

That is, Aita is a strong artificial intelligence.

At least entry-level.

Because she relies on a special logical thinking network to complete her "thinking", rather than a cold specific algorithm.

As for Ita...

Ye Ming felt that it might be more appropriate to define Ita as a digital life.

"Currently, the biggest factor restricting Aita's performance in the popular fields of autonomous driving is the network problem, but in home applications, this factor does not exist. The cheap Wifi solution can stably allow the machine butler to keep Aita online throughout the process. And... Aita, stand in the middle."


Aita stood up and walked into the middle of the room.

"You see, there's still room in her breasts for an additional computing chip to enable localized data analysis and temporary retention behavior guidance after disconnection—meaning, she won't turn into a lump after disconnection Scrap."

"In addition, we can also add a small projection device here on the head, making her a multifunctional robot in real science fiction works."

Following Ye Ming's introduction, Tang and Chen kept nodding.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Of course, she is not without flaws..."

Professor Tang took a deep breath.


"Yes!" Ye Ming nodded heavily.

The only thing restricting Ita's dream is the battery.

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