The end of the world is at this time.

Whether it is Google, or Microsoft, IBM, NoFace...

Regardless of China and foreign countries.

Technology companies around the world, robotics and AI experts around the world are watching the press conference of Jizhi Technology.

And social media has already become a jubilant ocean.

On Twitter, Cross, a well-known computer expert, wrote a long Notes article titled "Humanity Has Officially Entered the Robot Era" as quickly as possible.

"Since I first picked up Asimov's "I, Robot", I have been imagining what it will be like when humans enter the robot age, and I have always dreamed of having a robot friend."

"This dream has become my motivation to study computer and research AI."

"But unfortunately, although we can rely on computing power and algorithm upgrades to allow AI to complete more and more delicate tasks, that world seems to be far away from us..."

"...but today, I see this era opening in person before my eyes."

"No, perhaps to be more precise, last year, when Aita was just launched, this era has already arrived."

"And the reason why we can't consciously enter the new world is because Aita is too far away from us."

"But today, Jizhi Technology has allowed Sita to enter our world and approach us..."

"...As she said, meet us in a gentle world."

"I also really want to say to Sita that I would like to meet you tenderly in this world."

Cross's blog post was quickly reposted, and was then pinned to the top by Jizhi Technology under the verified account of Twitter.

Under the message, an account named YM_DDDDD only replied "Thank you", but it was the most liked by over 10,000.


On the domestic Weibo and Zhihu, there were still some cynicism and cynicism towards Jizhi Technology before.

Especially when Musk announced the development of a controllable nuclear fusion engine, and when Aita launched the provincial Skynet a month ago and caught 5 million "violations" in 10 hours, waves of public opinion continued to criticize Jizhi Technology is carrying out "verbal criticism".

It was as if the company had become a minion of Leviathan, the embodiment of evil.

Under these whirlpools of public opinion, Jizhi Technology has never issued any announcements or statements.

So much so that, until the press conference a week ago, there were still a group of people chasing discussions and ridiculing under the official cognitive account of Jizhi Technology, asking if it was going to release the technology to monitor all human beings.

But today...

No matter how organized and disciplined the water army is, it can't resist the shock brought by the press conference.

——Yes, Jizhi Technology has never kept any secrets, and some people have even guessed that the technology of the press conference must be related to robots and autonomous driving.

But this is not a technology that can be predicted by the appearance of mobile phones, and even now cannot touch the G-spot.

This is... an attempt that humans have never tried before.

If you have to describe the leaked information and press conference, it is similar to the difference between laboratory technology and mass production!

As long as you have a little common sense, you will know that the time for laboratory technology to be implemented is in years, or even ten years!

You said, how to make people not excited?

"It's one o'clock in the morning, and as a member who grabbed Sita's starting lineup, I was so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. I never thought that there would be a day in my life where I would have the opportunity to be with a real artificial intelligence. Sita, I'm already warm in bed Well, very warm!"

"I'm envious of those bloggers who grabbed the first release. This is the first time I've tried to give away 250,000 yuan, but I couldn't. I can only say that the X line system is rubbish. Jizhi Technology, quickly increase production capacity! I want to give My son needs a tutor!"

"Although I didn't grab the first release, I still secretly sent a message that our company is the top human-imitation silicone company in China, and can provide various silicone models."

"To all fellow men, I'm here to warn you, don't do dirty things to Aita! Don't do dirty things to Aita! Don't do dirty things to Aita! Say the important thing three times!"

"Where are those sailors? Come out and take a few steps, let Dad see what kind of tricks you have this time-it's kind of like letting your dad come up with one too!"

"Battle report ahead, I heard that the third brother, the president of Google, dropped his glass half an hour ago."

And among all the popular microblogs, the highest one has only three words.



Domestic time, one o'clock in the morning.

DC, BYD Headquarters.

President Wang Chuanfu is presiding over an emergency meeting.

The meeting was held at ten o'clock and had lasted three hours.

In the conference room, all the board members and the heads of the AI ​​​​and automotive departments gathered together.

Although it is early in the morning, although everyone here is no longer young.

But they still didn't feel sleepy at all.

On the large screen in the meeting room, the third link of the Jizhi Technology Conference is being played repeatedly, almost frame by frame.


In the picture, a driverless car is advancing on the road.

Although all the signs of the car are covered, everyone present can see that this is a Han EV.

This is their car!

Being able to be chosen as a car by Jizhi Technology, a genius scientist like Ye Ming-in fact, someone has added great in front of it, if it is changed to other times, they must be a little proud.

Ye Ming's choice of Han EV, in a sense, means the recognition from the top scientists.

But today...

Everyone has mixed emotions.

Of course, they were also shocked by the launch of the "Sita" intelligent robot, but the greater impact on BYD was the improvement in reliability and intelligence brought about by the integration of Aita and the vehicle system.

After watching the video again, Li Xuejun, who is in charge of AI, let out a long sigh.

"I can probably understand why Jizhi Technology allowed the video to be leaked before. I guess it wanted to use the previous leak to let people accept...the fact that human beings are about to enter a new era."

After Li Xuejun finished speaking, everyone forced a smile.

"Mr. Wang, we must admit that in the field of autonomous driving, once a strong AI like Aita gets involved, unless someone can create an AI of the same generation, otherwise... there will always be a gap between monkeys and humans."

Wang Chuanfu took a sip of the cold tea.

"And through the contact with Jizhi Technology, we know...they have directly rewritten our car-machine system."

Speaking of this, Li Xuejun smiled bitterly: "People don't like our system at all..."

"Well, there's no need to talk about this anymore." Wang Chuanfu nodded, with a bit of fatigue in his eyes: "What we want to discuss is whether to cooperate with them."

"Cooperation means that we will only be able to produce and assemble accessories in the future. In the field of computer science, we will completely rely on Jizhi Technology, lose the initiative, and become wage earners."

"If you don't cooperate, it means..."

Wang Chuanfu frowned deeply.

Of course, the benefits of cooperation need not be said. With Aita’s on-board vehicle system, BYD will soar into the sky and become a real self-driving car.

Failure to cooperate...means that it will become an opponent of Jizhi Technology.

Now, who dares to be their opponent?

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