From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 206 Welcome to the provincial post

Not long after returning to the office, there was a knock on the door, and Mo Gu appeared at the door with a young man of seventeen or eighteen.

She led the team to the medical school a month ago, followed by performing more than a dozen eyeball replacement operations, collecting a lot of data and bringing back a lot of problems.

Ye Ming raised his head and greeted Mo Gu, looked at the nervous young man by the way, and then asked, "Your brother?"

"The fortune teller said that my grandmother's family will have three generations of girls, so there is no younger brother." Mo Gu walked to the desk and pulled the young man over with a smile: "Look carefully."

Ye Ming: "..."

He took a careful look at the excited and somewhat grateful young man timidly, and then laughed.

Both eyes of the young man are prosthetic.

After letting the young man sit down, Mo Gu briefly introduced his situation.

The young man is Zhou Xuchen, a native of the provincial capital. He has been highly amblyopic since he was a child. Last year, he was completely blind in his left eye and his vision in his right eye was reduced to 0.1.

Zhou Xuchen's parents are both teachers, and his academic performance is also very good. He will take the college entrance examination this year-to be precise, he has already won the recommended admission ticket for P University.

After going to many hospitals and facing complete despair, the medical school asked him whether he should consider being the first batch of digital artificial eye testers.

For a family in despair, this is undoubtedly a ray of light in the darkness.

Moreover, the young man is also a ruthless person. After learning that the right eye could not be kept, he directly chose to replace both eyeballs.

"What about the digital world?"

Ye Ming asked with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor Ye, it feels good!" Zhou Xuchen sat upright. He knew that the young professor in front of him, who was not a few years older than himself, was already famous all over the world, and he was known as the scientist of the 21st century Einstein.

Also his idol.

Therefore, no matter how many times he secretly took deep breaths, he couldn't calm down his heartbeat.

"Compared with the naked eye?"

"There is not much difference. If I have to describe it, it is probably that the perception of color may be a little different, and sometimes there will be a little bit of gold star, especially when charging."

Ye Ming nodded: "There is really no good way to do this at the moment. The human eye is too delicate. According to the general saying, after conversion, the equivalent pixel of the human eye is as high as 576 million, and it focuses instantaneously, never Out of focus. This is a miracle of life, which cannot be compared with the human eye of a camera limited by energy and mechanical structure.”


"And then? Are there any other questions?" Ye Ming asked, looking at Mo Gu.

For these "feedback" from patients, it is enough for him to read the report, and there is no need to bring people to see him in person.

Mo Gu knew what he meant, smiled and said to the young man, "Xiao Zhou, didn't you say you have an idea?"

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback, looking at the young man.

Zhou Xuchen smiled embarrassedly, and then took a deep breath: "Professor Ye, I saw your press conference and said that people like us who have replaced artificial eyeballs are the first to step into the metaverse..."

Ye Ming was stunned.

He did.

But that... To be precise, it's still just awesome.

Could it be that this person thought of trying the "Metaverse" now?

"That's right, Professor Ye, I'm an oier from No. 7 Middle School, and I won the gold medal last year."

Ye Ming was stunned again, and then smiled: "That's very good, did you recommend it?"

"I chose P University at that time."

"Not bad." Ye Ming laughed again.

The information olympiad gold medal in the No. 7 Middle School, it is not easy to get a ticket for P University-although the province’s score has skyrocketed last year, especially for CS and EE majors, it is impossible to get in without the top 2,000 in the province, but compared to TP These old famous schools are still a little bit worse.

This year, the school directly "bundled Ye Ming into the car", probably for another wave of publicity when enrolling students, and pay close attention to the source of students.

"Hmm..." Zhou Xuchen smiled shyly: "But I want to study at the Provincial Science and Technology Institute, and I also want to study and develop a metaverse based on direct visual neural conversion with the teachers of Jizhi Technology."

When Zhou Xuchen said this, his face finally revealed a touch of confidence: "I inquired about it, and I am the only person undergoing surgery who knows a little bit of programming."

Hearing this, Ye Ming understood why Mo Gu brought him here.

Let’s not talk about whether this person is a teenage genius – to be able to win the IOI gold medal, and to win the gold medal with amblyopia means that this person must have a good brain.

With such a person to cooperate with subsequent development and data analysis, it can hardly be said to be even more powerful.

Ye Ming stood up and stretched out his hand to the boy: "Give up on P to save money, you think about it? You don't regret medicine."

The boy also stood up immediately: "I've thought about it!"

Ye Ming smiled and nodded: "You are welcome in that province."


Sending the boy away, Ye Ming immediately asked Aita to check Zhou Xuchen, and found that this guy was indeed a gold medalist last year, and as he expected, Zhou Xuchen was in charge of problem analysis—in the video, this guy was carrying a bottle bottom Thick glasses, a half-blind look.

Then he called Professor Tang. Professor Tang was very happy when he heard that someone had given up the P University ticket and switched to Provincial Jiaotong University.

Ye Ming: "..."

Professor Tang heard Ye Ming's speechlessness, and laughed loudly: "Don't think it's outrageous. This year, the school will take the lead in opening a super artificial intelligence major and a super quantum computer major. By then, you can't get in without 680 points."

"Can you recruit someone?"

"Wouldn't it be alright for you to stand on stage at that time?"

Ye Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then do you pay labor fees?"

"Hey, give you a slap - do you have anything else to do? If you have nothing to do, why don't you come to the company in the afternoon, Lao Wang and the others are here."

"Uh...I'm afraid I don't have time, I have to attend the fusion meeting in the afternoon."

"Well, fusion is a big deal."

In the afternoon, the third general project meeting of the fusion research group was held. All the big shots gathered in the Provincial Communication Conference Hall, not to mention the heads of the cooperative units.

After listening to the data and reports of the unit that undertook the fusion reactor device design, the research team decided to gather in Jiangcheng three days later to personally inspect and accept the core reactor and tighten the first screw for the core reactor.

Ye Ming... Naturally, he couldn't escape.


Three days later, Yita drove Ye Ming and He Mo to Jiangcheng.

The reason why He Mo was relieved of Yita's driving was, of course, because, in the past month, not only had Aita passed the most rigorous autonomous driving test, but he also ran three times in the urban area of ​​the provincial capital and on the expressway around the city. One hundred thousand kilometers.

——It sounds too much, how can you run 300,000 kilometers in a month?

Because she controls ten cars running at the same time.

In the 300,000 kilometers, there was no violation or mistake.

This data is also the last straw that "crushes" BYD.

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