From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 215 Do you want to touch a gun?

Ye Ming was going to meet Academician Pan and his party, Director Niu also stood up, but instead of joining Ye Ming, he called He Mo and said that he wanted to chat with He Mo alone, and then the two came to He Mo's last Office and dormitory on the side.

"Not bad, you're in good condition."

Looking at He Mo's private room, Director Niu couldn't help nodding.

He Mo looked at her small bed squeezed into the corner behind the screen, and was annoyed: "Then you come?"

Director Niu smiled and shook his head: "I want to accompany your sister-in-law, but I won't come."

He Mo: "..."

"The conditions are a bit difficult, but it won't be fixed right away." Director Niu laughed, and grabbed a chair for himself to sit down: "Have Professor Ye arranged any work for you recently?"

"Is writing a book a living?"

"Editing the book?" Director Niu was stunned for a moment: "AI?"

"Well, Aita's."

"Let me see."

He Mo was about to turn on the computer in front of the desk, but then she slapped her forehead and turned to look at the robot standing quietly beside her: "Sissy, retrieve and project the "Strong Artificial Intelligence Thinking" document."


With a clear answer, Sissy turned her head and looked around the room, and then chose to stand one meter in front of a white wall: "Is this okay?"

"Okay, but you're blocking my view."

"Feel sorry."

The robot stood aside again, seeming to calculate the angle, then she activated the projection function, and after five seconds, she adjusted the picture.

Director Niu watched enviously: "No, I must grab one and take it home—can you open a back door for me?"

"……true and false?"

"Just kidding you." Director Niu laughed, his gaze fell on the wall.

Although it was daytime, because there was a big tree outside the window of this room, and it was cloudy today, the projection on the wall was clear.

"Is turning the page also voice-activated?"

"Gestures can be added, but you have to learn it, do you want to turn the page?"

"Well, look at the first page first."

On the screen is the table of contents of the whole book, which are the introduction of strong artificial intelligence in the first chapter, including the birth of Aita, Aita's thinking structure, thinking logic, natural language system and so on.

The second chapter is the application technology of strong artificial intelligence, including calculation, association, input and output, learning method, representation method, search method and so on.

Judging from the introduction of the section, this book is completely from the perspective of "application", not the perspective of development, and does not involve some knowledge and methods of traditional artificial intelligence.

Director Niu read it with gusto: "Is this an undergraduate textbook or a postgraduate textbook?"


Director Niu was taken aback: "Is the undergraduate course so straightforward?"

"Well, in his words, undergraduates only need to know what it is, and graduate students only need to know why... As for Aita's core thinking mode..." He Mo shook his head: "The core thinking module is big The black box, even Ye Ming himself dare not say that he fully understands it, so far we are only using anthropomorphic reasoning to predict Aita's behavior."

"Well, it means that the college students trained in the future will be mainly responsible for maintaining and cooperating with Aita, right?"

"It can be understood in this way." After a pause, He Mo said: "To understand Aita as a 'student' who has mastered a huge amount of information, is extremely smart, and has an excellent memory, what we need is how to solve the problems that need to be solved without ambiguity. Expressing and 'correcting' her learning and understanding is the main task."

"The learning of traditional AI mainly falls on codes such as architecture, algorithm, and parameters, while the learning of strong AI is mainly reflected in logic and expression. This is the biggest difference between the two."

"Sita has been on the market for a month now. According to statistics from users, in ordinary families, if the owner's expression logic is not clear, or often outputs logically contradictory natural language, then Theta will sometimes behave very confused. On the contrary, it is smooth sailing.”

As he said that, He Mo spread his hands: "I don't know how some people have the nerve to send Sita's confused look to DY... They haven't considered it, is it their own problem?"

Director Niu laughed.

Of course, he has seen related videos.

Let's put it this way, in the field of short videos, if you have a Theta now, no matter what you shoot, it will be a lot of traffic.

It's just that some people like to take a slant, and deliberately want to take pictures of Sita's embarrassment, so they started various attempts, or "teasing".

Of course, no one dared to say the words "artificial mental retardation".

"Since you are asked to make it up, just make it up. The province has been very ambitious in the past two years, and I have completely embraced my thigh." Director Niu put away his smile, and slowly became serious again: "Do you still want to touch the gun?"

He Mo was stunned, then overjoyed: "Nonsense! When will you post it?"

But after a moment, she frowned: "Is there any danger?"

Director Niu was noncommittal, but looked directly at Sissi: "Aita, CNY102."

Aita's unique voice came from Sissy's speakers immediately: "I'm here."

"Give He Mo CNY199 Skynet heuristic search authority."

"Give He Mo CNY199 Skynet heuristic search authority, authorizer, Niu Jianjun. Are you sure?"


"Permission has been issued."

Director Niu looked back at He Mo with a look of astonishment: "From now on, as long as there is a place connected to Aita's network, whether it is facing Sita or something, just report your number directly, and you can directly connect to Aita."

"...I could have done it."

"This is the permission mode of Skynet." Director Niu glanced at her: "Except for secret units, you can call cameras anywhere at any time, and you can also order Aita to conduct a heuristic search for a specific person—know What does that mean?"

He Mo frowned for two seconds, and then his eyes widened instantly, with a look of surprise on his face: "Does that mean that all greed..."

"If you're not in your position, you don't seek a job." Director Niu immediately raised his hand: "Your task is to take good care of the person next door, and you don't care about the rest."

"...Why can't we control it?" He Mo was full of dissatisfaction: "It's the age of artificial intelligence! Nuclear fusion is lit up! Let me put it in a bad way..."

"Don't say anything that sounds bad." Director Niu's expression became serious: "Are you still disobedient?"

Hearing this sentence, He Mo fell silent immediately.

"Even if you enter GCZY, it won't happen overnight. You need to give this society some time." Director Niu's expression gradually softened, and he smiled slowly after a few seconds: "Our generation lays the foundation, even your generation is— —Your descendants will be blessed.”

"So, when do you plan to have descendants?"

He Mo blushed when he heard this, and became embarrassed: "It's too much, Brother Niu..."


After laughing, Director Niu stood up and walked towards the door.

"Let's go, let's meet Professor Pan."

"Aren't you hiding?"

"But you can't hide..."

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