HD area, Godson Zhongke.

A group of company executives headed by Chairman Hu Dezhong waited eagerly at the gate.

Everyone had uncontrollable joy and an indescribable anxiety on their faces.

The reason... of course, is that the people they are waiting to meet are really big.

Not only is he powerful, but he also has a bad temper, and he is even more courageous—the kind that dares to rub Laomei on the ground.

Therefore, even if you know that the other party has said on many occasions that "it's a big deal to use Godson", but the name of the person, the shadow of the tree... right?

In various reports, this young genius scientist seems to be quite friendly, but he has never met face to face. Who knows what it will be like to have a real face to face communication?

What if the opponent is still strong?

Hu Dezhong raised his wrist and glanced at the time.


"Where did you just say?" Hu Dezhong turned to look at his assistant, who was also his doctoral student.

"It says there are still two intersections, and there is no traffic jam."

"En." Hu Dezhong nodded, exhaled lightly, his eyes were complicated, with a hint of nervousness.

Last year, he led the team to successfully launch the 3A6000 series processors. It is estimated that the IPC of the 3A6000 can reach the level of Core 10 and even ZEN2, but after the release of the tape...

Well, it's not too bad, and it's not unusable.

And as the company switched to Jizhi EDA last year, and obtained the test authority of Aita's automatic layout and routing for the first time, and now it is about to send the 3A7000 for tape-out, they are indeed confident that it can reach the level of Core 11 and ZEN3.

Take a step back and say that it is not compared with high-end products, but I5 and Ryzen 5 are definitely no problem.

But these are not important, the important thing is...

Faced with the unbreakable Wintel alliance, it is extremely difficult for Godson to find a way out in the terminal PC market, the largest market.

Now Jizhi Technology is on the list, and it is strictly forbidden to use all chips within five years...

According to Ye Ming's angry temper, it is a matter of course for Jizhi Technology to choose Godson.

After all, the robot's system is not Windows.

This is the opportunity!

As long as you get on the car of Jizhi Technology, the situation of Godson will be opened immediately.

As time passed, a black Audi drove slowly.

Everyone inhaled lightly, then smiled and strode forward.

The co-pilot's door opened, and a mechanical body got out of the car first, and then opened the door for the rear passenger.


The boss greets the guests downstairs, and in the work area upstairs, a group of chip engineers are also distracted and not in the mood to work.

Of course they also heard the news that Ye Ming was coming over today.

As a technical engineer, there is a natural admiration for genius scientists like Ye Ming.

Not to mention that Ye Ming is still an engineer who created a strong AI like Aita - the more they come into contact with Aita, the more they can appreciate the power of Aita and Ye Ming.

You said, do they still have the heart to work?

The same is true of Chen Qiang.

He is in charge of branch prediction, which can be regarded as the core algorithm of the central processing unit, which is extremely brain-intensive, but in Aita's place...it doesn't matter at all!

He only needs to tell Aita his ideas, and Aita will provide him with various solutions, let him choose, and then complete the algorithm.

What he really did was to create inspiration and then cooperate with Aita to conduct tests.

As the footsteps approached, Chen Qiang also put away his thoughts, stopped his gaze on the monitor, and pretended to think.

Hu Dezhong's voice came: "In the past, we used to have multiple departments separated from each other, but after joining Aita, I found that a large work area is more likely to inspire inspiration."

Chen Qiang immediately pricked up his ears, and then he heard a young voice reply with a bit of a smile: "Well, we are actually the same, but our employees like to be lazy, and most of them use voice input. If I knew it, I thought it was the telephone customer service department of the telecommunications company."

There was a burst of laughter behind him.

Chen Qiang collected himself, exhaled lightly and looked back.

Then, he saw an outrageously young student-like boy standing one meter behind him.

Standing beside him was Hu Dezhong. Behind him, apart from the executives of Godson, there was also a female employee of Jizhi Technology, and the "famous" "Theta Prototype".

Seeing him turn around, Ye Ming also looked at him, and then nodded slightly at him.

Chen Qiang took a deep breath, his heartbeat accelerated a little, and he immediately nodded with a smile.

"Is this a design chip?"

"Yes, Chen Qiang is in charge of branch prediction."

"Oh... using Aita?"

Chen Qiang stood up immediately, and there was indeed a work dialog box of Aita on his EDA interface: "Yes, Aita is very useful, thank you Mr. Ye."

Ye Ming smiled and nodded: "You're welcome, can I take a look?"

Chen Qiang immediately looked at his boss. Seeing that the latter nodded without hesitation, he immediately moved away from his seat and tidied up the table with all his might.

"Hehe, it's okay, it's much neater than my desk."

Ye Ming said casually, and sat down on the chair.

The rest of the people stood behind him.

Hu Dezhong continued to introduce: "We are using Aita to complete the design of 3A7000. If we want to speed up, we can send it to tape-out within three months."

"Hmm..." Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then looked at Hu Dezhong: "So, can I try?"

Everyone was slightly taken aback, looking at Ye Ming puzzled.

"try what?"

"Speed ​​up the design speed." Ye Ming said with a smile: "Whose process package do you use for 7nm? TSMC or Nationalchip?"


"Don't use TSMC, use National Chip."

Everyone was stunned.

To design a chip, it is necessary to select the PDK (Process Kit) corresponding to the fab from the beginning of the design, which contains various wiring standards and logic. You need to temporarily change the fab...

"It's mainly because I can't talk about TSMC, and Guoxin is better." Ye Ming pursed his lips: "I'm here for this."

Hu Dezhong and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ye Ming smiled again: "Don't worry, soon, in just a few minutes, Jizhi Technology will be responsible for all losses caused."

Everyone gasped.

Of course it's not a question of money or not, but...

This is equivalent to starting over, how many minutes?

"Then let's make a backup of the project, and I'll re-use your existing architecture and patents to design it. How about it?"

When Ye Ming said this, he was already a little impatient.

He came to Godson's side just to solve future troubles.

Otherwise, if it's just about purchasing, why would he need to come here in person?

No matter who Hu Dezhong is, he immediately noticed the subtle changes in Ye Ming's expression, and immediately exchanged glances with several vice presidents, and then nodded: "Okay!"

"Well, in fact, the ability of strong AI is really underestimated."

Ye Ming exhaled lightly, and took out the earplug-like sensor from his pocket.

"I bring a headset to communicate."

After a while, his eyes flashed, and he looked at Ita who was turning to look at him.


"I'm here." Ita's voice sounded in her mind, but she just nodded slightly while controlling the mechanical body.

Ye Ming randomly entered the numbers 1325454 in Chen Qiang's Aita input box.

"Authorize the terminal that enters 1325454."

As Ye Ming's voice fell, everyone saw that Aita returned the words "authorized" on the monitor screen.

At the same time, four words jumped out.

"Hello Ye Ming"

"Hello." Ye Ming smiled slightly: "Find Godson's 3A7000 project, save a copy, and extract the description."


"Load NationalChip PDK process library."


"Allocate maximum computing resources, and automatically design according to the extracted description sentences."

"Resources allocated, design in progress..."

Seeing the prompt displayed on the screen, Ye Ming exhaled lightly.

He turned his head to look at the bewildered and shocked crowd, and smiled slightly.

On the screen, the ellipsis behind "in progress" turned into a percentage, and it began to rapidly move towards 100%.

Chen Qiang has long been used to waiting. Seeing such a rapid progress, he clenched his fists and forcibly suppressed his excitement: "Mr. Ye...is this an overall design or is it?"

"Global design, after the run is your current progress."

Chen Qiang was shocked!

"how come……"

"The maximum computing resources have been allocated. You can understand that, at present, the computing cluster in the entire computer room where Aita is located is serving it."

"And next year at the latest, even for ordinary computing resource allocation, there will be no such waiting. Lao Mei naively thinks that if we don't let us use high-end computing chips, it will get stuck in our necks... Hehe..."

Seeing Ye Ming's calm and calm, Hu Dezhong came back to his senses.

As a senior researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he certainly knows the relationship between Ye Ming and quantum computers, and also knows about the Quantum Supercomputing Center being built by the Provincial Communications Corporation.

In addition to quantum supercomputing...

What else can be done to "wait no more", what you see?

He took a deep breath, his voice trembling slightly: "Can quantum computers be applied to classical problems?"

"Quantum computers can't, but Ata can."

While speaking, the design progress has been completed.

Followed by a new reminder.

"The redesign has been completed according to the optimal plan."

"Compared with simulation."


This time, everyone remained silent.

All around, a group of chip engineers finally couldn't hold back, got up one after another, and quietly surrounded Ye Ming.

This miracle of witnessing a CPU redesign in minutes...

Even if they are scolded and punished, even if they are fired, they still have to watch!

In the silence, a clear and lively voice came from the robot standing beside Ye Ming.

"The simulation is completed. Compared with the original design, the IPC performance of the new design can be estimated to be improved by 15.38%."

As Ita's voice fell, Ye Ming stood up.


There was silence.

Everyone is still immersed in the shock of "can increase by 15.38%".

In just a few minutes, not only has the redesign been completed, but the performance has also been improved by 15%?

In the end, He Mo was the first to applaud with a smile.

After a while, there was loud applause.

Ye Ming waved his hand with a smile, and said "thank you" in his mind

"You're welcome."

Ita replied.

3K ha. . .

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