From black technology to super engineering

Chapter 228 Machine Warrior Soldiers

No one is ever given a chance to prepare for any change.

Almost without warning, news came out one after another, making the onlookers overwhelmed and unable to think.

On June 7, a number of semiconductor companies such as Loongson, NationalChip, Haixin, and JCET jointly issued an announcement, announcing that they had reached an in-depth partnership with Jizhi Technology, and fully introduced strong artificial intelligence AI for production process management.

On June 8, Capitol Hill passed the "Future Act". On the same day, the CA Alliance announced that the Global Quantum Computer Conference and Semiconductor Summit will be held from June 26 to 28.

The next day, the list was extended to many semiconductor companies such as Loongson, Guoxin and Haixin.

For a while, public opinion was ignited again, and netizens on various platforms began to enter the movie-watching mode again.

But compared with a week ago, the masses are more patient.

Because anyone can see that this is essentially a continuation of the confrontation ten days ago.


On the tenth, Ye Ming returned from Jiangcheng to the Provincial Jiaotong University.

On the way, he made a diversion and went back home, because judging from the current situation...he probably won't be able to go home again this summer vacation.

I haven't seen my son all the year round, so that my parents started to "covet" his house and plan to move here. How do you think parents know that Ye Ming has a house? Naturally, Ita slipped the tongue during the Chinese New Year.

Returning to the office where he had been away for half a month, Ye Ming put down his salute, ordered Aita to charge the battery, and immediately went up to the third floor with He Mo.

Because Mo Gu told him that they had a new discovery about the hybrid chip connected to the nerves.

——Since the establishment of the Brain-Computer Center, Mogu has been leading a team and several research groups here to specialize in two neurological fields, one visual nerve and one motor nerve. Now these two fields have completed the set goals.

If you have to take achievement and significance, it is that they have changed the world.

But when the goal is achieved, the pursuit cannot be stopped.

The next goal of the brain-computer center, which is the ultimate goal, is to advance towards the central nervous system of human beings.

Of course, this "task" is really too big, even if the Provincial Jiaotong University and the medical school work together, it needs to be extremely cautious. What's more, the human nerves still have a lot of room to play.

So in the past two months, the Provincial Jiaotong University has been trying to do in-depth research on motor nerves, especially spinal nerves.

Speaking of which, Tang Haowen personally promoted this.

As a paralyzed person who has been delayed for three years, he actually regards "fighting against fate" as his ultimate mission. Some experiments that even Mo Gu dared not do, he dared to greet the back of his neck directly...

In his words, he died once anyway, because he was afraid of the ball.

Of course, Mo Gu doesn't allow him to act like this... just pity the experimental animals.

Hence this discovery.

——Through special programming, the transmission of nerve signals can be directly intercepted without cutting off the nerves.


On the top floor, Tang Haowen was lying on the wheelchair he hadn't used for a long time, with a Theta robot in front of him.

Everyone, headed by Mo Gu, surrounded him, with a notebook next to him.

Seeing Ye Ming appear, everyone greeted him one after another. Tang Haowen also blinked. After waiting for a second, he raised his hand and waved at Ye Ming.

"Professor Ye."

"Tell me what's going on?" Ye Ming couldn't care less about Shun'er's dislike. He walked to Tang Haowen's side in two or three steps, stared at him and asked seriously, "You were in a state of nerve signal cutoff just now?"


"Then you recovered neural recognition through facial expression recognition?" Ye Ming continued to ask, looking at the eye-movement capture device on the front of the notebook.


"Then what?"

"Then, through the program, I can control Aita in two states." Tang Haowen smiled triumphantly, and stood up with some difficulty.

Ye Ming quickly helped him up.

"It's okay, this is a sequelae, and it will be fine in a while. In fact, except for the fact that I can't exercise vigorously, I am almost fine." Tang Haowen bent down and clicked on the notebook.

Afterwards, Ye Ming saw that the Sita robot in front also bent down at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, whatever action Tang Haowen made, Sita would make any action.

Ye Ming frowned slightly, and immediately guessed what was going on - it must be the combination of Liu Jiequan's Theta's main control chip and the codec program of the neural signal, so that the human "mind" can control Theta.

This is actually not complicated, and it could be realized as early as half a year ago-after the achievement was announced at that time, it was also called "stand-in armor" by public opinion.

But this "substitute armor" is actually flawed.

Because the movement of the armor needs to be coordinated by the movement of the reader-such as now.

The "stand-in armor" that humans really need is to lie still and take over and control the robot by "ideas".

As Tang Haowen walked around the roof, the Sita robot also walked around synchronously.

"Senior brother Liu, help me stop."

Tang Haowen returned to the chair and ordered Liu Jiequan.

Liu Jiequan nodded with a smile, and tapped the keyboard.

Ye Ming saw that the Sita robot shook for a while and then stood still.

According to his experience, it should be that Theta's automatic stabilization system has taken effect.

"Now is the time to witness a miracle." Tang Haowen returned to the chair and lay down and looked at Ye Ming: "I actually maintain the state of nerve connection now, but through coding, I can block the nerve signals sent to the trunk."

Following his voice, Liu Jiequan pressed the keyboard again.

Ye Ming noticed that Tang Haowen's hand dropped immediately.

On the other hand, Sita raised her hand and walked towards the crowd, and even extended her hand to Ye Ming, motioning for a shake.

Ye Ming shook hands perfunctorily, and the light in his eyes gradually rose.

At this moment, He Mo, who had been watching quietly from the sidelines, suddenly asked, "Should I directly fit the GTRGD material to the nerve without cutting off the nerve?"

"Yes." Mo Gu nodded with a smile: "We have already done experiments on monkeys, and there is no danger. Now we need volunteers for human experiments."

"Then..." He Mo took a deep breath: "It means that the robot can be controlled in three states from now on?"

"Yes." Mo Gu nodded again.

He Mo clenched his fists hard, and immediately turned his head to look at Ye Ming: "In the future, even if there is no Internet, special soldiers can directly control mechanical soldiers in various ways!"

"Combined with machine vision and combat helmet display, soldiers can easily hide behind the bunker and control the progress of mechanical soldiers! Such soldiers are real mechanized soldiers!"

Hearing He Mo's excitement, Ye Ming was slightly taken aback.

Seems like that?

But what he thought of...wasn't this.

Rather, this means that future human beings can complete the highest simulation with the least trauma!

Lying on the bed, you can gallop freely in the virtual space, and it turns into reality.

Looking at the crowd, Ye Ming exhaled slowly, and his smile slowly rose.

He patted Tang Haowen's shoulder lightly, reached out and took out his cell phone.

Since He Mo said so, Director Niu should also be informed of the good news.

However, as soon as the phone was picked up, Director Niu's call came first.

"Ye Ming, prepare yourself. On the 27th of this month, the Kuafu project team will hold a global conference on controllable nuclear fusion."

Ye Ming was slightly taken aback.

Number twenty-seven?

(No more excuses...)

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