"This is a blatant invasion! A blatant provocation! A blatant contempt for Wujiao..."

In a corner of that famous building, a slightly bald man roared in the office hall, constantly pacing back and forth.

In the hall, everyone was trembling.

Chris sat in the corner of the hall, listening to the roar of the boss, but his subordinates were not idle, constantly checking parameters and logs.

Yeming's arrogant tweet admitted that he hacked the ultra-high-definition spy satellite that was launched only last year-of course, for Chris's team, this is not important.

What they want to figure out is how the other party managed to complete the invasion without anyone noticing, and whether it was Aita who completed the invasion.

This is very important-although they can guess that the other party has a high probability of using Aita.

Yes, they admit, strong AI can do almost anything on the Internet.

For example, they count as a 50-person team of top hackers.

But a strong AI, with the support of computing power and network, can completely become a super hacker team composed of 500,000, 5 million, or even more people!

This kind of working ability is crushing for human beings...

But this does not mean that they completely let the fish go.

First, there is a limit to the number of loopholes.

Second, any online behavior has traces.

No trace, that's not AI, that's the legendary electronic ghost.

If there is such a thing, then don't play any technology, surrender is the only option.

"Tommy, I found some springboards." Chris whispered, "From Mexico."

"Well, mine is from India." Tommy at the next station poked his head and whispered: "But these springboards have been traced before, which is not enough to prove that they came from Aita—the reason why these logs are kept is because It’s because the internet speed is too slow and the response time is not enough.”

"So, it looks artificial."

The two communicated softly, and suddenly found that there was no sound in front of them.

When he looked up, he saw the boss glaring at him.

Chris shut up quickly.

"Chris, what's your opinion?"


"Then shut up! You have 24 hours to get the evidence of super AI invasion!"

Chris looked puzzled: "He has already sent satellite photos, what evidence do we need?"

Upon hearing this, the BOSS became furious again: "Let you pay more attention to social media, pay more attention!"

In Chris's confusion, Tommy quietly handed over the phone.

——When the building security center urgently issued an announcement, Mr. Yeming quoted the announcement, and then immediately commented and forwarded it.

"You are allowed to interfere with the GPS signal of my car, and you are allowed to track and shoot my car for 24 hours, but I am not allowed to take a look at it?"

"You still say that I am trespassing illegally? Are you going to declare me a terrorist next? Then send out the militia?"



In the evening, Ye Ming sat cross-legged on the sofa leisurely, with Aita rubbing his shoulders behind him, and "Xiao Hei" stood by the TV wall, projecting a picture of Twitter.

He Mo and Zhong Lei were sitting beside each other, their expressions were a little weird.

——As Ye Ming’s tweet was sent out, related accounts also expressed condemnation, saying that it is a very bad thing to conduct high-definition tracking of a scientist’s personal car. (modified)

"Comfortable?" He Mo turned to look at him.

"It's comfortable." Ye Ming coughed: "Look, when dealing with hooligans, you have to act more bachelor."

"But boss, you've really made a knot." Zhong Lei joked with a smile on the side: "If the real militiamen come and attack, we will all be unlucky!"

Ye Ming laughed loudly.

"But I think it's pretty good." A smile floated on the corner of He Mo's mouth.

She has seen Ye Ming die over there several times, and she keeps saying "declare I'm a terrorist" all the time...

It makes people half-dead with anger at the sight of it.

For example, after he replied this sentence, the Pentagon fell silent.

Try another person?

"In terms of public opinion, we just need a talkative king. You have both influence and temper—well, anyway, this person is set up, and it just happens to expose all the shameful things on the opposite side."

"I'm afraid that Twitter will block your account." Zhong Lei smiled again: "If you want to block your account, what should you do?"

"They dare not."

He Mo and Zhong Lei became curious at the same time.


"The people on Twitter know that's my bottom line."

He Mo: "..."

Zhong Lei: "..."

"Okay, get ready to rest." Ye Ming exhaled lightly, and issued the order to evict customers with a smile: "Don't worry, I still prefer to save my life. Aita has already conducted a heuristic search, but due to the speed of the cross-border network, we need to sort it out. It sounds a little troublesome. But on the whole...the people who came this time are all with the hope of their respective countries, so don’t worry too much.”

"Well, good night then."


The next day, the conference on controlled nuclear fusion officially started.

Unlike the "exhibition" held in Silicon Valley, which is full of spectators and Internet celebrities, the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Conference is essentially a serious academic report conference.

And the participants are also invited - except for a few countries that jump up and down like kangaroos on certain issues, and countries that are holding semiconductor conferences, other countries have a little idea in the field of controllable nuclear fusion, or Anyone who needs it is invited.

It's just that some countries invite scientific research teams, and some invite relevant persons in charge of the energy sector.

The agenda of the meeting is divided into two days. On the first day, there will be a visit to the fusion reactor in the morning, an academic report in the afternoon, and an academic discussion on the second day.

In the morning, more than 200 invited participants put on the simultaneous interpretation earphones that Aita was responsible for the whole process, and then followed the staff into the core area of ​​the reactor in batches.


Schumacher was the third batch to enter the reactor.

Looking at the group of African officials in suits and ties pretending to be intellectuals who just went out...

Looking at the few familiar scholars in front of him and colleagues from the European Atomic Energy Agency, he fully believed that the batch of visits had undergone background checks.

That's good, you can't expect a bunch of their scientists to chat with old black officials, can you?

"We are about to enter the core area of ​​the reactor. Please take out the disposable foot cover at the entrance and put it on. Thank you for your cooperation."

As the passage approached, Aita's voice came from Schumacher's ear.


Schumacher took the footmuffs from a scholar who looked like an Asian face in front of him, and said in German with a smile.

The other party was in his forties, with a kind face, wearing wide glasses, and replied with a sentence in Japanese with a smile.

"You're welcome, my name is Sakamoto Tsuyoshi, from the University of Tokyo, how about you?"

"My name is Schumacher, and I am currently working for CERN."

The two introduced each other and walked into the hall with a smile.

A five-meter-high fusion reactor came into view.

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